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Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2009/7/30 20:03
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Here lies the issue at hand with society. This is a small harmless dog, behaving and within leash distance of its dog-owner. If another human cannot deduce that a pit bull should be NEVER be free to roam off-leash, they severely lack the proper decision making process based on experience to produce common sense. When you buy a pit bull, or any other similar animal, you take on the responsibility to the rest of society to keep that dog leashed up and secured.

The cell phone issue, you need to start another thread on that, my favourite are couples who go to eating establishments with their french bull dog and don't even converse with each other, I think they are texting each other instead.

Now, if she does not see the dog poo poo and does not pick it up, follow her and drop the poo poo on her steps.

I once saw, no joke, a neighbor, who did not pick up his dogs shit and someone saw this, scooped it up and rubbed it all over their door. No Joke!!

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:47

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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mdips, I agree with all of what you said. We should take care of all of those things. We as humans can tackle more than problem at once. It's not an either/or question. These are all quality of life issues that affect our neighborhood, and we should address them all./

And again, we have dog runs in Jersey City! This is what they are there for. People who complain about the size of the dog runs, or complain they're too far, they're complaining about their own inconvenience as if the dog cares, which is insane. Any and every dog would LOVE to socialize at the dog run.

It's as if the DTJC dog owners feel this superiority to do and be as they please, and that's not how this works.

If you read the earlier posts, you'd understand that approaching people to leash their dogs is not a wise decision.


mdips wrote:
I think there are much more pressing problems at Morris Canal park than dogs off leash. Although I do agree that it is not a good idea when the park is crowded. Maybe we would be better adopting off leash hours, like the do in nyc and brooklyn.

I'm at the park with my dogs every day and have watched that park slowly degrade from the erosion, graffiti, trash, goose poop etc. I have to clean up the empty alcohol bottles every morning down at the end, amid all the empty crack/weed bags and condom wrappers. They could really use some lights down there to try and deter all the people that hang out there in the middle of the night.

Posting pictures of dog owners will accomplish nothing for you as well. I hate people who double park, how about I just take pictures of anyone who parks illegally and post them online?

I would advise you ask the dog owner that you would like them to put their dog back on leash and if they give you any grief tell them you will be calling the police.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:41

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2010/10/18 18:59
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But who gets to define "cute" or "small" or "non threatening"? There has to be a standard rule that everyone follows.

Agree. Dogs are cute and nice conversation starters :)


DouglasReynholm wrote:
I see nothing wrong with that picture, the dog is within "leash" length of it's owner, it is not a threatening dog (face it pit bull owners, I don't care how "nice" or "friendly" your pit bull is, it can ATTACK in a moments notice and KILL). Lets chill out here and not over do it. Big dogs that run recklessly around the park need to be on a leash. This dog, be serious, is like a fur infested cat.

Back to the restaurant. "Maybe if I bring my cute little french bull dog, maybe the cute waitress or woman socializing at the eating establishment will talk to me, will think I am cute too, and responsble and just adorable. So I will bring my cute little french bull dog with his bull dog face and go to the eating establishment and pick up chicks!! I hope!!!"..."Scruffles, lets go, we are going out to eat brunch."

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:34

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
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2005/3/2 16:59
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I think there are much more pressing problems at Morris Canal park than dogs off leash. Although I do agree that it is not a good idea when the park is crowded. Maybe we would be better adopting off leash hours, like the do in nyc and brooklyn.

I'm at the park with my dogs every day and have watched that park slowly degrade from the erosion, graffiti, trash, goose poop etc. I have to clean up the empty alcohol bottles every morning down at the end, amid all the empty crack/weed bags and condom wrappers. They could really use some lights down there to try and deter all the people that hang out there in the middle of the night.

Posting pictures of dog owners will accomplish nothing for you as well. I hate people who double park, how about I just take pictures of anyone who parks illegally and post them online?

