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Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
RacerX wrote:QUOTE: "I'm annoyed by men who don't think it's necessary to give up their seat for a pregnant woman, especially when one is standing right in front of them. It's so incredibly rude."If I didn't knock her up, I'm not giving up my seat.There are too many people in this world.If there were less, there would be more seats available.All the prego is doing is contributing to the problem be producing more humans that we don't need.Before my lynching starts...I do, however, give up my seat for old & handicapped people. Being old or handicapped isn't someones choice. Getting pregnant is. Sorry for the longish post. First off, hats off to Heights and the other, albeit endangered species of, gentlemen. The countless men, including those who are older and grew up in the time when it was commonplace (if not almost mandatory) to teach "chivalrous" behavior, who seem to have completely forgotten those manners completely astound me. Many times, I have been on the verge of asking one of these guys "Just how long have you lived here before the 'gentleman' was beaten out of you?" Elvis, your anti-chivalry argument is not without some thought. We live in a different world from our parents and, for some, it is a woman's choice to work, put in a hard day, and struggle with the demands of doing so just like a man. Likewise, for the remainder of the working women, it is a requirement for a myriad of reasons (single mom, deadbeat husband/boyfriend, or their significant other who doesn't quite earn enough to make ends meet). Either way, their workaday struggle is the same. However, where your point (and that of the person you quoted) lacks merit is that working women are NOT equal to working men. Women don't earn equal pay and frequently get passed over for jobs and promotions (sometimes just because of the biological *ability* to become pregnant and subsequently be a presumed liability to the company). Also, although the trend is starting where husbands put in nearly as much time at home as their wives do, most husbands (even those who consider themselves "enlightened") do not, after as full a day as their wives, have the added responsibility of putting together dinner, straightening up the house, helping with homework, bathing little ones, putting them to bed, and staying up with them all night if they are sick only to drag themselves into work the next day. Until the pendulum swings closer to the middle and equality is an actuality instead of a notion, chivalry truly should continue. And, lastly, to RacerX...I don't know if your remarks were simply just to get a rise out of people or if that is how you truly feel but, whatever. With your logic about choosing the lifestyle, it could be argued that people choose to become old or remain handicapped by not committing suicide (sorry, just trying to underscore the absurdity of his "point"). The basic rule of thumb, and this goes for every one of us, is "how would we want others to treat our wives, girlfriends, mothers, sisters, daughters, our elderly relatives?" If you, RacerX, would not choose to perpetuate the human race (and, believe me, we all thank you), what if one of your female relatives did? And what if she was treated the way YOU treat the "pregos"?I believe that any one of us would pop someone in the face (or really, really want to) if they disrespected someone we care about. Likewise, as per the topic at hand, it doesn't make it okay just because we don't personally know the person we are disrepecting.
Posted on: 2008/9/28 1:46
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2004/9/12 7:13 Last Login : 2012/5/16 16:22 From beneath the jumping sheep
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Wow... that's just ... wow. Your momma should be so damn proud of you.
Posted on: 2008/9/26 3:00
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 0:06 From Western Slope
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So this negates the point of the thread ?? The grammar police are at it again.
Posted on: 2008/9/25 17:49
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Quite a regular
2005/5/26 17:24 Last Login : 2011/10/24 17:50 From Morgan Lighthouse
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QUOTE: "I'm annoyed by men who don't think it's necessary to give up their seat for a pregnant woman, especially when one is standing right in front of them. It's so incredibly rude."
If I didn't knock her up, I'm not giving up my seat. There are too many people in this world. If there were less, there would be more seats available. All the prego is doing is contributing to the problem be producing more humans that we don't need. Before my lynching starts... I do, however, give up my seat for old & handicapped people. Being old or handicapped isn't someones choice. Getting pregnant is.
Posted on: 2008/9/25 17:29
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Just can't stay away
The teachings include poor grammar and xenophobia among other things.
Posted on: 2008/9/25 15:31
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 0:06 From Western Slope
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You must be riding the Orient Express, I am not Asian nor foreign born and I always give my seat up for a lady whether she is with child or not. I have been doing this deed since I began riding public transportation by myself. I have not forgot the teachings of my up-bringing.
Posted on: 2008/9/25 14:11
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
I don't think it's accurate to assume women aren't giving up their seats, especially after Syphrite just confirmed that they, in fact, do. As a young woman, I always give up my seat when I see a pregnant woman or a woman holding an infant. I hope that one day others will afford me the same kindness.
