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Re: Only ONE Council Seat Decided - ALL Others Up for Grabs
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Quite a regular

The multiple elections are going to happen, even though no one is thrilled by it. It's a matter of law, and no amount of complaining is going to change that in the next few weeks.

While the instant runoff is a long-term solution, requiring state legislative change, there's an easier solution close to hand.

The real problem with this runoff is the poor design of the municipal election. Had it occurred a week earlier, its runoff could have been folded into the primary, which is an immovable date affecting the entire state.

Moving the municipal offices from May into the November general election is the immediate solution. While it may complicate the ballot, it simplifies the electoral process, and gets greater turnout for these important local offices. It is allowed by state law, and is a relatively simple change to make.

We're going to see how that works for our school board election this November - the overwhelming popular choice of voters - and should make the same change for all other city offices.

Posted on: 2013/5/18 16:45

Top Ten Reasons to Vote for Jerramiah Healy
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Quite a regular

10. All those great free hot dogs once a year

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9. The Bad News: Big Brother is watching you. The Good News: He's not very good at it!

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8. Now that Snooki's gone, maybe he could get us a Kardashian

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7. A whole new crop of funtastic Deputy Mayors

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6. Bike Tour replaced with Bar Tour

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5. Hurricane-proof seawall constructed entirely of lite beer bottles

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4. No more drunken brawling at the Shore - more drunken brawling here!

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3. Four more years of open space at Journal Square

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3. Crackdown on gangs of Hispanic young ladies doing filthy things to vulnerable politicians

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3. Inspirational inaugural address ghost-written by Jeff Dublin

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3. Clothing-free porch addition to City Hall

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3. What? There's 5 number 3s? OK, I cants count very good

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2. More free publicity for Jersey City

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And the number one reason to vote for Jerramiah Healy...

1. Federal jobs program will hire dozens of new undercover informants

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Posted on: 2013/5/12 13:00

Re: Moran: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy likes a good fight
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Quite a regular


Magnus wrote:
Moran: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy likes a good fight - and he's found one

Last week he offered a new version of the story with a bizarre sexual twist.

The problem is not that Healy likes a good fight, but he likes bad ones.

I know someone who for years has told me they were one of the people who came upon the would-be mayor in his invisible suit of clothing, passed out on his porch. (Isn't there a Hans Christian Andersen story about the emperor with no clothes?)

Their old story contradicts his new one, that's for sure.

Posted on: 2013/5/5 15:03

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Quite a regular

I was gonna leave this alone, but then...

jcmiles wrote:
Not endorsing Dan Levin for Ward E is another lost opportunity for Fulop. It clearly shows Fulop's emotions and ego cripple his thinking.... I hope Fulop can learn from this.

You could just as easily ? and more accurately written: ?Not seeking to work with Steve Fulop for Ward E is another lost opportunity for Levin. It clearly shows Levin's emotions and ego cripple his thinking. I hope Levin can learn from this.?

Levin did not seem to learn anything from his two previous crushing electoral defeats, except the wrong lesson. Hence his deal with the dev-- I mean Mayor.

You want to talk about ego issues, go read Dan?s letter. Count the ?I? ?me? and ?my? (22) as opposed to the ?we? and ?our? (8). That says something about the kind of orientation Dan has when he steps out of his role as activist and steps very uncomfortably into the shoes of someone courting power.

Contrast that to Steve Fulop or Candice Osborne, who are known BOTH for being strong leaders and strong collaborators. IMO, Fulop DID choose to support the best person to succeed him in the Ward E Council seat.

Dan?s not really a selfish guy. But this misguided campaign and cynical alliance with Healy reveal some of his limitations as a leader, and do not speak well for his ability to be effective in office.

But this is and always has been a matter for the voters to decide.

Posted on: 2013/5/3 21:45

Re: Healy on campaigns: 'they're all ugly'
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Quite a regular


JCCheerleader wrote:
Plain Slice(love your username!), do you know how many Downtown registered voters voted in the last Mayoral election?

In the 2009 Municipal election, Ward E (downtown) had 5576 voters come to the polls, 17.9% of the citywide total.

Everybody knows that the foundation of Fulop's path to victory is getting a lot of votes from his downtown constituents.

But there are a couple of things which make downtown voting more problematic this time.

1. Due to population growth, some downtown voting districts have been moved into Ward F. The remaining Ward E districts have new voters, and fewer registered voters, so they are "set up" for lower turnout. These new voters also have less experience with Fulop, so can be presumed to be somewhat less likely to vote for him than their neighbors who supported Fulop in past elections.

