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Ferris Students on Lunch Break
Not too shy to talk
2008/3/15 10:41 Last Login : 2013/7/24 3:13 From Wayne Wayne Wayne
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I was a teenager once. Never in my life have I littered and it disturbs me greatly to see even the smallest item cast aside as if the litterer were a dinosaur roaming the earth. Don't want to pick your garbage up?? DON'T THROW IT DOWN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Respect your neighbors. Respect yourself.
Secondly, the block of Wayne Street between Dixon Mills and Jersey Avenue is not a hang-out spot for you to sit on random stoops and smoke blunts, sexually explore each other, or leave your food garbage. There also seems to be a wholesale competition on who can talk the loudest. Uh. Uh.. Uh.
Posted on: 2012/4/1 1:03
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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Park Slope is more comparable to the Downtown section of J.C. When I biked around PS I was amazed at the similarities between the two. Billyburg is more similar to the Heights or the better parts of s(/w) North Bergen. To me the North Hudson area (mostly WNY & Union City) is a cluttered garbage pit filled with bumper to bumper traffic, people on top of each other, buildings resembling row houses with barly a space in between. The residents in that area have a lot to be desired with their zoo like atmosphere.
Posted on: 2011/2/26 10:34
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
Please for the sake of people from JC don't compare it to Williamsburg, why does Williamsburg always seem to be the protocol for comparison? As for Union City I really don't feel it is clean at all or at least when stacked up against Downtown JC. Bergenline has the same problems with dog poop and bones and such. As a matter of fact the first time I stepped in dog poop was in Union City, then accidentally brought it into my was a bad day.
Posted on: 2011/2/24 15:37
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
And to the obligatory "these kids are monsters" response: yes....some of these kids are complete social misfits who are destined to spend most of their adult lives in jail. But, the city should take responsibility for letting the streets of downtown become a garbage filled cesspool. Human beings create services should ensure the streets are cleaned.
Posted on: 2011/2/24 12:34
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Littering is not cool. We get it. But why is it that Jersey City streets are always trash laden while the streets in Williamsburg or even Union City remain clean? Aren't there disrespectful teenagers in those areas as well? It's because government services in JC continues to be a #OOPS#ing joke. Clean the streets properly and we wouldn't have this problem. It's been almost 2 months since the street sweepers have come around. They blame the snow.....i blame them for being lazy. Snow didn't prevent those other towns from removing trash.
The Ferris kids can smoke as much weed and eat as much junk food and fight amongst each other all they want. Have you ever been outside of Lucky 7's or Jordan's lounge at 3 in the morning? Hard drugs+violence+public urination. Why don't you go tell those animals to stop throwing their cigarette butts and drug bags on the ground. Oh.......and some people here want JCPD to give littering tickets? Are you kidding me? This isn't #OOPS#ing Princeton.
Posted on: 2011/2/24 11:15
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
Kitten, do not be embarrassed!!! These punks travel in groups because they want to intimidate! The school officials suck!!! Most of them went to these same schools so they have nothing to compare their shit show too.
Posted on: 2011/2/21 22:58
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
I used to live near MS 4 and let me tell you, when school let out every day it was freaking mayhem. I would have sometimes up to 15 foul-mouthed middle schoolers having their version of an after school program on my stoop. They would be loud, cursing, and throwing their trash and spilling their soda all over the place... while I was inside trying to get my newborn to take a nap. It really really pissed me off. The school's attitude was basically, call the cops. School is out, it's not their problem, eventhough they have employed security at the school and patrolling the area, they did not help out their neighbors. It was intimidating for me to confront a large group of rowdy kids and I did not think calling the cops was a good solution. You can say it's kids being kids... fine. But I don't see why as a neighbor of a school that it then becomes YOUR job to keep them in line and pick after them. EVERY DAY! I can see yes, once in while you have to step in when you see kids acting a fool or being rough or doing something wrong... but all of the time. No. One day I looked at the window and I saw one kid throwing rocks at our house. I started to worry about this kind of vandalism because they knew I was complaining about them. They were young and ignorant and out-numbered me, and as embarrassing as it is to admit, I was intimidated.
Posted on: 2011/2/21 15:13
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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If it's during school hours the school should be fined.....during these hours the school is the guardian. As a form of detention, the school could wheel out a trash can and get those on detention to go around the neighborhood and do a clean up.....the school can provide the gloves too !