In my informal study of riding the PATH twice a day, I see plenty of ladies giving up their seats. Perhaps this is a bit Polyanna, but I think that when men & women don't give up their seats, it's often the result of people not noticing or paying attention to other passengers. Not that that's always a bad thing. Zoning out with my iPod is a welcome respite when my thighs are smushed up next to the person beside me & I'm having to smell someone else's Egg McMuffin.
Posted on: 2008/9/25 14:01
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
Chivalry is an outdated concept that harkens back to a time where women were treated so unfairly, the least a man could do was give up his seat. I am all for letting Pregnant ladies sit. I feel the same way about old people or anyone with crutches or a cane.
But ladies, step up to the plate. Assuming a guy should give up his seat just exempts you from feeling guilty about not giving up yours. You tell the world that you value your independence, you want equality, yet you expect to be treated differently in some regards. I found this quote that sums it up pretty neatly: In Fascinating Womanhood, Helen Andelin describes what this sinister force was - "If chivalry is dead, women have killed it. They have killed it by becoming capable, efficient, and independent, able to kill their own snakes. They prove by their strength and ability that they don't need masculine care and protection, that they are well able to take care of themselves. They commonly display their capacity to solve their own problems and fight their own battles. To awaken chivalry we must return to femininity. We must stop doing the masculine things and become the gentle, tender, dependent women we were designed to be, women who need masculine care and protection. When we do, men will delight in offering their chivalry." Ladies, we have no right to complain that chivalry is dead - that men don't respect us or help us when we're not willing to settle into our God-given roles.
Posted on: 2008/9/24 16:38
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Where has the chivalry gone?
And actually, women offer their seats more often then men do, particularly older women, which goes to show you just how rude men are. Honestly any dude that complains here about my statement is probably guilty. Don't get me wrong, I can stand just as well as anyone else, but when the train is crowded it makes it unsafe to stand and there are other factors that are dangerous such as the trains jerky movements and the constant urge to pee. If you see a woman/child standing in front of you who needs a seat you should offer it.
Posted on: 2008/9/24 16:29
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
Do you get annoyed at the women who don't stand too?
Posted on: 2008/9/24 16:22
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
I'm annoyed by men who don't think it's necessary to give up their seat for a pregnant woman, especially when one is standing right in front of them. It's so incredibly rude. I've noticed that only Asian men are quick to offer their seats, but everyone else pretends they don't notice/care.
Posted on: 2008/9/24 16:12
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Just can't stay away
Either way it makes for an interesting ride home :)
Posted on: 2008/9/20 17:34
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
Would it have been better or worse if he had been circumcised?
Posted on: 2008/9/20 17:29
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Just can't stay away
Speaking of weird path experiences, last night (early this morning) a drunk man sat down, proceeded to take out his uncircumcised penis for the world to see. I think he was an out-of-towner. Very interesting what you see when you use public transportation.
Posted on: 2008/9/20 16:42
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
FE You almost made me almost spill my coffee on my keyboard, hilarious!
Posted on: 2008/9/20 15:59
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
Maybe you haven't heard, there is a new public health program co-sponsored by PATH and the Health Department. Every week a doctor from a different specialty rides the train and provides free consultations and advice. This week is Dermatology Week. That was a dermatologist he was showing his ass to, not his friend. First week in October is Gynecology Week so I plan to be hanging out on the trains all day. I'm not sure when Proctology Week is but you might want to take the bus or the ferry that week.
Posted on: 2008/9/20 13:32
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Not too shy to talk
After a late night of work tonight, I jumped onto the crowded WTC train heading towards Newark. Before reaching exchange place, a man decided to unbuckle his belt, drop his pants to his ankles, lift his boxers to reveal his left butt cheek and show some sort of growth to his friend that was sitting in one of the seats. I think everyone else was as confused and disgusted as I was. There really are some strange people here.
Posted on: 2008/9/20 3:23
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Any idea what the deal was with the air conditioning this am ? The train from Newark did not have the a/c running & found people changing cars in Harrison(where I board) ! My car was too damn hot.. it was better outside.
I then change my train in Jrnl Sq for the 33rd St train & again same issue.. everybody enters the car & then moves to the next one.. I left this train for the next one.. same issue with this one. I finally took the 3rd train but the a/c wasnt any good either..
I wonder if the PATH guys upto something ?
<- Peace ->
Posted on: 2008/9/3 20:17
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2006/11/27 12:04 Last Login : 2016/7/1 9:09 From Southern JC
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That's where you're wrong. I didn't attend an excellent university but am now enjoying my stint as conductor of the New York Philharmonic.
