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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Atsushi wrote:
Alternate Theory of Bridgegate Scandal: ... gate-scandal-111611971764

Rachel Maddow, lol.

For the eleven people who watch her-they weren't voting for Christie anyway, lol.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:29

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Ahhh, if only there was there much fervor and citizen activism when there are real issues to be upset about. A boy can dream....

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:17

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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N.J. Assembly to release documents in bridge scandal investigation

Stay tuned! ... ge-scandal-investigation/

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:16

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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What makes Mr. Christie?s claim of victimhood hard to accept is his own history of vindictive behavior. For instance, a Rutgers professor lost financing for a project because he voted against the governor on a redistricting commission. A Republican colleague who had a disagreement with Mr. Christie was disinvited to an event in his own district. Mr. Christie has denied that he sent signals to his staff to punish anyone who crossed him. ?I am who I am, but I am not a bully,? he said Thursday. But he has set a tone that makes abusive actions acceptable.

Mr. Christie has promised to cooperate with investigators ? a vow he and his staff must honor. At this point, the governor has zero credibility. His office has abused its power, and only a full and conclusive investigation can restore public trust in his administration.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:14

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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It?s no longer in dispute that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie?s (R) administration crippled the community of Fort Lee last September on purpose. It?s also no longer in dispute that the governor?s team did so as an act of political retaliation. But what was it, exactly, Christie?s aides were retaliating against?

The working assumption has been that the administration sought to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, a Democrat who didn?t endorse Christie?s re-election. But the governor?s incredulity over this explanation is not without merit ? it?s unclear if the local mayor?s endorsement was ever even sought. Indeed, the governor?s insistence yesterday that he had no idea who Sokolich was seemed relatively persuasive.

And if Team Christie was in the habit of retaliating against fairly obscure Democratic officials who balked at endorsing the governor, there would be a more expansive record of statewide revenge from last fall.

So perhaps the working assumption is mistaken. Maybe Christie?s aides targeted Fort Lee, but it wasn?t related to a campaign endorsement that wasn?t even solicited. If so, we?ll need a different explanation for one of the key questions at the heart of the scandal: what happened to cause a top Christie aide to say it was ?time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee? on Aug. 13 at 7:34 a.m.? What, specifically, prompted that message on that morning if Sokolich?s preference for governor was irrelevant? What was it, exactly, that Team Christie was retaliating against?

Rachel offered an alternative theory on the show last night and it?s important to consider it in detail.

In New Jersey, state Supreme Court justices serve an initial term of seven years, at which point the sitting governor decides whether or not to reappoint them. Since the New Jersey constitution was revised and adopted in 1947, every governor has reappointed every state Supreme Court justice without exception.

That is, until Christie took office. In 2010, soon after Christie?s inauguration, he did something unprecedented: he declined to reappoint one of the justices: New Jersey Supreme Court Justice John Wallace, the court?s only African-American member. Wallace was not burdened by scandal or allegations of wrongdoing; Christie simply didn?t want him on the high court anymore.

Democrats in the state Senate were livid. Rachel described the political firestorm that soon erupted in Trenton:

Senate Democrats made Chris Christie?s first nominee to replace Justice Wallace, they made her wait until somebody else?s seat came up on the court then they would consider her for that one, but not Justice Wallace?s.

Then, Chris Christie nominated a man named Phil Quan for the state Supreme Court, Senate Democrats said no. Then, Chris Christie nominated a man named Bruce Harris for the court, Senate Democrats said no.

Senate Democrats were so mad about what Christie did to take John Harris off the Supreme Court when he was up for re-nomination that they would not let anyone through. It?s been a big political crisis in New Jersey. Senate Democrats rejected every one of those Christie nominees, one after the other.

And then when another of the justices on the Supreme Court, a Republican, came up for re-nomination just like John Harris had, and the Senate Democrats signaled that they were going to give her a whale of a time at her re-nomination hearing, Chris Christie just flipped out. He had enough. He pulled that justice off the Supreme Court rather than submit her to re-nomination before the Senate Democrats.

