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Re: The impact of JCLIST?
Just can't stay away
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2008/6/10 2:30
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2018/3/23 0:39
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This may be one of the best post yet on JClist (at least in terms of the positive factor, thanks my fellow JCitizens).

Jersey City has attracted a diverse group of people so I am not really all that surprised at the differences you see on here. Does this city have room for improvement? The simple answer is yes. Has it come along way in short amount of time? The simple answer is yes.

There are ALOT of complainers in Jersey City, but it is great place to live without the super fast pace of NYC (which we all either love and/or hate). I have been here for 28 years(when the path wasnt filled to capacity everytime you got on) and I can tell you, it will only get better (and more expensive, but the path will get worse but its not entirely their fault- they planned like Windows Mobile did). I love JC (except 4:00am Sunday morning coming back from a good time out, thanks PATH for taking me under the river when I am wasted) and if you lived here you would like it too (except when you hear the sirens, but you should be glad the cops are working that late at night to keep you safe).

JC Rocks! (except when it isnt perfect).

Posted on: 2009/12/23 22:17

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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From Western Slope
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CapnJon wrote:
and an aside - there will always be the faux-snobs from Brooklen who would never consider Jersey as a home. Just like there will always be folks in hoboken who consider Jersey City to be slumming it... but yet they pay tons more taxes for the zip code.

bottom line, i work in midtown and i get to work faster (from The Heights) than almost all of my co-workers who live in Brooklyn....

And a seat on the PATH where the DT folks have to stand the rest of the way.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 21:32

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2008/8/24 23:50
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2016/11/6 23:12
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These issues are not unique to JC. Off the top of my head, 1,2,3,9,10,11, 13 apply to hoboken and I'm sure denizens of other Hudson County cities could say the same.

Oh, and Cake Boss being filmed at Carlos' has added ridiculous amounts of foot traffic (in the form of tourists coming to take pictures of the place) in an already crowded area.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 20:55

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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2022/2/28 7:31
From 280 Grove Street
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Jersey City:

1. Corrupt politicians / some with and without convictions in office.

2. SOME police with questionable ethics and privately paid to work on the side - in uniform (2 pay masters - Private and Public)

3. Poor infrustructure and amenities for residents from City Hall

4. Poor city hall services - cat dumping as an example.

5. Expensive condo's with poor soundproofing qualities and some in high crime areas.

6. High crime.

7. Transient population of overseas workers

8. Crap public transport

9. Crap sewer system in winter and during heavy rain

10. Zero empathy from our Y-generation

11. Small pockets of neighbourhood groups, but basically its everyperson for themselves.

12. Constant turnover of businesses in shopping strips.

13. Questionable drinking water

14. Never ending dog issues - crap and attacks

Posted on: 2009/12/23 20:22
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2005/9/21 13:53
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2015/8/5 3:20
From Jersey City Heights
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and an aside - there will always be the faux-snobs from Brooklen who would never consider Jersey as a home. Just like there will always be folks in hoboken who consider Jersey City to be slumming it... but yet they pay tons more taxes for the zip code.

bottom line, i work in midtown and i get to work faster (from The Heights) than almost all of my co-workers who live in Brooklyn....

Posted on: 2009/12/23 19:48

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2005/9/21 13:53
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2015/8/5 3:20
From Jersey City Heights
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it could have much more impact... look at - he is the most read and updated site for hoboken, oodles more accurate and informative than the jersey journal - and now he actually has the ability to get politicians (and others) to pay attention to community concerns...

Posted on: 2009/12/23 19:46

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/1/5 23:18
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2022/12/16 23:23
From Greenville
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This site is a DOWNTOWN JC site. I didn't notice this distinction until a month or two after signing up, since I only paid attention to the URL ( It definitely does not provide an overall image of JC, just Downtown and its many complainers. There's alot more to my city.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 19:23

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2007/12/12 21:00
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2013/7/16 11:48
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I tend to think that the impact of this site is mostly positive.If you read through the posts, you can tell that JC has a lot going on. The negative attitude of many of the posters is odd-- I used to read a forum about Portland, Maine, when I lived there, and I the tone certainly wasn't blindly positive, but any criticism of the city was constructive, and people didn't criticize _each other_. People generally worked together to build a better community. But I think the negative posters say more about themselves than about this city or this forum. I do believe that negative posts (about car accidents, corruption, etc.) get more attention/replies than positive ones (about new businesses, etc.), but maybe that's just human nature. Or maybe it IS really hard to live in this part of the country and people are just looking for something to piss on.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 19:10

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
Just can't stay away
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2009/2/13 15:58
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2010/10/20 19:23
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This site is unique in that it really is a go-to place for all things JC. Good luck getting a comprehensive site like that in NYC. Maybe for a small neighborhood, but not for an entire borough, let alone the whole city.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 16:15

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
Not too shy to talk
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2006/8/22 20:36
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2010/7/17 21:15
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I was wager the raveling to happen by the 8th!

