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Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

Integrity? Do I need to remind you that we are in JERSEY CITY? Dan is like a novice, out of shape cyclist going up against a team of steroid freaks. Sorry, JackieCruise, say what you will, bash Dan, spit on his shoes the next time you see him but I call fair play to Dan.

Look, I am not naive to think that Dan's perception and his character won't take a bit of a hit. However, "truth is universal, perception of truth is not." So, whie I agree that it is a gutsy politcial move I also know that savvy constituents see this simply as a calculated maneuver. It's as if some of you think he is now being controlled by some evil force that is turning him to the dark side. Honestly, for you to be so ghastly offended and seemingly let down is comical.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 22:04

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy


Every politician at one moment or another has to choose sides or vote for something that he or she may diametrically oppose in order to get to the greater good.



The way the Healy bashers on this forum carry on they wouldn't agree with anything Healy proposes because they perceive him as a dirty, morally bankrupt buffoon. That's utter hog wash and shortsighted. These guys are all grown ups and while Dan has strong feelings about many of Healy's past issues there are things he has agreed on with Healy. The same goes for Fulop. Let's be real, it's called casting aside differences and working together. Something our current national election cycle is in deep need of.

Dan wants his views finally heard and is doing what he feels is necessary to accomplish that goal. In other words, attaching himsellf and I use the word "attaching" loosely to Healy's ticket is simply fodder to get his ideas into the open where they may have chance of improving Jersey City.

Again, over thinking this is a waste of your time. Just take a deep breath and understand that without deep pockets and crony capital Dan's only likely chance of winning this all important seat is to mingle amongst Healy and his backers.... albeit for a split second.

Posted on: 2012/10/13 19:16

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

They may not be saying it but they are certainly and ignorantly implying it.

Glossing over what? I am astounded that some of you do not grasp the reasons for Dan's actions. I could spot it a mile away. What more can I or anyone else say to get you to understand that this simply a cunning, politcal ploy. That's it. Period.

For some of you to imply that Dan's moral compass is now runnng amok is, as Joe Biden said last night, Malarkey!

I can't help but mention this quote as I really do believe many of you are over analyzing this.

"Your mind, intellect, and consciousness are spinning around - let them have rest." -Fukanzanzengi

Posted on: 2012/10/12 17:20

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy

I am with stc4blues and jcmiles on this one. Dan is simply getting this much closer to a seat where his vison for Jersey City, which a lot of us have championed, will be heard and considered. This is political gamesmanship, nothing more.

There are towns all over this great nation where to get a realistic shot you have to get on a ticket you may not fully endorse. It's been happening since the dawn of politics.

Remember folks, you are NOT voting on Healy's full ticket by selecting Dan Levin. You can choose who you want from the slate. Fairly simple to understand really.

For some of you to think that Dan all of sudden woke up and became some corrupted Heally crony is laughable.

Posted on: 2012/10/12 16:33

Re: Lafayette Redevelopment

A few reasons to consider buying in Bergen Lafayette, particularly the streets SE of Pacific Ave:

Lower housing costs, much lower property taxes (the revals will be interesting to see but this area will still come in a lot lower than DT), better parking (many houses have driveways), a backyard (imagine that?!) proximity to LSP, freeway entrance, light rail in walking distance, new 5M outdoor pool with morning swim lanes, more and more business owners opening up here because of cheap rents. I know of two store fronts right now in the $1000/mo price range.

This area would also be quite suitable for someone who works in NYC. Sure, not as convenient as DT but certainly not a huge issue. I don't have to take the PATH into the city every day. However, when I do I simply bike to LSP go over the foot bridge take a right and go through the Ferry parking lot near the old Sandbar and into Paulus Hook to The Exchange Place PATH or down Warren to the Grove St. PATH. I could also take the LSP Light Rail to the PATH. A cab home from Grove to the Communipaw/Pacific area will be around $7.

I know of a brownstone that sold for 190K recently and others in the low 200K's. That will get people out here and has for over the last couple of years. Lot's of artist in the neighborhood and new home owners who care about their surrounds and crime.

Over the last few years there have been a number of BL issues which drew a large number of like-minded home owners to city hall. This assembly of neighbors is a huge step in the right direction and with numbers you get the city listening. It's happening and this simply wasn't the case a few short years ago. I recall canvasing the area in 2006 getting signatures for more of a police presence. The long standing neighbors of BL looked at me like I was nuts. "Why would I waste my time, the city doesn't care about BL." I can honestly say they do now.

Time will tell folks but you can't deny more and more people are moving into BL and setting down roots. After all, it's only around a mile from Paulus Hook and Van Vorst Park.

Naysayers are a dime a dozen and it's not for everyone. In the end we are all a part of Jersey City and therefore we should all be supportive of each of our distinct, historical areas and want them all to thrive.

Posted on: 2012/6/5 16:28

Re: Commercial Signage Standards, Downtown

This video has some profanity but it really illustrates what is happening all over this great land.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 16:54

Re: Mana Contemporary Art Center

I encourage everyone to check out the amazing Photorealism exhibit there. It has been extended until Feb 5.

The Meisels? collection assembles Photorealist paintings, photographs and sculpture from 1968 to present day. The exhibition features the work of 38 artists including founding members of the Photorealist movement such as Chuck Close, Richard Estes, Ralph Goings and Charles Bell.

Posted on: 2011/12/31 23:25

Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?

Sorry folks but until Healy and the like are out and some forward thinking, bike friendly council members are elected this bike lane talk will fall on deaf ears. Columbus is a perfect example of a wide road that could have easily accomodated bike lanes.