2. Ward E has many fewer voting districts than other wards. That means fewer committeepeople, local leaders who tranditionally lead get out the vote efforts in their district. That also means that each committeeperson has more people to get out that do their counterparts in other wards.

On this second point, Ward E has only 23 districts compared to the next lowest number, 29 in the Heights and the highest 34 in Ward A, which will likely be Healy's strongest ward this time. Ward A has never had problems with voter turnout, and beat Ward E by nearly 1000 votes in the 2009 mayoral election.

If you support Fulop, you'd better be working like heck to bring out downtown voters in large numbers. Otherwise it's going to be a long election night - or worse, a terribly short one.

Posted on: 2013/5/2 12:32

Re: Healy on campaigns: 'they're all ugly'
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Quite a regular


WeBelongHere wrote:
All your stupid facebook posts wont make up for your failure to hit the streets.

While we can all agree with Dean Wurmer that "fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life," WeBe in his arrogant, argumentative, deluded way is giving Fulop supporters a gift.

Everybody knows or should know that Fulop's path to victory depends on big numbers downtown. Dismiss the view from WeBe's barstool at your own risk, but he's not the only person who sees a decided lack of energy from Fulop's base of support.

Downtown made Fulop. Downtown could also break him.

Healy and his crew did not get where they are by sitting on barstools. They work their asses off at election time so they can spend the next 3? years on the barstools.

Posted on: 2013/4/28 14:56

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Quite a regular


jcmiles wrote:
Folks, keep this in mind when reading posts by plainslice.

Ah, the classic argumentum ad hominem. Attack the messenger not the message.

PlainSlice is a jerk. I know it, you know it, my family's known it for years. But even jerks have political opinions.

Why are we here? Because Dan felt the need to let us all know that "Dan is still Dan," in his attempt to explain his incredible switch from Healy critic and opponent to Healy running mate.

What Dan - the guy who's seeking office, not some random jerk on jclist - said, is that this 180-degree U-turn was a simple matter of political expedience and would not affect his ability to function effectively as an advocate for and representative of Ward E.

The post-endorsement facts say otherwise.
1. Dan has not been able to explain to most voters' satisfaction his rationale for embracing Healy.
2. Dan has been marginalized and dissed by his running mate Healy.
3. Dan has repeatedly avoided challenging Mayor Healy ON ANYTHING since he sold out.

Maybe people can get by the political expediency argument - although with a leap like Dan made, you have to wonder what he would do when faced with his NEXT chance at some political opportunity.

But Dan's defense of the Healy administration seems to be nothing but political and personal hypocrisy. Silence on increased Paulus Hook development. Defense of Healy's weak pay-to-play over Fulop's strong pay-to-play.

Although after Dan's pretzel-twisting to defend Healy's political attacks against "newcomers," maybe I should stick to my canoe lane, and just let Dan be Dan. He's a more effective spokesman against his candidacy than a plain old slice could aspire to.

Posted on: 2013/4/17 13:17

Re: Dan is still Dan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


jcmiles wrote:
And plainslice, are you or are you not a paid member of Fulop's campaign team?

Laughing Out Loud!!! Thanks for the compliment, but I am not now nor have I ever been paid by Steve Fulop. Or Jeery Healy. Or Dan Levin, Candice Osborne, good old Fletch, or any other Jersey City pol.

We disagree about Dan's character and abilities. The number #1 reason Dan is not running with Team Fulop? Dan never asked. He could swallow his scruples to go to Healy, but not his pride to talk to Steve. How do we know this? Dan and Steve have both said so. That does not bode well for Dan's future ability to play well with others.

Nobody questions that about Fulop, and my post said that Fulop would work with anybody elected to the position. The question is whether Dan can grow beyond the corner he's painted himself into.

You also "see Dan working on excellent initiatives" as he has in the past. Great. But we have a different understanding of what we would like to see in an elected leader. Dan's got a completion problem. He's been involved in a lot of excellent initiatives - but he's been the driving force and the hard work behind few of them, and he's had the power to finish almost none of them.

You provide an excellent example of the way Dan being Dan would be fine on its own, but that Ward E would be getting less from Councilman Dan than from Councilwoman Osborne.


jcmiles wrote:
I remember that Dan turned into a valuable information resource with multiple postings daily...

