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Re: towing at shoprite?
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2007/9/29 12:14
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Am I to understand if I go to Bed Bath and Beyond and park in that lot - but don't go to BJ's or Shoprite, I could be towed? I know, stupid question. But I just keep thinking there's a trick to it. Is one section specifically for Shoprite and one for BBB?

Posted on: 2007/11/23 23:04

Re: towing at shoprite?
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ExJC wrote:

(And if you got towed today without reason, as I believe I was, don't worry, just smile, karma will come back to the people who towed you, and look at it this way.. they had to work today, while you got to have fun. Who is better off???)

Why do you think you were towed without reason? Even if you went to Shop Rite or BJs and then walked over to the mall, I think it is pretty much common sense that they can tow you.

Posted on: 2007/11/23 22:28

Re: towing at shoprite?

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2007/11/23 21:42
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2007/11/23 21:44
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All this is a really interesting discussion. I was just towed today.

Whoever is talking about the guys taking photos i don't think is quite correct. (Based on my conversations with other people picking up their cars from the pound and my own experience today.... this cannot be true if they tow you and you have only been to Shop Rite or BJs)

Anyways, even if they do take photos, the sign I parked under stated that it was for customers of [Shop Rite etc]. What it did not say is "This is for parking for customers of Shop Rite etc etc, and only while they are in Shop Rite etc." There is a subtle difference there.

Still, it made for an entertaining afternoon, and "William" of EZ Towing wouldn't win awards for customer service or politeness. Interesting that the boss wasn't there and William wasn't very informative about who the boss was.

The phrase "opportunistic cowboys" is perfect for this operation.

It would be interesting to do some research as to whether they pay their taxes appropriately (all cash business, and with all the volume they get..... ), and whether all their licenses, permits, workers comp, and insurance etc are up to date, and so on.

If they are operating within the law, with all the requisite permits etc, then good luck to them, it is idiots who end up being towed who are to blame. Doesn't encourage me to go back over to the dark side though.

Finally, I'm not sure either about the OP who suggested that people park there to avoid the $2 parking at the mall.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

(And if you got towed today without reason, as I believe I was, don't worry, just smile, karma will come back to the people who towed you, and look at it this way.. they had to work today, while you got to have fun. Who is better off???)

Posted on: 2007/11/23 22:04

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2006/9/1 20:53
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Unfortunately the towing company already complies with all of those things. I may only be aware of the signs because I go by there everyday.

Posted on: 2007/10/25 20:31

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2006/4/10 13:29
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The Record
" New law blocks agressive towing"


The bill requires property owners who tow vehicles to meet certain criteria, including:

? Posting warning signs indicating the purposes and times parking is allowed in the lot.

? The name, address and telephone number of the company towing unauthorized vehicles.

? The charges for towing and storage.

Posted on: 2007/10/25 17:34

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2006/6/15 0:05
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Are there any "conditions of entry" to that parking area at shoprite?

If there are no clearly erected signs, then your could argue your case in court to recover your monetary loss.

Posted on: 2007/10/16 16:03

Re: towing at shoprite?

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2007/10/16 15:22
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The towing guy sits in his pick-up truck and monitors the lot. I walk through there everyday and ALWAYS see him. He drives a silver and black truck, and is typically parked in the back by Pep Boys.

Posted on: 2007/10/16 15:55

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2006/4/10 13:29
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The shoprite parking area and the mall is privately owned and not a public area.

Yes, but businesses operating on private property provide a public invitation, at which point the private property ceases to be entirely private-- that is, a property owner cannot arbitrarily do certain things. We aren't talking about a private lot with a fence and a gate. This is private property where the public has specifically been invited to.


If you breach their rules you get towed or fined... what is so hard for some people to understand that?

The state and municipality both have the right, and do, regulate towing. What some folks who have been towed might find of interest is the Jersey City municipal code:


A. Maximum fees to tow, transport, convey or move vehicles.

(1) No tower shall charge more than the following maximum fees to tow, transport, convey or otherwise move a vehicle from one location within the City of Jersey City to another location within the City of Jersey City:

(a) Class I vehicle: $80. In the event the vehicle is towed to the city?s impound yard, the eighty-dollar fee shall include a thirty-dollar administrative fee.

