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Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/7/16 15:19
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2023/4/12 19:35
From PH
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tommyc_37 wrote:
How often do the NYC subways run late at night? It can't be much less than every 30 minutes, which is what PATH is.

the only difference is, in Manhattan you have other options such as walking/cab, but a cab to JC is very expensive and the PATH is the only option for getting home! christopher street to grove street shouldn't have to take an hour.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 19:54

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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The schedules of the MTA subways vary, a lot.

But say Saturday, around midnight, the L train leaves 8 Ave at 11:50, 12:00, !2:10, 12:20, 12:32

Or a 4 Southbound train leaves Grand Central at 11:56. 12:08, 12:20, 12:30.

In the wee hours of the AM, most of the ones I looked at seem to be every 20 minutes. That 10 minutes is a huge difference at 3am.

For others, check it out here:
MTA Schedules

Posted on: 2008/10/9 19:54

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
From Van Vorst Park
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How often do the NYC subways run late at night? It can't be much less than every 30 minutes, which is what PATH is.

I do agree though, that the Path trains are just overly crowded, at all hours of the day and night.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 19:39

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/4/17 17:10
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2008/12/27 1:27
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ladybert wrote:
My boyfriend gets off work at midnight at the Christopher street stop... oftentimes he can't even fit on the over-packed train and has to wait for the next one, thus not getting home til almost 1am! It's unreal!

I met a friend by NYU a couple days ago for dinner-- I got to the 9th street PATH around 8ish, which is way past rush hour. The trains were packed to the gills, I had to wait a half hour just for one to come by that had room enough for me to squeeze on. Yeah, this is going to work really well when there is no WTC service.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 19:30

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/4/30 23:18
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My boyfriend gets off work at midnight at the Christopher street stop... oftentimes he can't even fit on the over-packed train and has to wait for the next one, thus not getting home til almost 1am! It's unreal!

he's gay and cheating on you.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 18:10

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Can anyone say Monopoly !

Posted on: 2008/10/9 18:07

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/7/16 15:19
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2023/4/12 19:35
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corybraiterman wrote:
I have no real desire for a 2nd entrance, but JESUS FARKING CHRIST MORE TRAINS LATE PLEASE. Trains at 3AM that have more people than mid day need to stop right damn now.

My boyfriend gets off work at midnight at the Christopher street stop... oftentimes he can't even fit on the over-packed train and has to wait for the next one, thus not getting home til almost 1am! It's unreal!

Posted on: 2008/10/9 16:49

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2004/9/15 19:03
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We should focus on the matter at hand - namely there will be NO PATH SERVICE TO WTC for 3 or more years!

Ok - I can't help it either, but what about just doubling the length of the rush hour WTC PATH subway trains and then just fill the first half of cars -- then move train forward and open and fill the second half of cars? Then the only issue should be making the end platforms at the WTC site longer maybe even twice as long as now planned - perhaps Newark's station might need work too. Someday maybe this could even work for 33rd street trains.

OK - sorry - We should focus on the matter at hand - namely there will be NO PATH SERVICE TO WTC for 3 or more years!

Posted on: 2008/10/9 15:03

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2005/5/26 17:24
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2011/10/24 17:50
From Morgan Lighthouse
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Knowing when the next train will be is useless.

Morning rush hour I know the next rain is in 5 minutes. And its coming from newark already full to overflowing. the next one is 5 minutes after that. Also packed like sardines. The next is 5 minutes after that. Still no room to fit.


Posted on: 2008/10/9 14:38

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2006/4/10 13:29
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payanks00 wrote:
If you have the iphone, you can buy an app called itrans path that is pretty awesome. it gives you a timetable for each path station. Real easy to use and helpful at night when the trains run less frequent

If you have an iPhone, you can also just you, which is free.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 13:28

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/7/3 5:49
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I have no real desire for a 2nd entrance, but JESUS FARKING CHRIST MORE TRAINS LATE PLEASE. Trains at 3AM that have more people than mid day need to stop right damn now.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 6:59

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2005/4/28 19:03
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However, I agree, once I'm on the platform it makes no difference...

