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Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2005/4/15 20:40
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This is by far the best post I have ever read! Please let me know who will be playing who in the movie version. Wow.


ianmac47 wrote:
Again, I still am at a loss here for trying to follow all of this conspiracy stuff and cyberbullying and all that. I'm not saying that NON didn't strike me as a fool and a windbag, but if everyone was banned for being a retarded asshole sometimes I don't think there would be any left posting at all.



Posted on: 2007/9/25 2:13
soshin: Mention guns and bd pops up through a hole in the ground like a heavily armed meercat

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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Again, I still am at a loss here for trying to follow all of this conspiracy stuff and cyberbullying and all that. I'm not saying that NON didn't strike me as a fool and a windbag, but if everyone was banned for being a retarded asshole sometimes I don't think there would be any left posting at all.

So please, someone correct me here if I'm wrong in the following narrative:

Web People, Dear Reader

A user known as NONfrownclown signs up for JCList and has some posts and then is accused of being hostile, and told to STFU. Some other poster, Egg Lice, comes along and starts posting from the same IP Address. At that point, Dear Reader, the webmaster notices a trend from IP Addresses and bans the pair.

NONinagown follows up and says Eggs N Rice is actually a different person, a significant other who shares an IP address, and then the lord of the Spiders' lair temporarily reinstates them. But the trouble doesn't stop there and NONbound creates a raucous about being banned from the site, and is again subsequently banned.

Roughly a week or so later, the great NONdonecon and some others launch another website hoping to catch many more flies with honey. Eggy Vice disappears from JCList along with several others, but most of the Web people just create dual accounts on both sites.

Over the next few months, anytime one of the web people comes across a post they disagree with, they attribute the thing to a follower of the Great NONbonbon, and thereby rendering it useless. These traitors are all accused of being members of the sacred church of NON, often referred to as NONettes, for it is easier to condemn them then refute them.

Now we come to the present, dear reader, when JCList member Hairy Moose is accused of actually being the reincarnated NONhound. The Lord of the Spiders' lair explains a traitor has been discovered and dealt with. And for the Web People who come to NONfrown's defense, they are accused of being members of the church of NON.

In the days that follow, dear reader, the web people begin to question other posts that have appeared, some as rude and hostile as NONunsound's, others merely presenting a different opinion other than their own. Then the Engorged Motorcycle accuses these accused members of the Church of NON of attempting a conspiracy to overthrow the ruler of the known universe.

It is at this point, dear reader, where I believe we have arrived at the present.

Posted on: 2007/9/25 1:58

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Not too shy to talk
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2006/7/6 6:02
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The Webmaster is just that, the web MASTER. It's his site. He could do whatever he wants and has earned the right to do so. You don't like it then don't post. Simple. Do people just think that this sight runs by itself? It's like the teenager that moves away from home and thinks that the fridge just always refilled itself. NON is not involved in the other site anymore? Or Missa? Of course not. Because that would take WORK. That would take actually BELIEVING in their new endeavor. That other site is just another mediocre JC business that they were always quick to criticize. They can't WORK. They just want to post.

Posted on: 2007/9/24 4:27

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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Posted on: 2007/5/27 11:02
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2006/12/12 20:19
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For what it's worth, good riddance to NON. He never attacked me, I just found him extremely annoying.

Posted on: 2007/5/14 12:30

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2005/3/31 1:24
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2009/12/24 3:29
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Okay, here's the thing:

It's a BULLETIN BOARD, people! If you are looking for self-worth, personal validation or some kind of spiritual endorsement on an essentially anonymous site where we go by code-names and use cartoons as ego representation, you are going to be disappointed.

So why not stop giving power to people who don't deserve it (and technically never asked for it) and stop pointing fingers and PLEASE stop being such victims!


Real life is hard.

Relax and have fun!

Posted on: 2007/5/12 0:56

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2006/2/6 15:52
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Wow,This place never ceases to amaze me.This board to me is a respite from my paying the bills and listening to my kids blast the music videos in the other room.I come here for a laugh and to read the local news.Sometimes i'll help someone fix a problem and that makes me feel better,sometimes i'll engage in some sarcastic banter and that too does the trick.But its suppose to be fun people,that crazy nut job from Newport must be laughing at this turn of events.

As for NON,he could be a pompous ass and would argue both sides of any topic just for Ha Ha's,but so what.We all know people like this and he may wind up in a very lonely sandbox.I could never type fast enough to keep up with non but i would sometimes laugh at his ability to suck people into a fight.