(b) Class II vehicles: $120.

(c) Class III vehicles: $225 per hour (minimum two hours).

(2) In addition to the above charges, recovery of an overturned vehicle, uprighting it or removing it from a hill, ditch or other similar precarious position will be charged no more than the rate of $50, $125, and $225 per hour for vehicle Classes I, II and III, respectively. If an issue arises as to these charges, it shall be the burden of the tower to provide documentation in the form of photographs as to the particular circumstances requiring the additional charges, i.e., position of the vehicle.

(3) No charge shall be imposed on a rotation list tow for waiting time, clean-up, yard fee or any other service not specifically authorized under this chapter.

(4) The above fees are chargeable once a vehicle is hooked-up by the tower.

B. Maximum fees for vehicle storage.

(1) No tower owner shall charge more than the following maximum fees per day, or portion thereof, for storage of a disabled vehicle towed away pursuant to this chapter:

(a) Class I vehicles: $20 per day.

(b) Class II vehicles: $50 per day.

(c) Class III vehicles: $100 per day.

(2) No vehicle shall be released from storage by a tower unless proper owner and vehicle identification are shown.

C. Each driver of a tower shall have a schedule of the maximum prices when responding to the scene of a disabled, abandoned or other vehicle.

D. Before performing any service pursuant to this chapter, the licensee shall furnish the owner or driver of the vehicle with a copy of the schedule of prices. In the event that the owner or driver is incapacitated, the licensee shall furnish such schedule to the owner?s authorized agent as defined herein before such person pays for the services rendered.

For the rest, see Chapter 319 of the municipal code

Posted on: 2007/10/15 22:38

Re: towing at shoprite?

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2004/1/6 7:40
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I found another customer of EZ Towing on Saturday; he does not look too happy...

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Resized Image

Posted on: 2007/10/15 19:51

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2007/9/20 15:03
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The issue is not the right of the parking lot owner to establish rules and enforce them. It is the fact that the sign warning shoppers of towing is too small and worn down to be effective. There is little doubt that BBB and Danny's have a very sweet deal whereby the sign is kept nearly unreadable benefitting Danny's, and he kicks back to BBB.

This has been going for years and I've contacted the State asking only that they be forced to enlarge the sign and make it obvious. The fact that there was no result makes me wonder who else is in on the dea.

I agree that if this doesn't stop, we should boycott the store(s).

Posted on: 2007/10/15 13:14

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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I don't understand what the big deal is.

The shoprite parking area and the mall is privately owned and not a public area. The parking is free at the shoprite carpark and the mall charge a fee.

If you breach their rules you get towed or fined... what is so hard for some people to understand that?

If either parking areas is too problematic or unfair for you, stick your car on a public road like Washington and walk into the mall. I find parking around the Newport PATH station all the time.
You will find parking around the PATH / Washington St. a shorter walk to the mall anyway.

Posted on: 2007/10/15 10:53
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Re: towing at shoprite?

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2006/10/22 10:06
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2009/3/17 20:49
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I did face the same situation once, but the guy did not tow my car and just gave me a warning.
I shop at BBB for about $100 and went to ShopRite for another shopping. After that, my son (20 month) refused to get into the car. In order to smooth him, I decided to go get some snack for him in food court by walking with stroller as he refused to get into car. After I came back (leave about 10 minutes) with snacks, a guy approching me and told me that he can tow my car as I left the parking lot. He claim that he saw everything and only gave me a warning because I was with a baby. I think I should feel luck, huh?

PS it's good to know JC resident only need to pay $1 at Newport Mall parking. :)

Posted on: 2007/10/15 10:36

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2004/8/24 15:08
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Here is a tip:

I *think* sometimes when they are busy they just tow your car over by the BJ's garage behind the trailers that are parked there. I've seen this once or twice.