I would advise you ask the dog owner that you would like them to put their dog back on leash and if they give you any grief tell them you will be calling the police.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:31

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/11/15 21:43
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DouglasReynholm wrote:
I see nothing wrong with that picture, the dog is within "leash" length of it's owner, it is not a threatening dog (face it pit bull owners, I don't care how "nice" or "friendly" your pit bull is, it can ATTACK in a moments notice and KILL). Lets chill out here and not over do it. Big dogs that run recklessly around the park need to be on a leash. This dog, be serious, is like a fur infested cat.

The problem is she perpetuates the cycle of "anything goes, laws don't matter." A pit bull owner sees her and thinks, "here's a good place to let my dog roam off-leash."

The leash law doesn't have a size limit. This woman isn't exempt. (She's also so mesmerized by her cel phone that she's not noticing if/where her tiny dog drops a big poop.)

Also, what kind of cats are you seeing, that aren't fur-infested?

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:30

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2009/7/30 20:03
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And back to the real issue at hand.

PICK UP YOUR DOG SHIT when your dog shits!

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:27

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2009/7/30 20:03
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I see nothing wrong with that picture, the dog is within "leash" length of it's owner, it is not a threatening dog (face it pit bull owners, I don't care how "nice" or "friendly" your pit bull is, it can ATTACK in a moments notice and KILL). Lets chill out here and not over do it. Big dogs that run recklessly around the park need to be on a leash. This dog, be serious, is like a fur infested cat.

Back to the restaurant. "Maybe if I bring my cute little french bull dog, maybe the cute waitress or woman socializing at the eating establishment will talk to me, will think I am cute too, and responsble and just adorable. So I will bring my cute little french bull dog with his bull dog face and go to the eating establishment and pick up chicks!! I hope!!!"..."Scruffles, lets go, we are going out to eat brunch."

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:25

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2010/10/18 18:59
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These are all quality of life issues that are reasonable and should not find any opposition.


nyrgravey9 wrote:
Now that I think of it, wouldn't it be closer to Stalinism? I often get my -isms wrong.

I'm not here to tell you what to do. I'm here to tell you what will happen if you continue to do what you're doing. Big difference. But I don't need to argue it further. The residents are getting behind me on this one.

And you don't have to explain it to me. You can explain it to the cops the next time they patrol and hand out tickets.

I would even suggest members of this site post about their experiences and the amounts of the fines so we can more accurately convey the consequences. Let us know how it goes.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:24

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
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2008/11/18 17:08
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
What's funny about your response is how most people I know feel the need to tip toe around people who do these things. You're trying to be considerate to the dog owners, but if you confront them, you're the a**hole for doing so. It's incredible.

This is EXACTLY my experience. I occasionally do some evening runs and Morris Park is essentially off limits as there are at any given time a dozen off leash dogs. While I like dogs, any time I've approached an owner reminding him/her about the requirement of keeping a leash on, I've been made to feel like a jerk.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:23

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Now that I think of it, wouldn't it be closer to Stalinism? I often get my -isms wrong.

I'm not here to tell you what to do. I'm here to tell you what will happen if you continue to do what you're doing. Big difference. But I don't need to argue it further. The residents are getting behind me on this one.

And you don't have to explain it to me. You can explain it to the cops the next time they patrol and hand out tickets.

I would even suggest members of this site post about their experiences and the amounts of the fines so we can more accurately convey the consequences. Let us know how it goes.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:19

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2010/10/18 18:59
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If everyone obeyed rules, we wouldn't have to have this conversation. I say, create the wall of shame! simple rules: must have full face shot (no photoshopping) and have picture of offending dog with time and date stamp.


MikeyTBC wrote:

JCParentingUnit wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Again JCParent, do so at your discretion, but don't be surprised to receive a ticket when enforcement ramps up.

And as I said earlier, again, this is not an anti dog argument, it's a pro-responsible dog ownership argument, which you fail to grasp.

Residents are fully willing to share the parks - but keep your dogs on leash (as per the LAW), clean up after them and all will be good.

Also as I said earlier, it's not people like me that are ruining it for you. The people who are violating the leash laws are ruining it for you, and it is your responsibility as a responsible dog owner to help improve the situation.


