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Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2008/8/12 18:31
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You came to the wrong place for sympathy (or, to vent) as very few people, if any, will feel anything but glee at the fact that basic, quality of life, issues are finally being addressed.

Instead of bitching, or complaining, about a friend being booted for unpaid fines, why don't you ask your friend why he (she?) has failed to pay three tickets? BTW, I say three, because I believe that is the standard for booting a car: three unpaid tickets. And, furthermore, that is what Fulop fought for some years ago: for strict adherence to the rule that allows booting if, and only if, a car owner has failed to pay the defined number of tickets (which, IIRC, is three). Don't get it twisted, or try and frame to your convenience.

As for the unleashed dog, I have to agree with nyrgravey9 (despite our differences in other threads) that this is also a QOL issue and that the police should be vigilant about enforcing these rules. As others have said in other threads, an off leash dog is unpredictable, even a perfectly, well behaved one.

About beer on a stoop, that's definitely BS. That one, if really happened the way you describe it, could/should be fought.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 17:51

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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dtjcview wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Also, you have to be a little more savvy if you're going to walk the dog off-leash. Generally the cops just don't care unless you flaunt it with a large dog.

More savvy? More like less stupidity. Dog poop and sports fields don't mix. The cop applied commonsense. The dog owner deserved that ticket, and probably got let off easy.

There you go implying that off-leash means that the owner doesn't pick up the poop. I walk my dog off-leash all the time and always clean up. I see people calling the cops once in awhile because they're lonely busybodies. Even if the cops respond we are long gone. BTW, My dog has walked right up to cops while off-leash. They just don't care. They usually pet the dog admiringly.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 17:37

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Yeah, thats not very clear language. The public has access to the stoop, so it seems cops have the latitude to consider the stoop not "within" the building, and not just on the property. That's a tough one. The leash law is pretty straightforward though. If you can't walk across the park to the dog park (which a dog would probably love, by the way), that's just lazy ownership. I defer to the thread about this topic as to why no one is shedding a tear about this one. Quote:
ripple wrote: I think it's ambiguous as to whether "within" implies "within the confines of a dwelling" or "within property boundaries", and I can see how the police might use this ambiguity to justify harassing people on their stoops. Quote:
paulushooker wrote:

Looks like it's legal to drink on YOUR stoop:

Jersey City Municipal Code

§ 84-38. Definitions.

§ 84-38. Definitions.permanent link to this piece of content

As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE - Any liquid intended for human consumption containing more than one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of alcohol by volume.

PUBLIC PLACE - A place to which the public or a substantial group of persons has access, including but not limited to any highway, street, road, sidewalk, parking area, shopping area, place of amusement, playground, park or beach located within the city, except that the definition of a "public place" shall not include those premises duly licensed for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises or within their own private property.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 17:35

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/7/1 16:39
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I think in the other thread we established a more comprehensive reason why dogs off leash is a bad thing (despite the fact that it's flat out illegal), which includes possible bites, danger to other pets/individuals, etc. This thread has narrowed the focus to one aspect, and is ignoring the larger picture of that particular argument.

I agree with the rest, it's nice to see increased enforcement (Vigilante, I think you owe me a beer...if I recall you said it would never happen).


mdips wrote:

Bubble_Tea wrote:

Piert1025 wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Now we just need those cops to issue off leash tickets in Morris Canal, Hamilton and Van Vorst Park. Progress!

Totally stealing the violin video...

So you are the person that posted that thread a few weeks back on responsible dog ownership, right?

What do you think would degrade the quality of a grass field more (because that WAS the whole point of your post, right?)- a dog running on it or a car driving on it?

The cop drove onto the field to give a ticket to the owner of a leash-less dog....

Both degrade the quality of JC parks and both should not happen. But, generally, I am very happy to see police enforcing the leash rule. Hopefully, this is a sign of a change in enforcement policy!

JC parks need fenced in dog runs so dog owners have a space where they can let their dogs go free without risking a fine and so that everyone can enjoy JC parks without dogs damaging them.

Let's be fair, technically speaking an off leash dog does no more damage to a park than an on leash dog. As well as the fact that on vs off leash will do little to improve people cleaning up their dog poop. If someone is inconsiderate enough to not pick up after their dog, they're likely not going to do it whether the dog is off leash or not.

Saying off leash dogs damage the parks is a seemingly weak argument because there are much more damaging activities that happen on a daily basis. Take a look at the center of the Morris Canal park. That grass will never grow back because of the volleyball games every weekend. I'm not in any way arguing they shouldn't be allowed to happen, just pointing out that they've permanently destroyed the grass. In lincoln park, just stroll through the park on a sunday night or monday morning during the summer and see all the litter left after the big bbqs and parties from the weekend(not to mention the blatant public alcohol consumption that occurs).

