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Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2006/11/27 12:04
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So, did they retire?

Posted on: 2013/7/7 22:50

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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Stringer wrote:

Former Deputy Police Chief Peter Nalbach will receive $565,797.28 for 754 unused days
This is unreal. 754 unused sick days? Over 25 years that's 30 sick days a year he never used. And he's getting paid his current salary for every one of those? That's a $188,000 per year salary, and we're paying him at that rate for every day? Even the ones 25 years ago when he was probably making $20,000 if even that?

Posted on: 2013/6/5 4:49

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2005/8/6 23:41
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Let them go. Just rats fleeing the SS Healy. It will be the best money this city has ever spent. Consider it as paying somebody to fumigate bedbugs from a what is otherwise a nice place to live.

Posted on: 2013/6/5 3:56

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2012/2/20 18:20
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Four retired Jersey City police officials to receive $1.3M for unused time

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
June 04, 2013 at 4:14 PM

Jersey City is set to pay nearly $1.3 million to four retired police officials in exchange for unused time, with one retired deputy police chief set to receive more than half a million dollars.

The news is sure to reignite a furor that started two weeks ago when Mayor-elect Steve Fulop blasted retired Police Chief Tom Comey and other high-ranking police officials for retiring before Fulop takes office and taking big bucks with them on their way out the door.

City officials had previously estimated how much the retirements would cost taxpayers, but today they released the details for the four men after an inquiry by The Jersey Journal.

UPDATE: NJ Republicans use Jersey City retirements to argue for sick-leave reform

Comey, who retired effective June 1, will receive $170,384.32, which doesn't include $26,496 that he received in previous years when he cashed in his unused time early. Comey's new payout is for 215.5 days.

Comey retired after outgoing Mayor Jerramiah Healy lost his bid for a third full term to Fulop, who currently represents Downtown on the City Council. Fulop becomes mayor on July 1.

The payments to Comey, a member of the force since 1981, and the three retired deputy police chiefs will be issued in two payments, city officials said.

Former Deputy Police Chief Peter Nalbach will receive $565,797.28 for 754 unused days; former Deputy Police Chief Robert Kilduff will receive $306,604.02 for 419 days; and former Deputy Police Chief Hugh Donaghue will receive $252,768.98 for 344 days, according to city budget officials.

All three former deputy police chiefs retired as of June 1, and each have worked for the police department for more than 25 years. They are among 25 police employees who are set to retire by Aug. 1.

Two weeks ago, when news of the retirements leaked, Fulop said the payouts will be examined for inconsistencies when he becomes mayor. He said he found it hard to believe that many of the officers set to retire had not used so many vacation, comp and sick days.

Comey, in reaction, called it ?disappointing? that the mayor-elect would ?attack? officers who had logged more than 25 years of service. Nalbach?s daughter wrote a letter to The Jersey Journal defending her father from Fulop?s criticism.

Comey and the three deputy police chiefs accumulated the unused time when they were police officers and when they were management. They will receive the cash for unused vacation, sick and comp days, in addition to "frozen time" they accumulated before contractual changes implemented in 1988 restricted the amount of unused time employees could roll over indefinitely.

Sick time is paid out at 80 percent of its value, while the other days are paid out at 100 percent, using the employee's final salary.

Each man also accumulated terminal-leave days, a set number of days given to police officers annually that they trade in for cash when they retire. ... ing_jersey_city_poli.html

Posted on: 2013/6/5 3:16

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Did senior police officials get a bonus if their officers under their supervision attended work every day and there were no absentism issues ?

Worth a look at Mr Fulop, when you do an audit. Turn-over every stone!

Posted on: 2013/6/4 23:44
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Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2005/12/7 2:49
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With all due respect, Mrs. Kubowicz chose to leave out the other significant issue at hand and the one that has received top billing in every regional newspaper of late and that's the unfortunate and incredulous timing of all these officers retirements (Comey, perhaps foreseeing Jerry's eventual loss, put in his notice in December.) It's sad, unfathomable and really strikes at the strangle hold and influence Jerry Healy and others have had over our "boys in blue." Let's also not forget there are other major financial implications for those retiring as well that speak to the true nature of these officers.