No governor had ever failed to reappoint a sitting state Supreme Court justice, but Christie had suddenly done it twice ? once for the court?s only African-American jurist, infuriating Democrats, and then again for a justice he actually liked. The governor, enraged, held a press conference to tell reporters, ?I was not going to let her loose to the animals.?

The ?animals,? in this case, were the Democrats in the state Senate.

Christie said that on the afternoon of Aug. 12, 2013.

On the morning of Aug. 13, 2013, Christie?s deputy chief of staff told the governor?s guy at the Port Authority, ?Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.?

The leader of the Senate Democrats at the time was a senator from ? Fort Lee.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:10

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Pebble, people are late to work all the time in NJ. Will it be Christie's fault when people are late because of fixing the Pulsaski Skyway this year? Saying 'people couldn't get to work'? Maybe they were a bit late? Yes, it was unfortunate-which is why Christie took action, that's what leader's do. And man'd up and apologized for the actions of rogue staffers. The mayor of Ft. Lee accepted the apology AND said he believed Christie's explanation.

The woman who died wasn't killed because of Christie. She was found in the bathroom after being there for an unknown amount of time by her daughter-who holds Christie blameless. That sums up that issue.

So the Mayor of Ft. Lee doesn't blame Governor Christie, and the family of the 91 year old woman who suffered a fatal heart attack doesn't blame Governor Christie. Pebble, though, is still on the chase like a beagle after a bunny.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:10

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:07

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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My question is why retaliate against Fort Lee? There was plenty of other Democratic NJ mayors that Christie sought endorsements from. I can't imagine Fort Lee is the only one that said no.

Something doesn't make sense.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:05

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Posted on: 2014/1/10 14:56

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Even if Christie didn't know anything about lane closure, which I very much doubt, there is no way Bridget Anne Kelly came up this idea on her own. She emails Wildstein "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" at 7:34AM and he responds one minute late with "Got it". There was no, "Hey, are you sure? Do you think we should run this by the Governor?" So they must have discussed it earlier and her email was just putting the trigger. Why did she think it's okay to do this? Because she has done something similar before and got rewarded by Christie. So even if Christie truly didn't know anything about the lane closure, there can be other ugly stuff just waiting to be uncovered.

He probably is going to be okay as the governor, but I seriously doubt that he will be okay as a presidential candidate.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 14:50

Edited by Atsushi on 2014/1/10 15:06:39

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Pebble wrote:
I?ll look into the porn options available?

I'll give it to you, that was funny.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 14:50

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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It's always amusing to see the flaccid, silly personal attacks (drunk angry uncle at Thanksgiving, lol) emerge when you can't defend your position while having your fanny reddened by facts.

Again, the whole point of this thread is to see whether conegate will derail Governor Christie's POTUS aspirations. I think we can conclude that four days of traffic jams orchestrated without his knowledge isn't a big deal, compared to the exposure his likely opponent, Mrs. Clinton, has over the still unexplained Benghazi disaster-a problem that still hasn't been brought to the light of day.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 14:49

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Pebble I tend to respect your intellect but on this I gotta say: go F*ck yourself. Please.


Pebble wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Holy sh*t Chester, you truly have lost touch with reality.

This is the very definition of irony.

I?ll look into the porn options available?


Monroe wrote:

Pebble wrote:
...but I thought Christie reaches across the aisle to do what's best! Now you're telling me he is also petty and spiteful if you don't support him and that it's ok because "elections have consequences.

Got to love those that want it both ways!

No need to try and twist my words. I'm just saying that in the gutter of Hudson County politics (which is more often than not internecine) some postponed meetings are a pothole on the length of the NJ Turnpike. We have the head of the Democratic Party in NJ stalling Fulop, and you're outraged by Christie's staff rescheduling some meetings? What did Fulop do to piss off Sweeney? Is GEDman Sweeney annoyed by the Goldman Sachsman?

No twisting of words. Those are things you said.

Nobody cares about Sweeney in this. The topic is Christie.