Posted on: 2013/7/23 17:32

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2005/9/21 13:53
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the fines are supposed to be excessive, and the pain in the butt of a mandatory court appearance is excessive as well, and they are done to act as a deterrent!

Obiviously, people ignore the laws (my dog deserves to be off leash), so if a simple law of the land doesn't work, then yeah, give it a nasty fine, and a court appearance. Maybe next time the dog owner will think twice.

And as for drinking on a stoop - for nearly ten years we sit on my stoop almost nightly with a drink, when the weather is nice. The cops have never said a word about it.

Similiarly, when we were having problems with the residents of a house on our block, and they would be all sitting on the stoop drinking beer - the police told us there was nothing they could do, that the people were not breaking any laws....

Posted on: 2013/7/23 17:27

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2007/1/28 22:55
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I think it's ambiguous as to whether "within" implies "within the confines of a dwelling" or "within property boundaries", and I can see how the police might use this ambiguity to justify harassing people on their stoops. Quote:
paulushooker wrote:

Looks like it's legal to drink on YOUR stoop:

Jersey City Municipal Code

§ 84-38. Definitions.

§ 84-38. Definitions.permanent link to this piece of content

As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE - Any liquid intended for human consumption containing more than one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of alcohol by volume.

PUBLIC PLACE - A place to which the public or a substantial group of persons has access, including but not limited to any highway, street, road, sidewalk, parking area, shopping area, place of amusement, playground, park or beach located within the city, except that the definition of a "public place" shall not include those premises duly licensed for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises or within their own private property.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 17:19

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2004/11/16 19:25
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Looks like it's legal to drink on YOUR stoop:

Jersey City Municipal Code

§ 84-38. Definitions.

§ 84-38. Definitions.permanent link to this piece of content

As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE - Any liquid intended for human consumption containing more than one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of alcohol by volume.

PUBLIC PLACE - A place to which the public or a substantial group of persons has access, including but not limited to any highway, street, road, sidewalk, parking area, shopping area, place of amusement, playground, park or beach located within the city, except that the definition of a "public place" shall not include those premises duly licensed for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises or within their own private property.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 16:45

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2007/1/28 22:55
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I've heard stories about people getting harassed and threatened with arrest for drinking on their stoops before. I think we need some clarification from mayor Fulop as to what the law is -- people need to know, either way.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 16:30

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Bubble_Tea wrote:

Piert1025 wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Now we just need those cops to issue off leash tickets in Morris Canal, Hamilton and Van Vorst Park. Progress!

Totally stealing the violin video...

So you are the person that posted that thread a few weeks back on responsible dog ownership, right?

What do you think would degrade the quality of a grass field more (because that WAS the whole point of your post, right?)- a dog running on it or a car driving on it?

The cop drove onto the field to give a ticket to the owner of a leash-less dog....

Both degrade the quality of JC parks and both should not happen. But, generally, I am very happy to see police enforcing the leash rule. Hopefully, this is a sign of a change in enforcement policy!

JC parks need fenced in dog runs so dog owners have a space where they can let their dogs go free without risking a fine and so that everyone can enjoy JC parks without dogs damaging them.

Let's be fair, technically speaking an off leash dog does no more damage to a park than an on leash dog. As well as the fact that on vs off leash will do little to improve people cleaning up their dog poop. If someone is inconsiderate enough to not pick up after their dog, they're likely not going to do it whether the dog is off leash or not.

Saying off leash dogs damage the parks is a seemingly weak argument because there are much more damaging activities that happen on a daily basis. Take a look at the center of the Morris Canal park. That grass will never grow back because of the volleyball games every weekend. I'm not in any way arguing they shouldn't be allowed to happen, just pointing out that they've permanently destroyed the grass. In lincoln park, just stroll through the park on a sunday night or monday morning during the summer and see all the litter left after the big bbqs and parties from the weekend(not to mention the blatant public alcohol consumption that occurs).

Posted on: 2013/7/23 16:28

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/6/2 22:25
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bricks wrote:

JC parks need fenced in dog runs so dog owners have a space where they can let their dogs go free without risking a fine and so that everyone can enjoy JC parks without dogs damaging them.

The park in questions here is Lincoln and there is a nice sized dog park there where the dog could have run free and no fine would have been incurred. The owner chose to knowlingly violate the law, ignore the area provided for them, and now wants to complain? No sympathy here.

The dog run at Lincoln Park is approx. 1 mile from the closest entrance to the park (West Side & Harrison), in Lincoln Park West. If you do not drive, this is incredibly far and inconvenient... Wouldn't it make more sense to put the dog run closer to where people actually walk their dogs, in Lincoln Park East?

