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Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2008/7/1 20:11
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2012/9/17 18:39
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I would suggest going to all the nail salons and dollar stores and ask them how they do it. Between Grove and Jersey there are 4 nail salons and almost 3 dollar stores. They must know something. With BYOB, I love going to Madame Claude's and choosing my on. Somewhat romantic. That poor Atomic Wings. They ran that man under a bus for over 1 year. Now it's a chicken place again. Someone knows somethng or some one. Funny Healy's son got his place on Newark up and running in NO time. Just say'n

Posted on: 2011/11/26 18:46

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2007/10/9 19:48
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2013/2/18 15:54
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brewster wrote:

Vigilante wrote

In my opinion the BYOB is always the best option.

Perhaps for customers, but certainly not for the restaurant.

True. Also, Not everyone wants to go to the liquor store before going to dinner. It would look rather tacky if I were taking business clients out to dinner and had to go to a liquor store first. It's nice from time to time but I'd rather have a full bar and wine list.

Posted on: 2011/11/26 18:23

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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Vigilante wrote

In my opinion the BYOB is always the best option.

Perhaps for customers, but certainly not for the restaurant.

Posted on: 2011/11/26 17:53

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2008/5/8 0:11
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2016/2/27 22:17
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They should do what they did in parts of Brooklyn: give big tax breaks to people who open small businesses. I know this is a pipe dream in this economy, but it's what made places like Smith Street in Brooklyn go from a dicey, deserted street with a couple of check cashing places and a handful of taxi store fronts to a vibrant stretch of retail and restaurants. It happened in the space of about two short years.

Posted on: 2011/11/26 15:02

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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brewster wrote:
Not that JC itself has control over this afaik, but a "light" liquor license for restaurants to serve just wine & beer would go a long way. There's frequent opposition to new restaurants getting liquor licenses because there's nothing to stop them from becoming a honky tonk rather than a quiet neighborhood place. Drinks are often a mainstay of a restaurant's bottom line, but are is denied many JC entrepreneurs leading to more frequent failures.

Oh yeah, more meters in the commercial zones and keep the nonpaying officials, cops and government vehicles out of them.

In my opinion the BYOB is always the best option. It's much cheaper and you can bring any beer or wine you desire. In any case, I wholly agree with what many have said about the buildings dept. We don't want just anybody opening a business but the way these guys make people jump through hoops is ridiculous.

Posted on: 2011/11/26 0:41

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2008/10/30 16:28
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2012/3/25 16:52
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Fixing the sewers so Flooding doesn't destroy businesses twice a year. Please contact MUA if you concur with this sentiment. Yes permits take way too long, and stopping Abatement might allow takes to taxes to chill-out. These damn food carts are also destroying Store front eateries.

Posted on: 2011/11/25 23:41

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2005/7/13 15:03
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freedom wrote:
BY STICKING TO THE ORDINANCES WRITTEN INTO LAW! such as the POWER HOUSE ARTS DISTRICT, and stop giving in to big developers with big payola, and different intentions.

We are being robbed of what would be a real point of destination in the PHAD with new restaurants, shops, a black box theater, and a VIBE! Instead of bringing back the cobble stone streets and restoring the old brick HISTORIC warehouses, the city has let developers kick out all of the artist, and tear down the warehouses. Now Toll Brothers will kill what could have been a whole area (district) with a SOHO vibe.

Allow more live music entertainment. There is no GOOD place to see a live band. I mean a REAL VENUE! with a big stage, lights, and a real PA. The city will just not allow it.

What has been the response of the council when asked of their opinion for the art district and the approval for the developers in that area, has anyone even asked them? Condos produce tax revenue I suppose.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 14:45

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2006/10/26 1:36
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2013/3/19 20:14
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BY STICKING TO THE ORDINANCES WRITTEN INTO LAW! such as the POWER HOUSE ARTS DISTRICT, and stop giving in to big developers with big payola, and different intentions.

We are being robbed of what would be a real point of destination in the PHAD with new restaurants, shops, a black box theater, and a VIBE! Instead of bringing back the cobble stone streets and restoring the old brick HISTORIC warehouses, the city has let developers kick out all of the artist, and tear down the warehouses. Now Toll Brothers will kill what could have been a whole area (district) with a SOHO vibe.

Allow more live music entertainment. There is no GOOD place to see a live band. I mean a REAL VENUE! with a big stage, lights, and a real PA. The city will just not allow it.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 14:28

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2011/9/29 6:09
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You should contact Council Man far he seems to be a good guy....and most likely our next mayor.

Ps. I am in no way associated with him nor have i ever spoken or contacted him or met him. :)

Posted on: 2011/11/22 10:08

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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2022/2/28 7:31
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Simply let prospective businesses know that if they make a political donation to Healy, they will have 'all doors open for them' !

Posted on: 2011/11/22 5:10
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2008/11/10 4:48
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2021/11/20 23:45
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dtjcview wrote:
How about a straightforward, open and honest process that is easy to understand and predict in advance. If I wanted to open a small business downtown, I'd want to know time, cost and process upfront. Does JC work this way?

Sometimes it does, if your manila envelope is thick enough.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 4:20

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2010/8/17 1:45
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How about a straightforward, open and honest process that is easy to understand and predict in advance. If I wanted to open a small business downtown, I'd want to know time, cost and process upfront. Does JC work this way?

Posted on: 2011/11/22 4:07

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2007/5/30 0:05
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2018/11/7 2:57
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You might talk to the people who opened the Atomic Wings in DT JC, they are suing various JC agencies for not acting a business friendly manner. - I don't know what the status is of this... ... y-over-delays-in-opening/

Now the local franchisee, Randy Catlin, has sued Jersey City and construction code official Michael Razzoli, saying there was discrimination in the permitting process that allegedly led to delayed approvals, a delayed opening, and, ultimately, the restaurant?s failure.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 3:17

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2004/11/16 19:25
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2018/9/27 23:02
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I echo MDM's response - nuke the 4th floor and the entire building dept.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 2:49

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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Not that JC itself has control over this afaik, but a "light" liquor license for restaurants to serve just wine & beer would go a long way. There's frequent opposition to new restaurants getting liquor licenses because there's nothing to stop them from becoming a honky tonk rather than a quiet neighborhood place. Drinks are often a mainstay of a restaurant's bottom line, but are is denied many JC entrepreneurs leading to more frequent failures.

Oh yeah, more meters in the commercial zones and keep the nonpaying officials, cops and government vehicles out of them.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 2:34

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2006/11/27 12:04
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2016/7/1 9:09
From Southern JC
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For some reason JC politicians like to take their payoffs in the form of bribes. Do as the U.S. Congress does and call it a campaign contribution. They don't have to worry about regulations because no one is paying attention.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 2:04

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
From Western Slope
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You state in your question Downtown J.C but anything in the zoning and building departments will benefit all of JC. Also all city council members which includes the 5 other ward councl members along with the said ward and at large members all vote on the same issues whether it is their ward or not.

Posted on: 2011/11/21 23:10

Re: How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!
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2010/7/9 11:16
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1st step... nuke the building department from orbit and just start over.

Posted on: 2011/11/21 22:54

How can Jersey City become more business friendly? A reporter seeks your thoughts!

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2011/11/21 22:38
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2011/11/21 22:38
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Hello, I am a NYU journalism grad student, and I am working on an article about how streamlining city permitting process and overcoming the past corruption charges could help more small businesses, restaurants and businesses thrive amid development in downtown Jersey City.

If you think you or someone you know would be helpful to my article, please e-mail me at Thanks!

Posted on: 2011/11/21 22:44

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