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Re: towing at shoprite?

no, im not the owner. But i did have my car towed for doing the same exact thing. I ran to the mall for 10 minutes and had my car towed.

It was my own fault, but i had no problem with the people at the tow place. It was my decision to park there and take a chance of getting towed. The people at the tow company were not rude to me at all. I paid my fine ( which was reduced) and went my way. When i was there there was some lady screaming at the tow guy saying she was in shoprite all day long. As she was calling the tow company guys every name in the book, she was standing there with a bunch of mall bags from stores like Macys and The Gap, and not 1 Shoprite bag. I live in the neighborhood and They have helped me out many times before with auto needs. They are far from tools.

Posted on: 2005/12/13 19:38

Re: towing at shoprite?


You ever think that maybe the owner of the tow company is just doing his "racket (job)" just as you do every day? Its people who like yourself who are the tools. Not some guy doing his job that you dont like.

A Mans legal job is not a racket just because some tool like yourself is not educated enough to relize the facts of life.

Know the facts before you going running your mouth like a bored housewife who gossips all day long.

Posted on: 2005/12/13 19:20

Re: towing at shoprite?

no, they are just doing their job. if they park in front of shoprite and walk all the way across to the mall, they will still get towed. the signs are all over the lot, not just pepboys. As for your advice to just run in and run out of shoprite and then beeline it to the mall, you will still get towed since you are in violation. Why go through all that trouble to save 2 bux? its people who think like that who get towed and i dont feel sorry for them. Its their own arrogance that gets them in the position they find themselves in.

Posted on: 2005/11/29 16:06

Re: towing at shoprite?

ok, heres the deal with towing at metro plaza. (shoprite,bj's,pepboys, bed bath beyond)

There are over 45 signs that clearly state" no mall parking, parking for customers only, all others with be towed at the owners expence".

There are cameras down by the lot that were recommended by the JCPD just for this reason. People are parking in the lot, running to the mall for an hour, 5 minutes or what time amount come back and see there car gone. So the person who just had their car towed runs into pepboys and buys a quick small purchase and then calls the police to report their car has been towed illegally. Besides the reason of proving their case that the car owner or driver did in fact go to the mall, they are filmed to record the time they went to the mall. If you car is towed at 9am and you have a reciept for 12:30pm, you still have to pay. Seeing your car gone, andf then making a quick purchase to try and get one over on the tow company dont work.

Either does going to court. Once in court the tow company brings in the film of the people going to the mall, and then in return they bring up a counter suit for time lost and flase charges braught up against them. No car is towed unless the driver is filmed going to the mall just for this matter. Everything the tow company is totally legal and they are just doing their job. If i see i sign that reads dont park here, if you are going to the mall, or you will get towed, im not going to park there. The people who get towed, are their own worse enemy and if they are stupid enough to do so, they deserve to get towed.

Posted on: 2005/11/29 14:32




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