JCParentingUnit wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:

JCParentingUnit wrote:
what a topic!

As a dog owner and a resident near the Morris Canal park my main point is that there is no longer a dog park in Paulus hook. There used to be one but they removed it for the new walkway.

I personally keep my dog on a leash in morris canal park, but I don't have a problem if early/late visitors want to take their dog off leash to let them run for a few minutes. But I do have an issue when the park gets full. If people are lounging or playing with their kids, your dog shouldn't be running around near them off leash.

As a note, Morris Canal park is a state park. Jersey City Police are out of their jurisdiction. If you have an issue there, you need to call the Liberty State Park police.

I agree that calling animal control is petty IF you are seeing this out your window. But if you are in the park, dog owners should be more respectful.

By the same token, dog owners should feel free to call the police on the rampant open container law violations taking place in the same park, no?

JCParentingUnit, that's great feedback and yes, you should definitely call in violators of the open container law.

But to your other point, it's not important if you're ok with the occasional dog off leash; it's against the law. Period. No ambiguity here.

And you're right about it being state property. As I mentioned earlier, the neighborhood council as well as our Ward councilwoman, are working to convert the land to JC property. Either way, the core point still stands: stop letting your dogs off leash and clean up after them.

As to the dog run - there are two dog runs within walking distance of Paulus Hook. I referenced them earlier. If you can't walk 10-15 minutes to a dog park, I really don't have an answer for you on that. But, clearly, the PH residents don't care and will have to be ticketed to get the message.

Speeding is against the law, but no one is saying everyone driving 56 MPH should get a ticket. If you are not harming anyone, then who cares? Should we take pictures of the people smoking joints in the park and post them online as well? What about the people who park their cars near Morris Canal park and don't visit the memorial? Let's be humans and all just be considerate for one another.

The run next to the beer garten is not a run, it's a cage. The run in Van Worst is not 10-15 minutes from PH. PH needs a dog park and it should be at Morris Canal park or up at the corner of Washington and Grand. There is plenty of space in both places.

Certainly. I agree everyone needs to be considerate of one another.

Everyone accepts a risk when they break the law by jay-walking, turning right on red, passing an ice-cream truck, playing music too loudly, letting their dog off a leash, pumping your own gas, or passing without honking ( However, turning in your neighbors because "It's the law period." is gestapo tactics and very un-american.

Actually, it more closely resembles McCarthyism.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:15

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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JCParentingUnit wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Again JCParent, do so at your discretion, but don't be surprised to receive a ticket when enforcement ramps up.

And as I said earlier, again, this is not an anti dog argument, it's a pro-responsible dog ownership argument, which you fail to grasp.

Residents are fully willing to share the parks - but keep your dogs on leash (as per the LAW), clean up after them and all will be good.

Also as I said earlier, it's not people like me that are ruining it for you. The people who are violating the leash laws are ruining it for you, and it is your responsibility as a responsible dog owner to help improve the situation.


JCParentingUnit wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:

JCParentingUnit wrote:
what a topic!

As a dog owner and a resident near the Morris Canal park my main point is that there is no longer a dog park in Paulus hook. There used to be one but they removed it for the new walkway.

I personally keep my dog on a leash in morris canal park, but I don't have a problem if early/late visitors want to take their dog off leash to let them run for a few minutes. But I do have an issue when the park gets full. If people are lounging or playing with their kids, your dog shouldn't be running around near them off leash.

As a note, Morris Canal park is a state park. Jersey City Police are out of their jurisdiction. If you have an issue there, you need to call the Liberty State Park police.

I agree that calling animal control is petty IF you are seeing this out your window. But if you are in the park, dog owners should be more respectful.

By the same token, dog owners should feel free to call the police on the rampant open container law violations taking place in the same park, no?

JCParentingUnit, that's great feedback and yes, you should definitely call in violators of the open container law.

But to your other point, it's not important if you're ok with the occasional dog off leash; it's against the law. Period. No ambiguity here.

