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Re: Ridiculous fines...
Just can't stay away
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2013/6/2 22:25
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2014/8/7 16:32
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Buddy, you don't read very well. I've minded my business, for a long time. Until I was out there with kids (and no, im not one of those "think of the kids" people), and someone's dog was off leash and took a dump right next to us. My nephew almost fell right in it when chasing a frisbee. I approached the owner and politely asked them to pick up after their dog, and was summarily berated in front of other people and made to look like I was a bad guy. So game on.

Again, the few ruining it for the many.

And again, it's not important that it's a big open space. It's ILLEGAL TO DO IT. What part of this are you people having difficulty understanding?? Much like the OP complaining about being ticketed for things he should be ticketed for. What is wrong with you people??

You're of the typical "if it feels good to me, I'm going to do it" crowd. That's not how it works my friend.

I'm glad you had a positive experience with the dogs at the park, I truly do. Many of us haven't, when dealing with these few dog owners who feel entitled to do whatever they want.

And again, that's why they create dog parks and designated areas for dogs.

And again, if you're that concerned for your dogs exercise, it begs to ask why you bought one while living in such a densely packed neighborhood. It doesn't mean you just do what you want because of you're personal situation.

And yet again (see a theme here?), there are lovely, large dog runs in towns like Lyndhurst, Leonia, etc. Dogs can run wild and free all day.

If you don't have the means to get to these places, then AGAIN, it begs to ask what decision making process went into the decision to buy the dog in the first place. Answer: you wanted a dog, so you bought one.

Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute me giving a sh*t about your problems. The difference here is that the law is on my side. Period.

Area_Man wrote:
You could always take this route:

Mind your business and keep to yourself unless someone is directly bothering you.

I was down having a catch at the Colgate clock park over the weekend. There were dogs everywhere. One was even nice enough to return an errant throw that went over my head back to me. Thanks pup! How kind of you.

It's a large, self contained open space. It's a park. Let a dog be a dog and run around a little bit.


You are ruining it for many.... You had a bad experience with one dog and now you feel that ALL dog owners are the same- after the many, many times that you've said so yourself.

It's not the few that a ruining it for the many. It's you, with you constant bitching and complaining... You want to talk about QOL issues, you are affecting my QOL, and every other dog owner's QOL, by not minding your own business!

Do I have the means to get anywhere I want to go? Absolutely. Not the point I was making. Why don't you get up and go volunteer if you are so worried about the QOL issues. I've thrown out there, many times, to start a neighborhood watch group. What was the result? People saying... "We don't have any authority so it's a waste of time." What did I hear? "We are too damn lazy to start a neighborhood watch program so I'd rather go on JC List and bitch about it!"

I AM a responsible dog owner of two great bulldogs. I clean up after them when they go, I even carry extra bags with me, in case they go again. I am the epitome of what a responsible dog owner should be. But then people, with nothing better to do, complaining to city hall that my dog in a fenced in area, with no people around is ruining the QOL of the area because he may pee or poop at any given time. Do you not see how ridiculous that sounds?

You claim that you don't give a shit about my problems? Then explain why you've posted to this thread 15 out of 103 times... That doesn't sound like somebody that doesn't care to me!

The law may be on your side, great! But when, if ever, will you focus on a real issue? You've dedicated so much time and effort to the whole "dog leash" thing and if that's you're biggest concern about JC, I implore you to step away from your computer screen and go out into the various neighborhoods of JC and see what the real issues are. You seem to be stuck in this bubble that all dog owners are specifically out to get you. Like we all have this secret vendetta against you to not clean up after our dogs to piss you off! Dude, enough. You've made your point; move on....

Posted on: 2013/7/24 17:12

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Relevant to so many here:

Posted on: 2013/7/24 17:08

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Piert1025 wrote:

vindication15 wrote:
I know why dog owners walk their dogs off leash - cause they are too poor to afford a house with a backyard. Think about it....just saying.

For your information, I am a homeowner. I own a condo.

I DO know why people here are snarky for posting things that they would never say in person- because they are douchbags!!!!

Who bought you your house- mommy or daddy or was it Uncle Jim back in Iowa?

I'm just throwing out ideas.

On a serious note, leashing your dog is a law designed to protect the safety of other individuals. You may think your dog is well behaved but it only takes 1 time. Also, you may not see anyone around you but unless your superman, you never know.

I rather be a douchebag and hurt someone's "feelings" than be responsible for injuring another person...

