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Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2010/11/17 1:11
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Chama wrote:
Garbage collection is simply "umpredictable" in JC. Careless service for the most part, you can tell when the garbage truck passed by to "supposedly" pick up the trash when you notice all the trash left scattered on the street.

On several times, I have submitted report and pictures of uncollected trash by my street to the JCIA via the JC's Online Help Center website:

They have actually responded consistently to the trash pick up requests (when they are not on furloughs). I would encourage residents to do the same with the hope that JCIA gets the message on their poor trash pick up service. I always wonder why it is SO difficult for this agency to simply do a decent job!
recently, the pickup guys have just been taking the top bag out of our trash can and leaving everything else in there. The bottom bag has probably been there a couple weeks. Guess it's time to give the JCIA a call.

Solid Waste Collection:
(973) 482-9396 - phone

Posted on: 2013/6/18 23:00

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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The skate park at Enos Jones Park has a foot high wall of trash around the perimeter on the south end.

Posted on: 2013/6/17 11:45

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Dahood wrote:
Basketball courts sometimes attract unwanted people.

Another wonderful weekend at the Hamilton Park basketball court comes to an end.

This can be a matter of opinion

Posted on: 2013/6/17 11:39
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/11/9 11:28
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Basketball courts sometimes attract unwanted people.

Another wonderful weekend at the Hamilton Park basketball court comes to an end.

Posted on: 2013/6/17 1:49

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/4/15 4:43
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Did anyone else notice the garbage can/recycling container combination on the corner of Jersey and Newark? It's on the south east side of the street in front of the benches.

Posted on: 2013/6/17 1:44

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Another wonderful weekend at the Hamilton Park basketball court comes to an end.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2013/6/17 1:11

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/4/10 13:29
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There is still garbage everywhere? Fulop has been mayor-elect for almost 24 hours. WTF. #sodisappointed

Posted on: 2013/5/15 22:05

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/11/10 20:17
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Would love to see this money really going to enforcement, but I am not holding my breath.

I have witnessed a Jersey City cop stop his cruiser, open the door, and toss a Dunkin Donuts cup (I swear I am not making this up) into the street.

Posted on: 2013/5/15 21:56

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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Maybe certain homeowners around Coles St and Pavonia Ave will stop throwing their household trash into the public cans? Maybe certain homeowners on 8th Street will stop piling their household trash into the cans? Maybe we can get some real enforcement and start issuing fines?

Posted on: 2013/5/15 18:34

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2005/9/21 13:53
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Posted on: 2013/5/15 17:53

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2012/6/8 15:55
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Candice Osbourne's top priority is going to be getting the trashcans back! ... ded&v=ypfD4GerYaE#t=4m13s

Posted on: 2013/5/15 12:59

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/4/29 14:15
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2020/12/8 23:34
From The Italian Village
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Garbage collection is simply "umpredictable" in JC. Careless service for the most part, you can tell when the garbage truck passed by to "supposedly" pick up the trash when you notice all the trash left scattered on the street.

On several times, I have submitted report and pictures of uncollected trash by my street to the JCIA via the JC's Online Help Center website:

They have actually responded consistently to the trash pick up requests (when they are not on furloughs). I would encourage residents to do the same with the hope that JCIA gets the message on their poor trash pick up service. I always wonder why it is SO difficult for this agency to simply do a decent job!

Posted on: 2013/5/8 21:18

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/2/3 21:36
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anyone else notice garbage collection getting worse? for years, our collection crews were wonderfully consistent getting all the bags we put out.

now, without fail, our block alone has up to half-a-dozen missed bags left on the sidewalk the morning after a scheduled trash pickup.

walking my dog, I see it's pretty bad all the way up Erie, too.

this plummet in service quality happened pretty sharply about 6 months ago.

Posted on: 2013/5/8 20:20

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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I noticed today that the trashcan on the corner of Pavonia Ave and Coles St has been removed. I would love for people to start reporting the homeowners and tenants who are overflowing the cans with household garbage. It is illegal and causes the usual candy wrappers and chip bags to fly around all over the place as the garbage piles up.

