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Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2005/7/13 15:03
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linky wrote:

Red-Deutsch wrote:
Here's one - if you remember the good 'ole #9 bus, you must be a fairly seasoned JC resident. What's that been gone, maybe 20 years now?

And where the Rite Aid complex is on Danforth near 440 - that used to be the bus depot. And there was the coolest little news stand there out by the sidewalk. It was a shack, pretty much. Gary's I think it was called. Smokes, newspaper and a buttered roll on the way to work every morning.

And in my neighborhood, anyway, it was the craziest thing. In the spring/summer months, a guy in a beat up truck used to drive down the streets ringing a bell. People would all come running out with steak knives and hedge clippers and stuff. He was a knife/blade sharpener. I guess he had some kind of grinding stone, or something, but EVERYBODY knew what the bell ringing meant - it was the sharpener guy! LOL Could you imagine several people running down the street chasing a truck with knives and scissors and hedge clippers nowadays?? There would be a riot or something.

Anyone remember Bonetti Pizza on Kennedy Blvd? That's got to be gone close to 25 years, and I think the sign is still there and I think the store front is still vacant.

Holy Crap! Who are you! My husband thinks my family makes some of this stuff like the knife guy up. God, it would be great if he were still around, my knives are so dull..

You must be a West Side person or Greenville. Gino's was fabulous too, but my all time favorite Italian sandwich was a Dom's special from Dom's Dairy on Westside near teh Park Tavern - stinky cheeses in the window an all.

And I used to take the number 9 everywhere. By the eighties my sisters and I were calling it the rabble cart Does anyone remember the Montgomery and Westside bus?

And I actually worked in that building by NJCU when it was, at one point, Martini Cleaners. Then it was MACs video - run by that guy named Mousy.

Thank you so much for those memories. I'm in JC memory mode so I just remembered the gypsy family who lived on Westside. They had a son with backwards feet, and his socks were always dragging behind him...Insane. If anyone remembers him and a kid named Gumpy Stanowski, I'll buy you dinner.

I remember the 440 Shopper fishbowl bus is that the bus you were refering to ? It used to go to the plaza on Rt. 440 now known as the Hudson Mall. The bus made it through the floods every time it rained. Something cool about that place especially early in the morning when they first opened up.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 17:18

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2007/6/20 16:54
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And regarding the number 9 bus. l used to take it every day when I got my first job in NYC. There was a woman who was a dwarf who took the bus at the same time every morning. The mean busdrivers would never lower the bus for her, so one day I offered to help her. She was so little that I had to eventually pick her up and carry her up the stairs. I ended up doing that every morning for a I'm sure nobody cares, but it's killling me.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 16:17

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2007/6/20 16:54
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Red-Deutsch wrote:
Here's one - if you remember the good 'ole #9 bus, you must be a fairly seasoned JC resident. What's that been gone, maybe 20 years now?

And where the Rite Aid complex is on Danforth near 440 - that used to be the bus depot. And there was the coolest little news stand there out by the sidewalk. It was a shack, pretty much. Gary's I think it was called. Smokes, newspaper and a buttered roll on the way to work every morning.

And in my neighborhood, anyway, it was the craziest thing. In the spring/summer months, a guy in a beat up truck used to drive down the streets ringing a bell. People would all come running out with steak knives and hedge clippers and stuff. He was a knife/blade sharpener. I guess he had some kind of grinding stone, or something, but EVERYBODY knew what the bell ringing meant - it was the sharpener guy! LOL Could you imagine several people running down the street chasing a truck with knives and scissors and hedge clippers nowadays?? There would be a riot or something.

Anyone remember Bonetti Pizza on Kennedy Blvd? That's got to be gone close to 25 years, and I think the sign is still there and I think the store front is still vacant.

Holy Crap! Who are you! My husband thinks my family makes some of this stuff like the knife guy up. God, it would be great if he were still around, my knives are so dull..

You must be a West Side person or Greenville. Gino's was fabulous too, but my all time favorite Italian sandwich was a Dom's special from Dom's Dairy on Westside near teh Park Tavern - stinky cheeses in the window an all.

And I used to take the number 9 everywhere. By the eighties my sisters and I were calling it the rabble cart Does anyone remember the Montgomery and Westside bus?