To give you an idea of what JC cycists are up against - I was at a fund raising event a couple of years ago and was talking to Healy about commuting on bike to and from work and I asked him about this very topic and he thought I was crazy biking in JC and that he wanted people on public transportation. Look, I am in favor of public transportation as well but to dismiss my concern for bike lanes had me stunned. He then went off to sing Sinatra's, "New York, New York." Pretty decent voice actually....but seriously, the closest Healy has got to any sort of bike related cause in this town is the ribbon cutting at Grove Street Bikes.

I know Dan Levin and I know he and his family are avid cyclists. He is one of the voices who actually want to see a vibrant and safe biking community like other cities enjoy. Why is Jersey City still in the stone ages when it comes to biking? Just ask Healy.

Vote for Dan on November 8th for Jersey City Council At-Large Seat.

Posted on: 2011/10/18 12:15

Re: JC Studio Tour 2011 Recommendations

I was really impressed with Robert Kogge's realist still life drawings. His studio is at 150 Bay Street.

The curators at The Currious Matter Gallery on 5th and Jersey Ave. next to Cafe La Rustique always seem to find some terrific artists.

Posted on: 2011/10/3 13:12

JC Studio Tour 2011 Recommendations

Here are a few that I would recommend:

1) Kirkland Bray's opening, "Gatherings" at 58 Gallery at 58 Coles St. combines interesting subject matter in oil with found canvas's and other media. Very good work. 12-6 Sunday

2) I also highly recommend taking a short jaunt to 284 Halladay Street in the Bergen-Lafayette neighborhood to see the realist paintings and assemblage work by long time artists and JC residents Agnes de Bethune and Thomas O'Flynn. These two have a huge body of work and are both great to talk with. They are not on the official JC Studio Tour Map but are opening their studio up to the public. Take the time to meet these two talented artists - you will not be disappointed. 12-6 Sunday

3) A couple blocks south from Agnes and Tom at 11 Monitor Street is Beth DiCara's Evening Star Studio. She always has a vast variety of unique ceramics, pottery and stoneware for sale at great prices. Perfect for gifts. 12-6 Sunday

Posted on: 2011/10/2 13:54

Re: Dance Lessons for Kids

My daughter has been taking ballet and tap classes at Next Step Broadway for the last 3 years. She loves it and I feel she has got a lot out of it. They have a terrific new space with a friendly, knowledgeable staff and competitive prices.
This photo is of Amy, the owner, from their last recital and it really exemplifies Amy's commitment and the enjoyment she brings to her young dancers. She is reminding them all to smile before they take the stage.

Posted on: 2011/7/9 0:25

Re: Will PSE&G Solar Panels be Placed in Front of your Historic Home? They are coming soon to JC!

I saw a vandalized one on the ground near the light rail track between the LSP and Jersey Av. stops.

The target these big glass rectangles make the wayward JC youth would be pretty alluring. Wonder if they factored in replacement costs?

Posted on: 2011/4/28 23:19

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates

Only 95 people had voted since 7am this morning at the Bergan Lafayette Fire Dept. at Communipaw and Halladay.

I put in my vote at 7PM for 2A, 5A and 10A.

You have till 9PM to vote

Posted on: 2011/4/27 23:09

The Embankment could have been JC's High Line

I just got my April issue of National Geographic and there is a good article on the High Line in NYC and just how special it is to all who visit. In the article they call it a "happy exception." It's a damn same that our city council wasn't forward thinking enough to see the embankment as worth preserving before Hyman got it for a song. We need more of these "happy exceptions" and certainly not more condos built upon condos. ... high-line/goldberger-text

Posted on: 2011/3/19 17:21

Re: Jersey City Council encouraging residents to raise chickens and cultivate bees

I have raised chickens in Jersey City and think it's great the city is viewing this as a positive. We would get around 5 eggs a week on average. Chickens are actually quite nice to have around and eventually get along with dogs and cats and roam freely around them. Cats are actually quite afraid of them once the chickens get to a certain size. They also enjoy being picked up and stroked. In the summer I would lift bricks and rocks up in the back yard and the chickens would snap up grubs, worms, spiders, beetles, etc at a blink of an eye. If you have an enclosed back yard and have the ability and room to build a coop they are fairly easy to deal with. You will have to buy chicken feed, oyster shells, corn scratch and in the winter a heat lamp and an electric metal base heater for their water. There are a lot of web-sites on this subject.

You can certainly buy chicks or even older chickens to get started but I recommend renting an incubator and buying some fertilized eggs, especially if you have kids. We got ours at Abmas Farm in Bergen County. You have to be pretty fastidious with the room temp and making sure the incubator has water but after 21 days, if you have kept to the directions, you will have some newborn chicks. It was fascinating when they hatched and seeing them grow from little yellow chicks to egg laying hens was pretty gratifying considering my wife and I had zero farming experience. One thing to consider if you do buy some fertilized eggs and rent the incubator is that once they hatch you will not know if you have any roosters for around 10 weeks. They begin to grow spurs and obviously start to crow. Once ours started crowing I found a chicken farm to bring them too.

Posted on: 2011/1/27 4:37

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning

There was some talk about renaming a section of BL. I think Pacific Ave. or Garfield Ave. South-West to the LSP Light Rail, "Morris Canal." This would help the stigma in this particular area of BL which has drastically improved in the last 5 years. Sort of like not saying, "South Central" in Los Angles anymore. Now they (press, cops....)say, "South" Los Angeles.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 18:53

Re: State may close Greenville Hospital

If this does close that gives yet another reason to open a narrow two lane connector road on Jersey Avenue.

Posted on: 2007/7/8 18:01




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