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Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2007/10/10 17:33
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petey8 wrote:
huge foot traffic

Huge foot traffic of people enjoying liberty state park. It's not just your park. It's there for everyone to enjoy.

Grass grows back!

Posted on: 2010/5/5 14:13

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2006/11/17 21:06
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LSP is a YOUNG park---the trees, flowers and other park vegetation have been recently planted, as compared to older parks. It may look sparse now, but every year it fills in more and more. I am guessing people who like the idea of a race track don't use the park regularly. I do, and I don't like the idea. Grandstands and huge foot traffic will destroy the grass on a larger scale than the APW events have.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 14:07

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2009/6/29 19:45
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Friends of LSP,cry me a river.. You don?t know what?s good for this city.. Have you even watched F1?

Posted on: 2010/5/5 14:06

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2009/6/21 17:57
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Too bad. Formula 1 could have been great.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 13:45

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2007/10/10 17:33
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Arg! Don't have a reactionary environmentalist, nimby look to this. It can actually be quite cool.

Did you see the track layout?

Resized Image

The race track would mostly be on industrial land and almost all on existing roadway that is currently in a very bad state.

We're not talking NASCAR here. This ain't rednecks. F1 is a classy sport and it could be awesome for Jersey City.

You'd have a couple days a year of loud noise and crowds, but the rest of the year, you'd get to enjoy the best damn cycling circuit out there!

This project could bring a ton of money into development of the park as a multi-use environment.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 13:39

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2009/10/3 15:52
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I don't think I want F1 in that park but, boy does it point out even more, to me, the boringness of that park. I often run there, and take my dog....but that park resembles more of a field or a desert than anything else. If not for the amazing views of NYC, the statue, and the small refuge for a couple swans or whatever they are....the park is useless. There should be baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, maybe a pond, swimming pools...gosh maybe even a few more restaurants or a shop or two. Why not? It's HUGE and nothing is there. It's not like you have to knock down a tree to do it, because there aren't any there! I've been there so many times and other than that little playground area where people bbq, and the ferry terminal, the park always seems empty to me.


Not to mention that the playground area is already wearing down and could use a facelift. And there are practically no shade trees. Why don't they redevelop the old rail yards right behind the LSP terminal. Isn't that an opportunity for more retail, restaurants, etc.? So sad, it is such a wasted space if it stays "as is". Central Park it will never be, but it has potential to be better than what it is now.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 13:36

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2007/10/9 19:48
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DCofJC wrote:
I don't think I want F1 in that park but, boy does it point out even more, to me, the boringness of that park. I often run there, and take my dog....but that park resembles more of a field or a desert than anything else. If not for the amazing views of NYC, the statue, and the small refuge for a couple swans or whatever they are....the park is useless. There should be baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, maybe a pond, swimming pools...gosh maybe even a few more restaurants or a shop or two. Why not? It's HUGE and nothing is there. It's not like you have to knock down a tree to do it, because there aren't any there! I've been there so many times and other than that little playground area where people bbq, and the ferry terminal, the park always seems empty to me.


F1 would have been awesome. People think race cars and they think pollution and noise. That is not the case with F1 but alas some are set in their ways.

DCofJC- I agree that the park needs more... more of some else. It's nice to go running or bike riding and the views are terrific but there isn't anything to do. Look at the boat house in Central Park, or the Ice skating rink, ballfields, etc... LSP really doesn't have anything to do activity wise.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 13:32

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2009/2/22 2:42
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I don't think I want F1 in that park but, boy does it point out even more, to me, the boringness of that park. I often run there, and take my dog....but that park resembles more of a field or a desert than anything else. If not for the amazing views of NYC, the statue, and the small refuge for a couple swans or whatever they are....the park is useless. There should be baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, maybe a pond, swimming pools...gosh maybe even a few more restaurants or a shop or two. Why not? It's HUGE and nothing is there. It's not like you have to knock down a tree to do it, because there aren't any there! I've been there so many times and other than that little playground area where people bbq, and the ferry terminal, the park always seems empty to me.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 13:01

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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Falcon wrote:
Just got a message from Sam:
Mayor Healy will withdraw this plan.
Jersey Journal will have that story today.

Terrific !