And I actually worked in that building by NJCU when it was, at one point, Martini Cleaners. Then it was MACs video - run by that guy named Mousy.

Thank you so much for those memories. I'm in JC memory mode so I just remembered the gypsy family who lived on Westside. They had a son with backwards feet, and his socks were always dragging behind him...Insane. If anyone remembers him and a kid named Gumpy Stanowski, I'll buy you dinner.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 16:10

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/1/7 22:10
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shadrack wrote:

- Everyone was afraid of the mythical gang known as "The Bones"

Loved a sleigh ride in Mosquito Park!

The Bones was not a myth....nor was the counter-gang; The Bowes.....

Love these memories.....Growing up here was the best!

Posted on: 2009/9/29 14:56

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2005/9/15 16:41
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Turchin's Rex, on the southwest corner of the Boulevard, was one of the stores that became Tops, it was a Tops for a short period of time before the store was torn down. Tops was born when it went public, the original name was Turchin's Rex.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 14:13

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/11/19 20:23
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heights wrote:

MYBEAT wrote:
Are you referring to Carbro sales on fivecorners?, I remember thats where we use to go for our appliances back in the day.

How about 5 Corners Bakery they had great hard rolls there.

Thats right, east of Casa Dante on Newark ave, your correct, they did make great rolls.

How about the Irish restaurant adjacent to Carbro sales, I think it was called Mullaly's?

Posted on: 2009/9/29 14:01

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2005/7/13 15:03
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fasteddie wrote:

Red-Deutsch wrote:

There used to be an electronics store right on JSQ. For some reason I remember it having a sign on the front that said "The Beast of the East." It was a picture of a little green monster guy holding up a sign with that printed on it. I don't know if that was the actual name of the place, but it may have actually been a Crazy Eddie store. I don't know why I'm recalling a Crazy Eddie being in JC... not sure exactly what the name of the store was.

You might be thinking of Sound Machine which was originally located on the Blvd. a few doors up from the State Theater. They may have moved into the Square near the Concourse later on.

Also on the Square was Universal Meats with the rosasted chickens in the back near the Public Service Bus Depot (now NJ Transit) before the big White Elephant came into town.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 12:20

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2005/7/13 15:03
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MYBEAT wrote:
Are you referring to Carbro sales on fivecorners?, I remember thats where we use to go for our appliances back in the day.

How about 5 Corners Bakery they had great hard rolls there.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 12:17

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2009/1/19 19:23
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Grateful Dead
Allman Brothers
Pink Floyd
Eric Clapton
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Alice Cooper
Boz Scaggs
Crosby, Stills & Nash
Beach Boys

The concerts at Roosevelt Stadium

Posted on: 2009/9/29 4:14

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2009/5/15 17:21
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how about the shop rite that occupied the space where the cali bldg. now squats on grove & columbus

Posted on: 2009/9/29 3:19

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/10/6 1:20
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2011/9/22 22:53
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Here's one - if you remember the good 'ole #9 bus, you must be a fairly seasoned JC resident. What's that been gone, maybe 20 years now?

And where the Rite Aid complex is on Danforth near 440 - that used to be the bus depot. And there was the coolest little news stand there out by the sidewalk. It was a shack, pretty much. Gary's I think it was called. Smokes, newspaper and a buttered roll on the way to work every morning.

And in my neighborhood, anyway, it was the craziest thing. In the spring/summer months, a guy in a beat up truck used to drive down the streets ringing a bell. People would all come running out with steak knives and hedge clippers and stuff. He was a knife/blade sharpener. I guess he had some kind of grinding stone, or something, but EVERYBODY knew what the bell ringing meant - it was the sharpener guy! LOL Could you imagine several people running down the street chasing a truck with knives and scissors and hedge clippers nowadays?? There would be a riot or something.

Anyone remember Bonetti Pizza on Kennedy Blvd? That's got to be gone close to 25 years, and I think the sign is still there and I think the store front is still vacant.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 2:40

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/10/6 1:20
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Spot on as usual! Thanks, Eddie! It was indeed Sound Machine! Thanks!