And you're right about it being state property. As I mentioned earlier, the neighborhood council as well as our Ward councilwoman, are working to convert the land to JC property. Either way, the core point still stands: stop letting your dogs off leash and clean up after them.

As to the dog run - there are two dog runs within walking distance of Paulus Hook. I referenced them earlier. If you can't walk 10-15 minutes to a dog park, I really don't have an answer for you on that. But, clearly, the PH residents don't care and will have to be ticketed to get the message.

Speeding is against the law, but no one is saying everyone driving 56 MPH should get a ticket. If you are not harming anyone, then who cares? Should we take pictures of the people smoking joints in the park and post them online as well? What about the people who park their cars near Morris Canal park and don't visit the memorial? Let's be humans and all just be considerate for one another.

The run next to the beer garten is not a run, it's a cage. The run in Van Worst is not 10-15 minutes from PH. PH needs a dog park and it should be at Morris Canal park or up at the corner of Washington and Grand. There is plenty of space in both places.

Certainly. I agree everyone needs to be considerate of one another.

Everyone accepts a risk when they break the law by jay-walking, turning right on red, passing an ice-cream truck, playing music too loudly, letting their dog off a leash, pumping your own gas, or passing without honking ( However, turning in your neighbors because "It's the law period." is gestapo tactics and very un-american.

Actually, it more closely resembles McCarthyism.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:11

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2012/11/6 22:12
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Again JCParent, do so at your discretion, but don't be surprised to receive a ticket when enforcement ramps up.

And as I said earlier, again, this is not an anti dog argument, it's a pro-responsible dog ownership argument, which you fail to grasp.

Residents are fully willing to share the parks - but keep your dogs on leash (as per the LAW), clean up after them and all will be good.

Also as I said earlier, it's not people like me that are ruining it for you. The people who are violating the leash laws are ruining it for you, and it is your responsibility as a responsible dog owner to help improve the situation.


JCParentingUnit wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:

JCParentingUnit wrote:
what a topic!

As a dog owner and a resident near the Morris Canal park my main point is that there is no longer a dog park in Paulus hook. There used to be one but they removed it for the new walkway.

I personally keep my dog on a leash in morris canal park, but I don't have a problem if early/late visitors want to take their dog off leash to let them run for a few minutes. But I do have an issue when the park gets full. If people are lounging or playing with their kids, your dog shouldn't be running around near them off leash.

As a note, Morris Canal park is a state park. Jersey City Police are out of their jurisdiction. If you have an issue there, you need to call the Liberty State Park police.

I agree that calling animal control is petty IF you are seeing this out your window. But if you are in the park, dog owners should be more respectful.

By the same token, dog owners should feel free to call the police on the rampant open container law violations taking place in the same park, no?

JCParentingUnit, that's great feedback and yes, you should definitely call in violators of the open container law.

But to your other point, it's not important if you're ok with the occasional dog off leash; it's against the law. Period. No ambiguity here.

And you're right about it being state property. As I mentioned earlier, the neighborhood council as well as our Ward councilwoman, are working to convert the land to JC property. Either way, the core point still stands: stop letting your dogs off leash and clean up after them.

As to the dog run - there are two dog runs within walking distance of Paulus Hook. I referenced them earlier. If you can't walk 10-15 minutes to a dog park, I really don't have an answer for you on that. But, clearly, the PH residents don't care and will have to be ticketed to get the message.

Speeding is against the law, but no one is saying everyone driving 56 MPH should get a ticket. If you are not harming anyone, then who cares? Should we take pictures of the people smoking joints in the park and post them online as well? What about the people who park their cars near Morris Canal park and don't visit the memorial? Let's be humans and all just be considerate for one another.

The run next to the beer garten is not a run, it's a cage. The run in Van Worst is not 10-15 minutes from PH. PH needs a dog park and it should be at Morris Canal park or up at the corner of Washington and Grand. There is plenty of space in both places.

Certainly. I agree everyone needs to be considerate of one another.

