Re: Jersey City school board election November 8, 2016
Just can't stay away
did anybody else get the ridiculously loaded robo-call BOE vote survey?
Posted on: 2016/9/9 0:29
Re: help - jcmua bills me $7k for excavation
Just can't stay away
I actually had this problem as well at another property. I had called pseg to come look at it but they said they don't have any poles off the street and that it was likely an old telephone pole so would have to call the phone company. It ended up blowing over and leaning on the cable wires on the newer poles that were actually in use. At the end of the day it came down to a chainsaw, 10ft a-frame ladder, rope and little luck.
Posted on: 2016/5/8 21:09
Re: help - jcmua bills me $7k for excavation
Just can't stay away
I got a very similar bill for a building in the heights. My builder had to do all the work in terms of excavation, hookup etc. But I still got a bill from United Water for over $6k essentially for the right to hook back up to the main. Apparently it was based off calculations on increase of water usage from the new building that was going up.
Posted on: 2016/5/2 15:26
Re: recycling plastic bags, batteries and fluorescent lights
Just can't stay away
Shop Rite has a bin for plastic bags and Home Depot takes all kinds of batteries
Posted on: 2014/12/7 3:50
Re: Growlers of beer-choices?
Just can't stay away
I think I recall seeing on their sign that they do half priced growlers on wed nights or something like that.
Posted on: 2014/6/27 15:26
Re: Growlers of beer-choices?
Just can't stay away
Iron Monkey does growlers but I don't think they'll fill other growlers. Probably would have to get one from them but they do have great selection
Posted on: 2014/6/27 12:47
Re: Anyone need some free dirt for their garden
Just can't stay away
I'm in Paulus Hook.
Posted on: 2014/6/25 11:57
Anyone need some free dirt for their garden
Just can't stay away
I have about 10-12 demo bags filled with dirt from a large grass bed I had to dismantle. I don't want to put it in the trash and was considering taking it to a park but wasn't sure if that was illegal or not. I figured someone might be able to use it for their garden/backyard/or maybe one of the community gardens.
Posted on: 2014/6/24 21:35
Re: Broken Glass
Just can't stay away
Raymond Glass generally has the cheapest prices in the city.
Posted on: 2014/3/8 0:26
Re: Snow
Just can't stay away
Thanks for the heads up. I was hoping to get up there early for the exact reason dtjcview mentioned. The later I shovel the tougher it's gonna be.
Guess I'll just have to keep an eye out for once the state of emergency is lifted.
Posted on: 2014/2/13 18:58
Re: Snow
Just can't stay away
was wondering if anybody has been out on the streets? I was hoping to drive up to the heights to help shovel out a couple houses.
Posted on: 2014/2/13 18:25
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
I was always curious about that. If this is such an important issue why are they waiting until after the winter? It happens every year that during the summer months someone stirs up a whole lot of rhetoric while non-dog owners actually use the park. But once it gets cold the park essentially empties except for dog owners. Why not at least make it legal from oct-april like some of the jersey beaches.
Posted on: 2014/2/7 14:28
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
Not sure how this story has any real relevance with off leash laws in a public park. This is a story about jackass owners abusing their dog that escaped from their yard. Posting it here is just fear mongering and takes away from any rational discussion. Leash laws have nothing to do with how a person handles their dog within their own yard. These people should have never had a dog and hopefully will be punished under the newer animal abuse penalty guidelines.
Posted on: 2014/2/7 2:30
Re: Super bowl kick off party at westin. Today? 8pm? Any info?
Just can't stay away
They allowed a large amount of the spectators who were hanging around outside early into the underground parking area of the hyatt to watch the players get off the buses. They eventually had to block it off so it didn't get overcrowded. It was basically what I would have expected and what generally happens at sporting events. Buses came in, people cheered, and the ones who were there early enough were able to see them get off the buses and wave to crowd as they walked into the hotel.
It might not have been the most exciting event but it was at the least executed well and everyone I saw seemed to be having a good time. They were even nice enough to set up a courtesy tent with free hot drinks, heaters and some giveaways.
Posted on: 2014/1/27 2:01
Re: Slate tiles
Just can't stay away
There are several on the stretch of 1/9 N and S between the pulaski and rt 3.
Posted on: 2013/12/29 19:56
Re: Is traffic getting worse - in general - around this area?
