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Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2009/7/13 21:48
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Darth it is all clear to me post

(When was I offended? Just said some of us were not going to vote for Levin because he is on Healy ticket. Nothing in JC can really surprise or offend anymore. That's why JC is a national political laughing stock.)

Posted on: 2012/10/13 23:54
I'm not perfect.....but I'm not all bad either.

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

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2012/10/12 0:40
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It's as if some of you think he is now being controlled by some evil force that is turning him to the dark side.

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Posted on: 2012/10/13 23:12

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

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2005/8/13 21:08
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Integrity? Do I need to remind you that we are in JERSEY CITY? Dan is like a novice, out of shape cyclist going up against a team of steroid freaks. Sorry, JackieCruise, say what you will, bash Dan, spit on his shoes the next time you see him but I call fair play to Dan.

Look, I am not naive to think that Dan's perception and his character won't take a bit of a hit. However, "truth is universal, perception of truth is not." So, whie I agree that it is a gutsy politcial move I also know that savvy constituents see this simply as a calculated maneuver. It's as if some of you think he is now being controlled by some evil force that is turning him to the dark side. Honestly, for you to be so ghastly offended and seemingly let down is comical.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 22:04

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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"Every politician at one moment or another has to choose sides or vote for something that he or she may diametrically oppose in order to get to the greater good."

The issue is not one of choosing sides on an issue. Mr. Levin campaigned for Healy to be removed from office for moral/ethical/legal reasons. Now he MASSIVELY FLIP FLOPS and jumps in bed with him.

"The way the Healy bashers on this forum carry on they wouldn't agree with anything Healy proposes because they perceive him as a dirty, morally bankrupt buffoon."

If that was directed at me, it is a lie. I proudly bash Healy for his corrupt and illegal activity, but I do not consider him to be a buffoon. I think he is a charismatic, friendly and very saavy politician. He has helped build a massive political machine albeit a corrupt one which could serve the city better.

"Dan wants his views finally heard and is doing what he feels is necessary to accomplish that goal. In other words, attaching himself and I use the word attaching loosely to Healy's ticket"

I never questioned Mr. Levin's motivation. I question his judgement in aligning him with a himself a corrupt mayor. There is no "loosely"way of attaching yourself to the Healy machine. Now he is a Healy man. Period.

"Again, over thinking this is a waste of your time. Just take a deep breath and understand that without deep pockets and crony capital Dan's likely chance of winning this all important seat is to mingle amongst Healy and his backers.... albeit for a split second."

No I do not understand nor will I ever understand that "deep pockets" or "crony capital" is worth a man's integrity.

As for me and some others I know. We won't vote for Mr. Levin because he is now on the Healy ticket.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 21:13
I'm not perfect.....but I'm not all bad either.

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Berg-Laf1 wrote:
.... Let's be real, it's called casting aside differences and working together. Something our current national election cycle is in deep need of.


Posted on: 2012/10/13 19:30

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

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2005/8/13 21:08
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From Bergen-Lafayette
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Every politician at one moment or another has to choose sides or vote for something that he or she may diametrically oppose in order to get to the greater good.



The way the Healy bashers on this forum carry on they wouldn't agree with anything Healy proposes because they perceive him as a dirty, morally bankrupt buffoon. That's utter hog wash and shortsighted. These guys are all grown ups and while Dan has strong feelings about many of Healy's past issues there are things he has agreed on with Healy. The same goes for Fulop. Let's be real, it's called casting aside differences and working together. Something our current national election cycle is in deep need of.

Dan wants his views finally heard and is doing what he feels is necessary to accomplish that goal. In other words, attaching himsellf and I use the word "attaching" loosely to Healy's ticket is simply fodder to get his ideas into the open where they may have chance of improving Jersey City.

Again, over thinking this is a waste of your time. Just take a deep breath and understand that without deep pockets and crony capital Dan's only likely chance of winning this all important seat is to mingle amongst Healy and his backers.... albeit for a split second.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 19:16

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2004/6/17 2:16
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T-Bird, that picture was taken in 2010 when 300 people packed city hall over a massive tax increase. I did videotape that meeting but I did not include Candice in the final cut. I did include Esther Wintner who does attend council meeting. Esther like Dan has made a difference. Dan is responsible for 'play to play' and Esther is responsible for finding funding to hire cops. Healy mentions the hiring of cops in his letter but he didn't give her credit. We need activists on the council, not people who attended a meeting in 2010 and is not remembered. By the way, Esther asked the City Council to amend pay to play to include the Board of Ed. What did Candice do?

Posted on: 2012/10/13 18:44

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2009/7/13 21:48
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I'm sure many people think Mr. Levin is a great guy with good intentions. I don't know him personally but he probably is a decent person and seems to have a resume of trying to get positive stuff done.

As a Ward E voter I can not vote for Mr. Levin. Healy is corrupt. C'mon now people. There is right and wrong. Corruption is wrong. It's that simple. Healy has a certain charisma for sure. He has clearly bought the support of many people. There is a political price to be paid when you when you jump on a ticket with a guy like Healy. That is the way this game works.

