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Re: Thirty Acres Restaurant- Jersey Avenue
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Surely they can do whatever they want. But it's rarely possible to start with almost no money, and still to be able to build a refined restaurant. It is impossible to offer low payments and to hire experienced waiters. Maybe in Kentucky you would trick them, but not 5 minutes away from Manhattan.
And if you still think it is possible, stop whining on the BBC World Service to the whole planet that it is difficult. I could have told you earlier.

Posted on: 2012/4/8 18:38

Re: Thirty Acres Restaurant- Jersey Avenue
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Just can't stay away

Seagull, I worked in top universities for many years. Idid nt try to be a waiter when I was a student, let alone the time I spent in JC. In truth, I tested the job market for low paid work when I arrived in JC, to cover the rent while my papers were sorted out, and I found it easy to find work. Luckily, I never had to work for people with such a great impression about themselves who lack the amount of money to support their claims. But I recall the shock of being asked to give resume and references for the sort of work that I could get next door just by showing for 10 minutes that I can do it.

Mdips, my nickname is JSQ for a reason. And indeed, JC is not NY, and does not have to be. This is what the 30 acres people did not understand. Jersey Ave does not cut it, and it will never be Little Italy. It is not Saddle River, nor Princeton. No need to defend those who didn't understand where they are setting up their business.

People who dine in JC appreciate the variety and the low price. I miss the ethnic grocery stores A LOT. But variety and cheapness are both lacking in this place, judging by the menu. It only corroborates with their inability to understand how hundreds or thousands of Manhattan cooks living in walking distance would not bother to work for them.

Btw, I googled them, and I found them fund-raising 10K dollars. I have more than that on a few credit cards. It sounds like somebody has a very bad credit problem.

Posted on: 2012/4/8 17:51

Re: Thirty Acres Restaurant- Jersey Avenue
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Just can't stay away

Hi all,
I don't think this will bring the right tone to the discussion, but I'll give my two cents.
I have been out of JC for 4 years now, still visiting friends a few times a year. My friends are decently well paid, so we usually spend nights in Manhattan, Hoboken, or, when really tired, in the area around Newport PATH station. I am still on the opinion that JC is a dormitory town, that very few people can hold jobs or have fun in the town, and that one must live in Newport if one wants to get home safely.
Today, I have heard the owners of 30 acres on BBC radio. There must be some bitterness in a demotion from Manhattan to Jersey Ave, so I was ready to listen to a series of platitudes that would try to half-hide the bitterness. But the two owners made some affirmations that itched me so much that I had to return to this website after 3 years. They think that the workers of JC are not good enough for them. But I think that they are not good enough for JC, and I will detail.
First, they complained that the applications for jobs were weak, because some candidates only had experience in grocery stores. Well, d'oh! JC is the new Ellis Island. This is the calling port for many new arrivals to US, including me, and extending into the hundreds of thousands. We, the hundreds of thousands, have no American experience of any kind, but we are a majority, and the Manhattan dropouts are the minority. You either learn to live with us in JC, or sod off.
And then, there are the others, who were born Americans, the other hundreds of thousands who work in the very competitive New York City. There are thousands of people carrying plates in Manhattan, who come to sleep in JC. Were they offered the right money for them to switch jobs? Think about how much you need to offer to somebody to put in their resume " I used to work in Manhattan, but now I moved to worse-than-Grove-Street". I noticed the owners try to put a positive spin on it, but it is a demotion, and peeople should be paid more than in Manhattan to make the switch from Manhattan. Otherwise, you live with what you have.
Second and worse, the owners complained that the people of JC have no skills in carrying a plate to the table and that they have no time to teach anybody. Sure, I never carried a plate to a table, so I may be wrong. But this restaurant is announced since November. That is 5 months ago. Something is telling me that, in 5 months, you can teach a JC grocery store guy or girl to carry a bloody plate. It's not the time that lacked, it's again the cheapness. There were no money to bring people in to learn. And because the owners are who they are, nobody would come to them as unpaid interns.
An alternative theory holds that the owners don't really know how to carry a plate, and this is why they can't teach others. Had anyone checked their past?
I think these people started on the wrong foot. I have seen Americans treating new comers like shit just because they had an accent, or because they lacked "American work experience", but the great thing about NYC/JC area is that these chauvinists are scarce. If you want to have something in JC, you have to have it JC way. I see no market for a 20 dollars-a-course restaurant with only 4 sorts of food. I see no way to thrive if you are not ready to to take the local people on. What do you expect to recruit, Monte Carlo waiters?
PS. I am amused that, 4 years later, Fulop is still trying.