Posted on: 2013/7/24 16:59

Re: Ridiculous fines...
Just can't stay away
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2013/6/2 22:25
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You don't seem to understand that besides being on JC List 18 hrs a day, nyrgravey9 spends the rest of his time minding other people's business....


Area_Man wrote:
You could always take this route:

Mind your business and keep to yourself unless someone is directly bothering you.

I was down having a catch at the Colgate clock park over the weekend. There were dogs everywhere. One was even nice enough to return an errant throw that went over my head back to me. Thanks pup! How kind of you.

It's a large, self contained open space. It's a park. Let a dog be a dog and run around a little bit.


nyrgravey9 wrote:
That's some very nice, "we are the world" writing there Duh. But, as I discussed in the original thread regarding dogs off leash, the irresponsible dog owners caused this, not individuals like me.

I've explained ad nauseum what happens when people approach offending dog owners (whether it's dog off leash, or not cleaning poop), and the absolute nasty responses received. There are many responsible dog owners out there (many of whom agree with our stance on this), but it's the few ruining it for the many.

And unlike our friendly neighborhood Batman believes (Vigilante), those behaviors will change, or people will face the consequences via increased enforcement (as the OP has experienced). The difference between the past and now, is that you've got my voracity behind it (and before the usual taunts of "loser" and "got nothing better to do" save your breath, I can multi task my life, this doesn't take much effort at all). The laws are not written to be selectively enforced. If you see cops willfully ignoring stuff like this, get the badge number and call it in.

Maybe this way, Batman over here will have less and less friends giving him the free pass he's enjoyed for so long. At least now we know to focus more on HP.

Either way, it's being addressed at the neighborhood level and you will eventually see an increase in enforcement over time. That's the unfortunate side effect of progress.

I love how people are posting here mad at the mayor for enforcing laws and making the cops get off their asses to do their jobs. You can argue the point all day whether or not it's right to enforce this law or that law, but you're still in the wrong. I've gotten a ticket once for rolling slowly through a stop sign in Montclair at 1 AM after playing ice hockey. No one was around. It added points to my license. It sucked big time. But I'm in the wrong. I don't go crying to the Montclair message board that the cops were mean and I'm mad. I paid my fine and moved on.

I don't think it's cheering our neighbors' misfortunes as much as it is tired of hearing them whine like children when they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Let's grow up guys and actually live like responsible adults. Probably get a lot less tickets that way.


duh wrote:
I hear ya Piert1025. I actually find people cheering on their neighbors being fined and summoned, to be a compromise of the quality of life. Perhaps a little understanding, even if accompanied by criticism, would temper the complete self-satisfying douchebaggery typically displayed here. The issue is not the ordinances themselves, it is that they need not always be applied. The spirit of the law is to keep people, dogs - whatever - safe, clean, well maintained...civil. But the letter of the law can be used to punish someone drinking a beer on their steps (?work it out in court!?), or letting their dog run off the leash in an uninhabited place which does not pose a threat to dog or person. It is incredible that most of the people on this site, are able to ascertain such critical perspective, given the immeasurable height of the horse from which they view the situation. Forget about the horrid crumbling school system, shootings, murders, entrenched trans-generational poverty - it?s not drinking a beer on the street and leashing your dog that will save us all. I will cut this shorter than I'd like, as I know most of you have to get to planning your Friday night of washing the shart stains out of your underpants and listening to your neighbors with a decibel meter.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 16:49

Re: Ridiculous fines...
Just can't stay away
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2013/6/2 22:25
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bodhipooh wrote:
Unbelievable! The nerve of police to enforce the law...

Dude, seriously, give it a rest. At this point, we have surmised the following:
- You feel that because you own a property, you get to make your own rules.
- You want police to enforce the laws, but not the ones you choose to break.
- Your friends have an uncanny knack for getting pinched for QOL crimes.

Honestly, I hope JCPD keeps it up. Soon enough, they will be able to increase their focus on other, more serious issues, like speeding, aggressive drivers, etc.

I'm glad that in saying "we" that you are really taking ownership of what you're trying to say....

1. Owning property has no relevance to this conversation, other than the fact of somebody stated that "I only go to the park with my dog because I'm too poor to afford to buy a house with a backyard".

2. I do not feel like I can make my own rules. I stated numerous times that although laws are being broken, our law enforcement is focusing on the trivial issues to make a spreadsheet at the end of the year outlining their (and Fulop's) accomplishments (since they apparently cant get rampant drug sellers, murders, etc. off the street).