Posted on: 2013/7/23 16:24

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2012/3/15 14:35
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JC parks need fenced in dog runs so dog owners have a space where they can let their dogs go free without risking a fine and so that everyone can enjoy JC parks without dogs damaging them.

The park in questions here is Lincoln and there is a nice sized dog park there where the dog could have run free and no fine would have been incurred. The owner chose to knowlingly violate the law, ignore the area provided for them, and now wants to complain? No sympathy here.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 16:17

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/6/2 22:25
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dtjcview wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Also, you have to be a little more savvy if you're going to walk the dog off-leash. Generally the cops just don't care unless you flaunt it with a large dog.

More savvy? More like less stupidity. Dog poop and sports fields don't mix. The cop applied commonsense. The dog owner deserved that ticket, and probably got let off easy.

Got off easy? What do you think the fine imposed should be? $100 + a court appearance is not enough?.... The dog DIDN'T poop on the field. He had already gone elsewhere....

It's funny. When I volunteer semiannually to clean Lincoln Park, the majority of volunteers ARE the local dog owners that I see EVERY SINGLE DAY! It's these dog owners that use the parks in JC, with or without their dogs, EVERY SINGLE DAY! What do I see when I go into Lincoln Park? Litter everywhere, EVERY SINGLE DAY, not dog poop! Who cleans the litter, the park maintenance crew EVERY SINGLE DAY and the local volunteers!

Posted on: 2013/7/23 16:09

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2013/7/15 19:47
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Piert1025 wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Now we just need those cops to issue off leash tickets in Morris Canal, Hamilton and Van Vorst Park. Progress!

Totally stealing the violin video...

So you are the person that posted that thread a few weeks back on responsible dog ownership, right?

What do you think would degrade the quality of a grass field more (because that WAS the whole point of your post, right?)- a dog running on it or a car driving on it?

The cop drove onto the field to give a ticket to the owner of a leash-less dog....

Both degrade the quality of JC parks and both should not happen. But, generally, I am very happy to see police enforcing the leash rule. Hopefully, this is a sign of a change in enforcement policy!

JC parks need fenced in dog runs so dog owners have a space where they can let their dogs go free without risking a fine and so that everyone can enjoy JC parks without dogs damaging them.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 15:43

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Vigilante wrote:
Also, you have to be a little more savvy if you're going to walk the dog off-leash. Generally the cops just don't care unless you flaunt it with a large dog.

More savvy? More like less stupidity. Dog poop and sports fields don't mix. The cop applied commonsense. The dog owner deserved that ticket, and probably got let off easy.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 15:36

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Piert1025 wrote:
Under the mentality of the masses of this forum, you could be ticketed, for lets say, having a glass of wine at a sidewalk caf? downtown and you would all be OK with that because "the rules are being enforced"....

actually, the masses here seem to be in agreement that this particular fine is ridiculous (if not downright incorrect in the eyes of the law).

not shedding any tears for the off-leashers or the bad parkers, though.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 15:26

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Yes, I started the dog thread. The issue wasn't about the quality of grass being grown. You can re-read it at your leisure, I'm not summarizing it here.

I'm just happy to see the promised changes in effect.


Piert1025 wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Now we just need those cops to issue off leash tickets in Morris Canal, Hamilton and Van Vorst Park. Progress!

Totally stealing the violin video...

So you are the person that posted that thread a few weeks back on responsible dog ownership, right?

What do you think would degrade the quality of a grass field more (because that WAS the whole point of your post, right?)- a dog running on it or a car driving on it?

The cop drove onto the field to give a ticket to the owner of a leash-less dog....

Posted on: 2013/7/23 15:25

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Vigilante wrote:
Your friend may not have been telling the whole truth about the beer. Maybe he wants to believe he was just cracking it open as he sat? Maybe he opened it a little sooner than that.
Also, you have to be a little more savvy if you're going to walk the dog off-leash. Generally the cops just don't care unless you flaunt it with a large dog.

I was at his house with his wife while this all unfolded....

Posted on: 2013/7/23 15:03

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Your friend may not have been telling the whole truth about the beer. Maybe he wants to believe he was just cracking it open as he sat? Maybe he opened it a little sooner than that.
Also, you have to be a little more savvy if you're going to walk the dog off-leash. Generally the cops just don't care unless you flaunt it with a large dog.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 15:02

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Now we just need those cops to issue off leash tickets in Morris Canal, Hamilton and Van Vorst Park. Progress!

Totally stealing the violin video...

So you are the person that posted that thread a few weeks back on responsible dog ownership, right?

What do you think would degrade the quality of a grass field more (because that WAS the whole point of your post, right?)- a dog running on it or a car driving on it?