Just can't stay away
Was thinking the same thing today. Was on 1/9 south from 3 and decided to take it all the way to the Tonelle circle instead of getting off at Manhattan like I usually do. Got stuck sitting forever. Ended up being quicker to take 1/9 trucks all the way to communipaw to get to downtown.
Was also on Pulaski south tonight. At that time the Pulaski northbound was backed up all the way from the tunnel to nearly the on-ramp from 1/9 local.
Posted on: 2013/12/29 4:34
Re: Interesting sighting on Jersey ave today
Just can't stay away
Was it one of these?
Same gyrostabilization premise as a segway but with just one wheel. I worked with these guys at an event in the city earlier this year. I couldn't try it at the time for insurance reasons but it was really cool looking.
Posted on: 2013/12/22 20:49
Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
Just can't stay away
just got the automated call from united water that the boil water advisory has been lifted.
Posted on: 2013/12/20 1:59
Re: Home Inspection
Just can't stay away
I recommended Sergio at Housemasters a couple years ago and I've used him a few more times since then. Excellent job every time.
HouseMaster Home Inspections Phone: 973-299-1808 Franchisee: Sergio Angione Email: Fax: 973-299-1809
Posted on: 2013/12/11 2:23
Re: Dinner with Bill Clinton in Jersey City - $2500.00
Just can't stay away
I'm not going to debate on the possibility of 1 vs 2 terms, but without any significant campaign finance reform I think you'd be hard pressed to find any pol that isn't trying to replenish the war chest almost immediately once an election is over. It just happens that Fulop is pulling big names that make it newsworthy to help him along. That said I'd like to get a full 2 terms out of a mayor I support.
Posted on: 2013/10/27 11:24
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
Seriously, aren't we going overboard at this point. The OP was a discussion of off leash dogs at Morris Canal park, a point which was fine as a rational jumping off point for a discussion. But at this stage now I should not be walking off leash at the park(fine), not throwing my dog crap away in a public garbage can and now not even allowing my dog to urinate on a sidewalk? Why would any dog owners take these arguments seriously when the apparent end point of this discussion now seems to be taking a course to; don't allow your dogs outside and near any other JC residents. If I want to allow my dog off leash people weren't willing to discuss the possibility for off leash hours, instead offered up the idea that I drive outside my city to somewhere else offering off leash hours. So I should have to drive 30 minutes to walk my dog off leash but people aren't willing to go to LSP or Newport Green(which doesn't even allow dogs in the park) when they want a renovated park with a view? Where is the empathy? All I was asking for was the possibility of a few hours set aside for off leash hours. Seriously, you complain that morris canal is being wasted but JC just spent all that money providing a top tier waterfront park that doesn't even allow dogs in it and that's still not good enough? I should drive 30 minutes but you can't take a $2 ferry ride across the canal or a light rail/bike ride to newport?
Posted on: 2013/8/28 3:22
Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
Just can't stay away
JCPD officers should be aware of the law. They set up a spot check with large signage for a month last year on Washington at the crosswalk going to Steuben. The LED sign flashed the crosswalk law to stop until crosswalk was clear and they were also pulling people over that didn't yield to pedestrians to give them warnings.
Posted on: 2013/8/20 20:52
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
Sorry, thought it was implied but I guess I wasn't clear. I'm not saying blindly implement off leash hours. Was referring to taking the same plan of education, outreach, signage etc that you were proposing, just with a different end goal of off leash hours.
Posted on: 2013/8/15 15:13
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
Again, you are making an assumption based on nothing by stating that there would be less push back from LSP users. Yes it would be more convenient and make sense to you because you do not want off leash dogs in Morris Canal Park. That is more than a fair opinion to have but does not translate to a generalized statement. Plus LSP is a state park so not really a debate to be had here. Morris Canal is a state park but the city is trying to take over the land so that is why it works to have a discussion for the future of the park. Of course, if we're discussing the plans for developing the park, debating the plans for dog runs vs. off leash hours seems a little bit cart before the horse. And I am done defending my ideas for development of the park. I have clearly stated my stance on the development of the park several times now and if you are not able to accept that, fine here it is one last time. I am in support of the development of the park. I can use bold lettering as well. I support development of the park and would want to institute off leash hours. If that were not the plans agreed upon after debate within the community I would not like it but no I would not oppose development or chain myself to tractors to protest. Of course, starting discussions from the outset without even allowing for the introduction of those views opposing yours is really a terrible way to proceed.
