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Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2015/4/29 1:47
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2019/11/16 6:03
From DT JC
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Bamb00zle wrote:

Thanks for posting that link ? it has some interesting info.

Page / slide 18 describes how they plan to ?enhance? the customer experience:

?Limit Passengers Passing Thru Turnstiles When Numerical Limit Reached Until Next Train Has Loaded to Ensure Platforms Remain Safe?

Wonder when this enhancement to the customer experience starts and how it?s going to be enforced? How do they stop people entering through the turnstiles, and where are those people going to wait ? line up outside on the sidewalks and streets? How do they stop people jumping the line? If they crowd around the turnstiles, how do people exit the stations??

I'm all for safety, but this doesn't sound like the kind of enhanced experience I want.

Here?s PATH?s incomplete answer to the issue of platform over-crowding. You?ll have to forgive me, but frankly PATH?s assertion they will alert riders by text and email "before" they get to the station is simply not credible.

?PATH will also implement a plan to handle station platform overcrowding, which may result in limiting the number passengers admitted, if police and officials decide it is reaching a dangerous condition. Riders will be alerted by text and email advisories before they get to the station and if crowding continues, they would be advised to use options such as NJ Transit bus and light rail.?

What a total, complete mess.... Definitely NOT the customer experience I want. ... mess-up-your-commute.html

Posted on: 2019/6/29 18:18

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2010/1/7 4:21
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hero69 wrote:

asny10011 wrote:
the ?lift? is always breaking downthere... i don?t need it but i?m tired of seeing all their updates about the lift not working at Grove St.

Also, the weekend closures to WTC really suck. Why can?t they run direct trains to 33rd on weekends??
ditto that about the grove street elevator. how is it that nj transit and nyc subway elevators work reliably for loong periods while there are problems with grove street elevator and escalators every month

I feel like these are make work projects for the contractors who fix them. One of the escalators in Newport station is under repair at least once a month.

Posted on: 2019/6/29 16:23

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2004/11/14 2:38
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asny10011 wrote:
the ?lift? is always breaking downthere... i don?t need it but i?m tired of seeing all their updates about the lift not working at Grove St.

Also, the weekend closures to WTC really suck. Why can?t they run direct trains to 33rd on weekends??
ditto that about the grove street elevator. how is it that nj transit and nyc subway elevators work reliably for loong periods while there are problems with grove street elevator and escalators every month

Posted on: 2019/6/29 10:48

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2010/7/9 11:16
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Speaking of reducing delays... It looks like the new signal system has issues with thunderstorms and downpours. PATH signal system got knocked out btw JSQ and Grove St.

The morning commute took forever.

Posted on: 2019/6/25 13:53

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2007/8/1 19:34
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asny10011 wrote:
the ?lift? is always breaking downthere... i don?t need it but i?m tired of seeing all their updates about the lift not working at Grove St.

Also, the weekend closures to WTC really suck. Why can?t they run direct trains to 33rd on weekends??

Agreed. its hard to read about all these promises when even something so basic as running trains from JSQ to 33rd without stopping in Hoboken cant be done. Its bad enough they are taking away service to WTC for a year and a half, cant they at least improve the other line?

Posted on: 2019/6/24 20:59

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2010/10/18 18:59
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the ?lift? is always breaking downthere... i don?t need it but i?m tired of seeing all their updates about the lift not working at Grove St.

Also, the weekend closures to WTC really suck. Why can?t they run direct trains to 33rd on weekends??

Posted on: 2019/6/22 12:43

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2015/11/21 22:12
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JCGuys wrote:
To all the dumb shits that complain about Jersey City's resurgence by saying they shouldnt allow new development because the PATH train is overcrowded. Look at the results...

As I always knew, the new developments has forced PATH train service to being improved with more trains, better frequency, and a 40% increase in capacity to accommodate the new comers. This would have never happened had Jersey City was still in decline.

Now gotta find the idiota that encourage people to contact the PATH director on linkedin. Nope. It was the crisis created by the new development that forced the improvements. Not your DM.

It doesn?t matter what infrastructure actually gets built - the NAs have an endless reason to oppose any building or change in JC. Most likely they?ll go back to their old trope of complaining in about parking.

Posted on: 2019/6/21 23:51

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2009/3/19 15:20
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From Scenic McGinley Square
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Thanks for clarifying.

Posted on: 2019/6/21 20:25

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2009/9/25 22:27
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Guessing you didn't read the article - it's only NWK-WTC that's targeted for the 9-car trains.

Posted on: 2019/6/21 19:35

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2009/3/19 15:20
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2020/6/2 11:06
From Scenic McGinley Square
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Aren't the stations in NY only big enough for 8 cars? I know 33rd street the train stops almost at the end of the tracks, and the other end is at the tunnel entrance.

Posted on: 2019/6/21 13:54

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2015/4/29 1:47
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2019/11/16 6:03
From DT JC
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Thanks for posting that link ? it has some interesting info.

Page / slide 18 describes how they plan to ?enhance? the customer experience:

?Limit Passengers Passing Thru Turnstiles When Numerical Limit Reached Until Next Train Has Loaded to Ensure Platforms Remain Safe?

Wonder when this enhancement to the customer experience starts and how it?s going to be enforced? How do they stop people entering through the turnstiles, and where are those people going to wait ? line up outside on the sidewalks and streets? How do they stop people jumping the line? If they crowd around the turnstiles, how do people exit the stations??

