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Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2008/3/27 15:50
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2009/12/30 21:20
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Aren't pregnant women supposed to exercise?? Maybe those "expectant mom" spots should be at the *other* end of the lot?!

Posted on: 2008/4/10 13:08

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2006/9/1 11:45
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2014/9/3 23:20
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i know of people who have them for nerve damage and things that aren't extremely noticeable. i try to not judge someone for parking in a handicapped spot unless they clearly do not have a tag or plates and are the kind of people that just lurk in the spot while their friend or relative shops. i've got quite a few paraplegic friends who are now driving again in modified vehicles, but often complain about more fortunate people tying up the parking spaces at their schools or shopping areas when they are clearly in need of the designated spots. in that sense, it is a shame, and it makes the readjustment to almost normal life a little bit more of a hassle.

the "expecting mothers" spots at shop rite are a joke. 9 out of 10 times you will not see expecting mothers parking there, but all sorts of people. i agree with the person who said that these special spots are a discriminatory act. i'll be honest though, i tend to park farther away from other cars because i hate having scratches and dings in my car. i'd rather walk an extra 50 feet than have to touch up another scratch from someone being careless with a shopping cart or having kids open their doors into the side of my car.

Posted on: 2008/4/9 23:33

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2007/3/19 18:28
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2020/3/10 14:50
From hamilton park
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marybarr wrote:
I have a permanent handicapped hang tag and since I am not wheelchair bound use it only on the worst of my pain days. Twice it has been stolen out of our car and we had to soend the days at DMV to replace it. I reported them stolen but I don't think they will be discovered unless the tag is hanging when the person gets a ticket or pulled over for something else.

note to self, like gps unit and satelite radio, do not leave tag hanging in car in site when not being used.

Posted on: 2008/4/9 18:46
utterly deplorable

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2006/10/16 18:26
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2016/8/21 18:57
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I have a permanent handicapped hang tag and since I am not wheelchair bound use it only on the worst of my pain days. Twice it has been stolen out of our car and we had to soend the days at DMV to replace it. I reported them stolen but I don't think they will be discovered unless the tag is hanging when the person gets a ticket or pulled over for something else.

Posted on: 2008/4/7 20:20

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2007/1/19 21:37
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2010/11/8 13:43
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nikkiinnj wrote:
They give tags in the interim or for people that only need them temporarily due to a surgery etc.quote]
ansky wrote:
I can\'t believe they still make handicap tags. I thought you had to have one of those license plates with the handicap engraving. That would certainly help keep things more legit.

Nikki is right. I have one from a surgery I had last year. I now have 2 plates and 19 screws in my leg as a result. I walk pretty normally (and I drive a BMW), but I have a lot of pain with every step I take. I have had people staring at me before as I step out because I probably don't look like I need it. I only use my temporary handicap tag if I am having pain that day and there are no other spots near the entrance.

Immediately after my surgery it was very frustrating when I couldn't find a handicapped spot when I really needed it. Because of this, I am careful as to when I actually take up a spot and try not to use it when I don't have to. If only everyone else would be more kind and understanding.

Posted on: 2008/3/26 3:47

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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Seems to me the way worse thing is the street handicapped spaces. I knew someone who lived with his elderly mother and got his own reserved handicapped space in front of the house because he sometimes drove her places. But mostly he commuted to work and never had to look for parking when he got home. How many of these spaces do you suppose are similarly thinly justified?

Posted on: 2008/3/26 2:43

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2005/3/31 1:24
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2009/12/24 3:29
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I park in the Family Vehicle spots at Ikea and other big mall parking lots. I dream of being caught doing it so I can unleash a fury upon them as a single female who refuses to let some breeder in a minivan get a better parking spot than me just because of the children. I am tempted to keep Fox 5 on my speed dial so they can tape it when it happens.

And I love children, I do. I swear.

I just hate unfair, discriminatory parking regulations.

Having said that, there is a special place in Hell for people who abuse handicapped parking tags.