3. Again, snarky sarcasm is a mask for those who cannot communicate freely... Please do not change MY words around to make your point valid- which has been the theme of this entire thread.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 16:46

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Good community policing starts with building and maintaining a rapport with all the community, and not alienating them.

That's where we need community police that can apply the law when needed, but can exercise good judgement and not piss of sections of the community by excessive ticketing.

If someone is not endangering anyone else, then imo they shouldn't be enforcing a law. If they are being inconsiderate, thoughtless or irresponsible, then yes, by all means throw the book at them.

A good community police officer for example could be brokering a local agreement on an after-hours off-leash arrangement in sections of a park. For example by asking dog owners to ensure the park is spotless after they leave.

That's perhaps slightly different from the "respond when their chain is yanked" approach suggested by nyrgravey.

On the flip side though, I don't see any excuse for the OP's girlfriend walking their dog in a closed off sports field. I still think that deserved a ticket.


nyrgravey9 wrote:
I understand that, and it's a good point. In practical terms, cops aren't sitting there writing tickets for every possible violation in front of them.

The difference comes when asked to do so for specific infractions at the request of the citizens of a given neighborhood.

But, I get your point.


Frank_M wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
The laws are not written to be selectively enforced.

That may be true, but here in consensual reality, laws and rules are selectively enforced. It has been that way for thousands of years, for better or worse. Human behavior is not driven by a computer program that operates on fixed if/then/else logic statements.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 16:28

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2007/3/31 20:15
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Thank You!!!!!

And I Have Had A $15 Chunk Of Cheese Stolen Off Of My Picnic Blanket By An Unleashed Dog In HP..... No I Wasn't Raped Or MurdEred But Man I Was Pretty Bummed Than MY Picnic Was Ruined (I Decided To Toss The Other Meats/Cheeses Bc It Was Too Gross Since There Was DoGgy Drool Etc All Over) When The Owner Came To Get The Dog She Just Shrugged And Walked Away? Why Should I Be Out $50 Bc You Want To let Your Dog Play fetch

i'm Not Suggesting Every Dog Or Dog Owner Is Going To Do Something Like This BUt Isnt It My Right As A Tax Paying Owner To Have A Simple Picnic In The Park Without Having Rover Come Steal My Lunch?

(And Please Excuse The Terrible Formatting/Caps My PhOne Does Not Like Msg Boards)


nyrgravey9 wrote:
Buddy, you don't read very well. I've minded my business, for a long time. Until I was out there with kids (and no, im not one of those "think of the kids" people), and someone's dog was off leash and took a dump right next to us. My nephew almost fell right in it when chasing a frisbee. I approached the owner and politely asked them to pick up after their dog, and was summarily berated in front of other people and made to look like I was a bad guy. So game on.

Again, the few ruining it for the many.

And again, it's not important that it's a big open space. It's ILLEGAL TO DO IT. What part of this are you people having difficulty understanding?? Much like the OP complaining about being ticketed for things he should be ticketed for. What is wrong with you people??

You're of the typical "if it feels good to me, I'm going to do it" crowd. That's not how it works my friend.

I'm glad you had a positive experience with the dogs at the park, I truly do. Many of us haven't, when dealing with these few dog owners who feel entitled to do whatever they want.

And again, that's why they create dog parks and designated areas for dogs.

And again, if you're that concerned for your dogs exercise, it begs to ask why you bought one while living in such a densely packed neighborhood. It doesn't mean you just do what you want because of you're personal situation.

And yet again (see a theme here?), there are lovely, large dog runs in towns like Lyndhurst, Leonia, etc. Dogs can run wild and free all day.

If you don't have the means to get to these places, then AGAIN, it begs to ask what decision making process went into the decision to buy the dog in the first place. Answer: you wanted a dog, so you bought one.

Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute me giving a sh*t about your problems. The difference here is that the law is on my side. Period.

Area_Man wrote:
You could always take this route:

Mind your business and keep to yourself unless someone is directly bothering you.

I was down having a catch at the Colgate clock park over the weekend. There were dogs everywhere. One was even nice enough to return an errant throw that went over my head back to me. Thanks pup! How kind of you.

It's a large, self contained open space. It's a park. Let a dog be a dog and run around a little bit.