Below are the two main quotes Fulop has made regarding the serious situation all of Jersey City will soon find itself in. For Elizabeth to bring up her fathers 911 sacrifices, overtime and training is disingenuous to the main crux of Fulop's disappointment.

?The fact that Chief Comey and his colleagues in the police department are putting in for retirement just days after the mayor lost the election demonstrates how the Healy police department is more concerned with their cushy office jobs than protecting the public,? Fulop said in a statement. ?We have a public safety crisis and yet these officers are putting their own personal financial interests ahead of public safety and certainly ahead of the taxpayers. I am beyond outraged. I am disgusted.?

?Let me be clear to Comey and friends that I intend to scrutinize every penny requested before Jersey City taxpayers shell out any money,? Fulop said in the statement in which he questions how truthful the payout claims are. ?Some of these officers that are requesting taxpayer payouts are saying that in 30 years of policing, they never took a single sick or leave day, which is just not realistic or believable. I will not allow these officers to rip off the taxpayers. Jersey City?s overburdened families deserve no less.?

It may be hard for her to see the facts because her father and his fellow officers are about to be audited with a fine tooth comb but Mayor elect Fulop's obligation is to the citizens of Jersey City and NOT just her and her father.

Make no mistake, when many of these outgoing officers have the gumption to claim they never took a day off Fulop has no other choice but to scrutinize these allegations.

I firmly believe that if Mrs. Kubowicz were to remove her financial and emotional connection it would be quite easy for her to understand Fulop's reaction and his swift action. Remember, one of Fulop's central election platforms was to provide Jersey City with a fair, honest and open government. From that alone, he has no other choice but to make these necessary inquiries and as tax payers we demand them.

Sadly, from what I have read these police contracts and the woefully outdated and unsophisticated system of tracking these officers days off, overtime, etc. will likely prove to hard to dig through. Chalk it up as yet another corrupt, mismanaged piece of Jersey City lore.

As a side note - Something tells me that Jerry wasn't very as interested in updating the JCPD's 70's era systems of accountability during his reign. I sincerely doubt Comey and his "boys in blue" weren't either.

Posted on: 2013/6/4 12:59

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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user1111 wrote:
Letter: I am daughter of a JC deputy police chief. Shame on mayor-elect

I am writing in response to what is being said about my father in the news these past few days. Shame on you, Mr. Fulop, for saying that you don't believe my father has hardly taken any days in all his years of service. Were you there when he missed holidays, birthdays, or softball games because he worked the overnight shift or was stuck at work? Were you there when he went away to Quantico to receive FBI training to better himself as an officer? Were you there when he worked tirelessly during the recovery efforts of 9/11, coming home only to change his clothes and wash the layers of ash off of his body? Or how about those times when he got called in because a fellow officer's life was taken too soon?

He has dedicated his life to serving the community of Jersey City and I think most would agree that he is an upstanding man. He goes in to work early and leaves late EVERY SINGLE DAY! He hasn't taken time off because he has a STRONG WORK ETHIC! Being a boy in blue is what has defined him for over 30 years. The decision to retire was a long and hard one for him. He will miss the department and working every day to make Jersey City a safer place for all to live in.
It is a shame that his last few days on the force have to be clouded over by this nonsense. Maybe someone from the Journal should take a look at all the good he has done and all the sacrifices he has made as a Jersey City police officer. As his daughter, I would like to say, "Thanks Dad, for your bravery and dedication. I appreciate all that you have sacrificed over the years for the force. Enjoy your retirement!"
JERSEY CITY ... _a_jc_d.html#incart_river

Funny, a real quick search for an Elizabeth Kubowicz shows only one who lives & works in Kearny, the same place Da-Da lives.

