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Re: Teen curfew
Quite a regular
Also, I don't think they are able to move officers regularly from district to district. This would help a lot.
Posted on: 2013/3/3 4:42
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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I was told at my monthly police captain's meeting in the Heights section the the lack of manpower is due to lack of funds. A resolve to this dilemma is to raise taxes, at least this is what was told to me by the the captain and he stated this to everone in attendance.
Posted on: 2013/3/1 15:27
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Teen curfew
Just can't stay away
One of the persistent complaints around town is how curfew laws are not enforced. JCPD says its because of manpwoer, they don't assign staff to it, and the officers that are on curfew watch mostly just chase kids off corners. If they bring anybody in for a violation, that takes them off the street for hours. You only get reasonable enforcement if you have manpower assigned to it, the support of the district captain, and cooperation of citizens.
Posted on: 2013/3/1 15:08
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
A law like this is only fair if it is enforced across the board. Otherwise, it is an invitation for the police to harass young people who "look suspicious."
Posted on: 2013/2/28 18:45
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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I live steps away from Bayside Park, which gets busy during the warm months with soccer players, skate boarders, and basketball games galore which are full of pre-teens and teens from Jersey City and Bayonne. One thing that amazes me about living up here, the park gets empty around 8 PM and if you get caught in the park after 10 the Bayside Park block association neighborhood watch makes sure the cops enforce teen curfews. I have never seen a teen or an adult out and about around the park after 10 PM since it opened last year. I think if nobody says anything then no its not enforced, but if you have a bunch of old timers calling the police if they hear a basketball dribble at 11 PM then yes it will be enforced. This section of GV Where MLK comes to an end and Ocean ave becomes more residential (not a liquor store or fried chicken joint in sight) becomes a ghost town after 8 PM during the winter months and after 10 during the summer months. Not sure why this is, but when I lived down on Wayne street or when I lived in the JSQ area(especially along Bergen ave) I would see teens out and about around 2 A.M, which was always shocking especially 13 and 14 year old kids. Most folks (including myself) in those areas would just shrug it off and never call the police. I do call the police now because there is nothing up here but a park and grave yard so its pretty quite in the evening, so if you hear a loud conversation outside it gets your attention.
Posted on: 2013/2/28 14:14
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
Old thread, but came across an article about Miami recently stepping up efforts to enforce their teen/children curfew.
Does anyone know if Jersey City has ever attempted to enforce the curfew laws? I often see teens milling about late at night, even past midnight. What good could that be? Miami enforcing curfew laws
Posted on: 2013/2/28 13:41
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
I am so sorry!! The updated flier came in the mail Wednesday...
I believe it is the church on Highlannd/West Bergen.....but you can call Officer Criton (she is the rep for the West District) at 201.647.6519. Tell her you are interested in attending and she'll send you the flier with all of the information.(and add you to the mailing list)... In the meantime, if you PM your email, I can scan and email you the flier..
Posted on: 2010/2/19 17:49
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
info I needed yesterday!
But which church is it exactly? The one at 800 Bergen (that's closer to Glenview) or the one on Highland/Bergen, west side of the street...? And where do you go inside the church exactly? Thanks
Posted on: 2010/2/18 21:27
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
West District Meetings moved to the Fourth Wednesday...same location!
Posted on: 2010/2/18 20:29
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
I'm so there.
Posted on: 2010/2/6 17:42
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
So basically the laws a joke because anyone who is stopped could just say they're walking to a deli.
Posted on: 2010/2/6 17:29
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
2006/11/8 20:49 Last Login : 2022/4/26 19:42 From Chilltown, NJ
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Maybe because two posts show parts of the ordinance, read post 9. "A. It shall be unlawful for any child to be in any public place between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day unless such child is accompanied by a parent or guardian or unless such child is engaged in, or traveling to or from, a business or occupation which the laws of this state authorize children to perform." A store is considered a business. "B. It shall be unlawful for any child under the age of 17 years to be in any public place on any school day during the hours in which such child's school is in session, unless such child is accompanied by a parent or guardian or unless he or she has been excused from school by school authorities." If you dropped out you are excused from being in school permanently.
Posted on: 2010/2/6 1:27
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
The "good" ones are affected because they will obey the curfew and not go out. The "bad" ones will be out anyway. I don't disagree with the curfew, but if it's not enforced it really doesn't do any good. If anything it gives the cops an excuse to stop someone looking suspicious to check his age, or another fine/charge to slap on when they do catch someone doing something else.