Posted on: 2011/2/21 11:34
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
1) As someone who's rented for numerous years, my concern for your property values is kinda low. In fact, unless you're actually trying to sell your place, you generally want lower property values, as it means less taxes.
2) Half of you are like bad stereotypes. Stop sounding like a grumpier, nastier version of Bill Cosby. The kids... with their hippin and the hoppin and the bippin... give it a break before you go full Clint Eastwood and call them all a bunch of zipperheads that need to get off your lawn. You live near an inner-city school with four-figure enrollment. You can hue and cry over the state of affairs, but whining for an untenable and infeasible solution ain't the answer. 3) I deal with kids of all ages and adults of all stupidities in my job every day. I run a store. We have to clean up pretty much every night litter from persons of all ages. It's part of every gathering of people of every age. Ever see Liberty St. Park after an AllPointsWest day? Sh** was a garbage dump, as is every single large grouping of humans. 4) The "WE'RE MAD AS HELL AND NOT GONNA TAKE THIS" stupidity is the dumbest line yet. Seriously? Siddown and be quiet. It's fine to get upset at a solution, but take the ranting elsewhere. Here, you want a solution that's actually feasible? As it was alluded to earlier in the thread, it starts at home with the parenting. Get the parents involved. AKA hit 'em where it hurts. Get a group of cops wandering that area, looking for kids throwing trash on the street, and start doing the little minor arrests. Every HS kid in JC gets issued ID's, so it's really easy for the cops to roll into the main office, find out who the parent is, and either make them pick the kid up after school from the police station or simply issue tickets to the parents. Kids catching a beating at home'll actually help put a stop to that and is actually a workable solution. Nothing will prevent it, as again, we're talking human beings here. Pretending otherwise is just stupid. Locking kids inside cafeterias that can't hold all of them is not. Grow up and figure out a real solution to the problem instead of being reactionary knuckleheads.
Posted on: 2011/2/21 0:34
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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It's the mature thing to state, and not all young people dress as badly as the students from J.C. public schools. They look like dirt rags.
Posted on: 2011/2/20 22:37
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Quite a regular
I'm not a parent, so I don't know how the schooling system really works.
In public school systems, are meals provided via taxpayer money or are the parents required to purchase a meal plan if they want their kids to remain in campus?
Posted on: 2011/2/20 22:25
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
When a large group of students gather together for lunchtime they not only trash our neighborhoods but they trespass on our properties, roll and smoke blunts and occasionally there are fights. The larger issue is how the crowds are effecting the quality life of residents. Larger groupings of students tend to be rowdy and act unruly...they block sidewalks and don't allow people to pass. I can't tell you the number of times I have had to chase them off my front stoop. I completely disagree with you and your attempt to minimize the situation.
Posted on: 2011/2/18 14:19
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
Cory, u have no clue! Beside the litter, have you seen the graffiti or did you miss the fight a couple weeks ago with10 of those little animals with their baseball bats!!
This goes way beyond throwing trash. So before you post, you need to know what is really going on. Maybe in your neighborhood, this behavior is acceptable, but we are not going to allow this in Downtown any longer!
Posted on: 2011/2/18 14:16
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
That's real big of you. Since you would rather sweep up all the litter why don't you just follow behind a group of these morons as they throw their lunch wrappers and empty cans of soda on the ground. You will be our for defense and we will all applaud you.
I never said these kids or the kids I grew up with were model citizens. It's knowing right from wrong - period. By age 3 my nephew knew not to throw trash on the ground. These kids know it's wrong so the city and the school admin need to do something because just accepting it and sweeping it up each day is giving up and giving in. by corybraiterman on 2011/2/17 22:47:55 aside from the nonsense of expecting teenagers be model citizens, feel free to pay more taxes to fund a cafeteria expansion for every single HS because you think extra litter is unbearable. me, i'd rather sweep up litter. also, congratulations on growing up to be your parents. next you'll complain about their fashion, music and disrespect. in before you tell them to get off your lawn.
Posted on: 2011/2/18 12:41
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Not too shy to talk
me, i'd rather sweep up litter.