Posted on: 2013/6/4 1:56

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Blind love and loyalty by a daughter. Cops are employed to do a job and trained to do a job just like the rest of us.

Making sacrifices my ass is what I say to Elizabeth, her father is working overtime and doing courses for his own personal gain and promotion with policing not the most dangerous occupations on the planet.

The construction industry has far more deaths and injuries then law enforcement - They work all hours and build every aspect of community / societies needs.

30 years without taking time off is crap as the human body is designed to fault at time - Could it be that he went to work sick, provided no service and got a patrol car or unmarked car to sleep in a car park - I used to see a patrol car in the Liberty Harbor car park sleeping regularly (near the recycling plant) There had been numerous reports of police officers sleeping in cars instead of being home or on the job - I wonder how many never got caught or had good hiding place.

Lets strap these officers with 30 years service retiring to a lie-detector and ask them questions on days off; sleeping on the job, working from home crap reasons, doing courses that they never attend, on patrol or doing an investigation when sleeping or ill and actually doing zero, going to family functions while working, seeing a doctor in work hours, shopping in work hours and basically anything else other then working when getting paid to work.

Sorry Elizabeth I don't believe your dad for one second and he sounds like an ass dad for not being there for you, but admire your blind loyalty to him

Posted on: 2013/6/3 23:42
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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Letter: I am daughter of a JC deputy police chief. Shame on mayor-elect

I am writing in response to what is being said about my father in the news these past few days. Shame on you, Mr. Fulop, for saying that you don't believe my father has hardly taken any days in all his years of service. Were you there when he missed holidays, birthdays, or softball games because he worked the overnight shift or was stuck at work? Were you there when he went away to Quantico to receive FBI training to better himself as an officer? Were you there when he worked tirelessly during the recovery efforts of 9/11, coming home only to change his clothes and wash the layers of ash off of his body? Or how about those times when he got called in because a fellow officer's life was taken too soon?

He has dedicated his life to serving the community of Jersey City and I think most would agree that he is an upstanding man. He goes in to work early and leaves late EVERY SINGLE DAY! He hasn't taken time off because he has a STRONG WORK ETHIC! Being a boy in blue is what has defined him for over 30 years. The decision to retire was a long and hard one for him. He will miss the department and working every day to make Jersey City a safer place for all to live in.
It is a shame that his last few days on the force have to be clouded over by this nonsense. Maybe someone from the Journal should take a look at all the good he has done and all the sacrifices he has made as a Jersey City police officer. As his daughter, I would like to say, "Thanks Dad, for your bravery and dedication. I appreciate all that you have sacrificed over the years for the force. Enjoy your retirement!"
JERSEY CITY ... _a_jc_d.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2013/6/3 17:46

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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?It?s my intention to serve the residents and visitors of this city consistent with the manner in which I and the officers in the East Precinct did, and that is being fair, honest, responsive, and dedicated to the task at hand with the utmost professionalism,? said Connors.

I always thought the service JCPD provided was rather ordinary - So we can expect more of the same with this statement!

Fulop needs to dump (or place then in minor roles) all our senior officers with more then 25 years service and place a nationwide advertising campaign for a new Police Chief - The new chief should NOT be from within the JCPD

Posted on: 2013/5/31 2:25
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2012/2/20 18:20
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Jersey City police captain to become acting police chief

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
May 30, 2013 at 5:06 PM

A Jersey City police captain who works in Downtown?s East District is being appointed acting police chief effective June 1, city officials announced today.

Capt. Joseph Connors has an ?impeccable record of police service? with ?strong ties? to the community, outgoing Mayor Jerramiah Healy said in a statement.

?Joe Connors is a respected leader within the police department, and I have full confidence in him,? Healy said.

Connors will temporarily replace Police Chief Tom Comey, who announced last week he is retiring after more than 30 years on the force. Comey, a Healy ally, is retiring a month before City Councilman Steve Fulop becomes mayor, on July 1.

