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Re: New York Times: A New Mayor to Match Jersey City’s Ambitions
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Making amends for the ridiculous failure to cover the election in the first place.

Posted on: 2013/7/1 17:12

Re: Only ONE Council Seat Decided - ALL Others Up for Grabs
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terrencemcd wrote:
Sorry, I tried to do it as clearly as possible. But I couldn't do it with a formula, so maybe this will help:

Total # of people who voted in the at large race DIVIDED by two PLUS one = the number that the highest vote-getter in the at-large race has to get to avoid a runoff.

Not everyone has to achieve that threshold, just the highest vote-getter.

It seems many people didn't realize they could vote for more than one candidate. If everyone who voted for a Fulop slate candidate had voted for all three, there would probably be no runoff.

Posted on: 2013/5/16 15:56

Re: The New York Times to Jersey City: "You don't exist"
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someguyinjc wrote:
Why is this such a surprise? Being so close to NYC means that JC will always be under its shadow. It is only relevant in the mainstream media because of this fact. Aside from proximity, why else would Goldman relocate some of its workers to Exchange Place?

"Aside from proximity" reminds me of "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" Our location is the key to the future of this city just as it was the key to the past in the industrial/railroad era.

Remaining a hidden gem sounds nice, and let's face it--we're never going to pull much business or tourism away from Manhattan. But "buzz" does help. Look at Brooklyn. Also press attention puts pressure on the government at all levels to keep honest and manage the city effectively. As much as I respect our local newspapers, they don't have the reach of the Times.

Posted on: 2013/5/15 17:37

Re: Only ONE Council Seat Decided - ALL Others Up for Grabs
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Does state law require that there be runoffs for council seats? It seems like a waste of time, money and voters' patience.

Posted on: 2013/5/15 16:54

Re: Exclusive Interview with Steven Fulop and Candice Osborne
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I hope that in the coming discussions the reval is always referred to as the "Healy Reval." Otherwise people will blame Fulop because it happens under his watch.

Posted on: 2013/5/15 16:30

Re: The New York Times to Jersey City: "You don't exist"
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I was going to start the same thread. Not only is JC the largest city that borders NYC, it is also closer to Manhattan than most of the rest of NYC. But to the august institution, we're just another Yonkers.

Would any other big city newspaper completely ignore it's largest neighbor? Would the Times ignore Newark?

Posted on: 2013/5/15 15:50

Edited by H-Parker on 2013/5/15 16:10:52
Edited by H-Parker on 2013/5/15 16:11:29

Re: Election results
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trucker wrote:
Charles Epps won! Yay!

What possible reason could any sane person have for supporting this exploitative loser?

Posted on: 2013/5/15 2:34

Re: Election results
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tern wrote:
Surprising that Connors lost, given the success of Fulop's slate overall, and the recognition Connors has with the old-school Healy side.


Nobody likes someone who allies at the convenient moment with a former political enemy solely for personal gain. Connors and Levin both paid the price.

Posted on: 2013/5/15 2:32

Re: Barber shop
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Seeninjerseycity wrote:
V's Barbershop will be opening soon on Washington Blvd: ... bershop-opening-soon.html

Looks great. If the prices are reasonable I'll be there soon. Good luck.

Posted on: 2013/5/14 1:38

Re: Possible Gang War?
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But the Mayor says crime is down.

Today's headlines:

Four shot outside Jersey City housing complex: Cops

Jersey City man charged with breaking into an apartment, and molesting seven-year-old girl

Bitten-off finger leads to Jersey City arrests for Manhattan shooting

Jersey City man shot dead in Kensington Avenue apartment

Babysitter charged with smacking child: cops

Jersey City man charged with molesting the 14-year-old daughter of downstairs neighbor

Five men charged in robbery at knifepoint of Jersey City Internet cafe owner

Parents of 24-year-old killed crossing Kennedy Boulevard in Jersey City want answers

Just today.