Litter drives property values down, it's not the cheap alternative to cafeteria expansions. My guess is you neither pay higher taxes for cafeteria expansions nor sweep up litter. I remember being at a park at 7 or 8 years old, hesitating to drop some litter on the ground, doing it, and then being witnessed and scolded by a man at the park for doing so. I knew it was wrong at that age, high school kids certainly know it's wrong, it has nothing to do with being a "model citizen". One issue is if the area is already covered in litter, it's easy to add to it. Leaving the first dirty plate in the sink is harder than the 6th or 7th.
Posted on: 2011/2/18 5:35
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
aside from the nonsense of expecting teenagers be model citizens, feel free to pay more taxes to fund a cafeteria expansion for every single HS because you think extra litter is unbearable.
me, i'd rather sweep up litter. also, congratulations on growing up to be your parents. next you'll complain about their fashion, music and disrespect. in before you tell them to get off your lawn.
Posted on: 2011/2/18 3:47
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
Maybe that's the way you were raised but where I grew up kids knew that throwing trash on the ground was wrong and they had parents who enforced it from an early age. Sorry but this excuse is simpy pathetic.
In the 4 large cities I have lived Jersey City wins hands down for littering. I really think parents are to blame in most cases. As I said in an earlier post, Fulop needs to add "Keeping highschool kids on campus during lunch hour" to his platform. corybraiterman wrote: so wait... kids are gonna be kids? do tell[/quote]
Posted on: 2011/2/18 0:31
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
Exactly my point wise ass! So why let them off campus when you know they are going to trash everything we are doing to improve our neighborhood?
Posted on: 2011/2/17 20:06
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
so wait... kids are gonna be kids? do tell
Posted on: 2011/2/17 19:43
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
Perhaps that is a question that should be answered by the Board of Education. I wonder if the Board is even aware of the trashing that is done to our neighborhoods EVERY day. Why do we residents have to endure this issue year after year?
Posted on: 2011/2/17 19:29
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
So, they have stopped throwing snow balls and now just throw their trash all over the street!!!!
I actually saw what had to be a 90 year old woman yelling at them today because they were just throwing their trash in the street! Where are the school disciplinarians? WHY DO THEY LET THEM OFF CAMPUS!!!
Posted on: 2011/2/17 17:51
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Just can't stay away
City code mandates that trash bins need to be with 1/4 mile of each other. From what I can tell, they have complied with that.
Posted on: 2011/1/21 14:23
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Just can't stay away
plenty of videos have been captured and sent to administrators and city government. the latest videos resulted in 5 students being suspended, arrested for drug possession, and mandatory treatment before being allowed back to school.
Posted on: 2011/1/21 14:21
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Not too shy to talk
Yesterday, as I was sitting at the red light at Montgomery (had just come off the TPKE extension) I witnessed 4 Ferris kids cross the street. One of them was drinking a soda and as he finished he just took the can and threw it. At first I thought maybe he was taking a shot at the garbage can, but there was no can in sight. Then I thought he would definately pick up the can as he walk towards it. nope- he walked right by. unbelievable!
Posted on: 2011/1/20 20:22
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
What people should understand, and I am not excusing bad behavior, it that there is not one garbage can passed Coles Street. People were putting their own trash in them and they took them away. They also cut the people who cleaned our blocks through the budget. Maybe asking for garbage cans on the ends of blocks by the school might try to solve the problem. Doubt it will happen but just a thought.
Posted on: 2011/1/20 16:10
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
Students should not be able to roam free at lunchtime - pizza slices and fried crap isn't good for them anyhow -- none of these kids go home for lunch so keep they should be kept on school grounds -- please give the people who live around schools a break!
Posted on: 2011/1/19 16:54
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
I live downtown but I have never seen this on a weekday since I work elsewhere. It is alarming. Can someone try to capture this on video? If it is this bad, I think a high quality video that documents it will prove to city hall that something needs to be done and show other residents how bad it is.
Posted on: 2011/1/19 16:33
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Not too shy to talk
2007/12/4 19:47 Last Login : 2011/10/8 19:02 From Jersey City
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Unfortunately the parents will never learn and should have never been parents in the first place. Now, this leaves us to discipline their children and teach them right from wrong!
Posted on: 2011/1/19 16:04
Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
Home away from home
BassFace wrote:
Posted on: 2011/1/19 15:51