Posted on: 2013/5/8 16:59

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere

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2011/9/26 22:57
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Also, I know the Harsimus Cove Neighborhood Association hosts regular "Litter Patrols" where members focus their cleanup efforts on a few blocks at a time and do a really great job. The patrols are generally posted on the Association's calendar page here - The last one was this past Saturday and they're typically about every two weeks or so, so another one should be happening soon. Hopefully the more that residents see people out and about beautifying the neighborhood, the more they will think about keeping their own streets clean.

Posted on: 2011/9/26 23:19

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere

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2011/9/26 22:57
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2014/10/2 18:54
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Definitely report violations through the JC gov website-

They're usually pretty decent with following up on service requests. However, that will only solve individual incidents ... to move towards a city-wide change I suggest emailing or writing to the city council and demanding that the ordinances governing sidewalk maintenance be enforced. The public can also speak during all city council meetings - the schedule can be found here - We can, and should, demand answers from the council members in a public forum as to why enforcement is not a city priority, particularly in times of budget crisis such as this. The ordinances can also be cited to store or restaurant owners who fail to keep their property up to code. The relevant ordinances (as found on are as follows:


CHAPTER 296 - Streets and Sidewalks

? 296-8. - Dirty and littered condition prohibited.

No owner, occupant or person acting as an agent, janitor or superintendent in charge of any house, apartment, office building, store, stand, factory, garage or other type of building or vacant lot or lots shall maintain and allow the sidewalk or any part of the front or sides of such premises, facing upon any street, to be in a dirty and littered condition at any time

? 296-9. - Definitions.

As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

DIRTY AND LITTERED CONDITION - The sidewalk or any part of the front of any premises facing upon any public street shall be construed to be in a "dirty and littered condition" where there exists thereon, littered, dispersed or scattered about, any accumulation of dirt, dust, ashes, straw, shavings, sweepings, garbage, refuse, tree or shrubbery leaves, bark, branches or twigs, animal or vegetable matter, fruit peels, skins or parts thereof, wood, metal, old rags, waste, bottles or broken glass, newspapers, magazines or books or pages or parts thereof, other printed material, torn pieces of paper, cardboard and the like, wrappings, bags, containers, string, cigar or cigarette butts or parts thereof, matches or any other discarded matter, all of which shall be regarded as refuse, and any combination or accumulation thereof.

SIDEWALK - The entire ground or space from the established or actual building line to the curb of the public street in front of any building or vacant lot or on the sides thereof, if same is a corner property, facing on two or more public streets, and shall include any right-of-way, public or private, used by the public.

? 296-10. - Duty of owners, occupants and workers; depositing materials in streets or gutters.

Any owner, occupant or any person acting as agent, janitor or superintendent in charge of any property shall regularly sweep, brush and otherwise clean the sidewalk and any part of the front or sides thereof facing upon a public street; provided, however, that the owner, occupant or person in charge of any store, factory, office, building, garage, stand or other commercial property shall sweep, brush or otherwise clean the sidewalk and any part of the front or sides thereof facing upon a public street daily, except Sundays, preferably at the closing hours.

No owner, occupant or person in charge of such property, or any person undertaking for hire or otherwise to sweep, brush and otherwise clean said refuse, shall sweep any refuse, sweepings or residue thereof into or upon the gutter or any part of a public street and deposit or leave same therein or thereupon.

No person or firm who, for hire or otherwise, performs any work in front of any premises shall leave same in a dirty and littered condition, but shall remove said refuse pursuant to the provisions of this Article.

? 296-11. - Areas of property to be kept clean.

No owner, occupant or person in charge of any property shall fail or refuse to sweep, brush and otherwise clean and remove refuse from any and all vestibules, entrances, passageways, stoops, cellar steps, courtyards, frontal or otherwise, or porches of any building, store, office or factory; entrances on the sidewalk in front of any show or store window or exterior show or display cases; driveway or delivery, receiving, shipping or loading platform; or theater, hall or auditorium entrance or fire exit of any nature. No such person shall maintain or allow to exist in connection therewith a dirty and littered condition, as defined in this Article, and under no circumstances shall the owner, occupant or person in charge of any property or any person who undertakes, for hire or otherwise, the sweeping and cleaning of the interior of any building or store sweep any refuse therefrom into the sidewalk.