I don't always agree with the webbies methods but its his site and i appreciate his effort.

In closing, first Non wailed on the Webbie, then he quit the site for 24hrs (waaaaa)until coaxed back and now he has taken his ball and left the play ground altogether (double Waaaa).

He will be back though, he can't help himself.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 23:57

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Just can't stay away
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2006/6/15 0:05
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Looking back, I do believe nondowntown had a motive and a premeditated objective while on JClist. His behaviour was calculating and argumentative towards a number of users, which concluded on the focused attention on webmaster.
Instead of just starting his own forum site, he made a good attempt to cause as much havoc as possible on this forum site and other JC / NJ sites.

I hope he finds what he is looking for but he was one self-absorbed individual.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 21:13

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2005/6/21 15:03
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BrightMoment wrote:
I feel that Skadave and pinkie have eloquently summed up my thoughts about this situation. May both sites prosper respective to their own defined terms and may both take the high road and not let this animus become a rival to the NWA debacle.

Each of you are good folks, whether here at jclist or and if some feel yet another site is warranted as an alternative to jclist they should grow as they wish.

I come here mainly for info, to post community info for various groups and to find out what's going on in Jersey City without the rants on, the lack of info on the well-intentioned jerseycityvibe, or the parochial POV of NWA.

Bright Moments to all of you!


r_pinkowitz wrote:

Skadave wrote:
First of all i consider Non a good person and friend and i wish his new site well.

I am glad that the webmaster has addressed this issue, it has been the 800 pound gorilla in the room lately.

I wrote on his site that i will post to both jclist and wiredjc but i would hope that the new site would not be a "look at what they are saying on jclist" bitchathon. So far it has not been and everyone there was in agreement (prior to my post actually).

With that said, i hope that the people on this site will not use jclist as a bash non and friends site either. I have friends at both sites and i take it personally when they are attacked. A little ribbing is ok, and a jab here and there is fine, but i think it is a disservice to jclist to assume that everyone here hates non (it is simply not the case), it makes this site look bad and in the long run it could cost jclist members.

Everyone needs to take the high road, shake hands like civil human beings, and be on their merry way (that's a nice string of cliches isn't it?).

You've summed up just about everything I?ve felt/feel regarding this situation. I want to also add that we have all pushed the limit with some of our shut box conversations. I really do appreciate the Webmasters patience when we all acted a bit too silly and a bit too naughty in the sb. I wish both sites the best of luck and continued success.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 18:49
... When life gives you lemons - Make Lemontini's!!

Dennis Deyoung is a musical genius

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/10/3 2:17
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2014/2/14 23:00
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A web site devoted to the self righteous posturing of NON might just wind up being one of the worst sites on the entire internet. Thanks for the warning on wiredjc, definitely will not be visiting there now that I know it exists to serve NON's huge ego.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 18:23

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Home away from home
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2004/11/7 17:04
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I feel that Skadave and pinkie have eloquently summed up my thoughts about this situation. May both sites prosper respective to their own defined terms and may both take the high road and not let this animus become a rival to the NWA debacle.

Each of you are good folks, whether here at jclist or and if some feel yet another site is warranted as an alternative to jclist they should grow as they wish.

I come here mainly for info, to post community info for various groups and to find out what's going on in Jersey City without the rants on, the lack of info on the well-intentioned jerseycityvibe, or the parochial POV of NWA.

Bright Moments to all of you!


r_pinkowitz wrote:

Skadave wrote:
First of all i consider Non a good person and friend and i wish his new site well.

I am glad that the webmaster has addressed this issue, it has been the 800 pound gorilla in the room lately.

I wrote on his site that i will post to both jclist and wiredjc but i would hope that the new site would not be a "look at what they are saying on jclist" bitchathon. So far it has not been and everyone there was in agreement (prior to my post actually).

With that said, i hope that the people on this site will not use jclist as a bash non and friends site either. I have friends at both sites and i take it personally when they are attacked. A little ribbing is ok, and a jab here and there is fine, but i think it is a disservice to jclist to assume that everyone here hates non (it is simply not the case), it makes this site look bad and in the long run it could cost jclist members.

Everyone needs to take the high road, shake hands like civil human beings, and be on their merry way (that's a nice string of cliches isn't it?).