The East District includes Downtown and Bergen-Lafayette.

?It?s my intention to serve the residents and visitors of this city consistent with the manner in which I and the officers in the East Precinct did, and that is being fair, honest, responsive, and dedicated to the task at hand with the utmost professionalism,? said Connors.

Connors, a 32-year veteran of the police department, earns a $153,139 annual salary.

News of Comey's retirement caused a furor last week, thanks to the terminal-leave payouts he and other retiring officers are set to receive. ... tain_to.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2013/5/31 0:06

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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Posted on: 2013/5/27 0:21
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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Posted on: 2013/5/26 22:26
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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HPYC wrote:
I think the issue of possibly bumping into a perp somewhere around town is an insufficient reason for cops to need to live elsewhere. The same risk is there for anyone who has ever served on a jury (jury duty is compulsory, remember?) or as a witness. Not only that, but if a perp really wanted to find a police officer with his guard down, he wouldn't have to look that far. There are a number of well-known watering holes at which some police officers congregate after work routinely.

Living in the town you police is one of the building blocks of police-community relations. There will be much greater mutual respect between citizens and police officers when they are each other's neighbors.

Having cops commute in from out of town, stick around for 8 hours performing a detail while trying to stay out of danger (and in some cases catching some Zs), and then shoot home doesn't contribute much to the overall safety and orderliness of the city.

By the way, I don't think we should paint all JCPD officers with the same broad brush. It's a large force with a lot of good eggs in it.

I too find much of our police force "good eggs" and we are fortunate to have those who dont want to work under accountability leave by July 1st.

I can't wait for the audit that is to come.

However, I want to post a small anecdote that involved my own , umm... "inebriated condition" one night celebrating Fulop's election at Barcade. I must have blacked out on the street after closing, as I found myself splayed legs outward, butt on ground when a police car pulled up. The nice officer asked if he could help me up (I'm 200 lbs, 6'2" and a bi-lateral amputee so not easy)and he first offered to drive me home but then said since I was covered in vomit he instead would walk me home. He then did just that, escorted me home to make sure I didn't fall again saying, "Hey, we got a new Mayor! Did you vote?" Yes, I did officer and thanks!

Posted on: 2013/5/25 10:48
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Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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AlexC wrote:
Welcome to the forum Mr. bradleybeachbrawl. I for one appreciate good information and more importantly, information for the good of all.

Stay Safe

Thank you.

Posted on: 2013/5/24 2:46

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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Welcome to the forum Mr. bradleybeachbrawl. I for one appreciate good information and more importantly, information for the good of all.

Stay Safe

Posted on: 2013/5/24 2:34

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

brewster wrote:

bradleybeachbrawl wrote:
They're not as afraid of Fulop as they are of who is widely speculated to be the front runner for Chief.
You can bank on that.

Officer BBB, you're killing us outsiders with suspense and anticipation! I hope you're not overselling it, hierarchical organizations are notoriously resistant to change. It's why everyone's always disappointed that a new president (or mayor) can't change everything with a wave of the hand.

Do you think there's real operational change in the wind, or just maybe getting rid of the usual nonsense: cronyism, low responsiveness, and inefficiency?

Trust me. There are major changes coming and I can't wait.
The last thing in the world I'd want to do is put something on a public forum and jeopardize this perfect storm.

There is nothing at all in this for me and I am not looking for any favors. I love doing what I do and at the risk of sounding pompous I'm good at what I do so not much will change for me. Maybe the scenery but the job will be the same.
For others things will be very different.

Well cool. Looking forward to the new season new exciting characters and plot twists.

Posted on: 2013/5/24 1:02

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2013/5/21 22:40
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brewster wrote:

bradleybeachbrawl wrote:
They're not as afraid of Fulop as they are of who is widely speculated to be the front runner for Chief.
You can bank on that.

Officer BBB, you're killing us outsiders with suspense and anticipation! I hope you're not overselling it, hierarchical organizations are notoriously resistant to change. It's why everyone's always disappointed that a new president (or mayor) can't change everything with a wave of the hand.