Posted on: 2013/7/24 16:22

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/7/1 16:39
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I understand that, and it's a good point. In practical terms, cops aren't sitting there writing tickets for every possible violation in front of them.

The difference comes when asked to do so for specific infractions at the request of the citizens of a given neighborhood.

But, I get your point.


Frank_M wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
The laws are not written to be selectively enforced.

That may be true, but here in consensual reality, laws and rules are selectively enforced. It has been that way for thousands of years, for better or worse. Human behavior is not driven by a computer program that operates on fixed if/then/else logic statements.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 15:09

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2008/4/2 11:56
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
The laws are not written to be selectively enforced.

That may be true, but here in consensual reality, laws and rules are selectively enforced. It has been that way for thousands of years, for better or worse. Human behavior is not driven by a computer program that operates on fixed if/then/else logic statements.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 15:07

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/7/1 16:39
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CatDog wrote:

Piert1025 wrote:
A friend got stopped by JCPD for buying "loosies" (individual cigarettes) from a bodega....
you know that loosies are illegal, right?

Posted on: 2013/7/24 15:02

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Buddy, you don't read very well. I've minded my business, for a long time. Until I was out there with kids (and no, im not one of those "think of the kids" people), and someone's dog was off leash and took a dump right next to us. My nephew almost fell right in it when chasing a frisbee. I approached the owner and politely asked them to pick up after their dog, and was summarily berated in front of other people and made to look like I was a bad guy. So game on.

Again, the few ruining it for the many.

And again, it's not important that it's a big open space. It's ILLEGAL TO DO IT. What part of this are you people having difficulty understanding?? Much like the OP complaining about being ticketed for things he should be ticketed for. What is wrong with you people??

You're of the typical "if it feels good to me, I'm going to do it" crowd. That's not how it works my friend.

I'm glad you had a positive experience with the dogs at the park, I truly do. Many of us haven't, when dealing with these few dog owners who feel entitled to do whatever they want.

And again, that's why they create dog parks and designated areas for dogs.

And again, if you're that concerned for your dogs exercise, it begs to ask why you bought one while living in such a densely packed neighborhood. It doesn't mean you just do what you want because of you're personal situation.

And yet again (see a theme here?), there are lovely, large dog runs in towns like Lyndhurst, Leonia, etc. Dogs can run wild and free all day.

If you don't have the means to get to these places, then AGAIN, it begs to ask what decision making process went into the decision to buy the dog in the first place. Answer: you wanted a dog, so you bought one.

Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute me giving a sh*t about your problems. The difference here is that the law is on my side. Period.

Area_Man wrote:
You could always take this route:

Mind your business and keep to yourself unless someone is directly bothering you.

I was down having a catch at the Colgate clock park over the weekend. There were dogs everywhere. One was even nice enough to return an errant throw that went over my head back to me. Thanks pup! How kind of you.

It's a large, self contained open space. It's a park. Let a dog be a dog and run around a little bit.


Posted on: 2013/7/24 15:01

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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zero tolerance on crime starts with the minor stuff - the bigger stuff always gets pursued.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 14:51
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Piert1025 wrote:
A friend got stopped by JCPD for buying "loosies" (individual cigarettes) from a bodega....

What's next? JC & the Fulop team are apparently taking a page out of Bloomberg's book and stopping everybody for anything and everything! Wait until "stop and frisk" starts.....

We can only hope for 'stop and frisk' but I don't see Fulop putting public safety ahead of the lunatic left ranting about it. Of course the people of, say, Greenville, will continue to be murdered.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 14:43

Re: Ridiculous fines...
Just can't stay away
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2012/5/30 14:50
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You could always take this route:

Mind your business and keep to yourself unless someone is directly bothering you.

I was down having a catch at the Colgate clock park over the weekend. There were dogs everywhere. One was even nice enough to return an errant throw that went over my head back to me. Thanks pup! How kind of you.

It's a large, self contained open space. It's a park. Let a dog be a dog and run around a little bit.


nyrgravey9 wrote:
That's some very nice, "we are the world" writing there Duh. But, as I discussed in the original thread regarding dogs off leash, the irresponsible dog owners caused this, not individuals like me.

I've explained ad nauseum what happens when people approach offending dog owners (whether it's dog off leash, or not cleaning poop), and the absolute nasty responses received. There are many responsible dog owners out there (many of whom agree with our stance on this), but it's the few ruining it for the many.