There were indeed baseball, football, ice skating and concerts at Roosevelt Stadium, but anyone remember seeing 4th of July fireworks there? Really can't remember if it was a "professional" display or just a whole bunch of locals sort of cooperatively blowing up their stuff all in the same place.

It was before my time, but I remember reading somewhere that Roosevelt Stadium was an air field / airport at one point, as well.

I have bricks from the Stadium in my front yard. granted, they're probably radioactive, but I still have a part of the stadium. Those, and some sort of Jersey City Indians rain slicker that they gave away on some promotional night, or something. Also a plastic replica batting helmet. Black with a red bill and a white capital "I" on the front. Heh... memories...

Heh - people used to learn how to parallel park their cars in the RS parking lot, too. They had cinder blocks filled with cement with steel poles sticking up out of them. That was a JC staple - learn to drive at Roosevelt Stadium.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 2:35

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2005/12/30 0:21
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Red-Deutsch wrote:

There used to be an electronics store right on JSQ. For some reason I remember it having a sign on the front that said "The Beast of the East." It was a picture of a little green monster guy holding up a sign with that printed on it. I don't know if that was the actual name of the place, but it may have actually been a Crazy Eddie store. I don't know why I'm recalling a Crazy Eddie being in JC... not sure exactly what the name of the store was.

You might be thinking of Sound Machine which was originally located on the Blvd. a few doors up from the State Theater. They may have moved into the Square near the Concourse later on.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 1:57

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/11/19 20:23
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Seaboard wrote:
When I was a very small child in the 60's, I vaguely remember going with my Mother & Grandmother to a discount store called Topps. It was on Newark Ave past little India. The building is still there, & if you look hard, it still says Topps, although now i believe it is a warehouse of some kind. Anyone remember this?

And BTW, anyone know where I got my screenname from?

Are you referring to Carbro sales on fivecorners?, I remember thats where we use to go for our appliances back in the day.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 0:26

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/10/6 1:20
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Not to pile on with the food-type places - it's just that so many have come and gone over the years, but what about this:

Gino's -> KFC -> Church's Fried Chicken -> Palmer Video -> West Coast Video.

I *think* that's the evolution of that building on West Side by NJCU over the last 35-40 years, anyhow.

Which brings me to the old Gino's (the deli / sandwich place on Kennedy Blvd). Best. Meatball. Parm. EVER.

Now my stomach is growling.

Posted on: 2009/9/29 0:04

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/10/6 1:20
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Wow... some really great old-school JC references on here. Really good ones.

Someone mentioned the steak house in the Hudson Mall a few posts back. I believe it was called the Rodeo.

There used to be an electronics store right on JSQ. For some reason I remember it having a sign on the front that said "The Beast of the East." It was a picture of a little green monster guy holding up a sign with that printed on it. I don't know if that was the actual name of the place, but it may have actually been a Crazy Eddie store. I don't know why I'm recalling a Crazy Eddie being in JC... not sure exactly what the name of the store was.

Anyone remember the Bulldog Inn, on Sterling Ave? I think maybe some of that Bones crew previously mentioned might have frequented that place. I was just a tiny kid when that place was open, but even still, I remember it being a tough crowd.

Right in the same neighborhood, there was an actual butcher shop - not just processed cold cuts - Pellegrino's Meat Market, just a block or so away. He was in business right up until recently. Unfortunately, he's gone now. Best meat and sandwiches around, and Jimmy is a really nice guy.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 23:55

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2006/11/1 23:31
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yeah i was thinking of 'tops' and not 'topps'

Tops Appliance City reached $158 million in sales in 1985. In 1987 it ranked 13th nationwide among major appliance retailers. A second New Jersey store opened in Secaucus in December 1986 and a third in East Hanover in April 1988.

also, dont know if it was mentioned , but how about 'nobody beats the wiz' as an addition to the list?

Posted on: 2009/9/28 21:40

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...

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2005/3/23 23:52
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From Harsimus Cove, matey!
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No. What Im thinking of was a discount store which I believe was on Newark Ave by Tonnelle

Posted on: 2009/9/28 21:35

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2006/11/1 23:31
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i thought topps was the old bestbuy in secaucus.. they used to be an electronics store. maybe im thinking of something else though.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 21:26

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...