Posted on: 2013/5/14 1:35

Re: Artists Ask Mayoral Candidates Tough Questions
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JTaylor wrote:
Some friends have asked us if we still support Daniel Levin for the Ward E City Council position, now that he has chosen to run on Mayor Healy?s ticket. The answer is an emphatic yes. In fact, before joining the ticket, Daniel asked our opinion and the opinion of other people who had supported him in the past. We encouraged him to go for it.

Why did you encourage him to endorse Healy?

Posted on: 2013/5/14 1:25

Judge tosses Healy lawsuit
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So much for the latest Healy-manufactured "scandal"

A judge has denied an injunction and dismissed the complaint filed by the campaign of Jersey City Mayor Jerry Healy claiming that an outside group was colluding with Healy's opponent in the race for mayor of the state's second largest city.

Healy had alleged that Better Education for New Jersey Kids was acting in concert with the campaign of challenger Steve Fulop, which is against state laws governing campaign finance.

According to the complaint, the outside group used snippets of Fulop's commercials in its own ads, leading to the collusion charge.

A spokesman for the group said the suit was nothing more than a distraction.

"Today was a victory for the kids of Jersey City," Executive Director Mike Lilley said. "The court's decision confirms that there was no factual basis for the Healy campaign's allegations against Better Education for NJ Kids. Filing a suit at this late date was merely an attempt to distract Jersey City voters from the real issues in this election." ... uit#.UZFHrPFdS_8.facebook

Posted on: 2013/5/14 1:23

Re: Mayor Healy's latest mailer: What's up with the nose job?
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He has been called out on it. His response was to use the photo twice on his next mailer. Once as the portrait on a fake $100 bill and then, on the back of the mailer, enlarged to take up one entire side. I guess they figure Healy voters don't care about his character or are too stupid to notice.

Posted on: 2013/5/13 17:29

Re: Joy to the World updated for Mayor Healy
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Much better.

Posted on: 2013/5/13 3:18

Re: Joy to the World updated for Mayor Healy
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Straight-shootin' ?

Posted on: 2013/5/12 15:11

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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byebyesteve wrote:
that's it? blah blah?

answer me about his team

So I am a troll because I don't buy into your Fulop BS?

because I don't agree with what you do.

That is ignorance

Absolutely not! You are not a troll.

You are obviously a Healy campaign operative with a laundry list of talking points, most of which are lies.

One the one hand Healy accuses Fulop of some absurd, Rube Goldberg plot or something completely ridiculous (suppressing votes in Ward E, for example). Then you run ads saying "Fulop has been accused."

On the other hand we have Healy on videotape acknowledging an illegal contribution from a developer whom Healy tells will get his applications acted on first. His closest associates are indicted and are today in prison or dead by suicide. And you write Healy has "never been accused?"

I'd be impressed if I weren't so disgusted.

Posted on: 2013/5/12 14:54

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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byebyesteve wrote:
I chose the name because I know JC LIST is such a pro fulop site that people would be crazed to read it. I think its hilarious.

Of course I have an interest in the election. My family all worked for the city as I grew up. I am the first to not work JC, but of course there is a lot riding on this election

If you read my post, it is what I think will happen. I have a lot more harsh opinions on Fulop but by posting them, all that will happen is that I will get banned or get ignorant responses back.

It is merely a prediction.

I think what many of the "interlopers" don't understand about what is going on in this city is that the regular person who is from JC dislikes what you are about. Many of you don't realize that many of you come off as trying to force your ideals on everyone because you know better, you are smarter etc. JC people don't go for that

Lets see what happens Tuesday. I honestly don't think Fulop has a chance at all period. The internet war that has been waged by the Fulop people is entertaining, but it will not win elections.

A wise man told me - "Healy voters don't go to debates and they don't post on the internet, they just show up to the polls"

If you look at todays rally, there are plenty of people looking to go to the polls for Healy

So you're going to vote for a corrupt, inept mayor to show how much you don't like people who think they are smarter than you?
That's pretty sad.