JCSHEP, yours is an interesting concern... and probably valid with the masses' info gathering behaviors as of late.

You can hope that people use better judgement when extrapolating information from online fora, but then again, you would hope they'd do that with dead tree media as well - sadly, many do not.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 16:05

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2005/3/31 1:24
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2009/12/24 3:29
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The question is does this list give the proper impression of what JC is about.

The answer is no.

But I think if you base your judgement about our city solely on one website full of cranks, then you get what you deserve.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 16:02

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2009/7/23 18:04
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2009/12/29 4:12
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I know nobody who lives in Brooklyn (and I know a lot of Brooklynites) who actively roots against more struggling areas of Brooklyn the way some people on here do about areas outside of Downtown Jersey City, NJ.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 16:01

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2006/4/17 14:14
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2015/1/22 21:37
From Carolina's Lavanderia
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JCSHEP wrote:
Bets on when this thread will fall apart?:)

11th post, maybe 12th.

Seriously though, I think JC list is great and only attracts more people here. I mean look at how diverse we are as a community! The tone of some posters here is a turn off, but I think you have that in any on-line community. If we all got along it would be really boring around here.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 16:00

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2005/7/19 15:35
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2010/11/18 14:49
From heights
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i have to agree with you here. I simply have chosen to avoid subjects that i can tell just by their title will bring out the miserable people on this site. I now tend to just try and get my info thru searching the site for specifics. I took the advise of my friend who told me to stop coming here b/c it just pissed me off. Now i just come when i'm looking for roofers or plumbers.

i'd love to see if 1/2 people on this site who continually go down the attack route are really like that in real life, but i'm not a gambler and try to avoid douchebags in my real life.

This site can be used for good, you just have to have a
strong BS radar to avoid the many pitfalls and baits that await you. i'm pretty sure that's a common occurance in most online forums. It amazes me comments people leave, but then again, they do it under the most used screenname: anonymous.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 15:59

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
From Van Vorst Park
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Somebody from Brooklyn who has never been to NJ? Somehow I'm simultaneously surprised and not surprised.

Anything, no matter how cool it is, on the western bank of the Hudson will never be viewed as cool as it would be on the eastern side of the Hudson. It really is just the way it is. Many, many NYCers just cannot wrap their heads around the concept that NJ is a "whole other state...why would I want to move to a whole other state?". Meanwhile JC and Hoboken are just as close as the CLOSEST parts of Brooklyn and Queens, and in many ways more convenient. That invisible state boundary at the center of the Hudson River ... many NYCers think that once you cross that invisible state boundary, you are entering an area with a complete lack of culture, and a completely different lifestyle.

It's funny, really. Especially when Jersey City & Hoboken offer more cultural offerings than *most* parts of the 4 outer boroughs.

The lifestyle in Jersey City and Hoboken does not differ radically from the lifestyle in Brooklyn, but because it is on the other side of an invisible state line, it is just considered less fashionable.

Invisible state line, folks.

We are more "real" on this bank of the Hudson anyway. Be proud.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 15:58

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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2004/9/15 19:03
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2023/8/15 18:42
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Anyone reading this while living in Brooklyn should know all about differences in neighborhoods - Brooklyn is not a "cohesive big city"

Posted on: 2009/12/23 15:55

The impact of JCLIST?
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2008/10/15 20:21
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2019/10/21 3:42
From Hilltop
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A friend of mine from Brooklyn made a comment about NJ & JC/Hoboken recently. I asked where he got his opinion from. He mentioned he hadn?t ever been to JC or Jersey but has friends who have and read ?some stuff? online. With that I began to think a bit about this site?

This site is heavily accessed to get info about JC, this is supported and apparent if you look at Google search queries like ?Jersey City Information?. The webmaster is aware of this as he/she changed the site title to include ?the most viewed Jersey City, NJ site on the internet? and I wonder if he/she thinks the site has potential to be a service or disservice to the city.

In today?s online world often user generated content is trusted more than information from organizations. Visitors may come to this site to get information to help them decide if they should move to JC, invest in JC, work in JC, visit JC, etc, etc. Upon arriving to JCLIST it seems (to me) that visitors see an atmosphere where even the most mundane topics dissolve into personal attacks. I don?t claim to know the temperature of the online forum world but I don?t see this happening in places like I wonder what effect (if any) this has on the image of JC. I have personally observed what I perceive to be a negative stigma against NJ and JC in the metro area and even nationwide. Considering the recent headlines about corruption JC may have a bit of an uphill battle for a positive brand image. To me there also seems to be an abundant number of threads here that show an intolerance and ignorance between JC neighborhoods. I wonder if this makes JC look broken and disconnected rather than a cohesive big city to outsiders. I for one love living here and I am a big advocate of this city.

Thoughs? Bets on when this thread will fall apart?:)

Posted on: 2009/12/23 15:47

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