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2005/3/23 23:52
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2009/9/28 21:28
From Harsimus Cove, matey!
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When I was a very small child in the 60's, I vaguely remember going with my Mother & Grandmother to a discount store called Topps. It was on Newark Ave past little India. The building is still there, & if you look hard, it still says Topps, although now i believe it is a warehouse of some kind. Anyone remember this?

And BTW, anyone know where I got my screenname from?

Posted on: 2009/9/28 21:23

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Blumpkin wrote:
the genius who dropped the bowling ball from 139 onto 1-9 traffic and killed an infant. i wonder if he is still locked up.

Yeah, I remember that moron kid. He probably got a job working for the parks department.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 14:17

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/1/27 17:56
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Blumpkin wrote:
the genius who dropped the bowling ball from 139 onto 1-9 traffic and killed an infant. i wonder if he is still locked up.

Oh man... that was terrible. I hope he is. I remember that and the poor couple drove their battered baby to St. Francis which was the first hospital sign they saw as they drove another half mile. I believe a friend of his turned him in to the police.

Up until just a few years ago, there were remnants of a memorial on State Highway.

The good ole sucked sometimes too. A friend of mine was stabbed to death in outside of Hamilton Park coming home from a school dance in the late 1970's. He was good kid with a lot of promise.

I also remember the "grave robbers" desecrating the crypts at Harsimus Cometary. Sad.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 12:49

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2009/6/16 8:31
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the genius who dropped the bowling ball from 139 onto 1-9 traffic and killed an infant. i wonder if he is still locked up.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 6:25

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2008/4/21 1:07
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Hockey on the old Pershing Field rink before the roof went up.

So I've heard....

Posted on: 2009/9/28 3:13

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2009/4/3 12:45
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Yeah, The Monmarte Room at the Plaza
and The Carteret Club on top of the Yellow Bowl that got busted for slot machines.

Posted on: 2009/9/28 2:38

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2004/12/29 17:58
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The Yellow Bowl


The lovely sight of the Half Moon sailing up the Hudson is among the most exciting memories.

Posted on: 2009/9/27 14:46

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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JCReporter wrote:
The old Bay Cinema at City Line Plaza (Too young to go in but recall it showing porn flicks)

There used to be a drive-in movie theater by Roosevelt Stadium as well which also showed porn

And of course the Roosevelt Stadium parking lot used to be a favorite night-time make-out place back in the day

Posted on: 2009/9/27 3:20

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2008/11/19 20:23
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used2bjc wrote:
Erc's and The Tripoli downtown

The Journal Square Bookstore

D & G Tavern at the Junction

Pete and Dominick's at the Square

Joey Starr's long bar

Barrett's mens shop

Flag Bros. Shoes

Gimbert's Tavern

The China Clipper

The Jade

The Oyster Bay

Rutgers at the Square

The Tivoli


Simonetti and Sullivan and Levy's on Monticello Ave.

The Jewish Community Center


Elite Billiards

Tarlow Billiards

Jersey Academy

The Ukranian School

The Captains Table

The Hudson Dispatch

When The Jersey Journal was a real newspaper!

The Hilltop

Tennis at the armory

You left out:

Duckys restaurant
Foxes nightclub
3 boys from Italy pizza (Journal sq)
Snuffys on Sip Ave
The steakhouse in the hudson mall.

Posted on: 2009/9/27 2:36

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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2004/9/15 19:03
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I wish people would upload pictures from back in the day!

I would love to see old Jersey City!

Posted on: 2009/9/27 2:30

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...

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2009/4/3 12:45
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2011/7/4 1:40
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Erc's and The Tripoli downtown

The Journal Square Bookstore

D & G Tavern at the Junction

Pete and Dominick's at the Square

Joey Starr's long bar

Barrett's mens shop

Flag Bros. Shoes

Gimbert's Tavern

The China Clipper

The Jade

The Oyster Bay

Rutgers at the Square

The Tivoli


Simonetti and Sullivan and Levy's on Monticello Ave.

The Jewish Community Center


Elite Billiards

Tarlow Billiards

Jersey Academy

The Ukranian School

The Captains Table

The Hudson Dispatch

When The Jersey Journal was a real newspaper!

The Hilltop

Tennis at the armory

Posted on: 2009/9/27 2:10

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