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Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby
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2011/9/29 6:09
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My sisters and several family members had great experiences at Hackensack(HUMC) and Englewood. I would have also recommended Pascack Valley Hospital in Westwood but they were shut down....and strangely enough Hackensack University Medical Center is trying to open a medical facility there. It's such a shame PVH closed.....I don't know about how they handled their finances but the the medical treatment provided was first notch.

Sorry I can't remember their doctors....but your choices for hospitals are very strong.

Posted on: 2013/3/11 0:14

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby
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2013/2/24 20:45
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2014/8/23 19:32
From hamilton park
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We delivered in St. Luke's Roosevelt with Dr. Austin Chen. She's since left her practice and joined Doctors Without Borders.
Check out this article about Jersey City and Homebirths: ... est-trend-in-jersey-city/
And also check out Morristown Hospital or Palisades Hospital.

Posted on: 2013/3/10 22:15

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby

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2013/3/10 20:25
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2013/4/10 21:00
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I'm new to this forum! Wanted recommendations for Ob/Gyn in Hoboken or Jersey city that are associated with the Englewood Hospital or the Hackensack Hospital. Still figuring out the whole being a parent thing so am totally new to this and overwhelmed. Thought I should start with figuring out a doctor but i believe it's better to choose the hospital one wants and then figure out the doctors associated with the hospital since its a problem if the doctor is not associated with the hospital one wants later. Any suggestions on where to start will be great.

Posted on: 2013/3/10 20:54

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby

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2010/8/30 18:37
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2014/12/4 18:41
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when i went, i had no obgyn because of insurance dropping me at nearly 8 months along (i was 30 weeks and had been seeing dr. cheryl carter up until that point), and no other doctor would pick me back up. so i went to the medical center and was given an obgyn/deliery doctor...who was EXCELLENT with me. the staff met my needs and treated me kindly, despite my less than perfect circumstances (had no obgyn AND had preeclampsia)...i delivered a perfect baby girl and although i had a very traumatic birth experience with her, having good doctors made it much better for me. i wouldve had the problems no matter WHAT doctor i went to...because my body responded badly to the drugs (which i asked for). in addition for being no nonsense with the birth of my baby (which was GREAT because they allowed me to both shower while in labor with a nurse present and walk to ease pain), they also:

treated my family with courtesy and respect

allowed me an awesome amount of privacy

immediately responded to my needs and questions concerning medications as well as hospital facilities and usage of amenities

allowed my baby to stay the entire time with me for breastfeeding and bonding

didnt interrupt my breastfeeding schedule and provided me with a lactation specialist

gave me a ton of goodies for being a breastfeeding mom, including double servings of ALL meals, which (at least at that time) were actually pretty tasty for hospital food

a special dinner for me and my dad (i was a single parent at the time) for the birth of my baby.

when my husband and i decide to have another (if we do), i will purposely seek out a doctor that practices at JCMC and make that my birthing hospital. i have no interest in living in one city and traveling to another (let alone another state) to have my child when there is a hospital in walking distance that's just as good and professional as any other and has transporting abilities should the need arise for me to go somewhere else.

Posted on: 2012/10/1 23:41
no matter what, i'm luvin my jc!

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby
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2009/12/30 14:44
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We also had a wonderful experience at JCMC for delivering a baby. We used Dr. Ahmed Yousry whose office is behind the hospital.

With our first I went to Roosevelt in the city and was unimpressed.

Posted on: 2012/10/1 20:18

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby

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2010/8/30 18:37
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2014/12/4 18:41
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gotta admit, i wonder what some people here are dealing with when they go into JCMC. i have had nothing but an excellent birthing experience there. if i should become pregnant again, i will find a doctor and deliver there again.

the doctors are excellent, well trained and courteous. the waiting times and organization has gotten MUCH better within the last year (ive been to the emergency room 3 times in the last 3 months and was out within 1 hour EVERY time).

definitely my first local choice.

Posted on: 2012/10/1 17:25
no matter what, i'm luvin my jc!