Posted on: 2013/5/12 5:56

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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byebyesteve wrote:
Go Healy

I am glad that the end of this election cycle is coming. It has been a hard fought campaign on both sides. Unfortunately it got ugly at the very end, but the tension between the two candidates has been boiling for a few years now.

My prediction:

Healy wins first ballot - 53 Healy 44 Fulop 2 Walker 1 Malik

A - Epps destroys Gajewski - seems like Fulop camp gave that one up already anyway

B is a close one. Definite runoff but Meyers takes it as JJ endorsement of the independent hurts Chico and Meyers takes it.

C Rich Boggiano wins handily - Healy also wins big in C

D Connors wins in a runoff, cant figure out vs who though. Healy protects his home turf

E - Osbourne wins although Levin makes it a close one.

F - Runoff - Toss up - I take Robinson

At Large - Brennan Richardson and Lavarro win handily.

It just seems that to this voter - the fact that Fulop came out with an agenda so early, but then resorted to the ultra negative campaign at the end hurt him badly. I know many people who are sick of it. It has seemed to backfire in this area of Ward B.

If you read the proposals, many of them are not practical and they just seem like pipe dreams. I applaud him for his effort, but I don't think that he is the one to lead us. I have met him on a few occasions and he seems very fake and into himself. I don't see a genuine nice person in him.

The B4K issue has come back to bite him also. They can distance themselves from it all they want. If that was the case than a cease and desist order would be necessary to stop them from advertising on their behalf. Instead there are $2600 donations from Teppers wife and lots of lies. It is obvious that privatization is the goal of the Fulop campaign. If it wasn't, B4K would not be an issue

See you in 2017 - I think

I think you are a bit more invested in this than the simple Ward B voter you claim to be. Nice technique-posing as an objective observer, expressing concern over issues entirely made up by the Healy campaign. I don't think people are nearly as easily manipulated as you seem to believe. We'll know soon enough.

P.S. If you are going to write as a disinterested observer just giving an honest account of how you see things, choose a different name.

Posted on: 2013/5/12 5:22

Re: Dan is still Dan
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OneOBall wrote:
How dare you? I was at Dan's rally to recall Healy! You weren't there! Where were you? Look at the the facts. Fulop is handing over the JC schools to Wall Street. I guess you're OK with that.

Total nonsense. Not one shred of fact to support that claim. Healy's campaign literature now calls Fulop a Republican and put Mitt Romney's face on their attack ads. This is also untrue. Fulop has always been a Democrat. They know it is not true. They don't care. They will say anything.

Posted on: 2013/5/11 21:51

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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Stringer wrote:
Nearly 6,000 more Jersey City registered voters since Nov.

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
May 10, 2013 at 1:46 PM

With few days remaining until Jersey City?s quadrennial election, the city has nearly 6,000 more registered voters than it had in November, with the highest number of new voters living in Ward F.

The re-election campaign of Mayor Jerramiah Healy concentrated its voter-registration efforts in Ward F, a swath of the inner city that is largely African-American and poorer than the rest of Jersey City.

Of the 5,851 new voters in Jersey City since November 6, 22 percent, or 1,280, are in Ward F. Ward B, which encompasses the city?s West Side, has the next highest number of new voters, 1,113.

Healy?s campaign believes high turnout in Ward F could be one their keys to victory on Tuesday, when voters are tasked with selecting a mayor and all nine City Council seats. But mayoral hopeful Jerry Walker has been targeting Ward F, too, hoping that his popularity in the Bergen-Lafeyette community will lead to a large show of support for him.

Healy, who is seeking a third full term, is in a tight race with Councilman Steve Fulop, his longtime rival. He also faces a challenge from Abdul Malik.

Fulop?s home base, Ward E, which encompasses most of the Downtown, saw a small increase in registered voters, 835. The only ward with fewer new voters is Ward C, 823.