? 296-12. - Cleaning by city; costs.

In the event that the person owning the property cannot be located within the limits of the city, or any such owner fails or refuses to comply with this Article, the Department of Public Works, at the direction of the Director, upon two days' notice, may undertake to sweep, brush and clean said sidewalk and charge the actual labor expense thereof to the owner by including same in the owner's next annual tax bill.

? 296-13. - Notices to property owner.

All notices to owners herein provided for may be signed by a person designated by the Director of the Department of Public Works in the name of the Director of the Department, and such notices may be posted upon the property or mailed to the owner's address as it appears on the tax records of the city, and for all purposes of this Article, the owner shall be considered as the person under the primary obligation to comply herewith.


Cite these in your correspondence and demand answers as to why they are not being properly enforced!

Posted on: 2011/9/26 23:15

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/8/1 19:34
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vanvorst wrote:
In the last 12 hours, I've seen...
1. An old woman dump 2 heels of bread--and the plastic bag they were in--right on the corner of 4th & Jersey.
2. Another woman tear up a piece of paper and toss it on the sidewalk, about 1/2 block from a garbage can on Grove St.
3. A young woman walking a brown & white spaniel(?) puppy who didn't pick up its poop on Manila. She was looking at her phone & waited until I turned the corner to make sure I didn't see her just walk away.

It's so depressing.

so it seems like women are just sloppy in this town...

but seriously, the dog poo thing is just so angering. if you arent responsible enough to have respect for other people who live in this city, dont own a dog!

Posted on: 2011/9/26 16:06

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2004/12/12 19:18
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In the last 12 hours, I've seen...
1. An old woman dump 2 heels of bread--and the plastic bag they were in--right on the corner of 4th & Jersey.
2. Another woman tear up a piece of paper and toss it on the sidewalk, about 1/2 block from a garbage can on Grove St.
3. A young woman walking a brown & white spaniel(?) puppy who didn't pick up its poop on Manila. She was looking at her phone & waited until I turned the corner to make sure I didn't see her just walk away.

It's so depressing.

Posted on: 2011/9/26 15:55

Re: Dirty City
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2005/7/13 15:03
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colleen wrote:
AFAIK, the only city taxes are the property taxes my landlord pays from my rent.
The staff/patrons at Lucky's should be held feet to the fire to clean up their trash. If they can save for tattoos they can save there butts and throw them in a receptical.
Is that the place that was on the TV show for like one season.

This is usually typical of a street corner bar especially in a urban area like Jersey City. These small mom & pop hangouts have been in existence since the early part of the 20th century.

Posted on: 2011/9/23 2:51

Re: Dirty City
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2011/3/30 18:25
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cousin wrote:
I live downtown and as I walk along Coles or Newark I can't help but wonder if I'm the only one who thinks the streets and sidwalks are filthy. Does anyone else feel like the city needs to hire street cleaners on foot? I'm new to the area and pay a crap-load in taxes; they certainly aren't using my crap-load to clean the streets. Check out the number of disgusting cigarette butts on in front of Lucky 7. Really? That's acceptable? Not to me it's not. What do we do? (and don't say go clean it hahaha).

AFAIK, the only city taxes are the property taxes my landlord pays from my rent.

The staff/patrons at Lucky's should be held feet to the fire to clean up their trash. If they can save for tattoos they can save there butts and throw them in a receptical.

Is that the place that was on the TV show for like one season.

Posted on: 2011/9/23 0:45

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2008/1/29 2:54
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It's not a complaint, it's a work order.

Posted on: 2011/9/22 23:02

Dirty City
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2011/8/27 18:09
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I live downtown and as I walk along Coles or Newark I can't help but wonder if I'm the only one who thinks the streets and sidwalks are filthy. Does anyone else feel like the city needs to hire street cleaners on foot? I'm new to the area and pay a crap-load in taxes; they certainly aren't using my crap-load to clean the streets. Check out the number of disgusting cigarette butts on in front of Lucky 7. Really? That's acceptable? Not to me it's not. What do we do? (and don't say go clean it hahaha).