Monroe wrote:

Dolomiti wrote:

Monroe wrote:
We're talking about an alleged abuse of political power to damage an opponent. Bringing up Obama's IRS targeting conservative groups prior to an election is certainly a much bigger issue...

It also has absolutely nothing to do with this entire incident.

There is no reason to bring it up, except as an attempt to deflect and distract from the glaring misconduct of the Christie administration.

Nonsense, especially that it was TODAY that Obama's Justice Department appointed someone to lead the investigation into political abuse by Obama's IRS in an election year.

Can anyone with a single brain cell argue that cone gate is more important than IRS gate? National election won by a small margin, vs a state level landslide?

So Obama administration misconduct affecting a national race that was close, or Christie administration misconduct affecting a landslide?

LOL! It didn?t affect the race. If affected people?s livlihoods. People couldn?t get to work. An elderly woman died.


nyrgravey9 wrote:
Finally, a common sense article for you knuckleheads. It's not a strawman argument, or whatever the hell is you people come up with to deflect from your paltry positions. It goes to show just how out of whack the media's, and most your, priorities are.

Wall Street journal, suckas

First: That?s not an article. That is an op-ed piece written for a right wing newspaper by a right wing columnist.

Second: It is possible to be annoyed at both at the same time.

Third: I live, reside and pay taxes in NJ. I don?t run a politically motivated non-profit attempting to dodge taxes. A governor and/or his staff shutting down lanes to punish a mayor for not kissing his ring affects me directly.

Fourth: That whole hit piece is a strawman argument.
Fact: Christie said, ?I want to know the whole truth and find out everything that happened.?
Fact: Christie said, ?I didn?t talk to Kelly and I won?t. She lied.?
Those two statements contradict each other. Either he wants to know or he doesn?t.

Lastly: If some dipstick out in Ohio wants to be more angry about the IRS, that?s on that person. Christie isn?t that person?s governor.


Monroe wrote:
Circle back. The mayor of the affected town believes that Christie had nothing to do with conegate.

The mayor?s exact words were ?I take Christie at his word.? That doesn?t mean that Christie was honest. We already know Christie was full of it when he said, ?There is nothing to this scandal. It didn?t come from my office.?


Monroe wrote:
The woman whose mom died during the traffic jam (and who may have been dead for some time on her bathroom floor) thinks the traffic had nothing to do with conegate.

The traffic had nothing to do with the scandal?

I assume you meant that the traffic had nothing to do with her death. The daughter may or may not know. The ambulance the woman was in was delayed. Thus the care given was less than adequate.


Monroe wrote:
Christie holds an almost two hour press conference, taking every question thrown at him, explaining what happened. He takes accountability, and fires everyone who acted wrongly under his purview. Which is what leaders do.

One person fired. Exactly 1.

He also dodged a lot of questions and talked out of his ass. But those are my opinions.


Monroe wrote:
Note to the looney left; learn from this. Can anyone name a staffer of Obama or Mrs. Clinton who has been fired for Obamacare, IRS Gate, or Benghazi?

I eagerly await any response. 600 million dollars of taxpayer money wasted on 4 dead in Benghazi. The IRS selectively going after groups in a dirty tricks manner. Who's been fired? Anyone?



nyrgravey9 wrote:
Ok, I'll play the other side here. Something did bother me about the press conference. Towards the end Christie said (paraphrasing - so Pebble don't knock the accuracy) - "I haven't slept in two nights over this." Yet, this was after he just claimed to only know since the day before.

A slip?

I assumed that to be a slip. I am more concerned about him talking out of both sides of his mouth.

He fires Kelly and won?t talk to her. Then he says he wants to learn every detail. If O?Dowd didn?t know anything about it, then where is the information going to come from?

My opinion is that he wants to know what other traceable evidence exists.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 14:43
Dos A Cero

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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CC knew. Had to. A former prosecuter, a good one also..had no knowledge, absolutely none, that his appointed PA employees received orders from his appointed staff to close the GW lanes...and when he did hear about the lanes being closed, he had absolutely no resolve to question why and require evidence from his appointed PA employees unequivocally proving that the lanes were closed for a "study" .