The nonpartisan election is Tuesday, May 14. ... _city_r.html#incart_river

Can someone explain to me why people in Ward F would vote for Healy? Why would he calculate that a high turnout there is good for his campaign? Has he been buying votes? A plan to stuff the ballot box?

Posted on: 2013/5/11 15:41

Re: Dan is still Dan
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JTaylor wrote:

Thanks H Parker. Will Candice's team include the Friends of the Loews in this new plan?

I can't imagine that the city could move forward without them, or that Steve would want to exclude them. I only know what Steve has said in the debates.

Posted on: 2013/5/11 14:55

Re: Star Ledger endorses Fulop in JC contest
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"Let us take care of business" sums up this election nicely. A business is an organization with owners who run it for their personal gain. This is a community, not a business. We need to take care of the city and its people. And we will.

Posted on: 2013/5/11 14:41

Re: Dan is still Dan
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JTaylor wrote:
We are writing to support Dan Levin for Ward E City Council. As supporters of Jersey City's art community, we feel that Dan has a stronger record of advocacy for the arts in Jersey City than any other candidate currently running in the 2013 municipal election.

Despite the high number of artists and performers living and working in Ward E, many of downtown's best known cultural institutions have disappeared in recent years. Dan Levin understands the need for local government to take a stronger, more forward looking role in maintaining downtown's unique cultural institutions - as well as encouraging new arts related development that will help Jersey City realize its potential to become the arts center of New Jersey.

Dan has worked tirelessly downtown for over a decade as an advocate for historic preservation, open transparent government and stable taxes, and has been a visible supporter of the arts. Dan offers an ethical, experienced, and independent voice to the Jersey City Council, please consider voting for Dan Levin this coming May 14.


Orlando Reyes
Tony Susco
Greg Brickey

Candice's team wants to use public funds to turn the Loews theatre into a performing arts center. Dan's team wants to let it decay until it is replaced by condos.

Posted on: 2013/5/10 21:56

Re: Beechwood
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What's with the disappearing servers there? Are they in the kitchen cooking? Is there some fabulous lounge in the back?

Posted on: 2013/5/10 17:18

Vote by Mail Ballots must be received by Clerk on Tuesday
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Don't forget the stamp.

Vote-by-Mail ballots must be received by the county clerk by Tuesday, not post-marked by Tuesday. The ballots require a first class stamp. If you have a ballot, return it ASAP.

Posted on: 2013/5/9 17:35

Re: Jersey Journal endorses Steven Fulop for mayor of Jersey City
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WeBelongHere wrote:

They love their wittle Stevie.

You reveal yourself to be a vile human being and I imagine any undecided voters who read your posts will be more likely to vote for Fulop. So thanks. Please keep posting.

Posted on: 2013/5/9 17:00

Re: Jersey Journal endorses Steven Fulop for mayor of Jersey City
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I hope everyone reads this. I disagree with 81905 that only people on the Healy payroll are going to vote for him. Whatever is motivating them, there are enough Healy supporters to keep the race close. I imagine much of his support involves resentment of the "interlopers" downtown.

Posted on: 2013/5/8 22:23

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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Got to admit, it takes some chutzpah to run for Mayor while on disability. This answers the mystery of why he is running. He has nothing else to do.

Edit: Just after writing this I got a robo-call from Dr. Malik. His chief argument for support is "I am not a career politician."

Posted on: 2013/5/8 22:19

Re: Mayor Healy says voters don't care about naked photos
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But Healy said he?s not discussing the photo any more, and he blasted Fulop?s allies for ?capitalizing? on the controversy. ... html#incart_river_default

Imagine--capitalizing on an actual controversy instead of making one up. How rude.

Posted on: 2013/5/6 19:26

Re: Mayor Healy says voters don't care about naked photos
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You know what all this cynicism is going to accomplish? The three little vixens are going to get away with it. No old, fat men in towels will be safe anywhere in the city.

Hope you're happy.

Justice for Jerry! No means NO.

Posted on: 2013/5/6 18:33

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