You've summed up just about everything I?ve felt/feel regarding this situation. I want to also add that we have all pushed the limit with some of our shut box conversations. I really do appreciate the Webmasters patience when we all acted a bit too silly and a bit too naughty in the sb. I wish both sites the best of luck and continued success.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 17:50
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Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2005/9/15 0:10
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If you build a better moustrap, you catch a lot of rats.

Now, I think that this might be exactly the problem!

I have found jclist (and hope to continue to find it) helpful, informative, entertaining, sometimes frustrating, and sometimes upsetting. But I find most people to be all of these things as well. I also have made a number of cyber friends here. Some of these friends are spending some time at wiredjc (I understand that we can mention the name in this thread). I will go there to hang out with them, and come here to hang out with the friends here. And, hopefully, will also be informed and entertained at both places. I don't see this as so bad.

I do think, however, that some of the deletions/warnings that have been issued here smack of personal animus. Frankly, I think it's basically impossible for one person to moderate a big site like this and manage to be consistent. There have been some pretty ugly exchanges here, however, that have been left up while others, both uglier and less ugly, have been taken down. And it seems that the ones taken down have been disproportionately directed at a certain set of folks -- Non being the most visible among them. Now, don't get me wrong, there are times I think Non is far too quick to pull the flame/personal attack trigger. But so are many others. I realize complete consistency is impossible, but I think that there is good reason for a certain group of folks to feel not so welcome here anymore. And I can't blame or criticize them for looking to find another, more welcoming, cyber home.

I think that the pointless bashing of people and/or alternative websites is what most of us are trying to avoid. I also think that sending someone a pm -- or a shout in the shoutbox -- simply informing that person of an alternative site that some folks are using is not spam. No more than a post saying that there is a new bar in town and that I tried it and think it's good. And I think that stopping by the old bar to tell some of your old friends where you're spending most of your time these days is really not so bad. If the spam policy is applied differently to "competing businesses" from how it is applied to other businesses, this should be spelled out. But, as others on this thread have said, it doesn't so much matter in the grand scheme of things.

I wish everyone well, and like many others, will be visiting all you folks often. Sorry, can't get rid of me that easily!

Posted on: 2007/5/11 16:25

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Home away from home
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2005/3/21 20:01
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I thought the banned one acted like someone died and made him god.

I come to JCList for information about life in Jersey City. Thank you, Grovepath, for the news, but I would appreciate if you provide the link for your source.

Thank you, Webmaster, for this website.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 14:40

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Skadave wrote:
First of all i consider Non a good person and friend and i wish his new site well.

I am glad that the webmaster has addressed this issue, it has been the 800 pound gorilla in the room lately.

I wrote on his site that i will post to both jclist and wiredjc but i would hope that the new site would not be a "look at what they are saying on jclist" bitchathon. So far it has not been and everyone there was in agreement (prior to my post actually).

With that said, i hope that the people on this site will not use jclist as a bash non and friends site either. I have friends at both sites and i take it personally when they are attacked. A little ribbing is ok, and a jab here and there is fine, but i think it is a disservice to jclist to assume that everyone here hates non (it is simply not the case), it makes this site look bad and in the long run it could cost jclist members.

Everyone needs to take the high road, shake hands like civil human beings, and be on their merry way (that's a nice string of cliches isn't it?).

You've summed up just about everything I?ve felt/feel regarding this situation. I want to also add that we have all pushed the limit with some of our shut box conversations. I really do appreciate the Webmasters patience when we all acted a bit too silly and a bit too naughty in the sb. I wish both sites the best of luck and continued success.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 13:55

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2005/6/7 19:22
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Before this turns into a forum for NON-bashing, I would just like to make it clear that the website in question is a community effort put together by a much larger group than NON. While he's provided a major contribution and lit the fire to get this started, this was a long time coming, probably before NON even surfaced. The website that shall not be named is in no way a political statement nor is it being used in any way different than what JC List was originally intended for. We just feel it's an alternative forum for communication.

And now back to your regularly scheduled lunacy.

(Invalid submission. You could have exceeded session time. Please re-submit or make a backup of your post and login to resubmit if necessary. x3 )

Posted on: 2007/5/11 13:50

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2005/11/18 10:02
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I can remember NON being one of the most harassing people towards me, (esp. in the case of the people who were harassed or attacked at the south end of Jersey Ave, when I was supposed to report something that happened to other people, who were the best judges of those incidents, if they were or not worthwhile reporting). I will not miss him.