His speak until they drop press conference, classic. Reporters are not prosecutors, they don't know the correct questions to ask. CC told TWO different stories about confronting his staff, one was the rehearsed story, and the other was "I forgot" the rehearsed story.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 14:30

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam

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Posted on: 2014/1/10 13:53

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Ok, I'll play the other side here. Something did bother me about the press conference. Towards the end Christie said (paraphrasing - so Pebble don't knock the accuracy) - "I haven't slept in two nights over this." Yet, this was after he just claimed to only know since the day before.

A slip?

Posted on: 2014/1/10 13:40

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Agreed. I scrolled down over a dozen posts to read peoples' thoughts on bridge gate, only to see the words "radical Islam" fly by repeatedly. Monroe is the drunk angry uncle, and JClist is his family Thanksgiving.


Br6dR wrote:
This has turned into the defacto kitchen sink/Monrore silliness thread.



Pebble wrote:
I'm still confused... What the frack does Obama have to do with whether or not the governor of NJ is petty enough to shut down roads in a city because a mayor wouldn't support him?

If Christie is behind it, how can any reasonable person support him?

Posted on: 2014/1/10 12:12

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Vigilante, you just got schooled on every point, and you're response is "Well you hit all the Repub BS talking points. Good Boy."

Don't be so butthurt.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 5:01

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Well you hit all the Repub BS talking points. Good Boy.


borisp wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

That would simply be a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's been obvious from the start how Republicans, especially the extremists, were going to react to anything Obama did as President. First of all, there is NO DOUBT that many people were completely freaked out that a black man had been elected President.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. This is quite phenomenal, - even after the obamacare rollout and millions of people losing insurance, you keep talking about how it is all about race.

You emperor has no clothes!!!


Vigilante wrote:
They poo-pooped every attempt he made at bipartisanship and pretended he wasn't compromising when, in fact, they just wanted everything their way.

Surely, you jest. Name one case where Obama agreed... neigh, proposed to back off his position?


Vigilante wrote:
They have treated his poorly executed attempt at health-care reform as if it were another 9-11. .

Well, we see it differently. Like, I do care about people losing medical insurances by the million.

And to you the most important thing is to defend your ideology, no matter what.


Vigilante wrote:
Dozens of Embassy attacks happened under Bush but Benghazi is the worst event in history and Obama and Clinton should have known it was happening.

Well, duh! They were informed beforehand.

And, you forgot to mention, they lied to us about what has happened. They wanted us to think it is not a terrorist act, - because they were selling the "Al Qaeda is on the run" lie for the elections.

By the way


Vigilante wrote:
Obama has continued the NSA and Fast&Furious, which were both started looong before he was elected.

Well, it NSA program was nowhere near that expansive as it is today.

And, as it comes to the Fast& Furious, it is a straight lie. During the Bush administration there was an operation "Wide Receiver" that didn't include "gun walking". That was Fast & Furious that started in 2009.


Vigilante wrote:
The NSA program has always been monitored by congress and the courts but under this black Prez suddenly it's the second worst thing ever.

Yeah, and it was monitored by the press, and it was always "BUSH HITLER HE ALLOWS LISTENING TO A CALL BETWEEN A TERRORIST AND AMERICAN CITIZEN". And then, when the President was Democrat, all the screams stopped and all the newspapers shut up, and NSA was listening not just on some calls, but collecting everything wholesale.

And the only thing you have to say is "racism!!!"


Vigilante wrote:
The IRS "scandal" is barely that and was an act of an overly ambitious IRS office in Cincinnati.

Oh, yeah, using the power of the IRS to suppress political opponents, yeah, right - barely a scandal.

Buddy, this is like one of the most hugest one in the history of the USA.

If it were not for Fast&Furious where the US government armed drug cartels, people actually died, and Holder lied to the Congress.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 5:00

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Vigilante wrote:

That would simply be a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's been obvious from the start how Republicans, especially the extremists, were going to react to anything Obama did as President. First of all, there is NO DOUBT that many people were completely freaked out that a black man had been elected President.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. This is quite phenomenal, - even after the obamacare rollout and millions of people losing insurance, you keep talking about how it is all about race.