Posted on: 2010/5/5 11:13

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2009/3/19 15:20
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Congrats guys you made the front page of one of the major F1 web sites. Planet F1 Article

I can't help but feel everyone is against this because they have an idea in their head of what it will be like without having any knowledge of the actual sport. building a world class TEMPORARY street circuit could be huge for JC and LSP. Not to mention the ridiculous amounts of money that would go not only to JC but to all of the local business when there is an event. Once again misinformation, short sightedness, and selfish concerns have kept some realy world class event from coming to JC

DanL wrote:
its not just the race track, it is parking lots, fuel storage, garages, repair shops ... all in the most visited state park in the country which is beyond capacity at peak periods.

You see DanL one of the great things about F1 is you don't need all that to be in place at a location to have an event. F1 brings most of that with them to every race. really you would just need a track (temporary street circuit that could be used by everyone when not used for racing) and a small paddock area to be permanent. Everything else would be set up for the race then taken down.

....maybe if they promised to build a dog run or 2 some of you people might get on board?

Posted on: 2010/5/5 10:06

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2004/2/6 23:13
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we all thought that a marina with boats bobbing in the water would be nice .... but we did not think about acres of parking, fuel tanks, drydock, marine repair shops with junk strewn about and the loss of the "great lawn" and access to the waterfront.

its not just the race track, it is parking lots, fuel storage, garages, repair shops ... all in the most visited state park in the country which is beyond capacity at peak periods.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 3:30

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Jersey City mayor calls for withdrawal of Grand Prix proposal

By Melissa Hayes/The Jersey Journal
May 04, 2010, 2:58PM

Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy has asked the city?s Tourism Office to withdraw a proposal to Formula One that could bring a Grand Prix race to Liberty State Park.

?After a review of the draft proposal prepared by the City?s Tourism Office, I have come to the same conclusion as Sam Pesin and the Friends of Liberty State Park that this type of event is not suited for Liberty State Park,? Healy said in a statement today.

Pesin called Healy?s request a ?great relief.?

But that doesn?t mean the issue is entirely settled.

Liberty State Park is owned by the state and all events must be approved by the state Department of Environmental Protection.

Jersey City was trying to entice Forumla One to hold the event at the park, but still would have needed state approval. Healy said yesterday that the proposal came at the request of Formula One who has expressed interest in the site.

?Each year Liberty State Park receives numerous requests for events to be held at this park,? DEP spokesman Larry Ragonese said. ?Each event is considered based on benefit to park users and its impacts on the natural and historic resources on the site.?

While the city?s tourism official forwarded a copy of the draft proposal, that calls for the creation of a 3.6-mile track at the park, to the park?s superintendent who is a DEP employee, Ragonese said no formal application was made to the state.

?At this point I can only say we have not reviewed this proposal. If this proposal comes to us like any other proposal we?ll look at it and consider it,? he said. ?They would have to get state approval to do this.?

Pesin, president of the board of The Friends of Liberty State Park and son of the park?s founding father Morris Pesin, was elated by the mayor's statement.

?Mayor Healy did reach out to me yesterday and we had a very constructive conversation,? he said. ?I?m very grateful that his further review of the proposal by the city?s Tourism official and also his heart and family values led him to this decision.?

Pesin added, ?Instead of a negative wasteful controversy, we can all focus on working together on positive efforts to benefit Jersey City and Liberty State Park.?

Pesin noted yesterday that state and federal grants are funding a $32 million ecological restoration project at the park, which includes creating a 40-acre salt marsh, over 100 acres of forest and a network of nature trails.

Healy added, ?While we work to attract national and international events to our city, we must ensure that they are appropriate and will have the least impact upon the quality of life of our residents and our community."

Posted on: 2010/5/5 2:34

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2009/9/6 17:28
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They want to do this in central park but it is not feasible because they would have to close down parts of the city and the park for a month to fix the roads and set up the pits. that is not going to happen.

Having an F1 track in LSP would be freaking awesome. The new tracks have very nice architecture and the park would get a great road for people to use for the rest of the year.
(that would be the bomb ass gokart track) or it could be a bike trail(for all you hippies). It is not an Oval track. It would be a street track.