And I remember that Candice Osborne - working with others - organized something that did not even exist into an 800+ volunteer army that not only managed website updates, but also:
fed hundreds of families,
handed out and delivered flashlights, warm clothing, blankets, diapers, giftcards and God knows what else,
published a daily newspaper,
operated a warming center,
helped people apply for FEMA and other aid,
advocated for low-income tenants,
helped people do mold remediation,
and performed outreach all over the city.
All this while her own home was flood-damaged, and she had the same pressures as did many of the people she was helping. And while Dan's running mate, "Where's Jerry" Healy was nowhere to be found.

Let Dan be Dan. But let Candice be Councilwoman.

I've had enough of this, too. I wish we could vote tomorrow.

Posted on: 2013/4/16 2:22

Re: Dan is still Dan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


AlexC wrote:
Politics is a dirty business - everyone knows that.... I believe, Dan will never go the the "dark side" - I've known him for ten years. What's the alternative?

Politics is only as dirty as the people who practice it and the rules they play by.

Nobody here is likely to sway too many opinions on this one. And while Dan may not have gone to the "dark side" he's playing in the shadows, for sure.

What's the alternative? Candice Osborne. She hasn't done a U-turn on the subject of effective leadership for Jersey City. You can't have any doubt that she has the personal fortitude to stand up to the guy at the head of her ticket.

By contrast, Dan's gone silent since his "Sunday in the Park with Jerry" moment. Arguing in favor of Dan, about the best you can say of his flip flop for Healy is claiming he'll flip back if elected. But you must seriously question whether he has what it takes to stand up to power when it waves a deal in front of him.

Look at some other alternatives. Healy wins - how effective do you think Dan would be? Healy already ignores him and Dan hasn't pushed back an inch against anything Healy's done, even becoming an apologist for Healy's campaign against pay-to-play reform.

Or Fulop wins big and brings in most of his Council team, but Dan miraculously wins. Fulop would work with him, sure, but do you see him leading a lot of initiatives with a Fulop administration in City Hall?

Or how about Fulop wins but has a split Council? Dan has shown he can't resist deals from the old pols, who would be falling all over him to swing his vote.

Dark side, shmark side - it's Dan's fifty shades of gray you should be concerned about.

Posted on: 2013/4/10 4:14

Re: State gives Jersey City police $27,900 for pedestrian and traffic safety initiative
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Quite a regular


user1111 wrote:
The funds will allow the Police Department to step up pedestrian safety enforcement, clamp down on aggressive driving, promote seat belt usage, and tackle DWI-related traffic violations.

The grant will fund overtime patrols that are assigned to high-risk areas and education for motorists and pedestrians on the potential penalties associated with violating traffic laws.

Highlight #1: "Overtime." A prize to the first person who correctly posts the number of police overtime hours $27k will pay for.

Highlight #2: "will allow." Allow me a wild prediction. The grant is announced now to show what a great job Chief Comey and Fearless Leader are doing. No tickets will be written before May 15. "It takes time to implement these things..."

Posted on: 2013/4/9 1:49

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


The head of the Jersey City Asian Merchants Association yesterday announced he is supporting Mayor Jerramiah Healy?s bid for re-election, citing Healy?s commitment to the city?s Indo-American community.

Healy ?continues to recognize the potential of the community and expects us to provide r?sum?s for representation in different agencies and on boards in Jersey City,? Patel writes.

Healy will let you submit resumes for agencies and boards? Wow. Impressive. Could you tell us exactly how many resumes he's asked you for in the first nine years of his administration? Let me guess: none.

Healy's commitment to the city's Indo-American community? Like the way he supported your niece in her run for the school board?

And you couldn't even get the association you head to endorse this stalwart friend of Indo-Americans?

Hands down: this is the leading candidate for most pathetic endorsement of the year.

Posted on: 2013/4/9 1:21

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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Quite a regular

Top Ten Reasons to Vote for Steve Fulop for Mayor

10. Will replace all city cars with Segways

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9. Inauguration will be moved from City Hall to Zeppelin Hall

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8. Making Jersey City safe for newcomers and interlopers

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7. Will replace corny Easter Egg hunts with thrilling pearl diving off the Hudson piers

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6. Watching Councilwoman Candice Osborne cast her first vote against Mayor Fulop

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5. Two words for next St. Patrick's Day parade: Harley Davidson

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4. Steadfast advocate for the hair gel community

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3. Prevent four more years of mailings

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2. Not Jerramiah Healy

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And the number one reason to vote for Steve Fulop for Mayor..