You emperor has no clothes!!!


Vigilante wrote:
They poo-pooped every attempt he made at bipartisanship and pretended he wasn't compromising when, in fact, they just wanted everything their way.

Surely, you jest. Name one case where Obama agreed... neigh, proposed to back off his position?


Vigilante wrote:
They have treated his poorly executed attempt at health-care reform as if it were another 9-11. .

Well, we see it differently. Like, I do care about people losing medical insurances by the million.

And to you the most important thing is to defend your ideology, no matter what.


Vigilante wrote:
Dozens of Embassy attacks happened under Bush but Benghazi is the worst event in history and Obama and Clinton should have known it was happening.

Well, duh! They were informed beforehand.

And, you forgot to mention, they lied to us about what has happened. They wanted us to think it is not a terrorist act, - because they were selling the "Al Qaeda is on the run" lie for the elections.

By the way


Vigilante wrote:
Obama has continued the NSA and Fast&Furious, which were both started looong before he was elected.

Well, it NSA program was nowhere near that expansive as it is today.

And, as it comes to the Fast& Furious, it is a straight lie. During the Bush administration there was an operation "Wide Receiver" that didn't include "gun walking". That was Fast & Furious that started in 2009.


Vigilante wrote:
The NSA program has always been monitored by congress and the courts but under this black Prez suddenly it's the second worst thing ever.

Yeah, and it was monitored by the press, and it was always "BUSH HITLER HE ALLOWS LISTENING TO A CALL BETWEEN A TERRORIST AND AMERICAN CITIZEN". And then, when the President was Democrat, all the screams stopped and all the newspapers shut up, and NSA was listening not just on some calls, but collecting everything wholesale.

And the only thing you have to say is "racism!!!"


Vigilante wrote:
The IRS "scandal" is barely that and was an act of an overly ambitious IRS office in Cincinnati.

Oh, yeah, using the power of the IRS to suppress political opponents, yeah, right - barely a scandal.

Buddy, this is like one of the most hugest one in the history of the USA.

If it were not for Fast&Furious where the US government armed drug cartels, people actually died, and Holder lied to the Congress.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 4:50

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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hero69 wrote:
just like obama to the blame to the iinitial fumblle of obamacare, christie needs to "man" up and take the blame for this fiasco.

"Fumble"? Millions of people losing insurance and the prices skyrocketing is a "fumble"? And, only initial? You think he is blameless for the rest of that train wreck?

Oh, and, by the way, like the Wall Street Journal says, ...compared to using the IRS against political opponents during an election campaign, closing traffic lanes for four days is jaywalking.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 4:32

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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JCMan8 wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Finally, a common sense article for you knuckleheads. It's not a strawman argument, or whatever the hell is you people come up with to deflect from your paltry positions. It goes to show just how out of whack the media's, and most your, priorities are.

Wall Street journal, suckas

If this thread is any indication, the most recent comment on your article might be correct. "This country is deeply divided and headed towards a violent collision."

That would simply be a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's been obvious from the start how Republicans, especially the extremists, were going to react to anything Obama did as President. First of all, there is NO DOUBT that many people were completely freaked out that a black man had been elected President. After a silver-spoon President had wrecked the economy by walking right into Bin Laden's trap and gotten us into two endless wars the R_Wingers had decided that a black Prez meant that it was the end times. They poo-pooped every attempt he made at bipartisanship and pretended he wasn't compromising when, in fact, they just wanted everything their way. They have treated his poorly executed attempt at health-care reform as if it were another 9-11. No state, including NY, will take responsibility for any of the GITMO prisoners and so that lays festering but he gets ALL the blame. Dozens of Embassy attacks happened under Bush but Benghazi is the worst event in history and Obama and Clinton should have known it was happening. Obama has continued the NSA and Fast&Furious, which were both started looong before he was elected. The NSA program has always been monitored by congress and the courts but under this black Prez suddenly it's the second worst thing ever. The IRS "scandal" is barely that and was an act of an overly ambitious IRS office in Cincinnati.
But please keep beating the drum of a Kenyan born, Muslim socialist.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 4:06

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Ft. Lee mayor today accepts Christie's apology, and states he believes that Christie had nothing to do with the lane alterations.

