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Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
2013/3/13 12:29 Last Login : 2016/2/16 13:56 From relocating w/i Jersey City ...
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I saw about 60% of the cars driving right by at full speed past the one at 1st & Erie this morning.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 21:11
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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As I was biking this morning I noticed that the new stop sign facing 8th St traffic flow at the intersection of Jersey Ave. may take awhile to get used to. An SUV blew right past it. The sign is obscure sort of out of the way it should actually be on the left hand side of the street so drivers can "expect" to see it. I was biking on the right hand side and made a left turn luckily I saw the stop sign and yeilded to it or I might have gotten hit.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 18:34
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
2006/5/10 16:36 Last Login : 2023/7/18 1:45 From Hamilton Park
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The stop-sign on 8th at McWilliams is poor too, it's on a lamp-post 20 feet back from the actual junction, with no lines on the road.
I don't think this location needs a stop sign at all, as sight lines are good here due to the width and lie of the roads; but if it is to have one, it should be implemented in a better manner. The sign on 8th at Jersey Avenue on the other hand is exactly what is needed, that junction was horrible without one, good work putting one there. Robin.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 17:42
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Not too shy to talk
New signs are great but, the drivers don't even abide by the current ones.
What we need are speed bumps, traffic lights, and more police enforcement. Speaking from someone who was hit on Grove and Wayne two weeks ago by a wreckless driver.I must be the 4th person (to my knowledge) in the past few months who has been hit by a wreckless driver in the downtown jersey city area.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 17:37
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Quite a regular
Along with all the stop signs, if Candice can get Traffic to begin to address painting each of the corners the MINIMUM allowed distance in from the corners would be another excellent initiative.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 16:39
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Just can't stay away
The one on Jersey and York (headed south) is especially dangerous. Its completely obscured by a tree.
Funny how we can say adding more stop signs is a dangerous thing and be totally right. Only in JC. Lets be honest though, people don't pay attention to stop signs they already know exist.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 15:18
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Just can't stay away
Agreed on all points. 1) The feedback on implementation has been given to Traffic & Engineering. 2) The yellow side signs are worthless and I requested the ones like Hoboken has for 80 intersections (City Council funded it via resolution reappropriating unused bond funds back in September.) The reason some other streets have it is that the actual buildings have put them out themselves. Jersey Avenue is one of the streets I requested these signs to go. 3) I will let the police department know as well.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 13:53
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Right idea, iffy execution so far. I saw cars blow right through them on 8th& Jersey as well as 10th & Jersey Ave. They need to be MUCH more visible with the 2/3/4 way badges and anything else that can draw attention to the fact that there are stop signs. There are too many signs on a lot of these sidewalks and tree branches that obscure visibility. Not to mention when trucks park, visibility will be even worse.
Furthermore those new yellow pedestrian signs are pretty useless. They simply point to faded painted walkways. Hard to see and very easy to ignore. Any pedestrian effort in NJ has to include those signs they put in the middle of the street where it notes state law requires cars to yield to pedestrians. Why are those things scattered about Exchange Place for the office workers, but not used on Jersey/Grand/etc where there is way more car traffic. Hoboken uses these middle of streets quite well and anyone can tell you that Hoboken is a much safer pedestrian city. Right idea, but JC really needs to execute this properly or things might actually end up being more dangerous. Also, this needs to be followed with serious traffic cop presence/ticket enforcement.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 11:30
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Just can't stay away
Hi guys -
The 1st and Jersey was a last minute miscommunication (it wasn't on the original plan to get a stop sign and then I misunderstood some feedback I got from the neighborhood association and added it in.) It will be removed. Regarding the lack of painting and 3-way, 4-way signs, I will communicate that to traffic & engineering. Best, Candice
Posted on: 2013/11/23 6:05
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
These things are poorly put up. The one at Jersey and first is just going to cause traffic Chaos. Second of all they need to label them, two way stop, 3 way stop, 4 way stop, so drivers who actually follow the traffic rules know which driver should go first.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 4:37
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Just can't stay away
Speed humps are next!
In HP there are emergency no parking signs for next week to install them. Still not sure why the forever missing stop sign at Pavonia and W Hamilton can't get installed, but progress is progress.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 3:14
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Stood on the corner of Jersey and First for a minute or so. Counted about 7 cars (in both directions). Five didn't stop.
Posted on: 2013/11/23 1:52
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Pretty nice to throw around accusations without any evidence or citing of facts. Care to elaborate?
Posted on: 2013/11/22 19:47
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Whoever in the new administration that is receiving the contract kick back.
Posted on: 2013/11/22 19:17
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Just took a stroll around to check them out. Stood at First & Erie for about 10 minutes just to see how cars were reacting. It was pretty good for the first day--I'd say at least 3 out of every 5 cars going straight came to a near or complete stop. The cars turning right from Erie onto First though, just about every one of them swung right through at full speed. Oh, and whoever was driving the Silverman smart car blew through it going straight on Erie. "Walkable," indeed.
At First and Jersey, things weren't so good. I'd say 4 of 5 cars drove right through without stopping or even slowing down at all. Being so close to the traffic light at Newark does make the situation a little more difficult. I saw at least one driver begrudgingly slow down on Jersey travelling north, but after getting through the intersection he peeled out and zoomed up to about 40mph to make up for lost time. At this time there aren't any additional painted stop lines on the roads, so once those are in that should help train drivers to notice the signs. The crosswalk lines on Erie at First are almost totally worn away and are certainly due for repainting as well.
Posted on: 2013/11/22 19:12
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
2005/11/12 17:04 Last Login : 2024/5/7 14:26 From Downtown JC, VVP Area
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OK, I see the semi-cross-link on my post but the intersections with the NEW Stop signs (routes I've driven through and lived near for 27 years) do NOT have crosswalks even painted, nor is there a thick STOP line painted on the street. So if there's a contractor truck parked at the corner (pretty common) and a driver doesn't see the new sign, it's more dangerous than it was before because the pedestrian will assume (?) that because there's a stop sign it's OK to cross.
I'm just fine with the pedestrian safety initiative but these signs and lack of roadway indication to drivers is a hazard. It also completely disrupts the flow of traffic on streets that otherwise moved quite reasonably.
Posted on: 2013/11/22 17:20
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
2005/3/2 4:49 Last Login : 2018/6/12 15:20 From Downtown Ex Pat happy in McGinley Sq.
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Posted on: 2013/11/22 17:09
LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
2005/11/12 17:04 Last Login : 2024/5/7 14:26 From Downtown JC, VVP Area
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Crazy number of new Stop signs encountered this morning. Especially in the Hamilton Park area, but also on Monmouth and one one Jersey Ave (southbound, just before Newark). A stop sign 50 feet before a traffic light is so nice when you can see the green light right in front of you. Whose idea was all this??
Posted on: 2013/11/22 17:07