Posted on: 2012/4/8 16:17

Re: Councilman Fulop Press Release July 24
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FletchFletcher wrote:
FULOP should be mayor. The city council is full of old guard GHETTO THUGS. I will be at the next city council meeting. I am over this bullshit city AND BUSINESS AS USUAL. ITS OVER.....OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW!!!

No way, he is too close to a saint. He should be appointed bishop or cardinal.

Posted on: 2009/7/24 21:30

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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From: Steven Fulop []
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 12:10 PM
Subject: Yesterday's Arrests in Hudson County

This system must change.
Councilman Steven Fulop

"Hell, yes! I want my share! But first, I will make a difference by swimming with the firefighters."
(I already had enough of the change we can believe in. Can't you see it's just a change of guards, dictated from above? How old are you people? When did ever the NJ voters choose right?)

Posted on: 2009/7/24 18:47

Re: Jersey City construction worker has $128,000 confiscated at airport
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Just can't stay away

SLyng: No, it is not illegal to travel with 10,001 dollars. You only have to declare it. The subject of our discussion is not that some guy travelled with too much money, but that he failed to declare the money.
Sinik: it is impossible to charge 600 pounds on a credit card on which you don't borrow anything.. See this example . Free checking, it is not.
W: Banks make money out of your money from the checking account, much like they make from the CDs. One person withdraws, another deposits, but the pool altogether gives to the bank a sum which can be used for anything that the banks invests in, exactly like with any other money.
You say that free checking offers "Check processing. Teller services. ATM services. Printing statements. Accounting. All of this costs money." I have ING Direct - it is internet based. No physical branches whatsoever. No check book. They won't print your statement. How do you think they make any money? Exactly from those overdrafted checks that you think they loathe. In fact, they don't even have overdraft fee - they charge a minute interest, about one dollar. Do you think it costs more for a slave to have the check scanned?
As it happens, the American dream is for us the American nightmare, and we have to receive money from home every once in a while if we want to eat anything else but potatoes. This way I explored all way of transfer money in, and there's nothing more efficient like this sort of pathetic hawala, in which Ivy League students (these being the most travelled from our home country and in our age range) bring you cash, handed to them by mum 48 hours ago. Worst thing is the wire, it can take 6 weeks, during which yours truly would have to eat, as I said, potatoes.
PS.Before starting another lame discussion: we are in such a low tax bracket that we do not mind declaring those money. This year we got all fed taxes back.

Posted on: 2008/7/29 12:31

Re: Jersey City construction worker has $128,000 confiscated at airport
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Just can't stay away

The fees are reasonable today, but a few years ago they weren\'t.
Some ten years ago, laws were passed to require banks to offer \"basic banking\", e.g. for NYS or ... 53CF936A25753C1A962958260 . Included in the \"advantages\"are, I quote:
\"# The monthly charge for the maintenance of the account cannot be more than $3.00.
# Account holders are allowed at least eight withdrawals per month at no additional charge. Withdrawals can include checks, ATM withdrawals and purchases using a debit card attached to the account.\"
If the law was required ten years ago, it means three dollars a month is less than what people used to pay. I can\'t find it right now, but when I researched the subject I recall that, even after the law has passed, people will regularly give up 0.5% of their income whether they cashed checks, deposited checks or used direct deposit.
It was a cash-based economy for most people who cared about such pointless fees.
Why pointless? I don\'t have US numbers, but I read last week a study about UK market. Apparently banks there make more money out of \"free checking\" than out of plastic usury aka credit cards. A fifth of the Brits had to pay overdraft in the last year, and fees plus withheld interest was in the region of hundreds of pounds per capita. Most US banks are also shareholders in Mastercard and/or Visa, a mechanism that milks store owners in the region of 3% for each bill that I am paying with my \"free debit card\". When you have all these sources, to top them with a 3+ dollars a month fee, like you had ten years ago, was simply extortion. It is polite to call that \"reasonable\", but I don\'t see why I would pay ANY fee for my money, that *I* am essentially borrowing to the bank.

My other idea was that, despite conquering Iraq and Afghanistan, dear W, you still weren\'t able to conquer the whole world. A Commerce Bank cashier check is only a very expensive wipe-ass in Nigeria.