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby
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2012/1/15 14:07
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2024/10/23 15:53
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Dr. Rahula delivered both my girls at Meadowlands Hospital, in Secaucus. Dr. Rahula and staff are wonderful. Give Sue a call 201-963-2200

Posted on: 2012/9/27 23:43

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby
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2010/6/29 20:37
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Dr Rahula Raja on Palisade Ave;
Hoboken Univ. Medical Ctr or Palisades

Posted on: 2012/9/27 20:18

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby

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2009/11/11 21:52
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2012/10/14 15:48
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Since it's been some time since the original post - can anyone recommend a GYN in Jersey City or Hoboken?

Posted on: 2012/9/27 19:51

Re: seventh moon midwifery

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2011/10/28 17:51
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2012/8/6 16:38
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Did you use a local OB/GYN to deliver at Overlook?

Posted on: 2011/10/28 17:52

Re: seventh moon midwifery
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2009/10/14 0:29
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2011/11/1 19:42
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My wife recently (Aug 2011) gave birth to our second child at Overlook, during the hurricane, no less. Our first was born at St Luke's Roosevelt in NYC. The difference between the two hospitals was night and day - like going from one of those crappy hooker motels on Rt 1 & 9 (i.e. St Luke's) to the ritziest hotel you could imagine in NYC (Overlook). Overlook was, hands down, the best hospital experience either of us has ever had. Amazing staff (especially Nurse Anna in L&D!), amazing facility, just everything there was amazing. I cannot recommend Overlook enough.

Posted on: 2011/10/12 2:01

Re: seventh moon midwifery
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2004/12/23 15:40
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Michael Bimonte, MD is Chief of OB/GYN at the Jersey City Medical Center
His office is located at 71 Union Avenue, Suite 101 Rutherford, NJ 07070
Office Phone: 201-935-1111

JCMC is a great place to have a baby - and the Newborn Intensive Care Unit is one of the best in the area.

Posted on: 2011/10/11 21:25

seventh moon midwifery

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2011/10/11 19:27
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2011/10/16 5:47
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Hello All!

I am new to the downtown JC area and newly pregnant.

I am asking if anyone on this list serve has had any experience using the Seventh Moon midwifery practice?
It would be great if there are any moms who used them as their midwives and had some feedback for me.
We are considering using them for our birth.



Posted on: 2011/10/11 20:29

Re: Palisades Hospital in N. Bergen

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2007/8/23 21:51
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2011/2/10 21:29
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Don't know much about Palisades, but I really wouldn't recommend Hoboken. I was so un-impressed with local hospitals that I'm planning to deliver at Overlook in Summit -- a mere 30 minute drive down Rte 78.

Posted on: 2011/2/10 21:30

Palisades Hospital in N. Bergen
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2007/4/16 13:46
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We are researching hospitals and are undecided between this and Hoboken (which is a lot closer) for maternity care. Has anyone ever been to Palisades and how bad is the drive? River Road can be a bitch sometimes, so just wondering if anyone has any experience with trips there.

Posted on: 2011/2/10 20:13

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby

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2009/8/4 3:40
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2012/1/7 20:18
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Dr. Breshia and Dr. Migliaccio delivered both my girls. I always went to St. Mary's or now Hoboken Univer. Hospital to get the ultrasounds. It was a minor hassle, but worth it for the quality of the doctors. I had some complications with my second pregnancy and they were excellent! I live in Cranford, NJ now and still go back to them.

Posted on: 2011/2/4 2:03

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby

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2011/2/2 20:11
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2011/2/2 20:22
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They don't do the ultrasounds in the office. I went to the hospital I planned to deliver in.

Posted on: 2011/2/2 20:25

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby
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2007/4/16 13:46
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2023/11/15 11:50
From Village/HP
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Does anyone who uses Dr. Brescia in Hoboken know if they do their own ultrasounds there in that office or if you have to go elsewhere? Thanks!

Posted on: 2011/2/2 18:49

Re: Looking for an OB affiliated with Hackensack University Medical Center

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2009/7/7 3:15
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FYI - I contacted the Englewood doctors and they are no longer affiliated with Hackensack Hospital, just Englewood.
The Rubino group is affiliated with St. Barnabas only. I went to see them for my first visit and one of the doctors, Dr. Romero, was awful - I stopped going to that practice for fear I would meet her in the delivery room!!! Thanks for the info though.