1. Competent, honest, responsive government for a world-class city

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Posted on: 2013/3/26 18:57

Re: Goya is awarded $80M tax credit in attempt to entice company to move to Jersey City
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Quite a regular


Yvonne wrote:
I remember former mayor Anthony Just, Jr. speaking at the Freeholders meeting during the budget hearing years ago. He complained that Secauscus, population then 12,000 residents paid the second highest taxes to the county.

Abatements would make much more sense if they gave a portion to the county that was rationally related to the tax revenue that the county loses through an abatement. In other words, give the county the same kind of predictable revenue stream the developer pays and the city gets.

While the Goya deal is a terrible example of public policy accomplishing nothing other than driving government revenue down (to the disadvantage of other taxpayers), it is hard to stomach Secaucus' complaints. They kick and scream about tax-sharing through the Meadowlands Commission, yet they are the biggest beneficiary of the state's Meadowlands policy. Secaucus has a great tax base, which it has developed because other municipalities protected wetlands.

If there was MORE revenue sharing rather than less, towns would be less tempted to poach ratables from one another in a race to the bottom.

Posted on: 2013/3/19 4:36

Re: Political Mail becomes Metaphor for campaign
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Quite a regular

Now we get to see Healy's full plan for fundraising.

Plan A - hit up developers and city contractors for donations. OOPS! Fulop's pay-to-play laws make that illegal.

Plan B - shakedown city workers for contributions, and reward some of them with raises, promotions, and increased pensions. Looks like the Jersey Journal caught them on that one.

Plan C - do an end run around the law and illegally use political action committees to get unlimited money from secret donors. OOPS! Fulop caught them at that one.

Plan D - just use taxpayer money to print your literature and do your mailings.

I'm sure there's a Plan E we haven't heard of yet. Maybe tap Dan Levin for extra cash.

And don't forget Plan F for FAILURE - Solomon Dwek's money is still funding Healy's campaign, despite Healy's promises to give the money to charity.

Posted on: 2013/3/14 20:16

Re: Dan is still Dan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@HHend, you misunderstand MightyOz's point, which is that Dan's supporters are all over the map. Maybe that's because Dan's message is also incoherent.

"I'm for good government - and for Jerry Healy."

"I can get things done - I just can't tell you what."

"Fulop's the bad guy - I can't exactly tell you how, but just ask the Illuminati."

If your candidate was on point, you would be to.

Posted on: 2013/3/13 17:56

Re: Candice Osborne and Dan Levin discuss race for Ward E Video
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Quite a regular


JTaylor wrote:
What a contrast between the two Ward E candidates!

We can agree on that. While JTaylor, a Dan-fan, focuses on the candidates' style (dissing the the woman as "goofy" rather than passionate or enthusiastic) he (and we can be sure that JTaylor is a "he") ignores matters of substance.

I think we can agree that both candidates love Jersey City.

But there was one clear difference. When asked "do downtown residents get good value for their taxes?" Candice Osborne answered NO, and Dan gave a long, rambling yes.

It's not hard to think that this answer might have something to do with an "evolution" in Dan's thinking since he started courting Jerramiah Healy's endorsement. Where Dan used to be known for asking why the city was stupidly run, poorly administered, and wasted tax dollars on cronyism (all charges he's made about Mayor Healy), all of a sudden we're getting great value for our tax dollars. How did the administration make such progress in the last year?

Yes, there is a clear contrast. Candice Osborne is able to think clearly about the city's problems, talk straight about them, and has the energy and skills to make some headway on them.

Posted on: 2013/3/10 13:50

Re: Bulk Bins
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Try the Jersey City Food Co-Op, also Local Harvest site.

It's a little expensive (membership plus sweat equity) unless you're going to use it a lot. But quite a selection because of their distribution system.

Posted on: 2013/3/8 1:59

Re: Movies filmed in Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


neverleft wrote:
To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995) 5.7/10 (9020 votes)

My personal favorite for the interior scene at the tragically gutted Canton Casino. Near the beginning of the film, with Ru Paul.

Posted on: 2013/3/7 4:41

Re: Garbage collection suspended tonight?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


jcneighbor wrote:
For some reason the garbage is suspended but parking and street sweeping is not. Just like Jersey City to make decisions that are backwards. Really....with snow on the ground, why would you bother to sweep the streets and make people alternate side street park?

R - E - V - E - N - U - E

Perhaps you've noticed that this administration is not exactly prepared for things like storms. Or for ordinary weather.

Sometimes there may be good reasons for doing things that seem a little bass-ackwards. In which case an explanation would go a long way. But these guys do not spend a lot of time considering the people they are supposed to serve.

