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Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance

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2011/4/10 20:41
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2018/11/15 14:38
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A security camera covering the front of your house will end the problem. I put mine up due to "neighbors" putting their unsorted recycle/trash with mine. Their bags are left behind during collection for me to deal with. I confronted one of the "neighbors" with vid and it ended.

Camera also helped with litterbugs, dog crap, and vandals. I gave vids to JCPD on more than one occasion to help out. I hate public surveillance BUT I hate having to deal with lowlifes more.

Posted on: 2018/11/15 14:33

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/6/26 1:17
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2021/11/2 3:08
From Jersey Ave
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I had a neighbor who, after dark, would casually drop his unwanted JC Reporter at our curbside instead of his own. The funny thing is, other than that he was a good neighbor. Stuff like this happens all the time & the recycling/trash people should already be perfectly aware of it.

Posted on: 2018/11/15 1:41

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance

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2012/7/10 1:50
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2018/11/14 1:21
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Wrong! You will get pulled over one night for having a light out any where in the 50 states. Then they will arrest you and you will sit there in handcuffs for hours until Jersey City sends word that they will not extradite. Be leave me, a bench warrant is real and will come back to haunt you when you least expect it.

Posted on: 2018/11/13 1:53

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance

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2012/7/10 1:50
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2018/11/14 1:21
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We just got one in the mail. First the property taxes triple and now the under the table Recycle tickets to raise capital. Emperor Fulashit is becoming nothing more than a standard Hudson county Democrat scumbag.

Posted on: 2018/11/13 0:15

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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Jesus, just got another! Funny thing is, it has the infraction date as 11-15-18. Think I can get it pitched just for that? If these assholes just put it in the door or mailbox I'd at least have an idea of what it was for, or not. But when it comes a week later I have no idea.

I'm not sure it's legal for me to break it up among my tenants so they feel the bite and the need to comply. This being JC and NJ, even if I knew for sure, I couldn't evict them.

Posted on: 2018/11/11 4:29

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
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2010/7/9 11:16
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TheBigGuy wrote:
ALso agree that people just dump stuff on the streets... I have seen crt tv sets and moniters piled on Grand Street.

This never made sense to me since all it takes is a phone call to schedule the pickup of electronics.

Posted on: 2018/11/10 19:48

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
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2008/5/22 20:46
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2022/5/31 3:07
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meowmix wrote:
I recently moved out of JC to Philly, and received a ticket for recycling being out on the wrong day. We moved in July, but our place just sold, so we were the owners at the time of the ticket. Not sure what recycling the ticket is referring to, since we weren't living in the apartment, but okay.

I was just going to pay it and move on, but it turns out I have to appear in court to even find out what the fine is. I spoke to a woman at the courthouse who suggested I send an email explaining the situation, which I did.

I can't make the court date they set, but also I really don't want to spend hours traveling back to JC to deal with this. Does anyone have experience with this kind of situation? Are the judges generally understanding of people who don't live here anymore?

Claim that you are a not a US citizen and Murphy and Fulop will grant you sanctuary status - you're safe!

Really, are you afraid of JCPD making a road trip to Philly to bust you - they have better things to worry about.

Posted on: 2018/11/10 0:40

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
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2009/5/12 22:51
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2024/1/29 17:59
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They must be on a revenue drive. I got a letter from my landlord who received a warning notice. Says any fines will be charged to the tenants... I was out of town the day the notice was written, no idea why the dope inspector did not read the aprt# on the garbage can. ALso agree that people just dump stuff on the streets... I have seen crt tv sets and moniters piled on Grand Street.

Posted on: 2018/11/9 22:34

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
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2007/7/4 16:37
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2021/11/4 21:55
From Hamilton Park
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Is this trend recent? I have seen a number of violations over the years and this is the first time I see this theme flaring up with so many people and this appearance rule. Is the city doing this suddenly to fill their coffer? Taxpayers want to know..

Posted on: 2018/11/9 22:14

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance

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2015/5/1 13:25
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2020/6/23 17:57
From Jersey City - Bergen-Lafayette
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I got hit this last summer, someone apparently dumped construction debris next to my trashcan.

Went to court, talked first to the prosecutor who showed me a photo of a black construction bag and said 'that's construction debris, you can't do that.' No idea what was in the bag, it could have been anything, and definitely wasn't mine or my tenants'.

I was advised to plead guilty so as to be spared court costs and to be fined the minimum. So I grumbled and plead guilty, and paid the $110. With me were people who put out their trash too early, on wrong day, etc. Each of us was $110.

Total racket.

Next time, if there is one, I envision myself shouting that the whole court is out of order while everyone cheers me on and end the end I get the girl.

But I digress.... Yes, total racket, seems crazy that you have to physically appear for your 3 minutes to only then cough up $110 when it could have been mailed in, saving everyone time and expense. No experience with this sort of thing outside of JC. Good luck to you!

Posted on: 2018/11/9 21:08

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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I have one that they've postponed the court date twice now. The whole idea that I can be held liable for what a tenant, neighbor, or passerby does seems insane. If a tenant or neighbor were malicious, the opportunity to screw with a property owner by dumping stuff out front seems endless.

Posted on: 2018/11/9 20:19

Re: Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
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2010/7/9 11:16
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12/4 19:44
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I ended up in Muni court a few times for the same thing. It was tenants putting trash out at the wrong time or some random person dumping stuff in front of my property.

The last time I had a tenant who's mother kept putting trash randomly on the curb. Her mind wasn't all there, so talking to her didn't solve the issue.

Normally, I "plead guilty with an explanation". Previous times, the judge would wave court costs and hit me with the minimum fine. This last time, the judge had me first talk to the prosecutor before accepting my plea (the problem being "with explanation"). The prosecutor checked that I was not a habitual offender and dropped the charges.

If you don't show up, a bench warrant will be issued for you. Not sure if you can get out of having to show up for court.

Posted on: 2018/11/9 19:57

Recycling Ticket/Court Appearance
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2006/10/21 14:18
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2018/11/24 5:16
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Posts: 238
I recently moved out of JC to Philly, and received a ticket for recycling being out on the wrong day. We moved in July, but our place just sold, so we were the owners at the time of the ticket. Not sure what recycling the ticket is referring to, since we weren't living in the apartment, but okay.

I was just going to pay it and move on, but it turns out I have to appear in court to even find out what the fine is. I spoke to a woman at the courthouse who suggested I send an email explaining the situation, which I did.

I can't make the court date they set, but also I really don't want to spend hours traveling back to JC to deal with this. Does anyone have experience with this kind of situation? Are the judges generally understanding of people who don't live here anymore?

Posted on: 2018/11/9 18:15

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