Posted on: 2008/3/26 1:56

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2007/6/27 20:15
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2012/10/17 23:54
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They give tags in the interim or for people that only need them temporarily due to a surgery etc.quote]
ansky wrote:
I can\'t believe they still make handicap tags. I thought you had to have one of those license plates with the handicap engraving. That would certainly help keep things more legit.[/quote]

Posted on: 2008/3/26 1:48

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2005/1/24 19:00
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2009/5/13 20:32
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I can't believe they still make handicap tags. I thought you had to have one of those license plates with the handicap engraving. That would certainly help keep things more legit.

Posted on: 2008/3/26 0:25

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags

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2004/11/21 14:28
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2008/10/5 7:29
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My sister's scumbag brother-in-law has one of these tags. I believe he swiped it from his grandmother when she stayed with their family a few years back. I've never seen him hesitate to occupy a hc spot even with plenty of other spaces to choose from. I imagine many bogus tag holders get theirs the same way (legitimately handicapped family members).

So if anyone spots an able-looking 30 something drive his euro import into a handicapped space and proceed to prance into a store, please feel free to unload whatever frustration you feel is necessary directly on his maroon Infinity.

You have my permission.

Posted on: 2008/3/25 19:24

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags

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2008/3/25 18:44
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2008/4/2 15:59
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A somewhat close friend of mine is in her 20's, an i-banker, attractive, drives a white SL Mercedes, and well is handicapped (not where she is in a wheelchair, however). She has told me of 2 incidences (one of which was from a police officer) where before she physically got out of the car, they harassed her for parking in a handicapped spot and tried to embarass her for doing something so low. Of course, 2 minutes later, she walks out of the car and everyone shuts up because its evident she has the right to park there. She doesn't say anything because she is probably too proud to say the handicapped word.

Anyways, my friend said she chocked it up to the fact that people don't expect her to be handicapped, nor do they expect handicapped people to drive 100k cars, but the point is, either way it sucks and it ruins her day. So, no reason to assume that a handicapped person doesn't drive a white Mercedes. I guess I just caution people to be careful in their jests. Because although there are alot of phonies taking advantage of the handicapped tags, you don't want to say or do the wrong thing to that one legitimate person who may have to much pride or not enough desire to correct you.

My 2 cents.

Posted on: 2008/3/25 19:03

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2005/8/6 23:41
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2020/8/26 11:59
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Every morning when I walk past the Cordero School on Erie Street there is a beautiful white mercedes parked right on the corner of ninth and Erie in front of the school. And it has a handicapped tag and is parked in a handicapped spot. Now maybe the person is truly handicapped but if I find out otherwise I'll key that thing so fast.

Posted on: 2008/3/25 17:52

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2006/9/7 20:59
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2017/3/15 17:02
From Jersey City
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What about the "Pregnant Women" parking spot outside of Shop Rite. Can someone tell these women that

Being FAT does NOT = Being Pregnant!

Posted on: 2008/3/25 17:28

Re: Handicapped Hang Tags
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2004/8/24 15:08
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2013/12/15 2:25
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I just saw this yesterday at Staples. A perfectly healthy (looking) couple parked in the handicapped spot and proceeded to walk into the store.

I try not to judge as I see this because you can't no everyone's situation but I'm sure there are 1000's of people who think they have to the right to park in a hc spot because they have a piece of plastic hanging from their mirror.

Posted on: 2008/3/25 17:24

Handicapped Hang Tags
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2004/11/5 22:57
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2015/6/14 0:06
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Is it me or are there about a million of these things per square mile in Jersey City? I see them in probably 1 out of 10 cars driving the streets.

I know that those tags are used for those who don't always drive folks that can't get around well, and they're only supposed to use them if the disabled person is actually in the car.

I've seen people hop out in handicapped spots, however, and stroll on into Shoprite or wherever without any apparent issue.

My Grandma had one for a few years for my Grandfather, who had breathing problems and I imagine that wasn't visually immediately apparent to anyone watching, either, so I recognize that disabilities don't immediately present themselves for my inspection.

But it really seems that either JC is the most disabled city in the state or their are a ton of scammers out there. The handicapped spots in town are generally pretty full, much more full than anywhere else I've lived. I wonder how many legitimately disabled people have to go home because some fraud is in a spot (if fraud there be)?


Posted on: 2008/3/25 17:03

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