Posted on: 2008/8/22 8:21
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
I have an acquaintance who is a PATH conductor. We've never talked salary, but I feel pretty confident she does not make $90K.
That's like teacher salaries. Yes, there are teachers (who have been around forever) that make 6 figures. But teachers fresh out of college are making a lot less. Same with cops.
Posted on: 2008/8/21 23:44
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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All joking aside, I don't think dealing with drunken late night people, or an occasional smelly homeless person, warrants the pay they receive.
In comparison, they JUST raised starting salary of NYPD to $38,000 (was formerly $25,000) and these people are risking death every time they clock in. PATH conductors do not have a high risk of death. So PATH conductors make 3x as much as a starting NYPD officer, for dealing with occasional vomit and drunkenness, versus dealing with gangs with guns?
Posted on: 2008/8/21 18:43
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
For those of you who only travel rush hours, I know it may seem like all the conductor does is push buttons - but I've seen these guys put up with a lot of crap, both literally and figuratively. I've seen punks who have tried to punch the conductor. Who do you think has to deal with the sick passenger? Or help evacuate the train when it becomes disabled between stations? Then there was the time a train pulled into WTC with one car totally smeared in feces by a crazy homeless guy - who do you think had to deal with that? Not the job I'd want, but I think those guys deserve every bit of their pay.
Posted on: 2008/8/21 17:32
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 0:06 From Western Slope
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I understand your point. But you have to look at it another way. If you pay out a low wage you will get low wage ethics. This includes frequent turn around time, constant training, details being ignored, harm to customers, shotty & snotty workmanship, bad morale, accident-prone situations, the list goes on. Sometimes you can't afford to be-little the job, look at the farmers and the poison produce being sold out there, or the parking authority issuing "extra" tickets because of their low salary. We should put sensors on the parking meters just as the car insurance companies want to do to vehicles monitor and regulate the premiums of these policies. They are doing it already through education and credit ratings would you say that is fair to base rate charges on ? I'd say phase out the job then make it fully automated this way no one gets monetarily hurt.
Posted on: 2008/8/21 17:30
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Just can't stay away
Yeah. I'm not following that either...Didn't everyone make peanuts out of college? And, I?m not going to get into my salary or what I do for a living, but I gotta tell you I get paid an awful lot to sit here all day and read JCList. And, if I did get personal, it would be perfectly understandable? And, why is that? Because it's market standard? Because of college? I think it's perfectly fair that this guy is paid 90K? He's probably been on the job for like 25 years....So, Why are we condescending to the poor conductors now? Would you prefer we replace them with minimum wage employees? If we did, Methinks this thread would suddenly get a lot longer and angrier.
Posted on: 2008/8/21 17:26
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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I'm still not buying your argument, man. I make over 6 figures, but I am both an entrepeneur business owner (part time) and full-time I am responsible for driving revenue to the company I work for. I also went to an excellent university. I feel that I am paid appropriately. In my opinion, somebody who pushes exactly one button, who has little to no stress, and does not have a high level of education shouldn't be making $90k per year. I'm sure others would probably agree. ESPECIALLY that the Port Authority is constantly crying poverty. Capice?
Posted on: 2008/8/21 17:17
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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There is a correlation in most cases to the LEVEL of education and income. I was merely pointing out that SOME people go to very expensive colleges.
Posted on: 2008/8/21 17:11
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
Why would/should there be any connection between the price of an education and a graduate's subsequent income?
Posted on: 2008/8/21 17:01
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 0:06 From Western Slope
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If you feel that strongly about it then speak to human resources at you job and ask for either a reduction in your wok load or a raise. And while you are at it try comparing your job with a thousand others that you don't even notice from day to day. The train conductor is one of many that have a "cushy" job. If something goes wrong with the train during its travel time then not only is the engineer tested and checked out but so is the conductor for any responsible actions on their part.
Posted on: 2008/8/21 16:45
Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
Home away from home
2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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Are you likening the PATH conductors to artisans? FYI, I do NOT support replacing human employees with robots in MOST cases. But the PATH conductor replacement is one that I would support. If not have the position eliminated, then at LEAST lower the salaries, honestly. I am sorry if I sound like an ass, but it's just the way I feel. Kids coming out of expensive colleges are making $25,000 and these guys are making nearly six figures with a high school diploma or GED, for doing a job that is very, very easy, and not even necessary. And are you CERTAIN that our taxes aren't paying for it? Can anybody else confirm?
Posted on: 2008/8/21 16:41