Singapore is nice and so is Dubai. They could develop some of the park, give people jobs, and stimulate the economy. My husband is a huge F1 fan, I enjoy the crashes and watching it on fast forward.

Why are people against actually getting something cool in this city? The city needs jobs, construction workers need jobs, architectural firms need jobs etc... this could be great for this city. During a race the revenue that would be brought in would be insane. The local businesses should be pushing this.

Posted on: 2010/5/5 0:06

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2007/5/15 17:03
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From Paulus Hook
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Dammit Healy,
This would have been such a great opportunity for Jersey City in so many ways. The amount of roadway they would need to construct is insignificant in proportion to the rest of the park - not to mention how high quality of a roadway it is. F1 is big money - actually many, many orders of magnitude bigger than APW. They are the ones looking to do this, and they would have put a ridiculous amount of money into making sure it improved the park every year.

Im sick of these people who hate progress around here. The economic benefits Jersey City could have realize from this is absolutely immense. Idiots

Posted on: 2010/5/4 23:19

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City

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2004/1/6 7:40
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Just got a message from Sam:

Mayor Healy will withdraw this plan.

Jersey Journal will have that story today.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 19:26

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2004/9/15 19:03
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There is a poll on and so far 73% want Formula One racing in LSP.

If you care about this issue please vote at this link: ... y_agency_proposes_br.html

Posted on: 2010/5/4 18:34

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2008/11/18 17:08
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While F1 is fun to watch on TV, there is NO reason whatsoever (or ROOM for that matter) to put it in LSP. That will literally be the end of the park as we know it. Has to be stopped and I can't imagine it will fly... What about the animal/plant life? How would NY'ers feel about Central Park being ruined?

If it really needs to be in the Northeast US, put it inland, far away from population, perhaps on a sort of toxic site. Hey there are places like that, they are called racetracks!

Posted on: 2010/5/4 17:39

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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whospeaksforyou wrote:
I think this is an idea that should be taken seriously.

The points made by Joe Saward in his blogpost - this is the correct link: - are really quite salient as far as they are true.

There is so much wrong with what he says, it would take too long to write it all....

In short, the area of the park was, as he points out, "an industrial wasteland". Fine. However it is not that now. So why does that make it more valid to have a race here than someplace that never was?

Other quotes I take exception with:

The Liberty States Park is a child of the post-industrial era.

"Liberty States Park"?! Please, before you propose taking away my parkland, at least get the name right.

It is a new park in which urban dwellers from New York can enjoy some space and a great view.

New York? How about urban dwellers from Jersey? And yes, some of us like the "space and a great view" and would like to keep it as such.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 16:00

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City

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2009/1/5 4:22
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I'm a huge F1 fan, and would love to see this plan come to fruition. I jog through the park daily and it galls me to see all of the acreage that is unused. If only a small portion of the fenced off areas could be converted to public use I think it would be a benefit. Also, while I understand that the park is state owned, perhaps some of the money could used to build more amenities, particularly ball fields, or rehabilitate the platforms attached to the terminal for the benefit of the citizens of JC.

I understand that developing a golf course on the brownfields might not have been economically feasible, but in this era of reduced budgets, private/public joint ventures seem like a reasonable way to make a great park even better. For a week or two of restricted use and potential noise, I think that the trade off might be worth it.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 15:46

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2008/10/15 20:21
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So there is a public group against this proposal, is there any way for the public to show support of this?

Posted on: 2010/5/4 15:43

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2009/4/27 22:18
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I think this is an idea that should be taken seriously.

The points made by Joe Saward in his blogpost - this is the correct link: - are really quite salient as far as they are true.

All too often we react negatively to the idea of government or corporations doing anything new with our green space without appraising the idea properly. I'm not yet in support of or opposed to this idea but it is certainly something worth considering, both as an improvement to our local economy and to LSP itself.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 14:46

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2007/5/15 17:03
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From Paulus Hook
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God I hope this happens.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 14:39

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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Loopy wrote:

No, it's not. It's about three hours of practice on Friday, two hours of qualifying on Saturday and the three hour race on Sunday. Perhaps you should all read about what an F1 race is really all about before spouting off. NASCAR it is not.

And while I'm a huge F1 fan, I really don't see this happening in JC--when you look at the other venues F1 has chosen for a Grand Prix, this city just doesn't have the amenities and infrastructure. Or the money.