Everyone accepts a risk when they break the law by jay-walking, turning right on red, passing an ice-cream truck, playing music too loudly, letting their dog off a leash, pumping your own gas, or passing without honking ( However, turning in your neighbors because "It's the law period." is gestapo tactics and very un-american.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 20:00

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2012/11/6 22:12
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
I Heart JC, you're my idol LOL. Needs face shots hahah!


I_heart_JC wrote:

I'll start:

Resized Image

Hamilton Park, this morning.

Clearly a public nuisance.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 19:54

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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I Heart JC, you're my idol LOL. Needs face shots hahah!


I_heart_JC wrote:

I'll start:

Resized Image

Hamilton Park, this morning.[/quote]

Posted on: 2013/7/2 19:51

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Again JCParent, do so at your discretion, but don't be surprised to receive a ticket when enforcement ramps up.

And as I said earlier, again, this is not an anti dog argument, it's a pro-responsible dog ownership argument, which you fail to grasp.

Residents are fully willing to share the parks - but keep your dogs on leash (as per the LAW), clean up after them and all will be good.

Also as I said earlier, it's not people like me that are ruining it for you. The people who are violating the leash laws are ruining it for you, and it is your responsibility as a responsible dog owner to help improve the situation.


JCParentingUnit wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:

JCParentingUnit wrote:
what a topic!

As a dog owner and a resident near the Morris Canal park my main point is that there is no longer a dog park in Paulus hook. There used to be one but they removed it for the new walkway.

I personally keep my dog on a leash in morris canal park, but I don't have a problem if early/late visitors want to take their dog off leash to let them run for a few minutes. But I do have an issue when the park gets full. If people are lounging or playing with their kids, your dog shouldn't be running around near them off leash.

As a note, Morris Canal park is a state park. Jersey City Police are out of their jurisdiction. If you have an issue there, you need to call the Liberty State Park police.

I agree that calling animal control is petty IF you are seeing this out your window. But if you are in the park, dog owners should be more respectful.

By the same token, dog owners should feel free to call the police on the rampant open container law violations taking place in the same park, no?

JCParentingUnit, that's great feedback and yes, you should definitely call in violators of the open container law.

But to your other point, it's not important if you're ok with the occasional dog off leash; it's against the law. Period. No ambiguity here.

And you're right about it being state property. As I mentioned earlier, the neighborhood council as well as our Ward councilwoman, are working to convert the land to JC property. Either way, the core point still stands: stop letting your dogs off leash and clean up after them.

As to the dog run - there are two dog runs within walking distance of Paulus Hook. I referenced them earlier. If you can't walk 10-15 minutes to a dog park, I really don't have an answer for you on that. But, clearly, the PH residents don't care and will have to be ticketed to get the message.

Speeding is against the law, but no one is saying everyone driving 56 MPH should get a ticket. If you are not harming anyone, then who cares? Should we take pictures of the people smoking joints in the park and post them online as well? What about the people who park their cars near Morris Canal park and don't visit the memorial? Let's be humans and all just be considerate for one another.

The run next to the beer garten is not a run, it's a cage. The run in Van Worst is not 10-15 minutes from PH. PH needs a dog park and it should be at Morris Canal park or up at the corner of Washington and Grand. There is plenty of space in both places.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 19:49

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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Is it possible to setup a "Wall of Shame" by the parks to post the pictures? I know each park has a bulletin board that people can post events / nanny hires / etc, perhaps someone can setup a separate one (so as not to take over the existing bulletin board) and post all the pictures there for view publicly. I think the people will know who they are once the pictures are in public view.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 19:41

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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nyrgravey9 wrote:

o73o2 wrote:
A suggestion to -- potentially -- solve the problem:

Perhaps, we should start photographing unleashed dogs and their owners and posting those pictures here on the JCList.


While I wouldn't endorse that, I will say it's a pretty smart idea lol.

I'll start:

Resized Image

Hamilton Park, this morning.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 19:34

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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nyrgravey9 wrote:

JCParentingUnit wrote:
what a topic!

As a dog owner and a resident near the Morris Canal park my main point is that there is no longer a dog park in Paulus hook. There used to be one but they removed it for the new walkway.