Posted on: 2008/7/28 20:44

Re: Jersey City construction worker has $128,000 confiscated at airport
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Just can't stay away

Try walking in a US bank with a 128K check underwritten by a Nigerian bank.
Besides, I heard that only a few years ago, dealing with banks in the US meant highway robbery, with fees for using a card, not using a card, for soliciting a debit card and for not soliciting it, fir check cashing, for direct deposit and for not having a direct deposit, and so on. Even today some of the banks assume that free checking is an advertisement point, not a common feature. Lots of migrant workers just assumed / assume that banks are not for them.
The greatest reason to have it all cash is that, even if you paid taxes in the US, you probably didn't in your home country, and you want things to stay this way. Not sure why you would hide them from the US customs though.

Posted on: 2008/7/28 17:21

Re: Jersey City construction worker has $128,000 confiscated at airport
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Just can't stay away

@JCDR: I am a foreigner, you are not. You and your ancestors should feel less offended.
Also, you and your ancestors might have weak memories about the move-in process. When I got my visa, a few years ago, the US consulate handed me about 5 sheets with important rules I needed to know, now that I got that visa. They included the 10K rule.
They were in our native language and they printed a set for anybody who got a visa, spouses, children etc. In fact you couldn't get the visa if you didn't show proof of having thousands of dollars, a high school degree, no TB, no AIDS. Your chances will be very weak if your English was not satisfactory to the consular assistant on whom your whole life was depending. This last one wasn't a written rule, you could just pick up that from internet boards - "I was turned down, probably because I didn't appear able to make a living", and so on. You couldn't sign the bloody forms saying that you were no Nazi if you did not understand any English - and you had to pay for a translator to be brought into the consulate. That is, if you prayed a lot and hoped the consular assistant had a good night sleep to let you through if you spoke no English.
I am sure many of the ancestors of the people currently living in this country, and even plenty of those who got their citizenship these days, did not have to go through this. Like many things regarding my American experience up to now, this "play by the rules" thing I did makes me feel a bit stupid. Why can't I pretend I didn't know this or that rule?

Posted on: 2008/7/28 4:01

Re: Jersey City construction worker has $128,000 confiscated at airport
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Just can't stay away

The rule that not knowing the law is not a valid excuse has been established in ancient Rome. He could pull the one with "the dog ate my homework" with equal success.
Foreigners usually learn about this rule from the US consulate which granted them visa initially (if they had any visa, that is) - because this rule applies to entries too. This makes foreigners more aware of the rule than the natives.

Posted on: 2008/7/27 3:11

Re: Jersey City's 'Live Where You Work' Program -- 30 or 40 year ( 6 1/8% ) fixed-rate mortgages
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Just can't stay away

Sort of funny, so many of us should be interested in such programs since we are working in Manhattan.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 4:38

Re: Education activist says she'll run for Fulop's seat
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Just can't stay away

Seems like now you have an option.
But then you have to ask yourselves: Will she eliminate corruption in the City Hall? Was she in Iraq? Is she able to swim in the Hudson in January? Will her aids produce films? These are the questions.

Posted on: 2008/6/20 21:55

Re: Cops, Fulop among \'Polar Bear\' brave - Take plunge at Seaside Heights: \"It was freaking freez
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Just can't stay away

I know that you and somebody else work for the guy, and I tried to be nice and not give any names. But if you feel like talking to me, then I can rephrase the question in such a way that you understand it: were you swimming with the polar bears?

.. Because, as much as I can understand, Mr. Fulop is ready to fight corruption and change the downtown, the city, the county and, why not? the state-the-country-the-world-the-Universe-etc. If he wants to do all these nice things, it is not enough to come one year with "Hi, I am Fulop the swimmer", and next year with "see, I wanted to change the world, but the rest of the planet built a coalition against me, so all I got you is no pay-to-play, but lots of publicity for when I'll run for the higher office".

You would agree he needs a team. I mean not a group of people who hide behind the Internet and say will-do-this-and-that, but then don't bother even to vote, and not a gang of fans like you, who will print and distribute his leaflets, but a real team, like a handful of other Councilmen.
If he cannot list a single other fellow Councilman who will "fight corruption" and swim with him, this should give you some ideas. The two alternatives are
1. he is a visionary before his time, but the whole Council and all the tens of thousands of voters who elected the rest of the council are crooks and/or idiots
OR 2. he is creating imaginary problems, and he disconnected from the problems of the people who actually live here; moreover, now he has 8 Councilmen who are his imaginary enemies. This would come at a sad time, in the same week when Prozac was discovered as ineffective.