In San Francisco, they had a little sign on the bus stops that read "Next bus in ___ minutes." I didn't think it was that big of a deal. But then you really get used to it, and when I was at a bus stop without it, I felt lost.

It is useful, or comforting, in some odd way.

Especially one night when we waited for what felt like an hour at a bus stop. It would've been nice to know whether we were waiting in vain or whether a bus was really coming. We ended up taking a cab, eventually.

Posted on: 2008/10/8 23:42
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/2/19 14:55
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2011/5/14 13:52
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If you have the iphone, you can buy an app called itrans path that is pretty awesome. it gives you a timetable for each path station. Real easy to use and helpful at night when the trains run less frequent

Posted on: 2008/10/8 23:39

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/6/25 23:54
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2010/3/7 16:03
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More frequest service on nights and weekends is a must!!!!

The PATH is atrocious on the weekends. Waiting in the path stations is torture. It is inhuman to make people wait as long as they do!

It would make living in JC so much more tolerable. Improved PATH service is the only thing between JC sucking and being really great. So lets be great!

Posted on: 2008/10/8 23:36

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
Just can't stay away
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2008/10/4 19:05
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2023/6/15 11:24
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The gate is on the side of the mezzanine with the AED machine at grove street .

And yes it would be nice to know (before you went through the turnstiles) when the next train would be.

Posted on: 2008/10/8 23:21

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2004/12/26 3:03
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What would be helpful is if there were a way of knowing when the next train were coming BEFORE you entered the station. However, I agree, once I'm on the platform it makes no difference...

Posted on: 2008/10/8 16:50

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Yes, please stick to the matter at hand - PATH service to WTC on weekends - this should not be sidetracked by some Newport residents dreams of a bigger station!!!


JadedJC wrote:
...I was rather amused to see all the facts and figures on the site all pertained to the Pavonia Newport station. Whoever is spearheading this must live there...

Posted on: 2008/10/8 13:19

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2005/3/31 1:24
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dwntowntrain wrote:
Don't quote me on this but I thought i saw a gate in the mezzanine area. I will look again tonight.

Does anyone know a feasible location for the elevator at Grove Street?

ALSO... I am sure that people would love it if first all PATHVISION displays worked, and 2nd if they would continuously display when the next train is (or a countdown to the next train)

In the scheme of things, the PATHVISION issue is the least of them. The train will get there when it gets there. Having a little countdown clock won't make it get there any faster or be any less crowded. And you're already there, with no other real option, so what difference does it make?

I mean it's interesting and all, to know when the next train is coming, but then we would all start timing it ourselves and find that it was inaccurate, because OF COURSE it would be, and then we would have pages of threads about the stupid PATHVISION.

Posted on: 2008/10/7 23:55

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2008/10/4 19:05
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2023/6/15 11:24
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Don't quote me on this but I thought i saw a gate in the mezzanine area. I will look again tonight.

Does anyone know a feasible location for the elevator at Grove Street?

ALSO... I am sure that people would love it if first all PATHVISION displays worked, and 2nd if they would continuously display when the next train is (or a countdown to the next train)

Posted on: 2008/10/7 23:34

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2004/9/14 17:44
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Robocub wrote:
I received this announcement from Councilman Steven Fulop. I thouht I'd pass it on for al to sign the petiton if they want.

Last month, I authored a formal resolution that was approved by the City Council and sent to the Port Authority of NY/NJ formally requesting fairness with regard to increased PATH service on the weekends and weeknights. Councilwoman Beth Mason in Hoboken will have a similar request on the Hoboken City Council agenda this month, as we seek the same similar resolutions from councils in Newark and Harrison.

As we approach next year's governor's race in New Jersey, the time for action on an important Hudson County issue is now. I have attached a link for a website which I am using as a tool to show our elected leaders the importance consistent PATH service on nights and weekends to Hudson County residents.