I personally keep my dog on a leash in morris canal park, but I don't have a problem if early/late visitors want to take their dog off leash to let them run for a few minutes. But I do have an issue when the park gets full. If people are lounging or playing with their kids, your dog shouldn't be running around near them off leash.

As a note, Morris Canal park is a state park. Jersey City Police are out of their jurisdiction. If you have an issue there, you need to call the Liberty State Park police.

I agree that calling animal control is petty IF you are seeing this out your window. But if you are in the park, dog owners should be more respectful.

By the same token, dog owners should feel free to call the police on the rampant open container law violations taking place in the same park, no?

JCParentingUnit, that's great feedback and yes, you should definitely call in violators of the open container law.

But to your other point, it's not important if you're ok with the occasional dog off leash; it's against the law. Period. No ambiguity here.

And you're right about it being state property. As I mentioned earlier, the neighborhood council as well as our Ward councilwoman, are working to convert the land to JC property. Either way, the core point still stands: stop letting your dogs off leash and clean up after them.

As to the dog run - there are two dog runs within walking distance of Paulus Hook. I referenced them earlier. If you can't walk 10-15 minutes to a dog park, I really don't have an answer for you on that. But, clearly, the PH residents don't care and will have to be ticketed to get the message.

Speeding is against the law, but no one is saying everyone driving 56 MPH should get a ticket. If you are not harming anyone, then who cares? Should we take pictures of the people smoking joints in the park and post them online as well? What about the people who park their cars near Morris Canal park and don't visit the memorial? Let's be humans and all just be considerate for one another.

The run next to the beer garten is not a run, it's a cage. The run in Van Worst is not 10-15 minutes from PH. PH needs a dog park and it should be at Morris Canal park or up at the corner of Washington and Grand. There is plenty of space in both places.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 19:17

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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o73o2 wrote:
A suggestion to -- potentially -- solve the problem:

Perhaps, we should start photographing unleashed dogs and their owners and posting those pictures here on the JCList.


While I wouldn't endorse that, I will say it's a pretty smart idea lol.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 18:42

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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rescuelife wrote:
I detest dog owners who don't pick up after their pets as not only have I stepped in it, but my dogs have too. Cleaning up poop on a paw is just as annoying! However, I will continue letting my dogs off leash in the Morris Canal, so feel free to call the police who have nothing better to do than patrol my dogs :) .

Rescuelife, just know the violation carries a large penalty with it. Last I was told (by someone who got a ticket), it was over $300. Not sure if that's the case, but why risk it?

Posted on: 2013/7/2 18:42

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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A suggestion to -- potentially -- solve the problem:

Perhaps, we should start photographing unleashed dogs and their owners and posting those pictures here on the JCList.


Posted on: 2013/7/2 18:39

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/6/10 16:06
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I detest dog owners who don't pick up after their pets as not only have I stepped in it, but my dogs have too. Cleaning up poop on a paw is just as annoying! However, I will continue letting my dogs off leash in the Morris Canal, so feel free to call the police who have nothing better to do than patrol my dogs :) .

Posted on: 2013/7/2 18:36

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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JCParentingUnit wrote:
what a topic!

As a dog owner and a resident near the Morris Canal park my main point is that there is no longer a dog park in Paulus hook. There used to be one but they removed it for the new walkway.

I personally keep my dog on a leash in morris canal park, but I don't have a problem if early/late visitors want to take their dog off leash to let them run for a few minutes. But I do have an issue when the park gets full. If people are lounging or playing with their kids, your dog shouldn't be running around near them off leash.

As a note, Morris Canal park is a state park. Jersey City Police are out of their jurisdiction. If you have an issue there, you need to call the Liberty State Park police.

I agree that calling animal control is petty IF you are seeing this out your window. But if you are in the park, dog owners should be more respectful.

By the same token, dog owners should feel free to call the police on the rampant open container law violations taking place in the same park, no?

JCParentingUnit, that's great feedback and yes, you should definitely call in violators of the open container law.