I don't want my council person to be beholden to a corrupt mayor.

I don't want my council person to massively flip flop his positions for political reasons.

In the past I would have voted for Mr. Levin. Now I won't vote for him.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 18:33
I'm not perfect.....but I'm not all bad either.

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Well Yvonne, here's a picture of Candice addressing the city council - on taxes, no less.

I don't think McCann was trying to block people who lived in the projects from voting because they were renters.... you don't really think that either, do you? Nothing wrong with renters, per se - just saying that for someone who is so single-mindedly focused on taxes such as yourself, I trust the homeowner to do the right thing sooner than the renter when it comes to voting on taxes. We're not talking about a judgment value of renters vs. owners. We are talking about electing the people who will decide what are taxes are.

As for doctors - I certainly don't want the guy who flunked out of medical school twice (2009, 2011) and has now decided maybe he'll try podiatry.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 17:54

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

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2011/6/15 14:56
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stc4blues wrote:
Ever hear this saying: "Politics makes strange bedfellows"?

So does last call. Healy and Levin are desperate.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 16:22

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Please keep attacking renters because it was renters who put Anthony Cucci in office in 1985, I remember when McCann stopped renters in the projects from voting and renters from all over came out to vote. The city has a higher renter population than homeowner population. When I think of all the high rise buildings in Ward E who are renters or renters living in 2, 3 or 4 families row houses they would want a renter to represent them. Also, T-Bird, you couldn't answer the question on what ordinance did Candice speak. Following your logic I guess you prefer to go to a doctor who didn't attend medical school but learn his craft as "on the job training."

Posted on: 2012/10/13 15:59

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2009/2/8 17:21
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Ever hear this saying: "Politics makes strange bedfellows"? Do you have any reason why people have saying that since the invention of dirt? Because it's true. Politics DOES make strange bedfellows.

Levin and Healy on the same ticket, that's like peanut butter and jelly on pumpernickel bread, or ketchup on your cornflakes. It's, well, strange.

But then Ishmael and Queequeeg made strange bed mates too, but the book turned out to be interesting. Jersey City politics can survive this, and if we end up with Fulop as mayor and Levin as Ward E Councilman, well, that'll be a good thing, no?

Posted on: 2012/10/13 12:58

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Ahhhhh, another local election where neighbors will go against neighbors and friends will go against friends.

News flash, Kiddies. you will still be fighting each other and they will be breaking bread. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Candace is a nice enough person and so is Dan ...I wish them both well.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 12:53

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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It's strange that "goes to every council meeting" is some sort of badge of honor that a candidate should have. Do you expect that of someone running for the House or Senate? State senate or assembly? It's kind of weird. Especially since both Candice and Dan call themselves "reformers" - do you really want a camp follower as your reformer? The agendas are all on line. Meetings are televised. The local papers cover significant events (usually) - it's not hard to be up on the issues without being at every meeting.

I'd be a little concerned that a candidate has so little other involvement in their lives that he or she has six hours a month to sit on those benches and listen to, largely, a lot of not much. As for speaking - all you have to do is show up before 6pm the day of the meeting to get added to the list.

And as far as "newbie" vs. "experienced" goes, I'd prefer to think of it a different way: Do I want someone who pays taxes (Candice Osbourne, homeowner) voting on my taxes or someone who doesn't (Dan Levin, renter)?


Yvonne wrote:
To JPhurst
The council agenda is on line, I have never seen her name on the printed agenda for public comment. I haven't missed a meeting in a long time. Also, ordinances are recorded, when did Candice speak on an ordinance? Part of the reason, we have high taxes is because mayors in the past put newbie people on their slate and they don't know what they are doing. Candice would not be voting for Ward E, she would be voting on issues effecting the city. I don't want a newbie, I want a person who know how to ask intelligent questions and not to be told what to do. I personally find it appalling that anyone one runs for office and not attend the budget hearing, since the budget is one of the main jobs of the council.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 1:15

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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what's kinda funny is that dan has not followed-up on this here on jclist ...

ffiw, i can see that in the long run, the levin/healy union is a choice benefitting fulop ...

Posted on: 2012/10/12 22:01

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2005/1/22 17:08
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Politics in Jersey City? This is totally unacceptable! Bring back our clean elections!!!!

Posted on: 2012/10/12 21:13

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

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2011/6/15 14:56
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Forget what Dan is or isn't. I'm still waiting for him or one of his partisans to explain how he made the journey from:

"Healy must resign" to "He's doing a great job."

Opportunism is one thing that's been suggested. Let's hear Dan explain it in words we ordinary taxpayers can understand. How did he make that leap?

Posted on: 2012/10/12 19:12

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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vindication15 wrote:
Hey JTaylor, any luck reconciling Dan Levin's two contradictory statements. I gave you some options, please let me know if Dan is a liar, not morally sound, or dumb. Thanks. Appreciate it.

Hmmm, false dichotomy (trichotomy?) anyone?
Anyway, hey maybe he is not on the exhaulted moral highground here in recent statements about Healy. Maybe he is not a Saint.
But he is far from dumb. And he is certainly one of the most moral people I have ever met.