Posted on: 2010/2/5 22:05
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
No where in the ordinance (post 13) did I see it does not apply to dropouts or someone walking to a store.
Posted on: 2010/2/5 22:01
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
FYI...those of you about productive change..I hope to see you at the West District's Captain's meeting on 2/17 at the Old Bergen Church (corner of Bergen and Highland Avenue) at 6:30pm.....
Posted on: 2010/2/5 19:40
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
I'm pissed about property taxes being raised AGAIN, which affects my ability to eat...but to echo geniusofthecrowd's sentiment, I am not going to smash a window about it.
Just a hypothetical question: At what point, do we hold people accountable for their actions? Just because you are a teenager does that give you a bye for bad behavior (just to clarify, I am not saying all teens behave badly/commit all crimes. But bad a$$ teens grow up into bad a$$ adults). Part of the problem is we make excuses for EVERYTHING. This convo has completely morphed into another discussion and I am not trying to give off the impression that I am some cold heartless Republican. At the end of the day, the JCPD will continue to do very little to decrease the crime rate in the city and taxes will go up.. but I plan to keep kicking and screaming until a change comes..
Posted on: 2010/2/5 19:38
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
To shane612 -- you know what they say about those who make assumptions....
While I have not worked with the troubled teens from Jersey City, I have worked with troubled youth in Harlem and Brooklyn for almost 15 years. The only point in your post that I agree with is that they are good and bad in everything, BUT the "good" ones aren't really going to be affected by a curfew, which is what this thread is about. Most of the "good" ones are working toward their future or involving themselves in productive activities...and NOT loitering during curfew hours.. I am all for lending a helpful hand, but not naive enough to believe everyone can be turned around....
Posted on: 2010/2/5 19:28
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
The curfew helps to keep down the number of these over paid cops and not just downtown but near all those other areas in the city which are even patrolled less that downtown where all the complaining goes on, don't expect beat cops anytime soon in this city of 14 square miles we would need alot more cops and the property taxes would go through the roof. If downtown wants more cops then they should also reassess all those properties too since they are 3-4 time the value of the last assessment where as the rest of the city is only twice the values to 2 1/2 times the values, which means in proportion to what they are paying more than the downtown folks are paying in their taxes or in the rents they should be paying if the property taxes would increase for the beat cops to patrol. A curfew for the time being keeps the taxes down. But there are other factors this city needs to go after at the same time is enforcing all the projects rules and regulations with drugs and alcohol especially since there is plenty in that assistance which shuld have been booted long ago. Typcially those in the projects pay any where from $10-100 to live there a month and then they get free gas and electric provided by the city and if you ever go by some of there projects there are plenty of brand new cars in the parking lots and around them. Section 8 is another one of those situations that needs to be gone after, it is worse than rent control in getting tenants out, and they have the kids that need the curfews often, as with those in the projects.
Posted on: 2010/2/4 23:45
Re: Teen curfew
Quite a regular
I came to their defense. I've worked with so-called "troubled" teens for most of my life and I'm not a young person. If you did the same you might just feel differently. Teens are like everybody else. There are good ones, there are bad ones. As long as they are young enough to turn things around, I'll line up on their side.
Posted on: 2010/2/4 18:29
Re: Teen curfew
Just can't stay away
2008/4/14 22:24 Last Login : 2017/10/9 2:11 From Downtown JC
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I'm 29 so I don't really hang with the teens.
My aim wasn't to solely defend teens, it was to question the notion that the only way to deal with the situation is to house arrest all teens based on what hours of the day it is. I don't feel too bad about wasted keystrokes either, actually making every keystroke count towards some productive end is way too laborious. More cameras and being able to get some food past 11pm, maybe the kids are pissed off they can't eat out. I know I am, but not enough that I am gonna tag a car or smash a window or anything.
Posted on: 2010/2/4 18:23
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
I haven't been paying attention because I don't spend all of my free time on here...but thanks for pointing that out about the ones arrested. However, I am not sure how that is related to this concern is beyond me because the person(s) doing it have NOT been caught.
I am waiting to hear some other suggestions on what can be done to alleviate this issue, as well as other issues affecting this city. Lastly, to those of you coming to the defense of these teens, I'd be curious to hear how much time do you ACTUALLY spend/interact with these teens that you waste keystokes defending?