Posted on: 2011/9/22 22:58

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/22 19:53
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I too have for the first time recently used this webservice.
the issue was resolved.

I suggest people use this whenever they have a complaint.
It works best when you give a justification from a community perspective and offer a solution.

Thaks to the person who posted this.

Posted on: 2011/9/22 17:28

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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Try reporting it here:
Everything I report gets taken care of within days AND we have a fancy new solar compactor garbage can on the corner! Yea!

Posted on: 2011/9/22 15:49

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2009/1/9 8:53
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Hello? I reported the piles of garbage 2 weeks ago!!!!

Posted on: 2011/9/19 23:28

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2009/8/14 15:06
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Thanks for the link - very helpful.

For the last two weeks I've noticed a tremendous amount of garbage on Bay Street, between Marin and Grove/Manilla. Looks like the folks at Powerhouse Lounge printed up a big box of promo cards that ended up all over the surrounding neighborhood...the box is actually there as well. I suspect they paid someone to hand them out and that person just chucked the whole box...

Posted on: 2011/9/18 19:58

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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Well my street has been clean for the last two days! Yea!!! Could it have been the complaint? I don't know but this the site I used:

I even did it anonymously because I didn't feel like filling out the form. Maybe we just have to complain more....

Posted on: 2011/9/17 14:01

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/4/29 14:15
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2020/12/8 23:34
From The Italian Village
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Trash is my number 1 complaint as a resident in Jersey City. It disgusts me to see so much trash on the streets and catch basins (at least in downtown area) all the time. There almost seems to be some kind of pride in littering the area, and unfortunately, the JCIA takes a 'reactive' approach at best. The city needs to conduct an aggressive campaign to educate the population on not littering. Fines would be awesome, but knowing the way this city operates I find it almost impossible to see enforcement in that regard (and they could actually make LOTS of money!). There should definitely be more trash cans on the streets. I've found myself picking up trash from the streets numerous times and walking several blocks before finding a single trash can to throw the garbage at.

I encourage you all to report trash to the JCIA through the "Official Jersey City" website: ... WMQFJFJGOVJJZRRWXILSNXVTA

I have personally reported trash in several locations to the city, attaching pictures to document the reports. The JCIA has actually followed up on these requests; they send an inspector to the reported area, and provide status on the work done or pending to be done. Depending on the location, the JCIA will either report the issue to the property owner to have them clean up the trash or JCIA will do the trash pick-up themselves on city or empty lots.

One submitted request that still pending response from the city is to install trash cans at the pedestrian entrance to the Liberty State Park in Jersey Avenue. I frequently find trash along the entrance and I end up myself picking it up in a large bag and dumping it at the trash can in front of the Jersey City Medical Center. It should not be my job but I just can't stand all the trash by the entrance to such a nice park! I urge you to submit similar request as well through the website mentioned above.

But wouldn't it be nice if the JCIA would be more proactive and actually send inspectors through the area to note all the many sites that require clean up without having the residents report the trash that must be picked up?

In the meantime, take some action and submit trash removal requests to the city. It is just easy to complain, be passive and just wait for someone else to take some action. Any small initiative will make a difference.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 14:10

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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My street was clean today. :) Of course they didn't clean out the foot - yes foot - of trash in the trash can holder, but the can was emptied. The didn't notice that the can was sticking out a foot over the top???

Posted on: 2011/9/14 22:22

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/11/30 16:55
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elsie wrote:
jaah37 wrote:

Safe to assume you didn't like my course of action recommended in post 106?

I don't think that would be effective for two reasons:

1) They know about the trash - if they are doing anything, it's obviously not working
2) I have contacted them twice on two unrelated issues and never heard back from them

And why go to the middle man, why not just go directly to the source?

I am up for collecting trash and taking it to city hall :)

I don't blame you for moving. I love the location and I love my apartment but I'll move too before I'll clean up other people's filth every day. It's depressing seeing all this trash.

The only reason I say go to the associations is because it is easier for city hall/ elected officials to ignore small groups than it is for them to ignore large organized ones. I commend you for wanting to fight for a cleaner Jersey City and look forward to hearing how your Trash to City Hall venture turns out. Best of luck.

Posted on: 2011/9/14 12:59

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