That being said, I should say that I have a very long experience with boards in my native language. It is not the language as much as the fact that I am never pleased by what I have... So I end up many times upsetting other people. It went a few times that far that I was banned on quite tolerant boards. So I have some experience with these scenarios.

As a simple user, it\'s hard to not fight other users, esp. when the real identities can still be secret. There are users who are more prone to this kind of fights, like me, and, with them, things go always on the same way - at some point, the annoying user (AU) will end up upsetting the moderator. It doesn\'t matter if the AU is befriending the moderator, or if his bullies were targeting users disliked by the moderator, it will eventually happen. And here is where the scenario splits: one AU can and should realize where is the threshold for his rudeness. If you stepped on the toes of the moderator, better stop if you don\'t want to be banned. Because this will eventually happen if you don\'t show humiliation right away.

I even tried to use all this nonsense about non-censorship or administrator\'s supposed neutrality. NON will probably say that he was expelled for subjective reasons, and he will truly believe that. Anybody using a board should always remember that admins employ their money (or earn a living) from those boards, and they carry technical and legal liabilities which an AU, comfortably hidden behind a nickname, will not have. Their reasons are different, and they appear subjective to each other, but in th end, the admins always have the upper hand and the supreme argument.

Next thing that sometimes happen is when tension continues to rise. The banned AU can return under a different name, might have friends, and in the confusion, other by-standers might appear to bear AU\'s interests. Things can go really sour. It will take a lot of work for the admin to avoid this scenario. I hope common sense will prevail. I like to read and learn about life of the common folks here, in this weird town.

Long story short, an admin can do whatever he wants even when he appears to be wrong and even when he is wrong. Still, going this way, he runs the risk of destroying the community he built, but it is a risk that he must take. Web hosting is not some new form of communism, or of democracy, but involves money and legal responsibilities, and it should be fun and pleasant for the owner first.

(Note to Binky: Perdador means loser in Spanish.)

Posted on: 2007/5/11 13:48

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Home away from home
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2006/4/10 13:29
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From Mars
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I think it was perfectly appropriate to ban a user who is abusing a site meant to facilitate open dialogue, especially when its being used as promotional tool for a competing service. Further, its not as as though there isn't the opportunity to advertise on JCList. The community here certainly doesn't appreciate shills making a first time post promoting a bar or "great new kosher deli." And there is no reason to expect anything less from someone posting about a great new discussion forum either.

With 240,000 people, Jersey City has more than enough people to support multiple boards. As I mentioned in a thread regarding the Kannekt boards, everyone is entitled to try and build a better mousetrap.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 13:41

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2005/7/29 20:24
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First of all i consider Non a good person and friend and i wish his new site well.

I am glad that the webmaster has addressed this issue, it has been the 800 pound gorilla in the room lately.

I wrote on his site that i will post to both jclist and wiredjc but i would hope that the new site would not be a "look at what they are saying on jclist" bitchathon. So far it has not been and everyone there was in agreement (prior to my post actually).

With that said, i hope that the people on this site will not use jclist as a bash non and friends site either. I have friends at both sites and i take it personally when they are attacked. A little ribbing is ok, and a jab here and there is fine, but i think it is a disservice to jclist to assume that everyone here hates non (it is simply not the case), it makes this site look bad and in the long run it could cost jclist members.

Everyone needs to take the high road, shake hands like civil human beings, and be on their merry way (that's a nice string of cliches isn't it?).

Posted on: 2007/5/11 13:16

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
Home away from home
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2006/7/21 20:08
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For what it's worth, I don't know anyone here personally (if I do I don't KNOW that I do anyway), I never had a ShoutBox commented (when I tried) responded to, and I don't much care. I was away a day for work and came back to see this whole situation, and from an outsiders persepctive it just seems like a whole lot of Ding Dong School to me. Can't we all just get along? It's a community bulletin board, people...