And unlike our friendly neighborhood Batman believes (Vigilante), those behaviors will change, or people will face the consequences via increased enforcement (as the OP has experienced). The difference between the past and now, is that you've got my voracity behind it (and before the usual taunts of "loser" and "got nothing better to do" save your breath, I can multi task my life, this doesn't take much effort at all). The laws are not written to be selectively enforced. If you see cops willfully ignoring stuff like this, get the badge number and call it in.

Maybe this way, Batman over here will have less and less friends giving him the free pass he's enjoyed for so long. At least now we know to focus more on HP.

Either way, it's being addressed at the neighborhood level and you will eventually see an increase in enforcement over time. That's the unfortunate side effect of progress.

I love how people are posting here mad at the mayor for enforcing laws and making the cops get off their asses to do their jobs. You can argue the point all day whether or not it's right to enforce this law or that law, but you're still in the wrong. I've gotten a ticket once for rolling slowly through a stop sign in Montclair at 1 AM after playing ice hockey. No one was around. It added points to my license. It sucked big time. But I'm in the wrong. I don't go crying to the Montclair message board that the cops were mean and I'm mad. I paid my fine and moved on.

I don't think it's cheering our neighbors' misfortunes as much as it is tired of hearing them whine like children when they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Let's grow up guys and actually live like responsible adults. Probably get a lot less tickets that way.


duh wrote:
I hear ya Piert1025. I actually find people cheering on their neighbors being fined and summoned, to be a compromise of the quality of life. Perhaps a little understanding, even if accompanied by criticism, would temper the complete self-satisfying douchebaggery typically displayed here. The issue is not the ordinances themselves, it is that they need not always be applied. The spirit of the law is to keep people, dogs - whatever - safe, clean, well maintained...civil. But the letter of the law can be used to punish someone drinking a beer on their steps (?work it out in court!?), or letting their dog run off the leash in an uninhabited place which does not pose a threat to dog or person. It is incredible that most of the people on this site, are able to ascertain such critical perspective, given the immeasurable height of the horse from which they view the situation. Forget about the horrid crumbling school system, shootings, murders, entrenched trans-generational poverty - it?s not drinking a beer on the street and leashing your dog that will save us all. I will cut this shorter than I'd like, as I know most of you have to get to planning your Friday night of washing the shart stains out of your underpants and listening to your neighbors with a decibel meter.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 14:24

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Piert1025 wrote:
A friend got stopped by JCPD for buying "loosies" (individual cigarettes) from a bodega....
you know that loosies are illegal, right?

Posted on: 2013/7/24 14:19

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/7/1 16:39
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That's some very nice, "we are the world" writing there Duh. But, as I discussed in the original thread regarding dogs off leash, the irresponsible dog owners caused this, not individuals like me.

I've explained ad nauseum what happens when people approach offending dog owners (whether it's dog off leash, or not cleaning poop), and the absolute nasty responses received. There are many responsible dog owners out there (many of whom agree with our stance on this), but it's the few ruining it for the many.

And unlike our friendly neighborhood Batman believes (Vigilante), those behaviors will change, or people will face the consequences via increased enforcement (as the OP has experienced). The difference between the past and now, is that you've got my voracity behind it (and before the usual taunts of "loser" and "got nothing better to do" save your breath, I can multi task my life, this doesn't take much effort at all). The laws are not written to be selectively enforced. If you see cops willfully ignoring stuff like this, get the badge number and call it in.

Maybe this way, Batman over here will have less and less friends giving him the free pass he's enjoyed for so long. At least now we know to focus more on HP.

Either way, it's being addressed at the neighborhood level and you will eventually see an increase in enforcement over time. That's the unfortunate side effect of progress.

I love how people are posting here mad at the mayor for enforcing laws and making the cops get off their asses to do their jobs. You can argue the point all day whether or not it's right to enforce this law or that law, but you're still in the wrong. I've gotten a ticket once for rolling slowly through a stop sign in Montclair at 1 AM after playing ice hockey. No one was around. It added points to my license. It sucked big time. But I'm in the wrong. I don't go crying to the Montclair message board that the cops were mean and I'm mad. I paid my fine and moved on.