Carry on.

No, do not carry on, do not collect $500.

Why do we care what the Ft. Lee mayor thinks? This is a corruption case and we should get to the root of it.

Circle back. The mayor of the affected town believes that Christie had nothing to do with conegate. The woman whose mom died during the traffic jam (and who may have been dead for some time on her bathroom floor) thinks the traffic had nothing to do with conegate.

Christie holds an almost two hour press conference, taking every question thrown at him, explaining what happened. He takes accountability, and fires everyone who acted wrongly under his purview. Which is what leaders do.

Note to the looney left; learn from this. Can anyone name a staffer of Obama or Mrs. Clinton who has been fired for Obamacare, IRS Gate, or Benghazi?

I eagerly await any response. 600 million dollars of taxpayer money wasted on 4 dead in Benghazi. The IRS selectively going after groups in a dirty tricks manner. Who's been fired? Anyone?

I'm just sayin, the Fort Lee Mayor's opinion is irrelevant here.. investigate this to the root. If Christie has nothing to hide, he shouldn't be worried about anything.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 3:44

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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Finally, a common sense article for you knuckleheads. It's not a strawman argument, or whatever the hell is you people come up with to deflect from your paltry positions. It goes to show just how out of whack the media's, and most your, priorities are.

Wall Street journal, suckas

If this thread is any indication, the most recent comment on your article might be correct. "This country is deeply divided and headed towards a violent collision."

Posted on: 2014/1/10 3:24

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Ft. Lee mayor today accepts Christie's apology, and states he believes that Christie had nothing to do with the lane alterations.

Carry on.

No, do not carry on, do not collect $500.

Why do we care what the Ft. Lee mayor thinks? This is a corruption case and we should get to the root of it.

Circle back. The mayor of the affected town believes that Christie had nothing to do with conegate. The woman whose mom died during the traffic jam (and who may have been dead for some time on her bathroom floor) thinks the traffic had nothing to do with conegate.

Christie holds an almost two hour press conference, taking every question thrown at him, explaining what happened. He takes accountability, and fires everyone who acted wrongly under his purview. Which is what leaders do.

Note to the looney left; learn from this. Can anyone name a staffer of Obama or Mrs. Clinton who has been fired for Obamacare, IRS Gate, or Benghazi?

I eagerly await any response. 600 million dollars of taxpayer money wasted on 4 dead in Benghazi. The IRS selectively going after groups in a dirty tricks manner. Who's been fired? Anyone?

Posted on: 2014/1/10 3:21

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:

Bogart wrote:
So what actually happened today was Issa and a conservative legal group are trying to make an issue out of the investigator's politics even though it would have been illegal for the DOJ to look into her politics.

That's not wrongdoing by Obama's Justice Department. That's more opportunistic public relations by Darryl Issa.

First, the issue is that Justice and the Obama administration is following up the IRS abuses with an investigation. How could they not, especially after they've apologized for the abuses?

Second, choosing a Democrat and Obama contributor is a bit, well, transparent. So would it be OK if Christie gave a Republican and Christie donor a lead role in a conegate investigation? That would be hunky dory, right?

It is contrary to department policy and a prohibited personnel practice under federal law to consider the political affiliation of career employees or other non-merit factors in making personnel decisions,? said Justice spokeswoman Dena Iverson. ?Removing a career employee from an investigation or case due to political affiliation, as chairmen Issa and Jordan have requested, could also violate the equal opportunity policy and the law.?

Posted on: 2014/1/10 3:16
I live by the river.

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Finally, a common sense article for you knuckleheads. It's not a strawman argument, or whatever the hell is you people come up with to deflect from your paltry positions. It goes to show just how out of whack the media's, and most your, priorities are.