But to your other point, it's not important if you're ok with the occasional dog off leash; it's against the law. Period. No ambiguity here.

And you're right about it being state property. As I mentioned earlier, the neighborhood council as well as our Ward councilwoman, are working to convert the land to JC property. Either way, the core point still stands: stop letting your dogs off leash and clean up after them.

As to the dog run - there are two dog runs within walking distance of Paulus Hook. I referenced them earlier. If you can't walk 10-15 minutes to a dog park, I really don't have an answer for you on that. But, clearly, the PH residents don't care and will have to be ticketed to get the message.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 16:59

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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It is not a human, it is an animal

Posted on: 2013/7/2 16:54

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)

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2012/10/19 19:14
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JCParentingUnit wrote:
what a topic!

As a dog owner and a resident near the Morris Canal park my main point is that there is no longer a dog park in Paulus hook. There used to be one but they removed it for the new walkway.

I personally keep my dog on a leash in morris canal park, but I don't have a problem if early/late visitors want to take their dog off leash to let them run for a few minutes. But I do have an issue when the park gets full. If people are lounging or playing with their kids, your dog shouldn't be running around near them off leash.

As a note, Morris Canal park is a state park. Jersey City Police are out of their jurisdiction. If you have an issue there, you need to call the Liberty State Park police.

I agree that calling animal control is petty IF you are seeing this out your window. But if you are in the park, dog owners should be more respectful.

By the same token, dog owners should feel free to call the police on the rampant open container law violations taking place in the same park, no?

Couldn't agree more, thank you.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 16:54

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2012/11/6 22:12
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what a topic!

As a dog owner and a resident near the Morris Canal park my main point is that there is no longer a dog park in Paulus hook. There used to be one but they removed it for the new walkway.

I personally keep my dog on a leash in morris canal park, but I don't have a problem if early/late visitors want to take their dog off leash to let them run for a few minutes. But I do have an issue when the park gets full. If people are lounging or playing with their kids, your dog shouldn't be running around near them off leash.

As a note, Morris Canal park is a state park. Jersey City Police are out of their jurisdiction. If you have an issue there, you need to call the Liberty State Park police.

I agree that calling animal control is petty IF you are seeing this out your window. But if you are in the park, dog owners should be more respectful.

By the same token, dog owners should feel free to call the police on the rampant open container law violations taking place in the same park, no?

Posted on: 2013/7/2 16:49

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2011/2/3 23:57
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I am assuming you are joking in regards to the hitting, at least I hope you are.

Because its the dog's fault that their owner didn't pick up the poop. Yeash. What passes for comedy these days.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 16:41

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2009/7/30 20:03
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I knew when I saw this post, there would be many replies. Agree with everything.

I hate when dogs are at restaurants, even outside (i.e. Hamilton Inn, etc.). Businesses are afraid to confront the dog-owner because of the repercussions that the dog-owners will boycott the establishment and tell other dog-owners to do likewise.

My take: Keep your dog at home, it is an animal, and I don't want your animal (fur and all) near my food, staring at me, licking me, hovering around me (and I am a dog-owner for 10 years). Get a life, go eat without your dog. "Look at me and my dog, I am so cool with my dog". Why do you need the dog to be there. The animal cannot hold a conversation, or a fork. And the animal is probably uncomfortable sitting on the dirty hard pee soaked cement /sidewalk, leashed up. If I was that animal, I rather be resting in an air conditioned environment without a leash chilling on my soft blanket. Think about it, it is cruel to do this to your animal. Leave your animal at home. It is not a human, it is an animal, animals do not dine at eating establishments, indoor or outdoor.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 16:30

Edited by DouglasReynholm on 2013/7/2 16:45:56

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2010/8/17 1:45
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A couple of points:

1. Call the appropriate City number for ANY littering and illegal dumping violation (no pun intended). This is about keeping our City clean and safe.
2. If unleashed dogs, dog poop, etc make you angry, DO NOT confront the dog owner. Walk away and contact the City. Every dog will react unpredictably if it senses your anger.

Posted on: 2013/7/2 16:27

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