I don't think it's cheering our neighbors' misfortunes as much as it is tired of hearing them whine like children when they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Let's grow up guys and actually live like responsible adults. Probably get a lot less tickets that way.


duh wrote:
I hear ya Piert1025. I actually find people cheering on their neighbors being fined and summoned, to be a compromise of the quality of life. Perhaps a little understanding, even if accompanied by criticism, would temper the complete self-satisfying douchebaggery typically displayed here. The issue is not the ordinances themselves, it is that they need not always be applied. The spirit of the law is to keep people, dogs - whatever - safe, clean, well maintained...civil. But the letter of the law can be used to punish someone drinking a beer on their steps (?work it out in court!?), or letting their dog run off the leash in an uninhabited place which does not pose a threat to dog or person. It is incredible that most of the people on this site, are able to ascertain such critical perspective, given the immeasurable height of the horse from which they view the situation. Forget about the horrid crumbling school system, shootings, murders, entrenched trans-generational poverty - it?s not drinking a beer on the street and leashing your dog that will save us all. I will cut this shorter than I'd like, as I know most of you have to get to planning your Friday night of washing the shart stains out of your underpants and listening to your neighbors with a decibel meter.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 13:24

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Unbelievable! The nerve of police to enforce the law...

Dude, seriously, give it a rest. At this point, we have surmised the following:
- You feel that because you own a property, you get to make your own rules.
- You want police to enforce the laws, but not the ones you choose to break.
- Your friends have an uncanny knack for getting pinched for QOL crimes.

Honestly, I hope JCPD keeps it up. Soon enough, they will be able to increase their focus on other, more serious issues, like speeding, aggressive drivers, etc.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 13:13

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/6/2 22:25
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2014/8/7 16:32
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A friend got stopped by JCPD for buying "loosies" (individual cigarettes) from a bodega....

What's next? JC & the Fulop team are apparently taking a page out of Bloomberg's book and stopping everybody for anything and everything! Wait until "stop and frisk" starts.....

Posted on: 2013/7/24 12:48

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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duh wrote:
I hear ya Piert1025. I actually find people cheering on their neighbors being fined and summoned, to be a compromise of the quality of life. Perhaps a little understanding, even if accompanied by criticism, would temper the complete self-satisfying douchebaggery typically displayed here. The issue is not the ordinances themselves, it is that they need not always be applied. The spirit of the law is to keep people, dogs - whatever - safe, clean, well maintained...civil. But the letter of the law can be used to punish someone drinking a beer on their steps (?work it out in court!?), or letting their dog run off the leash in an uninhabited place which does not pose a threat to dog or person. It is incredible that most of the people on this site, are able to ascertain such critical perspective, given the immeasurable height of the horse from which they view the situation. Forget about the horrid crumbling school system, shootings, murders, entrenched trans-generational poverty - it?s not drinking a beer on the street and leashing your dog that will save us all. I will cut this shorter than I'd like, as I know most of you have to get to planning your Friday night of washing the shart stains out of your underpants and listening to your neighbors with a decibel meter.

Thank you! I agree with every point in your post. Holy shit! That's really all I was trying to say!!!

Posted on: 2013/7/24 12:24

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
You're starting to sound like a certain neighborhood watch guy down in Florida...

Or any other vigilante

Posted on: 2013/7/24 11:33
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Its pointless busting your chops or to enter into any debate if the dog owner has a companion / suppport dog and its allowed off leash to take a dump.
All it means is that the owner has an emotional issue which the dog helps them deal with that is sanctioned by a Doctor!

Posted on: 2013/7/24 6:39

Edited by fat-ass-bike on 2013/7/24 7:05:15
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

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Vigilante wrote:

No. People have been trying for years. Stomping their feet and hissing like schoolmarms but there I am with my off-leash dog. Their "cause" will sink just as surely as this thread will sink to the bottom of the page. Like so many others...

You're on the northeast corner of the park, no? You're not the only observant one in the neighborhood. Anybody can make phone calls to the police.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 4:37

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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JCbiscuit wrote:

Piert1025 wrote:

vindication15 wrote:
I know why dog owners walk their dogs off leash - cause they are too poor to afford a house with a backyard. Think about it....just saying.

For your information, I am a homeowner. I own a condo.

I DO know why people here are snarky for posting things that they would never say in person- because they are douchbags!!!!

Who bought you your house- mommy or daddy or was it Uncle Jim back in Iowa?

I think our friend Piert here is proving that the off-leashers are entitled crybabies.

How am I acting like I'm entitled to anything? What I'm actually trying to say (seeing how I can speak for myself and all), is that you are absolutely perfect in every way and I envy your ability to constantly speak for others!