Wall Street journal, suckas

Now that we have your attention, allow us to explain. Governor Chris Christie apologized to New Jersey on Thursday for aides who closed traffic lanes in order to punish a Democratic mayor, and he fired a deputy chief of staff. We mention the IRS because Mr. Christie's contrition contrasts so sharply with President Obama's handling of the tax agency's abuse of political opponents and his reluctance to fire anyone other than a military general for anything.

Assistant editorial page editor James Freeman on leaked emails suggesting the New Jersey governor's top aide caused traffic problems for political gain. Photos: AP

In his long press conference in Trenton, Mr. Christie was properly contrite, saying he had been "lied to" by the senior aide he proceeded to fire. He also said he is withdrawing his support for his former campaign manager to run the state Republican Party because the man had shown "callous and indifferent" behavior toward the people inconvenienced by the traffic-lane closures. If Mr. Christie really didn't know about this cheap exercise in political payback, and nothing new emerges, the incident shouldn't interfere with the Governor's expected presidential run.

That doesn't mean Mr. Christie shouldn't learn from the experience. One lesson is that he's going to have to upgrade the quality of his advisers as he moves onto the national scene. The traffic-lane-as-vendetta ploy is so dumb and petty that anyone who would attempt it isn't ready for prime time. Never mind putting it in email.

Mitt Romney was supposed to be a crack manager, but he surrounded himself with campaign lightweights and he suffered for it. One of Mr. Christie's selling points for the White House will be that he is an executive who has run a sizable state, so the media will descend on Trenton even more than it did on Wasilla, Alaska, for Sarah Palin. Better to clean out the hack loyalists now.

Which brings us to the Obama Administration, which quickly leaked to the media that the U.S. Attorney is investigating the lane closures as a criminal matter. Well, that sure was fast, and nice of Eric Holder's Justice Department to show its typical discretion when investigating political opponents.

This is the same Administration that won't tell Congress what resources it is devoting to the IRS probe, and appears to be slow-rolling it. It has also doubled down by expanding the political vetting of 501(c)(4) groups seeking tax-exempt status. Lois Lerner, who ran the IRS tax-exempt shop and took the Fifth before Congress, was allowed to "retire," presumably with a pension. Acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller resigned under pressure but no other heads have rolled. Yet compared to using the IRS against political opponents during an election campaign, closing traffic lanes for four days is jaywalking.

We raise this mostly because our media friends have been complicit in dismissing the IRS abuses, and for that matter every other legal abuse during the Obama years. The exception is the Edward Snowden theft of National Security Agency documents, which so far have exposed not a single example of law-breaking.

Not that this should make Mr. Christie or any other potential GOP candidate complacent. Republicans operate under a double media standard that holds them to a much lower scandal threshold. In that sense the pathetic New Jersey traffic-lane scandal may be, as Mr. Obama likes to say, a teachable moment.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 3:14

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
Ft. Lee mayor today accepts Christie's apology, and states he believes that Christie had nothing to do with the lane alterations.

Carry on.

No, do not carry on, do not collect $200.

Why do we care what the Ft. Lee mayor thinks? This is a corruption case and we should get to the root of it.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 3:09

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Bogart wrote:
So what actually happened today was Issa and a conservative legal group are trying to make an issue out of the investigator's politics even though it would have been illegal for the DOJ to look into her politics.

That's not wrongdoing by Obama's Justice Department. That's more opportunistic public relations by Darryl Issa.

First, the issue is that Justice and the Obama administration is following up the IRS abuses with an investigation. How could they not, especially after they've apologized for the abuses?

Second, choosing a Democrat and Obama contributor is a bit, well, transparent. So would it be OK if Christie gave a Republican and Christie donor a lead role in a conegate investigation? That would be hunky dory, right?

Posted on: 2014/1/10 3:07

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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2013/5/14 14:58
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I just want to send a shout out to all you JCListers who are not only reading this entire circle jerk shit thread, but contributing to it. You all deserve medals.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 3:02

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