Just keep checking the world class award winning web site for updates from our world class award winning mayor.

Posted on: 2013/3/7 4:35

Re: Ribs?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Sadly, I have yet to find really good ribs in Jersey City except out of someone's backyard. Up on the hill you can get good smoke at a couple of sporadic street cookers.

Posted on: 2013/3/4 4:00

Re: Dan Levin joins Healy ticket as ward E Council candidate
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Quite a regular


JTaylor wrote:
Dan will continue to meet daily with residents and business owners over the coming months, and as always can also be reached at 201-364-1730 or

I guess that means we won't be hearing from Dynamic Dan the Reforming. Man until after the election.

Maybe some of these hundreds of residents and business owners will ask him the questions he won't answer here. Maybe some of them will report back to us what Dan is thinking about the boat anchor he enthusiastically attached himself to was it just four months ago?

Posted on: 2013/3/2 18:53

Re: Fulop for Mayor TV commercials
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Good enough to make a headline.

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Fulop's ad and Healy's fundraising ineptness (or criminality, take your pick) propelled them each
to the top of PolitickerNJ's statewide winners and losers list: Week of the Hudson Crossing

By Politicker Staff | March 1st, 2013 - 12:43pm

Jersey City Mayoral candidate Steve Fulop?s ?Swimming the Hudson? ad sent a ripple of glee through the camp of Jersey City Mayor Jerry Healy.

But the Healy people weren?t laughing by the end of the week?

[#1] Steve Fulop

The Jersey City mayoral candidate wounded opponent Jerry Healy this week when the Fulop campaign forced the mayor to return monies apparently raised in violation of the Election Law Enforcement Commission?s rules.

[#1] Jerry Healy

Facing accusations from Councilman Steve Fulop that his campaign sought to circumvent campaign finance rules at a fundraiser Wednesday, the incumbent Jersey City mayor is returning all of the money raised at the event.

Posted on: 2013/3/2 4:17

Re: McGinley Square Revitalization - Will anything ever happen?
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Quite a regular


billc wrote:
The Beacon is not a failed project.

The Beacon is a pretty good symbol for the reality of the Jersey City as it is. It's not failed. It will get re-developed. It will take a lot longer than expected. And it has not delivered on its promises - for the developer, for its original owners, for its neighborhood.

They're great buildings. George did a fine job with certain parts of the restoration, and in carrying out part of his vision, financial realities notwithstanding.

There are a couple of failures in my opinion. I don't care for the gated nature of the project. You get how Newport has worked that way. But this takes historic buildings in a great neighborhood location and purposely walls itself off, except for the shuttle bus corridor to downtown and the PATH. The developers designed against the promise of revitalizing the neighborhood. A better vision could have opened the property up to the neighborhood in a different way.

The second failure, which I won't put on the Beacon, is how low our sights have fallen. When built, it was not a vision of luxury residences for NY commuters and global business trekkers. It was a vision of accessible medical care for the community. Now we're fighting over scraps between hospitals struggling to survive while seeing revenue streams that are beyond belief. Would that someone could today have a vision for community transformation on the same grand scale.

Stepping off my soapbox to point back to McGinley Square. A lot needs to happen for the neighborhood to upgrade. There's stuff on the horizon - but it's the far horizon.

Posted on: 2013/3/2 3:57

Re: Dan Levin joins Healy ticket as ward E Council candidate
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Quite a regular


fedup07302 wrote:
Still wondering why Dan is not on here giving an explanation
about this whole 527 pac debacle.
I just saw him posting on facebook defending healy's Pac. on some page no one reads.Why not explain here Dan.

This falls under the Dan is still Dan rubric. Why choose an active, broad, widely-read but contentious medium, when you can talk to a small number of people who already believe the same things you do.

Posted on: 2013/3/2 2:00

Re: Healy violating fundraising laws
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Quite a regular

Now for the editorial comment. Today the story is that it was a "clerical error" by the person organizing the fundraiser.

But that story doesn't quite add up.

First, the invitation had the "Paid for by Team Healy" legend on it. Do you really outsource that?

Second, it is completely unbelievable that Team Healy wouldn't know that the fundraiser was a joint production with the recently-formed PAC run by Rich Torraco, who just happens to work for the Senator who just happened to endorse Healy THIS WEEK.

And third, this PAC just happens to have the ability to receive unlimited donations from undisclosed donors. And purely coincidentally, the invitation just happened to highlight that donations to the PAC are an end run around the pay-to-play laws that Fulop championed and that Healy hates.