If you are towed, go over and see if you car is there, I don't think they could legally stop you from taking your car back.

This is a pure money making operation only, they could care less about warning people about parking illegally.

Posted on: 2007/10/12 19:43

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2007/7/22 9:10
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I've been towed by Danny's Towing at Shoprite too.

I was polite and he was a complete potty mouth. Dropping F bombs with every other word.

I don't know why he gets the contract to do the Shopright parking lot in the first place - he's such a poor reflection on the businesses served by the lot.

We should boycot the store until they fire him.

Posted on: 2007/10/12 19:17

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2006/10/3 2:17
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I've never had any problem finding parking on one of the side streets across Marin from the mall. It's usually not much farther a walk cutting through the mall parking lot as parking at Shop Rite.

Posted on: 2007/10/12 18:42

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2006/11/14 15:15
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umm, ha ha - I forgot to add this to my original post - not only was I next to be towed - but I found out I was next to be towed in this way:

someone was honking wildly at me as I got in to my car - I turrned to look out my window and saw a toothless black dude (nothing wrong with black, just stating facts) sitting in a tow truck (which already had a car jacked to it)...he had his whole upper body hanging out the window and he was SCREAMING at me "you wuz next baby girl, you was lucky baby girl, you wuz next"...he was laughing hysterically.

so, my determination is that, yes, indeed, the people who work for this company are tools. idiots. and they enjoy their work of causing pain. let me go deeper - their lives are such crap, that they get off on making other people unhappy. but that's enough freud for the day on the towing guys.

anyhoo - that's DULCE for the advice on $1 parking for JC residents...that's great news! thank u.

Posted on: 2007/10/11 18:09

Re: towing at shoprite?

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2007/10/11 17:31
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2007/10/11 17:33
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Actually, if you are a Jersey City resident, parking at mall only costs 1 dollar (for the first 3 hours). Just show your driver license at the information desk and they will validate your ticket.

Posted on: 2007/10/11 17:36

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2006/5/31 3:28
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Umm, I understand the frustration with having your car towed, but as a (very occasional) patron of Shoprite, it really bites my wire when there's no parking anywhere near the front of the store. Have some consideration for your fellow shopper, and pay the $2 for parking at the mall. Maybe I'm stupid for doing so, but every time I've been to the mall, I've either paid for parking or gone on foot.

To plead on the side of reason, and not just my laziness: From how this thread reads, you have a high likelihood (let's say 50%) of getting your car towed if you park at Shoprite, and 0% at the mall... at a definite $2 loss, or a possible $100 loss every other time, isn't it a lot better to just stomach the smaller charge?

To anyone who cares, if they towed 2% of the time, you'd be breaking even, on average... but from this thread, they tow quite a bit more often than that.


Posted on: 2007/10/11 17:12

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2005/1/24 19:00
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I have seen a lot of towing lately in the parking lot by Modell's and Staples. Last time I walked through there I saw a tow truck just driving up and down the rows repeatedly waiting to strike.

Posted on: 2007/10/11 13:11

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2005/10/5 21:01
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I left my car for work at Pep Boys - but the lot right in front was full, so I parked it a few spots over closer to BJs, and it was towed. They claimed that the Pep Boys lot (bordered by the drivable section) is separate from the BJs/Shoprite/BedBath section.... luckily Pep Boys got them to tow it back.... but not before I spent 30 minutes fighting with them. This was Danny's Towing - the red truck - and Danny is a dick.


Posted on: 2007/10/11 3:08

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2007/4/11 2:51
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The smart thing to do if your going to the mall, is to pretend that your going to ShopRite, go in and change your shirt, sneak through Marin Blvd and go to the mall. Or you could just park at the mall and save yourself time and money. Oh and mothaPhuck EZ towing, and every other sneaky towing company in JC.

Posted on: 2007/10/10 23:36

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown

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2007/8/24 17:20
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Happened to me too! My brand new car... it was traumatizing!

We parked at Pepboys, went in, bought something there, then decided we were hungry and walked over to Chili's. Not an hour later walked out to an empty lot.