Every signature added to the "solution" page at will generate an e-mail to Governor Corzine, Governor Patterson, and the appropriate individuals at the Port Authority. Lets collectively advocate for Governor Corzine to get the Port Authority to give us the services we deserve. This is an issue about safety, about accessibility, and about your tax dollars. I believe that the collective voice carries the most weight and that if we can generate enough e-mails to our elected officials, we can achieve our goal.

Right now, the Port Authority, the bi-state commission is undertaking a massive amount of infrastructure improvements as well as building a new state-of-the-art PATH station at the former World Trade Center site. What we in New Jersey are asking for is a fair and accommodating train schedule along with some relatively minor improvements to one of our more crowded stations.

Please sign the petition at and pass this along to your friends, your neighbors, and your community groups - Together we can make a difference.

Steven Fulop
Councilman Ward "E" Jersey City

Imo, the Newport-centric tone is at least odd. The PATH serves the whole city. Even in your ward, Mr. F, you've got two other stations. What are the stats on them?

The idea of alternate entrances at newport makes me think of the Marin entrance of the Grove Street stop. How was that entrance built without an escalator or wheelchair access, which also accommodates shoppers with no car (which includes many residents), baby carriages and bicycles?! And there's no gate at Grove street either. In the age of ADA awareness, much less enforcement, how is this even possible?

If you're going to PLAN a new mass transit entrance, even the tiniest vision dictates budgeting better access.

Posted on: 2008/10/7 17:07

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2006/12/28 17:08
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I just signed it "YES" increased service is a priority, "NO" additional entrances at Newport is not. Not that I oppose it, but with the whole WTC debacle, there has got to be a better funding plan than just a new Pavonia entrance...

Posted on: 2008/10/7 16:45

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2007/5/16 16:03
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I signed the petition also, but I thought it was odd that it was so focused on Newport.

I think the most important thing is that there are trains running more frequently on nights and weekends to all the stations, not just Newport.

I use the Grove Street PATH all the time, but maybe I would use the Newport station if they did have a separate entrance where I didn't need to go through the mall.

Posted on: 2008/10/7 15:53

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
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2006/10/23 18:47
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I signed the petition (got the email from Fulop as well), but I was rather amused to see all the facts and figures on the site all pertained to the Pavonia Newport station. Whoever is spearheading this must live there. Needless to say, it's just as congested at Grove Street. The site really needs to be updated to point out and protest plans to shut the WTC station on weekends starting next summer.

Posted on: 2008/10/7 12:46

PATH Service - Action Needed
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2007/9/16 13:05
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2015/8/29 11:21
From Jersey City, Hamilton Park
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I received this announcement from Councilman Steven Fulop. I thouht I'd pass it on for al to sign the petiton if they want.

Last month, I authored a formal resolution that was approved by the City Council and sent to the Port Authority of NY/NJ formally requesting fairness with regard to increased PATH service on the weekends and weeknights. Councilwoman Beth Mason in Hoboken will have a similar request on the Hoboken City Council agenda this month, as we seek the same similar resolutions from councils in Newark and Harrison.

As we approach next year's governor's race in New Jersey, the time for action on an important Hudson County issue is now. I have attached a link for a website which I am using as a tool to show our elected leaders the importance consistent PATH service on nights and weekends to Hudson County residents.

Every signature added to the "solution" page at will generate an e-mail to Governor Corzine, Governor Patterson, and the appropriate individuals at the Port Authority. Lets collectively advocate for Governor Corzine to get the Port Authority to give us the services we deserve. This is an issue about safety, about accessibility, and about your tax dollars. I believe that the collective voice carries the most weight and that if we can generate enough e-mails to our elected officials, we can achieve our goal.

Right now, the Port Authority, the bi-state commission is undertaking a massive amount of infrastructure improvements as well as building a new state-of-the-art PATH station at the former World Trade Center site. What we in New Jersey are asking for is a fair and accommodating train schedule along with some relatively minor improvements to one of our more crowded stations.

Please sign the petition at and pass this along to your friends, your neighbors, and your community groups - Together we can make a difference.

Steven Fulop
Councilman Ward "E" Jersey City

Posted on: 2008/10/7 2:17

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