I'm all for safety, but this doesn't sound like the kind of enhanced experience I want.

Posted on: 2019/6/21 12:33

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2008/11/8 15:38
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Posted on: 2019/6/21 11:42

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2013/1/23 19:44
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JCGuys wrote:
To all the dumb shits that complain about Jersey City's resurgence by saying they shouldnt allow new development because the PATH train is overcrowded. Look at the results...

As I always knew, the new developments has forced PATH train service to being improved with more trains, better frequency, and a 40% increase in capacity to accommodate the new comers. This would have never happened had Jersey City was still in decline.

Now gotta find the idiota that encourage people to contact the PATH director on linkedin. Nope. It was the crisis created by the new development that forced the improvements. Not your DM.

You mean the dumbfk who wants everyone to show up at public meetings to whine about building more highrises?

Go ahead pat yourself on the back, I am sure this plan got rolled out all because of your brilliant idea, damn waste of oxygen.

Posted on: 2019/6/21 5:27

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2015/5/28 0:34
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8/5 12:48
From Jersey City
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To all the dumb shits that complain about Jersey City's resurgence by saying they shouldnt allow new development because the PATH train is overcrowded. Look at the results...

As I always knew, the new developments has forced PATH train service to being improved with more trains, better frequency, and a 40% increase in capacity to accommodate the new comers. This would have never happened had Jersey City was still in decline.

Now gotta find the idiota that encourage people to contact the PATH director on linkedin. Nope. It was the crisis created by the new development that forced the improvements. Not your DM.

Posted on: 2019/6/20 22:29

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2005/3/21 20:01
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2020/9/5 14:18
From Exchange Place
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PATH will spend $1B to ease overcrowding, delays that mess up your commute

That $80 million plan will extend the Grove Street station platform past walls on the Marin Street entrance. Exchange Place station can handle 10-car trains, but the plan will add exits and crossovers between the two platforms.
Read more here: ... mess-up-your-commute.html

Posted on: 2019/6/20 22:05

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2005/3/21 20:01
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2020/9/5 14:18
From Exchange Place
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PATH Trains to Become Larger, More Frequent as Rider Increase Looms

The Harrison station and the rest of the PATH system between Newark and Manhattan are hamstrung by the Grove Street station in downtown Jersey City, which currently can handle trains with only eight cars. The other stations can accommodate 10.
Faced with the seemingly intractable problem of fitting the proverbial two pounds of fertilizer into a one-pound bag, the Port Authority announced several improvements Thursday that should, if not solve the problem, at least make a dent in it.

Read more here: ... ease-Looms-511587282.html

Posted on: 2019/6/20 21:50

Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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2005/3/21 20:01
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2020/9/5 14:18
From Exchange Place
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Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on Thursday unveiled its "PATH Improvement Plan," which the agency says will dramatically increase capacity while also reducing delays.

The plan includes a conversion of the Newark to World Trade Center line from eight-car trains to nine-car trains running every three minutes during the peak of rush hour periods.

In addition, the plan outlines a detailed, six-point delay reduction initiative to be implemented over the next 30 months, a new fare payment system to be introduced by 2022, and a set of customer service initiatives.

The capacity increases rely on more than $1 billion in capital investment:
--The ongoing $750 million investment in a new signal system that enables PATH to run more trains per hour
-- The prior commitment of $215.7 million for 72 new rail cars that will be delivered beginning in 2021 and continuing through 2022
--A new capital commitment of $80 million for station modifications to enable nine-car trains on the Newark to WTC line.

PATH will commit an additional $50 million to delay reduction and customer service initiatives.

"The PATH Improvement Plan is a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach to fixing the biggest problems facing PATH," Port Authority Chairman Kevin O'Toole said. "By adding cars and trains, hitting back at the root cause of delays, and focusing on the customer experience, PATH will make monumental changes that affect the lives of the nearly 300,000 customers who rely on PATH each day."

PATH has already begun work to add two more rush hour train sets on the Newark-World Trade Center and Journal Square-33rd Street lines, optimizing between-train headways of 3 to 4 minutes on the busiest lines at the busiest times of day. The shift will increase capacity by 10 percent on these lines by September 2019.

By 2022, PATH anticipates an additional 20 percent increase in capacity on the Journal Square-33rd Street, Hoboken-World Trade Center, and Hoboken-World Trade Center lines and a 40 percent increase in Newark-World Trade Center capacity thanks to an innovative plan to accommodate nine-cars on all Newark-World Trade Center line trains and a new signal system that will enable trains to run more frequently.

In 2017, PATH invested $215.7 million in 72 new train cars to add to the existing fleet of 350 cars; the first of the new cars will be put in service beginning in 2021. To accommodate longer trains, PATH has proposed significant improvements at the Grove Street Station, with a planned investment of $80 million to tear down existing walls and extend the existing platform. Station modifications are also planned for Exchange Place Station to open additional corridors for emergency exits.

The initiative to reduce delays will address six key causes: 1) track conditions; 2) switch failures; 3) car equipment failures 4) signal equipment issues; 5) sick passengers, and 6) unattended bags.

PATH is also committed to improving riders' experience at each part of their journey by implementing a new fare payment system integrated with the MTA's new OMNY system, improving in-station, on-train and online alerts and announcements to provide more information in a timely and transparent way, and addressing platform crowding. ... ty-reduce-delays/5355269/

6/20/19 5:10 PM DST

Posted on: 2019/6/20 21:10

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