I don't mind if the doctor is not in Jersey City, I would just like a good doctor affiliated with Hackensack.

Posted on: 2010/8/9 15:56

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby
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2010/4/23 1:27
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do your kid a favor and don't have them born in Jersey!!!
got my kids across the DMZ and into NYC with no's bad enough to live in day we will escape!!!

Posted on: 2010/8/9 0:17

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby
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2010/2/20 18:07
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I recommend The Rubino Group in Bayonne...all the staff there is great. When I first came do JC a few years back I couldn't really find anyone in Jersey City itself and I ended up there and have been really happy with them!

Posted on: 2010/8/7 2:54

Re: Ob/Gyn and a place to deliver a baby

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2009/8/4 3:40
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2012/1/7 20:18
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I had a c-section with Dr. Migliaccio and a regular delivery with Dr. Breccia. Dr. Tully took care of a lot of my prenatal visits. I trust all of them. They are very thorough and have a great way of making you feel comfortable. I no longer live in Jersey City, but still maintain that practice as my OBGYN.

Posted on: 2010/8/7 2:21

Re: Looking for an OB affiliated with Hackensack University Medical Center
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2007/6/20 16:54
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My obgyns are Comprehensive Women's Care in Englewood - Drs. Jaffe, Freidman, Schlossberg, Patrusky, and a new doctor ( forget the name, but I went to her once for gynecology and liked her a lot). they practice out of Hackensack, Englewood Hospital and Palisade Hospital( I think). They are great. All went to top schools and are highly professional and smart.

I delivered my kids in Englewood Hospital and loved the hospital

Posted on: 2010/8/6 18:10

Looking for an OB affiliated with Hackensack University Medical Center

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2009/7/7 3:15
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Any suggestions on a good OB practice affiliated with Hackensack Hospital would be appreciated. Thanks!

Posted on: 2010/8/5 19:02

Re: Looking for an OB-GYN near Paulus Hook area
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2007/7/18 19:46
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Dr. Migliaccio on 6th & Washington in Hoboken is GREAT. He is thorough, respectful, young enough to be up on current stuff but old enough to have enough experience. Other docs refer people to him who have high risk pregnancies i believe. Check out reviews on kannekt too. The one negative i hear is the staff is not so great, but i was in a couple weeks ago and things seem to have improved on that front. He was also board certified at several good local hospitals so that is a plus.

Posted on: 2010/7/2 16:49

Looking for an OB-GYN near Paulus Hook area

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2010/7/2 16:09
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2011/4/29 19:30
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Hi everyone,

we just moved to the area and looking for an local OB-GYN. Can anyone help?

Thanks a million.

Posted on: 2010/7/2 16:21

Re: Searching for OB/GYN who encourages Normal Birth
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2007/7/9 19:50
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I used Dr. Alvarez at HUMD and have recommended him several times. I had a great experience there. You do have to schlep to Hackensack, but I felt it was worth it, based upon my preference to have my child in a well equipped hospital with an excellent NICU.

Good luck!

Posted on: 2010/3/3 17:57

Re: Searching for OB/GYN who encourages Normal Birth
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2005/3/21 21:42
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From Van Vorst Park
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Bringin' this back to the top...
i need an obgyn. i want to have the baby delivered in Hackensack. any recommendations of docotors affilliated with Hackensack that are somewhat close to downtown JC that you can refer?

someone mentioned Hugo Kitzis in North Bergen and Dr. Manny Alvarez but i don't know. any info would be appreciated. thanks

Posted on: 2010/3/3 16:50

Searching for OB/GYN who encourages Normal Birth

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2009/9/12 18:20
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2009/9/26 12:20
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I am 32 year old, Ht: 5'1', hoping to have a normal delivery (NO "C" section), looking for a doctor close to Journal Square and the Doctor should encourage vaginal birth. Can someone suggest a doctor who satisfy above description, and a good hospital they are affiliated with.


Posted on: 2009/9/12 18:34

Re: Pregnant in JC
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2009/7/28 16:14
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2009/12/25 2:12
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I'll never forget when we were pregnant.. I don't know who the doctors were though so I can't help you with McQuicken.

Posted on: 2009/8/4 23:19

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