Posted on: 2013/8/15 15:06
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
I think your logic is actually reversed in this thought. In my opinion it would be much easier to transition from the parks current state to limiting it to off leash hours. Telling people they can use the park on a limited basis seems like it could be much better received than asking them to cut out completely. Also, be careful again with the generalizations. Not all the people that park in that area are dog owners. A number of people park there for various reasons. There are a couple that park there every morning to work in the towers. Some people park there to fish and a number are also there to bring their children to come play at the park. Not to mention the ones that park their late at night and hang out in the park and their cars after hours. Or the occasional car/bike meetup groups that like use it as a meeting place to show off their cars on the weekends. Again, I'm not saying dog owners don't do it but it's not the group solely responsible for the problem. And lets not forget that the only reported incident I can recall at the park of a fight was a non-dog owner attacking and beating a woman because her dog was off leash.
Posted on: 2013/8/15 12:05
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
At least we can finally agree that it's possible for us to both want the park developed even if we both have different ideas of how we would want it done. And since you brought up the fact that dog runs worked for NYC and brooklyn you should know that actually all 5 Bouroughs have numerous parks allowing for off leash hours. (And to be specific I'm not referring to dog runs here, but actual off leash hours within parks) Bronx: 18 parks Brooklyn: 22 parks Manhattan: 4 parks Queens: 18 parks Staten Island: 14 parks (taken from city of NY Parks & Recreation page) We are only asking for 1 out of the nearly 60 parks in Jersey City to allow for off leash hours. I would be ok with the institution of off leash hours now, especially given the alternative is the potential for a pricey ticket. And would make a transition easier on dog owners currently using the park. And thank you for clarifying that you were only'getting the sense' that dog owners don't want development. Prior you were positioning that statement as if it were fact which was really my only contention. Continuously throughout this thread dog owners have been grouped together as an uncaring group that have no pride in their community or neighborhood. I can say that for a large part of the owners I deal with that is widely false.
Posted on: 2013/8/15 11:55
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
Have you read any of my responses? I said I am in support of the development of the park. It may not end up the way I would prefer but that's why I would make sure to be involved in the actual debate over what the planning would be. And you have yet to answer my question. Would you support development of the park if it meant the institution of legal off leash hours for dog owners instead of a dog run? Stop avoiding my question in preference of your own.
Posted on: 2013/8/14 22:06
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
It seems like you are getting aggravated because I am not agreeing with your opinion. I have not dodged any questions. You asked my opinion of a dog run. I told you I would not support the building of a dog run, mainly because my dog likes to swim in the river. Unless a dog run can somehow encompass or allow my dog access to swim it wouldn't really be a solution for me. Again, I have not dodged anything. Since the beginning of the debate I have stated that I would support the institution of off leash hours, however you seem to have ignored that. Maybe because it doesn't fit with the solution you would want, I don't know. Please let me know your thoughts. I am completely in support of developing and improving the park, however it is my opinion that the best solution for both parties would be developing the park without a dog run and allowing for off leash hours. It is your opinion that the development of the park needs to include a dog run. Both opinions can be allowed to exist in a debate. Just because I don't agree with your opinion for what should be part of the development does not mean I oppose the development of the park.
Posted on: 2013/8/14 21:08
Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
nyrgravey9 wrote: MDips - Bubble has a point. Many times in this thread people have expressed they refuse to have a designated dog park because, in their opinion, it would be too small, no matter big they make it (see criticism of VV and HP dog runs). And the goose poop point makes no sense; geese are wild animals. There is currently no goose leash law. The point of the thread is not just about dog poop, but dog poop and off leash dogs, both of which we can control and both of which we have laws against. I hear what you're saying overall, I really do. That's why I urge people to join the NA's, and have a voice where it matters. [quote] Again, sorry for repeating myself but no one has opposed developing 'the park'. Several people have been opposed to the 'building of a dog run'. Those are two completely separate points. Building a dog run is not tantamount or the end all be all of developing the park. I think you also missed the point I was trying to make on the goose poop. Bubble tea laid out that two of the main reasons people can't picnic or sit out at the park were "because dogs would be racing by and over you and because you would be eating on top of a dog toilet." I'm not disagreeing that an off-leash dog can discourage some people against relaxing in the park. However, on the point of sitting on top of a dog toilet I was just stating that it would be more accurate to say you'd be sitting on top of a goose toilet. Point being that even if we were able to prevent people from not cleaning up after their dogs the park would still be covered in crap.
Posted on: 2013/8/14 20:59