Posted on: 2007/5/11 13:13

Re: Website Policy & first person banned on
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Nondowntown?s behavior of bullying and harassing tactics coupled with his intellect while on JClist, could be viewed as a mere ploy to divide and conquer. I suggested from the outset, that the ?Non? identity was an administrator for JClist, when it appears his goal and tactics was to create his own website as ruler with like minded individuals.
He carefully chose his topics / responses and aligned himself with a small group of listers for his own gains. ?Non? was on JClist so often that it appeared this identity was hovering like a hawk 24/7 for prey and allies.
I consider ?Non? more dangerous then a certain Newport person, as it appears ?Non? is an opinionated, self-righteous control freak who has psycho-narcissistic qualities. I suggest that this new website will be nothing more for ?Non?, then a vehicle and source of information gathering, from IP?s to tapping into private ?PM?s? sent to each other.
If I could make a bet, ?Non?s? intention with this site is a political one.
I wish ?Non?s? ego well, but you?ll never see my fat-ass-bike there (unless it?s by an imposter) because I can not trust an identity like that.
For the record I don?t know or have ever met this ?Non? identity, and make this comment via ?Non?s? general postings / responses and direct replies to FAB on Jclist.

Heaven help anyone disagreeing on 'non's' website, as I still recall too well, the enjoyment and glee 'non' displayed when 'chasing' someone off from JClist that had an opposing opinion - great qualities for an administrator (what a joke).

Posted on: 2007/5/11 12:25

Edited by fat-ass-bike on 2007/5/11 12:45:25
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Website Policy & first person banned on

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2004/1/2 6:35
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NONDowntown was quoted recently that he is ?trying to get banned? from this website. I considered him to be a valuable contributor to but in recent weeks he made false accusations about me and started rumors about this site.

The rules of this site are not applied consistently and are mostly ignored because they are strict, I believe that I am lenient with the rules and no matter what I do I cannot please everyone. Anyone can see that this Message Forum contains (misspelled) cursing, writing that appears antagonistic, threatening, rude, argumentitive, off color and smartass remarks that contribute little to the topic of conversation. If I applied the rules consistently thousands of posts would have to be removed. I hate censorship and I do everything within reason to avoid censoring, in my opinion there is almost zero censorship on this site. This is a moderated forum and I remove few items that violate the rules that every poster agreed to and have remained consistent since the inception of this site. These rules are posted on the Registration page and require that you check the box in order to register to post. There is also a License Information link at the bottom of every page of this site with detailed rules as well as general guideline rules listed at the top of every Message Forum posting box. This is a moderated website and as a moderator I realize that I must remain objective and think of the audience while I exercise restraint before removing anything including duplicate posts, posts designed to be rude with no meaningful content, spam, and requests from visitors of this site to remove objectionable content.

NON wrote that I removed posts arbitrarily. False, he posted a youtube video of cuckoo clock as a reply to a topic and when I removed it he reposted it; I considered this to be a subtle form of harassment toward the original poster and toward me. He has posted that clock video at least 50 times before but I had warned him the week earlier that I was concerned that visitors to this site were being turned off by this type of ongoing behavior. People have written to me saying they were not returning to this site because of NONDowntown both new and long time posters; most recently ?CANKICKER? and ?Netflix?. It is my right as a moderator to remove his cuckoo clock and I expected that an intelligent person like NON would respect my decision knowing the context of our private discussion. To shed light on this situation I reposted the deleted posts on this topic for everyone to see. I am not posting the Private Messages that NON sent me complaining about this decision but he used the phrase ?Those of us so bent on destroying your website? and based on his recent actions this was not a joke.

In recent days NONDowntown used the Shoutbox and Private Messages people to promote his new website and has encouraged others to do the same. I asked him twice yesterday to stop this activity but he continued and questioned me about the rules regarding these actions. It is clear to me that NONDowntown and others created to compete directly with and are attracting visitors in a disingenuous manner. For a couple of years I had a policy of allowing links to competing sites such as;; and but the owners of those sites have not spammed using the Shoutbox, Private Messages, and Message Forum for promotion as NON and others are presently doing. NON has written to me that he no longer intends to post on this Message Forum so I consider him to be a liability here and he is now banned for spamming.

I appreciate the thousands of people who visit this site. I have more than 10 years experience operating websites and have an unwavering commitment to keeping your private information private; this includes your email addresses, IP addresses, passwords, and Private Messages. I have worked in the banking industry for almost 20 years where I had access to millions of account holder records which I have always treated with absolute integrity and privacy. Many of you have noticed that has incompatibility issues with certain firewall settings, logs you out automatically, and other noticeable imperfections. Many of these are due to software security precautions in place to protect against hacking and keep your data secure.

Effective immediately if anyone would like to promote or discuss you may do so in this topic or by purchasing advertising on this site. The use of Private Messages, Shoutbox, or signature lines for promotion of is considered SPAM which is prohibited and may result in offenders being banned.

Posted on: 2007/5/11 8:46

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