Posted on: 2010/2/4 17:46
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
2006/11/8 20:49 Last Login : 2022/4/26 19:42 From Chilltown, NJ
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If it does not help then it does hurt. Why enforce something that is not proven to affect crime, which is the reason most of you think the curfew should be enforced. As far as the tagging if you would have been paying attention to the articles over the years most were 17-25. The few that were arrested 16 and under were arrested for tagging before 10pm. Besides many of the complaints you here people complain about teens out past curfew do not even apply to them especially if you read the ones on JClist. Weekends do not apply and neither do holidays. Teens hanging out in front of a building they know someone does not apply, it does not apply to drop outs. A teen walking to a store it does not apply to. These tend to be the teens I see people complain about a lot on here.
Posted on: 2010/2/4 2:09
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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Wait till they hit the work field !
Posted on: 2010/2/3 18:08
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
To the person who asked if the curfew will really help --I'm not sure. But I doubt it would hurt. What other suggestions do you have?
And to an extent, yes they must be somewhat afraid of getting caught tagging. Or else they'd be doing in broad daylight and not sneaking around in the middle of night (during curfew hours, mind you). Maybe where you grew up, hanging out in the streets was a normal thing. It was NEVER a normal thing for me and my friends. Before you start, I am black (not American) and grew up in Brooklyn. After school, I was in sports, dance, cheerleading and other programs. By dark, I was in the house or getting picked up from an activity. But definitely not running the streets until 10pm!! There is a very distinct difference between the kids of today and the kids of when I was young (and I am in my early 30's). There is no respect and a sense of entitlement. The other morning on the crowded bus, a hs kid was putting on his back pack and hit me. I tapped him and said "Hey you hit me when you out on your bag. ". His response: "OH". Not "I'm sorry"....seriously, what kind of kids are we raising??!!
Posted on: 2010/2/3 18:01
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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If they can go on that evil internet then they can go anywhere, they are invincible. Corporation America is marketing to these mini adults at a younger and younger age. Now television is geared towards them. They rule and responsibility walks. 21 and over...over the hill that is.
Posted on: 2010/2/3 17:36
Re: Teen curfew
Quite a regular
I must disagree with you Phook. Teens in JC are the ones who are committing many of the crimes, so why is enforcing the curfew not a pressing matter for the cops? Seems like it would make the streets a lot safer for everyone, including the teens who have to stay home.
Posted on: 2010/2/3 17:30
Re: Teen curfew
Just can't stay away
2008/4/14 22:24 Last Login : 2017/10/9 2:11 From Downtown JC
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Even if it is a teenager tagging, you think a curfew would actually stop them in the first place? (obviously it isn't). If they aren't worried about getting caught tagging, then they sure won't be worried about getting busted by a curfew law.
I hung out in public places at that age with friends past's kinda a normal thing. Not every kid out at night is looking to terrorize the city.
Posted on: 2010/2/3 17:28
Re: Teen curfew
Not too shy to talk
I absolutely whole-heartedly agree with a curfew!
What is a kid under 17 doing out after 10 pm anyway? Coming home from a part time job? I would bet that is a small percentage of the ones who are out running the streets. A kid with responsibilities is not loitering... I am not just not buying the teen's civil rights argument. For the past few weeks, cars on my block have been vandalized with graffiti -- I wonder if it is some teen who should be at home under this curfew?
Posted on: 2010/2/3 16:53
Re: Teen curfew
Home away from home
2006/11/8 20:49 Last Login : 2022/4/26 19:42 From Chilltown, NJ
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The curfew does not apply to him since he was in a car and not out on the street. So how does that example help prove your point? If the police actually did go around asking every person that "looks" 16 or under for ID and rounding up those that were under that age you don't think they would actually get some real calls (robberies, aggravated assaults etc.) they can't respond to because they are already transporting some juvenile all the way to Cator ave for hanging out with a few friends late at night? Quote:
If the victim was 17 the curfew did not apply. I read a few articles like that over the last ten years as well and clearly remember one saying juveniles that commit crimes committed them mostly between 3pm-10pm so the curfews have little affect on juvenile crime since it begins at 10:30pm. While you may think "the people saying cops have better things to do are the same ones bitching about crime". I think the same ones bitching about the kids being out late are the first ones that bitch when the kids have a place to go that keeps them off the streets. The parties at the church in Downtown come to mind or the teen nights they used to have on Marin Blvd years ago at the comedy club.
Posted on: 2010/2/3 8:59