It's funny that in Europe and Asia cities are falling over one another to host a Grand Prix but there has not been one in the US since 2006. And as for the amount of money this would bring to JC if it did happen, be careful what you wish for. Bernie Eccelstone, the commercial rights holder of F1, is notoriously greedy and has put the screws to cities after they have expended millions preparing for a race. Montreal and the nearly-canceled Canadian Grand Prix is merely the most recent example. It will be televised live on Speed this coming Sunday, by the way--go Jenson--you should watch to see what it's really all about. And for the record, the Montreal race is held in an urban park, Parc Jean-Drapeau. And so is the Australian race, come to think of it--Albert Park in Melbourne.

And although being able to walk to one of the greatest sporting events in the world would be effing awesome, if I'm honest, I have to say I would prefer that F1 returned to its US roots and held races at historic tracks like Watkins Glen, Sears Point, Road Atlanta (ok, not so historic, but still) or Elkhart Lake. These are purpose-built, longstanding race courses that would not have all the sturm und drang associated with a new course And it would be less costly to upgrade one of them to the needs of a Grand Prix than to build a new track. But you can bet your last dollar that Bernie will never go for that--just look at the monstrous courses that places like Bahrain, Dubai, Turkey and China have recently built for their races. The truth is that the US races have been a joke since the sport abandoned the old tracks, with the "parking lot races" in Dallas, Vegas, etc. and the train wrecks that were the Indianapolis races on the jerry-rigged infield track at the Speedway. Until a major US city gets behind a race like the European and Asian cities do--and has the money--I don't think we will see a US race.

Big F1 Fan here as well, and as much as I would love to see F1 back in Oct at the Glen, all of those tracks are too far from cities for Bernie's liking. Heck, even Indy was too much of a hick town.

Bernie is under tremendous pressure to get F1 back to the US. Its where most of the sponsors are. He's been trying to get to NY for years, first it was downtown, then Flushing, now JC. I think he may actually shell out some $ to get this done.

F1 journalist and blogger Joe Saward wrote this up this morning, and I think its spot on ( You look what F1 has done for Albert Park and the same could happen here. LSP could be a better place because of this.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 14:06

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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The problem as I see it is that the area around the park is not exactly touristy and downtown is not easily accessible from the park. So where does all the money go from visitors? Probably NYC where visitors would stay and take the special event day ferry over to see the race.

So JC fronts the money and NYC gets most of the benefit.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 12:39

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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sinik wrote:
It's not just race day, there are endless lap tests by all the drivers to determine the grid position on the days leading up to the event.

No, it's not. It's about three hours of practice on Friday, two hours of qualifying on Saturday and the three hour race on Sunday. Perhaps you should all read about what an F1 race is really all about before spouting off. NASCAR it is not.

And while I'm a huge F1 fan, I really don't see this happening in JC--when you look at the other venues F1 has chosen for a Grand Prix, this city just doesn't have the amenities and infrastructure. Or the money.

It's funny that in Europe and Asia cities are falling over one another to host a Grand Prix but there has not been one in the US since 2006. And as for the amount of money this would bring to JC if it did happen, be careful what you wish for. Bernie Eccelstone, the commercial rights holder of F1, is notoriously greedy and has put the screws to cities after they have expended millions preparing for a race. Montreal and the nearly-canceled Canadian Grand Prix is merely the most recent example. It will be televised live on Speed this coming Sunday, by the way--go Jenson--you should watch to see what it's really all about. And for the record, the Montreal race is held in an urban park, Parc Jean-Drapeau. And so is the Australian race, come to think of it--Albert Park in Melbourne.