So, he has no allies in the Council, nobody to swim with him, poor thing. But from the thousands (or rather tens) of his supporters, the guys and girls who get so easily excited by everything he does, why wasn't there a single person to swim with him? Or at least from his aides, who must have an even higher does fanaticism, given the pay
So, yes, Ms. Althea, did you swim with Mr. Fulop? 'Cause if yes, the noble cause he served would be "double served" and that would be nice.
But you probably didn't, and nobody else from his gruppies, although 2,500 other people were. If this is the case, I can only expect to see you (in person and/or the other gruppies) at the St. Patrick parties, at some pub across the street from the one where the mayor will go. And then I can infer about you precisely what Omar inferred about Healy and his gang.

IMO, this is just a publicity stint. I regret that
1. there is no stint from which I'll benefit (no vote rights = no BS, no "raised awareness", no dinners paid by Sharpe and Booker campaign, to give you a recent example)
2. many of you seem so naive as if this game wasn't played in the same way for the last hundreds of years.

Posted on: 2008/3/2 15:29

Re: Cops, Fulop among 'Polar Bear' brave - Take plunge at Seaside Heights: "It was freaking freezing
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Just can't stay away

I noticed that the US indigenous have developed an obsession for "team work". I find it stupid at times, but not in this case. Thus, may I ask if anybody from Fulop team was swimming? E.g., the film-making girl, was she swimming?
To my excuse, I have to say I don't know how to swim, but as soon as I will want to be elected, I'll learn that, I'll go to Iraq... and then, only then, will I dare to poke fun at other people's valuable work towards raising the awareness about almost anything.
But was there any presidential candidate? Was Obama swimming with the polar bears?

Posted on: 2008/3/2 5:48

Re: Cops, Fulop among 'Polar Bear' brave - Take plunge at Seaside Heights: "It was freaking freezing
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Just can't stay away


Althea wrote:
There must be a better way to raise money both from the human and polar bear perspective.

You bet. Now I have to give a penny to all these guys ( ) and when WWF or Oxfam comes, I'll just give them the finger... I know what this WWF is about, they are not swimming, not running long distances, not weightlifting, not perching in trees, they are only after my money, but F**K them, now my awareness has been raised, nothing for non-swimmers!

Posted on: 2008/3/1 13:34

Re: The Lamp Post or The Latin Lounge: SUV driver critically injures one after fight at 2nd Street b
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Just can't stay away


A driver, enraged after discovering that a Jersey City bar was closed

What an idiot! Where did he think he was? We need to go to sleep, because we need to work next day. This include whole Sundays.
... I can't wait for the monthly PATH permit...

Posted on: 2008/2/27 12:38

Re: Cops, Fulop among 'Polar Bear' brave - Take plunge at Seaside Heights: "It was freaking freezing
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Just can't stay away

I would also have sex with a dead seal to be sure I am elected with a margin of more than two votes. Really, 2000 dollars is nothing, I gave them away often, but I had to swim in cold water, because this is what Heard Management 101 class taught me, when I got that Master of Shepherding degree.

Posted on: 2008/2/27 12:32

Re: Almost half of Hudson County residents support proposal to bring a casino to the Meadowlands
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ianmac47 wrote:
If the Meadowlands is open up to slot machines for those reasons JSQ, then where is the reasoning behind preventing every corner pub in the state from having slots, or gaming tables, or taking sports bets?

That would be in fact awesome. I am 100% sure that, unless you are a nation of complete idiots, you can live with that.
I had that, after the fall of communism, in my home country, and I can tell you it was good. I had friends who lost a lot of money in the first years of college. When they got deep in s--t and exhausted all their credit opportunities, they stopped naturally. My favourite example is one of these addicts, who bet everything he had for a few years, then realized the importance of laundry, got married, and has hired other three of his colleagues in his office. Sometimes this is the only way to learn the value of money.
Yes, gambling addiction is bad. It does come with all other defects that some puritans will try to deny to its citizens, but otherwise are either:
- inexplicably half-controlled (why not close LITM? they hav alcohol there, which is far worse) or
- somehow permitted (I can tell how a prostitute looks, but the NYC cops seem not to) or
- explicitly permitted (smoking is also a risk factor for divorce and child abandonment; credit card huge indebtedness, I hear, did not lead to Macy's being closed).
But given that all the other "evils" are either permitted or unstoppable, why cling on to this one, which seems to be one of the least harmful?

Besides, no American lives further away than two hours from a casino. Whom are you fooling?