The cop drove onto the field to give a ticket to the owner of a leash-less dog....

Posted on: 2013/7/23 15:00

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Oh, did I come across as if they didn't break the law? I didn?t mean to. I guess I?m just really frustrated because this is the exact reason I moved out of NYC to begin with....

Excessive taxation and harassment due to minor infractions, when in the greater scheme of things, there are much bigger issues to worry about.... We should just elect Bloomberg in 4 years...

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:49

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Now we just need those cops to issue off leash tickets in Morris Canal, Hamilton and Van Vorst Park. Progress!

Totally stealing the violin video...

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:39

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Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:32
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Piert1025 wrote:

SOS wrote:

Piert1025 wrote:
My girlfriend got a ticket for having a dog off the leash at Lincoln Park? How? The cop drove up onto the grass, essentially breaking the law himself. Was it wrong? Yes. The fine was $100 and she has to appear before a judge (i.e. lose a day's pay)...

Lincoln Park is a County Park - NOT a city park. The ticket issued by a County sheriff officer?


In addition to the park police and the county sheriff's, the park is also patrolled by JCPD. JCPD issued the ticket.

OK thanks for answering my question.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:29

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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SOS wrote:

Piert1025 wrote:
My girlfriend got a ticket for having a dog off the leash at Lincoln Park? How? The cop drove up onto the grass, essentially breaking the law himself. Was it wrong? Yes. The fine was $100 and she has to appear before a judge (i.e. lose a day's pay)...

Lincoln Park is a County Park - NOT a city park. The ticket issued by a County sheriff officer?


In addition to the park police and the county sheriff's, the park is also patrolled by JCPD. JCPD issued the ticket.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:26

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Piert1025 wrote:
My girlfriend got a ticket for having a dog off the leash at Lincoln Park? How? The cop drove up onto the grass, essentially breaking the law himself. Was it wrong? Yes. The fine was $100 and she has to appear before a judge (i.e. lose a day's pay)...

Lincoln Park is a County Park - NOT a city park. The ticket issued by a County sheriff officer?


Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:22

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Piert1025 wrote:

heights wrote:

Piert1025 wrote:
The cop followed him home from the liquor store around the corner.... He cracked the beer as he sat down on his porch... The cop came up to him and gave him a ticket- this was this past Saturday...

Call the ACLU on this one with the cop. As far as the Lincoln Park incident that is a county issue not a Jersey City problem.

He happens to be dark skinned and really feels as if he was profiled....

So you have two cases here one being followed out of a liquor store the other being ethnic background. Not knowing the heritage of the liquor store customer I was basing my suggestion more on the liquor issue.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:19
Get on your bikes and ride !

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corybraiterman wrote:

Piert1025 wrote:
My girlfriend broke the law...

A friend broke the law...

Another friend broke the law multiple times.

I remember Fulop, a few years back, fought for the little guy so these types of ludacris and outrageous fee and fines were eliminated in JC.

did he fight x-zibit and coolio fines, too?

1. Don't change my words and quote me incorrectly.....
2. Damn

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:11

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Under the mentality of the masses of this forum, you could be ticketed, for lets say, having a glass of wine at a sidewalk caf? downtown and you would all be OK with that because "the rules are being enforced"....

And yes, I acknowledge that laws were broken. That was not my point....

Is it necessary for a court appearance when you get caught with a dog off the leash? Not very fiscally responsible....

Is it necessary to charge a fee to remove a boot that is equal to the fines themselves?

Is it really illegal to drink a beer on your own private property just because you are outdoors and the beer is visible to people walking by?

Apparently, the laws were written to be bended to benefit the city's pocketbook! Isn't there a universal law, called the 8th Amendment prohibiting such practices???

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:09

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radryan03 wrote:
Every single item outlined acknowledges a rule broken... the outcomes were warranted and this post is definitely contributing to the desired outcome...

Being out the for the little guy and holding everyone equally responsible to ordnance and law are two very different things.


tommyc_37 wrote:
I had no idea that you're not allowed to drink beer on your front stoop. It's private property and that's a weird law. On several occasions I have had 10-12 friends sitting with me on my stoop, all drinking beer ... I guess we got lucky that no cop came by?

actually, you're allowed to drink on your porch, so that one wasn't a broken rule. We just had a discussion on this the other day where someone dug up the ordinance and everything. You can drink outside, so long as you're on private property. So the cop was wrong.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:05

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Piert1025 wrote:
The cop followed him home from the liquor store around the corner.... He cracked the beer as he sat down on his porch... The cop came up to him and gave him a ticket- this was this past Saturday...
the others, there's not much that can be done, but this one is total BS and should be fought.

Posted on: 2013/7/23 14:04

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