The guy at EZ towing was really nice to us. He said that they have a guy with a camera that takes your picture when you leave the area, so really it's your own fault. who can argue with that, really?

They towed three other cars in the 40 mins we were standing there. efficient m'fers.

Posted on: 2007/10/10 21:24

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2006/6/15 1:56
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im here to chime in...that happened to me once. I thought it was one great big happy family. Until they towed my car! You'd think they put up something that says hey we towed your car. but noooooo I came out of the mall with my brand new $30 haircut and found no car. Of course my first reaction is to panic and freak out. Then I realized what happened. They actually towed my car FIVE mins after running into the mall. Unfriginbelievable. I paid $125 to get it back and I have cursed them since. I still curse them and wish them the same fate that happened to me and see if they like it! Do unto others are you WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU!!

Posted on: 2007/10/10 18:03

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Yes, well despite appearances, since metro plaza is not part of newport mall, parking there to go to the mall is not allowed. Hopefully that derelict shopping plaza is replaced with the proposed mixed use development sooner rather than later.

Posted on: 2007/10/10 18:00

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2007/10/10 17:33
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Is that the white tow truck with the American flag on the back window? I think EZ towing?

I've been living here two months and have seen them drive by my apt on Montgomery hundreds of times with cars dragging behind them. They get so many cars, they seem like they must be up to no good.

Posted on: 2007/10/10 17:56

Re: PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2006/11/14 15:15
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yup - I parked there once to run into the mall for 20 min - I know, I'm stupid...when I came out they were getting ready to tow my car next - 20 min! be careful! it's one thing JC is actually on top of - although, of course, it's not the city - it's an independent contractor hoping to make money.

Posted on: 2007/10/10 17:48

PSA: Watchout for towtruck at ShopRite downtown
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2006/9/1 20:53
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I go by there everyday and there is always a big, lifted truck keeping watch on the cars that park there, and his partner in the tow truck.

They are there all day long towing cars i assume they feel aren't patrons in the BJs, Pep Boys, or Shoprite.

They may very-well be legit in the cars that they tow, but I would NEVER park my car anywhere in the outskirts - They seem to tow WAY too many cars day-in and day-out.

I could be wrong, they may be totally legit but I don't believe it.

In any case, my point is don't park your car in that giant parking lot to take the light rail or go to the mall - They're watching you.

Posted on: 2007/10/10 17:45

Re: towing at shoprite?

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2005/11/28 19:05
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no, im not the owner. But i did have my car towed for doing the same exact thing. I ran to the mall for 10 minutes and had my car towed.

It was my own fault, but i had no problem with the people at the tow place. It was my decision to park there and take a chance of getting towed. The people at the tow company were not rude to me at all. I paid my fine ( which was reduced) and went my way. When i was there there was some lady screaming at the tow guy saying she was in shoprite all day long. As she was calling the tow company guys every name in the book, she was standing there with a bunch of mall bags from stores like Macys and The Gap, and not 1 Shoprite bag. I live in the neighborhood and They have helped me out many times before with auto needs. They are far from tools.

Posted on: 2005/12/13 19:38

Re: towing at shoprite?
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2005/7/29 20:24
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bmxman wrote:

You ever think that maybe the owner of the tow company is just doing his "racket (job)" just as you do every day? Its people who like yourself who are the tools. Not some guy doing his job that you dont like.

A Mans legal job is not a racket just because some tool like yourself is not educated enough to relize the facts of life.

Know the facts before you going running your mouth like a bored housewife who gossips all day long.

Are you the owner?

Posted on: 2005/12/13 19:25

Re: towing at shoprite?

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2005/11/28 19:05
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You ever think that maybe the owner of the tow company is just doing his "racket (job)" just as you do every day? Its people who like yourself who are the tools. Not some guy doing his job that you dont like.

A Mans legal job is not a racket just because some tool like yourself is not educated enough to relize the facts of life.

Know the facts before you going running your mouth like a bored housewife who gossips all day long.

Posted on: 2005/12/13 19:20

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