Posted on: 2008/2/11 17:13

Re: Almost half of Hudson County residents support proposal to bring a casino to the Meadowlands
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Just can't stay away

Caj11, you are a newbie. When I sound deadly serious, I am completely not serious.
I don't care about the revenue in Atlantic City or in Meadowlands, or anywhere in the world. I am a potential consumer, and I see advantages in having more offers. Competition between providers (you know, that thing when you have somebody else in addition to Comcast or Verizon) improves service and lowers the price down to the point where the rich fat cats are not that rich anymore.
The current regime is not protecting addicts, since most of those who would be able to go to the Meadowlands are already going there or to Atlantic City. The way things are now, casinos receive an aura of exquisiteness, of "top of entertainment" (which they are not). This lures people who otherwise (if slot machines would be installed in the pubs around Grove St) would not be attracted.
This plays in the interest of the casino owners. I think the casinos in AC also benefited from tax cuts. Is this really protection for gambling addicts, or rather protection for an unfair oligopoly?

Posted on: 2008/2/11 13:38

Re: Almost half of Hudson County residents support proposal to bring a casino to the Meadowlands
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Just can't stay away

I can only imagine poor people becoming such addicts that the #2 will be filled. This is horrific! Dear community, stand for our common good, do not allow such houses of sin so close to us. Allow them exclusively in other parts of the state, country and the world. We don't need casinos, we can always make money through industry and arts!

Posted on: 2008/2/11 1:48

Re: New York Times: Arts Developers, Now Hear This
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Just can't stay away

I am the next Picasso. I paint stripes and dots. I live in JC because Manhattan doesn't have tea stores and who cares about Paris. My vote is very important, because, precisely like me, it is anonymous - I can discounts from Healy, but still vote for Fulop. Give me subsidized housing!

Posted on: 2008/2/9 23:20

Re: ON PATH TO A BOOM: Development in Harrison puts the train-line town in position for a renaissanc
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Just can't stay away

I think that Harrison lost Manhattan direct trains only during the summer of 2003, between the re-opening of Exchange and the re-opening of WTC. Such a mistake reminds me of NYT.

Posted on: 2008/2/4 19:18

Re: Corzine Proposes Steep Rise in Tolls - Higher tolls to affect everyone
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Myrna A. Gottlieb wrote:
There is no easy answer to New Jersey?s budget woes, but it is clearly unfair to attempt to do it all on the backs of drivers, particularly commuters, senior citizens and truckers, who use the toll roads.

What are the old people doing on the toll roads?

Posted on: 2008/1/24 20:20

Re: New York Times: PATH Train Commute From Hoboken to 33rd Street and Journal Square to 33rd Street
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jediweapon wrote:
Clearly Ms. Cohen is clueless. There must be tens of thousands of commuters between JC and Manhattan on any given day that DON'T park at Harrison and live in West Orange. But she manages to find a couple and extrapolate a trend.

Here's my favorite bone-headed line:
"On both trains I took...there were more men than women. Do the wives all stay home in New Jersey, or work closer to their homes?"

Not exactly Pulitzer-level investigative journalism. Let's hope the NYT's White House correspondent is a little more dogged...

Hey, she forgot to mention that you can still take the PATH to Long Island City!

This reminds of an earlier discussion that I had with somebody (ianmac, perhaps?) who said that our tongues are like horses' butts, when compared with those of a writer form a prestigious publication.
I think Ms. Cohen wrote her article from imagination and added some pictures from Flickr.

Posted on: 2008/1/24 20:16

Re: Led by former mayor Gerald McCann Ed board votes 8-0 for Fulop $$ plan
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Just can't stay away

Take that, Eaton College!

Posted on: 2008/1/19 15:12

Re: Corzine Proposes Steep Rise in Tolls - Higher tolls to affect everyone
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Just can't stay away

It is a bit late so would you please summarize for me: how much is the estimated increase in the cost of one kilo of potatoes or apples? 0.01 cents?

Posted on: 2008/1/18 5:43

Re: Against the trend, U.S. births way up
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Dwntownguy wrote:
white American women have more children than white European ? even though many nations in Europe have more family-friendly government policies on parental leave and child care.

Or precisely because of this. I don't really fancy the idea of breeding for the state.

Posted on: 2008/1/16 0:00

Re: Update from Steven Fulop
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Why should something be done?

Posted on: 2008/1/15 19:57

Re: Jersey City to have great view of 3 Cunard Queen ships together in harbor -- Jan 13th 2008
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Just can't stay away

They really took a long time to bring the ships from Midtown. When the fireworks started, the rain came too. This was a bad choice of a day.

Posted on: 2008/1/14 15:15

Re: Journal Square eateries on the move to make way for demolition
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Just can't stay away

Maybe they had something cheaper too; what you can see at the customers' mouth is not rich in toppings. Now you're making me regret I didn't try it while it still existed?

Posted on: 2008/1/7 18:29

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