And although being able to walk to one of the greatest sporting events in the world would be effing awesome, if I'm honest, I have to say I would prefer that F1 returned to its US roots and held races at historic tracks like Watkins Glen, Sears Point, Road Atlanta (ok, not so historic, but still) or Elkhart Lake. These are purpose-built, longstanding race courses that would not have all the sturm und drang associated with a new course And it would be less costly to upgrade one of them to the needs of a Grand Prix than to build a new track. But you can bet your last dollar that Bernie will never go for that--just look at the monstrous courses that places like Bahrain, Dubai, Turkey and China have recently built for their races. The truth is that the US races have been a joke since the sport abandoned the old tracks, with the "parking lot races" in Dallas, Vegas, etc. and the train wrecks that were the Indianapolis races on the jerry-rigged infield track at the Speedway. Until a major US city gets behind a race like the European and Asian cities do--and has the money--I don't think we will see a US race.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 12:07

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As much as I am against this race track the only fair thing to do is to make it a public question for New Jersey state voters in the upcoming November election.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 11:10

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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Yes, what about the golf course it is on private property.

We blew the chance years ago to have the county's first public course. When there was a proposal to put two championship courses among many other amenties (ball fields, swimming pools,etc) . This could have been a smaller version of Bethpage State Park.
Yet there are hundreds of unused acres in a open space starved city.
Something like this would create hundreds of jobs if not thousands, and could be a great avenue of revenue.

But no, let the big money people come in buy up all the land around the park and create their own little oasis. Still keeping us on the outside looking in.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 10:58

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Opportunity of a life time with full-time and seasonal work for thousands. It will put Jersey City and NJ on the international spot light - People with be coming for the four corners of the world.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 8:25
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Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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City agency dreams up idea for Formula One racing in Liberty State Park

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The roar of big engines. The checkered flag. Crowds packing the bleachers.

It all could be coming to Liberty State Park in Jersey City if a city-funded agency charged with boosting tourism has its way.

But activists are trying to apply the brakes to a plan they call "obscene" and "wrong-headed."

Destination Jersey City, an entity funded by the city's Economic Development Corporation, has reached out to Formula One, the racing conglomerate, in an effort to land a Grand Prix race in the state park in 2012 and continue for at least five years.

The promotional materials even include a proposed design for a 3.6-mile racetrack that traverses the 600-land-acres at the state park.

"With the incredible backdrop of the New York City skyline, selecting Jersey City for the 2012 Grand Prix Auto Race Circuit will not only boost ticket sales as the Grand Prix returns to the United States, but will provide striking television footage," one line in the come-on reads.

Local protectors of the park were quick to blast the idea.

"People come to LSP to seek a haven, oasis, refuge and sanctuary and such a Grand Prix racing event that needs all park roads is contrary to the spirit and essence of an urban open space park," Sam Pesin, president of the Friends of Liberty State Park, wrote in a letter to Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy.

Freeholder Bill O'Dea compared Liberty State Park to New York's Central Park and said neither venue is appropriate for construction of a race track.

"There's plenty of places we can have a Grand Prix and Liberty State Park is not one of them," he said. "What are they going to do, pave over the cobblestone? It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever."

Both O'Dea and Pesin said they have no problem with events like the All Points West concert that do not permanently alter the park.

Officials with the city's Economic Development Corporation and Destination Jersey City couldn't be reached last night to comment.

Healy spoke with Pesin yesterday, then released a statement about the proposal.

"This was a response to an overture made by Formula One and Jersey City is one of several cities they are pursuing. There have been a few, preliminary conversations and this is very much in the exploratory phase," Healy said. "However, this may not be something that is in the best interest of Jersey City or Liberty State Park."

The CART IndyCar series held a Meadowlands Grand Prix in the Giants Stadium parking lot in 1984. In 1988, the course was changed to include streets around the then-Brendan Byrne Arena, now the Izod Center. The race was held annually until 1991 and never drew significant crowds.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 7:14

Re: Friends of Liberty State Park oppose Formula One Grand Prix in Jersey City
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2006/7/27 20:48
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2020/12/15 0:46
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Vigilante wrote:

Indomitus wrote:
There is no end to the foot in mouth disease afflicting our leaders. Its a park, NOT a racetrack. Huge, whopping difference. People who live downtown, you do not want to hear the noise that would emanate from a racetrack for endless hours. Really.

+1,000. I have worked on film shoots at Charlotte Motor Speedway. We were using only 3 or 4 cars on the track and the noise was unbelievable. Communication between crew members standing 3 feet apart was impossible without special headsets. Take this crap out to the boondocks where it belongs.

It's not just race day, there are endless lap tests by all the drivers to determine the grid position on the days leading up to the event.

Posted on: 2010/5/4 5:17

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