Do you think there's real operational change in the wind, or just maybe getting rid of the usual nonsense: cronyism, low responsiveness, and inefficiency?

Trust me. There are major changes coming and I can't wait.
The last thing in the world I'd want to do is put something on a public forum and jeopardize this perfect storm.

There is nothing at all in this for me and I am not looking for any favors. I love doing what I do and at the risk of sounding pompous I'm good at what I do so not much will change for me. Maybe the scenery but the job will be the same.
For others things will be very different.

Posted on: 2013/5/24 0:48

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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bradleybeachbrawl wrote:
They're not as afraid of Fulop as they are of who is widely speculated to be the front runner for Chief.
You can bank on that.

Officer BBB, you're killing us outsiders with suspense and anticipation! I hope you're not overselling it, hierarchical organizations are notoriously resistant to change. It's why everyone's always disappointed that a new president (or mayor) can't change everything with a wave of the hand.

Do you think there's real operational change in the wind, or just maybe getting rid of the usual nonsense: cronyism, low responsiveness, and inefficiency?

Posted on: 2013/5/23 23:14

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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JCbiscuit wrote:

Annod wrote:
Jersey City Mayor-Elect Steve Fulop Calls in to the Jim Gearhart Show [AUDIO]

By Jim Gearhart ShowMay 23, 2013 8:27 AM

Of the 25 expected to call it quits in August, most notably are Police Chief Tom Comey and at least 2 deputy police chiefs, 5 captains, five sergeants, three detectives and nine officers.

Mayor-Elect Steve Fulop who unseated long-time mayor Jerramiah Healy, is faced with the undaunting task of making sense of all this. The current Jersey City Councilman has said that he will do a very detail-oriented audit prior to any payouts. Fulop takes office on July 1st.

Fulop said that some of the payouts will be in excess of $600,000. The average for these retirement packages is $200,000.

Fulop does believe there is a silver lining in this, in that if the current officers requesting retirement do not want to work any longer, then the town doesn?t want them to be there. ... to-the-jim-gearhart-show/

at the risk of nitpicking, shouldn't that say "daunting task"? or is Fulop just THAT cool a customer?

They're not as afraid of Fulop as they are of who is widely speculated to be the front runner for Chief.
You can bank on that.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 22:44

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brewster wrote:

All sewer work is outsourced to private companies? I didn't know that.

Of course, do you know a better way to motivate campaign contributions?

Ah. Silly me. It all makes sense now.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 21:58

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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All sewer work is outsourced to private companies? I didn't know that.

Of course, do you know a better way to motivate campaign contributions?

Posted on: 2013/5/23 21:52

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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CatDog wrote:
This whole thing is shameful, and while it sucks we're going to pay all this money, it's good to know that Fulop isn't even mayor, and the rats are already fleeing the city, knowing that the purse is going to run dry.

bjay wrote:

Br6dR wrote:
Any chance Fulop will put a stop to JCPD officers collecting overtime by sitting on a quite, already blocked off side street, like Princeton Avenue, protecting nothing at all? The only time I've seen police doing this for construction, underground work or road work in any other city is on a busy street. This is an obscene waste of taxpayer dollars.

I hope that when we see police officers at a construction site, they are on "paid detail" getting paid by the construction company, not by our tax dollars.
this is correct, the company pays. And they have to pay a minimum of 4 hours I think, even if it takes 20 minutes to do.

All sewer work is outsourced to private companies? I didn't know that.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 21:11

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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Google said,"Did you mean: daunting task ?"

Posted on: 2013/5/23 19:55

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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JCbiscuit wrote:
at the risk of nitpicking, shouldn't that say "daunting task"? or is Fulop just THAT cool a customer?