Here's a question for Mr. Healy and his spokesrobot Henne: just how much money did you have to return?

And another: how can we trust you to be honest when you're already caught cheating?

And another: when are you going to return the Solomon Dwek bribe money you also promised to return 3 years ago but never did?

Posted on: 2013/3/2 1:51

Re: Healy violating fundraising laws
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Quite a regular

This repeats some of yesterday's news, but has new info and another shrill screech from Healy spokesbird Joshua "We Don't Know Nothing" Henne.

Jersey City election 2013: Fulop asks for investigation of Healy fundraiser
By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
on March 01, 2013 at 2:47 PM, updated March 01, 2013 at 6:35 PM

Jersey City mayoral hopeful Steve Fulop called on state law-enforcement and election officials today to investigate a fundraiser for rival candidate Mayor Jerramiah Healy that the Fulop campaign says violated campaign-finance laws....

?The public deserves to know who these secret donors are and what they expected in return for their unlimited donations,? Fulop campaign manager John Thieroff said. ?The public deserves to know whether Healy?s reelection effort is being secretly financed by interests that don?t have the best interests of Jersey City residents at heart.?

More in the full story...

Posted on: 2013/3/2 1:28

Re: Healy violating fundraising laws
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Quite a regular

Healy will return the money about the time hell freezes over. He's still sitting on Solomon Dwek cash.

By the time the Election Law Enforcement Commission gets the complaint, thinks about it, and eventually decides to not do anything about it, the new Mayor will have been long-sworn.

Posted on: 2013/3/1 20:42

Re: Teen curfew
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Quite a regular

heights wrote:
I was told at my monthly police captain's meeting in the Heights section the the lack of manpower is due to lack of funds.

As we know, that's a matter of dispute between the two more prominent mayoral candidates.

Healy says give me more cops. Fulop says sure, but let's also deploy our current department better.

Does the East District downtown need the same number of cars on the street at night as the West and South districts? Probably not. Are gang and narcotics units able to effectively respond to neighborhood issues? Probably not. Are there a lot of uniformed officers and detectives really doing clerical/admin jobs? You bet there are.

The clearest win in Fulop's policing plan is to give more authority and accountability to district commands. They should have the freedom to deploy their force to best meet the needs of their district. And then be accountable for success or failure.

Fulop's plan respects professional policing by letting the department be more responsive to neighborhood needs. It allows officers close to the action have more decision-making authority. In contrast to the current structure, which is overly bureaucratic, overly-centralized in a chief's office which can be a bottleneck in effective decision-making and cannot be very responsive to local issues.

This would allow individual commands to make the call about how important curfew enforcement is.

Posted on: 2013/3/1 20:27

Re: McGinley Square Revitalization - Will anything ever happen?
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Quite a regular


SammyTheT wrote:
Why do people say that nothing is happening?

Let's recall the recent history.

1. The Beacon. It's a gated community. You never see any of the people who live there interact with the neighborhood, other than the occasional call for food delivery - usually to a downtown restaurant. A variety of

2. St. Peter's McGinley "redevelopment." After the city had to back down from its initial support for stealing residents' property through eminent domain, the project is completely stalled. St. Peters' student center is not exactly an amenity for the community.

3. JCHA Montgomery Gardens project lost at lost of steam when it lost out on its application for HUD funding. Let's say that this on no longer on the fast track. Don't hold your breath waiting for a visible impact on the neighborhood.

4. Home to what is probably the city's least visible, least effective SID.

5. Jersey City man robbed of school supplies, cell phone by armed men near McGinley Square

Otherwise, Sammy, McGinley Square is doing fine. If you didn't need to paint a Healy-influenced rosy hue over reality, we might agree that the neighborhood has some pluses, but is challenged.

Posted on: 2013/3/1 19:59

Re: Jersey City election 2013: Healy attacked for Cedar Grove fundraiser
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Quite a regular

OK, the Healy campaign is clearly incompetent from the top of the ticket down to spokespoultry Henney Penney.

And they're also desperate for money so they'll cut any corners they think they can.

But what amazes me is that they would put in print, as a selling point, the fact that you can avoid Fulop's pay to play laws by writing your check to their "partner," so that when they steer city money your way it's all legal.

Corruption, BTW, is the term that used to be applied to what happens to a dead body as it rots and crumbles to pieces. This message paid for by Team Healy.

Posted on: 2013/3/1 5:55

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