But since you are only voting for perfectly moral saints this election, you will be staying home so what does it matter?

Posted on: 2012/10/12 18:38

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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To JPhurst
The council agenda is on line, I have never seen her name on the printed agenda for public comment. I haven't missed a meeting in a long time. Also, ordinances are recorded, when did Candice speak on an ordinance? Part of the reason, we have high taxes is because mayors in the past put newbie people on their slate and they don't know what they are doing. Candice would not be voting for Ward E, she would be voting on issues effecting the city. I don't want a newbie, I want a person who know how to ask intelligent questions and not to be told what to do. I personally find it appalling that anyone one runs for office and not attend the budget hearing, since the budget is one of the main jobs of the council.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 17:49

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Read over my prior posts as my questions are pretty direct and have gone unanswered by Dan and his supporters.

I'll contribute 1 million dollars to his campaign if someone can just answer those questions.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 17:34

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

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2005/8/13 21:08
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They may not be saying it but they are certainly and ignorantly implying it.

Glossing over what? I am astounded that some of you do not grasp the reasons for Dan's actions. I could spot it a mile away. What more can I or anyone else say to get you to understand that this simply a cunning, politcal ploy. That's it. Period.

For some of you to imply that Dan's moral compass is now runnng amok is, as Joe Biden said last night, Malarkey!

I can't help but mention this quote as I really do believe many of you are over analyzing this.

"Your mind, intellect, and consciousness are spinning around - let them have rest." -Fukanzanzengi

Posted on: 2012/10/12 17:20

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2012/6/8 15:55
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I think I figured it out.

Levin realized he is ballot box poison, so he is acting as the sacrificial lamb getting onto the Healy ticket to keep people from voting column A.

Sneaky, but I like it.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 17:12

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Nice glossing over the issue jcmiles and Berg-Laf1.

I'm sure Dan Levin is not one has accused him of that. People are not voting for him because he has no principle. He will lose votes because he has been rallying against corruption yet he is supporting one of the most corrupt politicians there is...

I'm not voting for him because he made two statements on record that makes him either a liar, not morally sound, or just plain stupid. (See earlier post).

Posted on: 2012/10/12 16:38

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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If Healy loses, then Dan will also lose -- however if Healy does get reelected, then Dan's ties to the mayor could enable Dan to be very effective for Downtown.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 16:36

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

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2005/8/13 21:08
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I am with stc4blues and jcmiles on this one. Dan is simply getting this much closer to a seat where his vison for Jersey City, which a lot of us have championed, will be heard and considered. This is political gamesmanship, nothing more.

There are towns all over this great nation where to get a realistic shot you have to get on a ticket you may not fully endorse. It's been happening since the dawn of politics.

Remember folks, you are NOT voting on Healy's full ticket by selecting Dan Levin. You can choose who you want from the slate. Fairly simple to understand really.

For some of you to think that Dan all of sudden woke up and became some corrupted Heally crony is laughable.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 16:33

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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If you think Healy/Levin is the best that Jersey City has to offer, by all means vote for them.

Just because people will vote for Dan, does not mean they will vote for Healy. It is up to Ward E people to decide who they want for their Council Rep. Its up to the voters of JC to decide who they want for their Mayor. There is no linkage in any thinking voter's mind that is following the issues.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 15:23

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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JTaylor wrote:
Will Candice ever venture out to speak for herself ?

If I were advising her, I would tell her not to do so on this board (same for Levin). I have seen Candice campaigning and, contrary to what Yvonne has said, I have seen her at council meetings.

Both candidates are intelligent and involved in city affairs. That they are not one of the dozen or so people that calls City Hall every week to be placed on the public speaking portion of the agenda does not change that.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 14:19

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Dear Editor:
Property taxes are too high and getting higher, the level of crime is unacceptable, and our city is run like it is 1911 and not 2011.

Corruption, double dipping, patronage and cronyism are interfering with the city?s ability to thrive and move forward. Fleeing residents has led to the dismal 3 percent population growth reflected in the decennial 2010 Census despite a development boom of historic proportions.

I am running for Jersey City Council At-Large in the November 8 special election with a simple mission: to improve the decisions made by our city....

Hard to reconcile that abrupt of an about face in just twelve months time, no?

I especially like the foreshadowing of the "abrupt about face."

It is really quite simple: you get the government you deserve.

If you think Healy/Levin is the best that Jersey City has to offer, by all means vote for them.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 13:49
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2009/10/14 12:22
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ProgressJC wrote: You have our vote Dan. We look forward to hearing some fresh ideas on how we can continue to move this city in the right direction. I <3 JC
Pray tell what "fresh ideas" do you think he has when he is now an ally of the opposite of "fresh ideas". The only thing "fresh" is the beer.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 12:34

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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2012/1/19 4:04
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Hey JTaylor, any luck reconciling Dan Levin's two contradictory statements. I gave you some options, please let me know if Dan is a liar, not morally sound, or dumb. Thanks. Appreciate it.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 4:56

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