LOL - I was thinking the same thing

Posted on: 2013/5/23 19:44

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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Annod wrote:
Jersey City Mayor-Elect Steve Fulop Calls in to the Jim Gearhart Show [AUDIO]

By Jim Gearhart ShowMay 23, 2013 8:27 AM

Of the 25 expected to call it quits in August, most notably are Police Chief Tom Comey and at least 2 deputy police chiefs, 5 captains, five sergeants, three detectives and nine officers.

Mayor-Elect Steve Fulop who unseated long-time mayor Jerramiah Healy, is faced with the undaunting task of making sense of all this. The current Jersey City Councilman has said that he will do a very detail-oriented audit prior to any payouts. Fulop takes office on July 1st.

Fulop said that some of the payouts will be in excess of $600,000. The average for these retirement packages is $200,000.

Fulop does believe there is a silver lining in this, in that if the current officers requesting retirement do not want to work any longer, then the town doesn?t want them to be there. ... to-the-jim-gearhart-show/

at the risk of nitpicking, shouldn't that say "daunting task"? or is Fulop just THAT cool a customer?

Posted on: 2013/5/23 19:23

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2010/11/17 1:11
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This whole thing is shameful, and while it sucks we're going to pay all this money, it's good to know that Fulop isn't even mayor, and the rats are already fleeing the city, knowing that the purse is going to run dry.

bjay wrote:

Br6dR wrote:
Any chance Fulop will put a stop to JCPD officers collecting overtime by sitting on a quite, already blocked off side street, like Princeton Avenue, protecting nothing at all? The only time I've seen police doing this for construction, underground work or road work in any other city is on a busy street. This is an obscene waste of taxpayer dollars.

I hope that when we see police officers at a construction site, they are on "paid detail" getting paid by the construction company, not by our tax dollars.
this is correct, the company pays. And they have to pay a minimum of 4 hours I think, even if it takes 20 minutes to do.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 19:09

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2011/12/12 0:13
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user1111 wrote:

HeightsBrat wrote:

JC_GeeGee wrote:

HPYC wrote:
This time I think we need to pass a requirement that the Chief of Police actually live in the city he/she is tasked with protecting. We've got no more use for officials who use the city as an ATM but don't really care how safe or clean it is because they and their families don't live here.

Agreed. They should offer some type of local JC housing for all JC public servants.

There was a "Live where you work" plan put forth by the Hiccup Healy administration. Like everything else undertaken, it was a failure.

I would not call it a failure, I am currently doing this plan and it works for me and I save so much $$$$

Well goody for you if you like living on Ocean Ave.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 19:07

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2005/3/21 20:01
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2020/9/5 14:18
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Jersey City Mayor-Elect Steve Fulop Calls in to the Jim Gearhart Show [AUDIO]

By Jim Gearhart ShowMay 23, 2013 8:27 AM

Of the 25 expected to call it quits in August, most notably are Police Chief Tom Comey and at least 2 deputy police chiefs, 5 captains, five sergeants, three detectives and nine officers.

Mayor-Elect Steve Fulop who unseated long-time mayor Jerramiah Healy, is faced with the undaunting task of making sense of all this. The current Jersey City Councilman has said that he will do a very detail-oriented audit prior to any payouts. Fulop takes office on July 1st.

Fulop said that some of the payouts will be in excess of $600,000. The average for these retirement packages is $200,000.

Fulop does believe there is a silver lining in this, in that if the current officers requesting retirement do not want to work any longer, then the town doesn?t want them to be there. ... to-the-jim-gearhart-show/

Posted on: 2013/5/23 18:30

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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2010/8/17 1:45
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2020/8/26 13:40
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From the JJ today: ... t_steve.html#incart_river

"Fulop said he plans to implement a ?full audit? of requested terminal-leave payouts."

If the audit throws up any irregularities, the matter should be referred to the state AG or feds for investigation. This may or may not be a multi-million dollar fraud at the expense of the taxpayer. One of the benefits of having out-of-town police officers, is that their cellphone records will validate whether they were on the job. Or not.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 17:19

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