Posted on: 2013/7/24 4:29

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Piert1025 wrote:

vindication15 wrote:
I know why dog owners walk their dogs off leash - cause they are too poor to afford a house with a backyard. Think about it....just saying.

For your information, I am a homeowner. I own a condo.

I DO know why people here are snarky for posting things that they would never say in person- because they are douchbags!!!!

Who bought you your house- mommy or daddy or was it Uncle Jim back in Iowa?

I think our friend Piert here is proving that the off-leashers are entitled crybabies.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 4:16

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CatDog wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Meanwhile alcohol consumption is much more detrimental to the quality of life in our neighborhoods than any 1,000 dogs.
Let loose the thousand hounds of hell and our proud vigilante stands mighty, but for a tipple, see him topple, tail between his legs.

No. People have been trying for years. Stomping their feet and hissing like schoolmarms but there I am with my off-leash dog. Their "cause" will sink just as surely as this thread will sink to the bottom of the page. Like so many others...

Posted on: 2013/7/24 3:54

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/6/23 4:39
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I hear ya Piert1025. I actually find people cheering on their neighbors being fined and summoned, to be a compromise of the quality of life. Perhaps a little understanding, even if accompanied by criticism, would temper the complete self-satisfying douchebaggery typically displayed here. The issue is not the ordinances themselves, it is that they need not always be applied. The spirit of the law is to keep people, dogs - whatever - safe, clean, well maintained...civil. But the letter of the law can be used to punish someone drinking a beer on their steps (?work it out in court!?), or letting their dog run off the leash in an uninhabited place which does not pose a threat to dog or person. It is incredible that most of the people on this site, are able to ascertain such critical perspective, given the immeasurable height of the horse from which they view the situation. Forget about the horrid crumbling school system, shootings, murders, entrenched trans-generational poverty - it?s not drinking a beer on the street and leashing your dog that will save us all. I will cut this shorter than I'd like, as I know most of you have to get to planning your Friday night of washing the shart stains out of your underpants and listening to your neighbors with a decibel meter.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 3:18

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Vigilante wrote:
Meanwhile alcohol consumption is much more detrimental to the quality of life in our neighborhoods than any 1,000 dogs.
Let loose the thousand hounds of hell and our proud vigilante stands mighty, but for a tipple, see him topple, tail between his legs.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 3:18

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Piert1025 wrote:

I'm not looking for your sympathy. Just a little empathy. For anyone one this thread to say they are innocent of ever committing a QOL violation, you are flat out liars and hypocrites. Again, who here has not jaywalked? Is it not a QOL violation? Is it not illegal? Would you not be pissed if a cop pulled up on the sidewalk, stopped you and issued a fine that has a mandatory court appearance attached?

I completely understand that JC List, and its fiercest posters, are here to emanate their vast superiority by denigrating others. And when you get those beers, make sure you don't drink them on a stoop!

I let my dog off leash, in places I believe present no risk to the general public. I typically do +10% over the posted speed limits, except in areas posted 25, when I'll typically do 20 or so. I'm sure I break other rules too, since I believe a lot of laws on the books are designed to be enforced only when people are being stupid about the principles behind the law. If and when I get a ticket, I'll eat it or fight it in court. I promise not to come on JClist to seek validation, empathy or whatever, when I know I broke the law. If I think a local ordinance is stupid, I'll email Candice or Steve.

Take responsibility, and take action if you think it's needed. However, you won't find much empathy on JClist for breaking the law and getting emo about it.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 2:48

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Guide dogs and Support / Companion dogs used to help people with anxiety or depression (with a doctors certificate) are exempt from off-leash rules as it will never stand-up in Court if challenged.

These dogs have access to cabs and most if not all public areas. The dogs while on leash will not pee or poop (its how they are trained) so will only 'go' off-leash, thus exempt.......unfortunately Owners of Support / Companion dogs are using this loop-hole to not comply like regular responsible dog owners.

This would be the only reason cops will not enforce.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 2:19
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Vigilante wrote:
Your tactics have been tried before by other whiners. It got old fast then too. Fact is that my relationship with the local police has given me carte blanche in HP. I will never be fined for allowing my pooch to exercise. You can write all the letters you like but the cops don't care. I mean, are you not the one sitting all day on your balcony with binoculars and accomplishing nothing but raising your blood pressure? Meanwhile, the dogs swim and play unmolested.

Well, if you ever complain about someone doing something illegal you'll be a hypocrite.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 2:03

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