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Re: Teddy
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2008/8/12 18:31
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Reggay wrote:
I seem to remember he used to carry a bagged sandwich with him and part of his spiel was that you were welcome to the sandwich if you were in need of food. Anyone else remember this?

Ha! I remember that!! But, the few times I saw him do that, he actually had a bag with SEVERAL sandwiches. I remember once wondering who would take him up on that offer. Honestly, I find Teddy to be harmless and a bit endearing. He does his thing, and moves along. I have never thought of him as threatening, and have never seen him high, or drunk.

Posted on: 2015/1/16 21:16

Re: Teddy
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2006/8/8 18:26
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I seem to remember he used to carry a bagged sandwich with him and part of his spiel was that you were welcome to the sandwich if you were in need of food. Anyone else remember this?

Posted on: 2015/1/16 20:46

Re: Teddy
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2014/7/30 2:49
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He's still alive? Last time I saw him a few years ago I thought it wasn't to long before he expires......

Posted on: 2015/1/15 18:52

Re: Teddy
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gigiwasabi wrote:

I've volunteered there in the past, and it drives me CRAZY when I see/hear this dude on the train lying about a legit charity. He lays it on *real thick* during the holidays too.

Teddy has been doing this for 25+ years he knows how to manipulate the crowd and lay on as many guilt trips as he can remember. When I started riding the PATH train he would come on board with a fake ID around his neck and had a clip board under his arm he almost looked legit. Once he launch into his plea for money it all fell apart, what church or other organization would send a person into a public area begging for money?

Posted on: 2015/1/15 17:55

Re: Teddy
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2010/7/15 11:58
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It's true that Quote:

caj11 wrote:
Grace Church does not solicit donations on PATH trains, and even if they did, they would not use Teddy to do it.

but I wouldn't call the charity "non-existent." They do accept donations for their weekend "soup kitchen," if anyone would like to donate directly to the program.

I've volunteered there in the past, and it drives me CRAZY when I see/hear this dude on the train lying about a legit charity. He lays it on *real thick* during the holidays too.

Posted on: 2015/1/15 16:13

Re: Teddy
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2007/10/1 1:03
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tern wrote:
Don't be silly caj11, Teddy paid for the whole East Wing expansion of Grace Church with his collections!


Oh, silly me. I'm sure he donated use of his box cutter as well to open up the boxes that the materials arrived in.

Posted on: 2015/1/15 15:41

Re: Teddy
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2006/5/10 16:36
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Don't be silly ca11, Teddy paid for the whole East Wing expansion of Grace Church with his collections!


Posted on: 2015/1/15 15:18

Re: Teddy
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2007/10/1 1:03
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Annod wrote:
Teddy was just on a WTC train collecting money for Grace Church again.

No, he was collecting money for himself. Grace Church does not solicit donations on PATH trains, and even if they did, they would not use Teddy to do it.

Yvonne, before you rush to defend him again, you should know he threatened some people on the train with a box cutter a few years ago when they politely told him no, they could not give him any money. Never mind his solicitations on behalf of his non-existent charity and his non-affiliation with Grace Church.

Posted on: 2015/1/15 0:30

Re: Teddy
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2005/3/21 20:01
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Teddy was just on a WTC train collecting money for Grace Church again.

Posted on: 2015/1/14 23:16

Re: Teddy
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Teddy got the top ballot position. I think the year is 1993, but I am not sure. He was not employed when this happened. Later, he did received a county job to help the homeless. Due to this sting, he lost the job. The county was impressed with his work.

Posted on: 2014/1/28 0:16

Re: Teddy
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2008/7/16 15:19
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teddy's tune had changed the last time i saw him... maybe last fall? something like "nobody should laugh, anyone can be homeless!" and "shame on you all" and basically we are bad people if we don't give him money. over it.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 22:21

Re: Teddy
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2005/9/20 14:11
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I noticed his coat and blankets ditched on columbus by the liquor store and was wondering what happened.


VA2015 wrote:
In other homeless person news, I am pretty sure the Gorton's fisherman of Columbus Ave got a makeover. No more long black hooded coat. He is wearing a sportier jacket and blue jeans that appear clean/new. I totally didn't recognize him until I got close enough to hear him muttering his usual expletives under his breath and then recognized the stooped posture and cart. All I can imagine is with the freezing temps he ended up in a shelter that cleaned him up and got him some new clothes. I saw him in the pizza place 2-3 days ago and he still had the long black coat so it must have been over the weekend.

He is mostly harmless but can be verbally abusive so for anyone who usually avoids him like I do, be aware his look is different.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 22:20

Re: Teddy
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2006/5/10 16:36
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Wait just a minute! Are you seriously telling me that Teddy was on the ballot for Ward-E councilman; was favourite to win; was offerred money to drop out; but this was part of an FBI sting; and he lost his job!?

What a fascinating local interest story, Jersey Journal - have s someone dig this story up instead of running articles on lost dogs!

Amazing, that can't be true, can it?

Posted on: 2014/1/27 22:11

Re: Teddy
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2007/10/1 1:03
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Yvonne wrote:
Many years ago, Teddy received the top spot when he ran for Ward E council. He was offered a job/or money if he dropped out. Teddy had no money or job so he fell for it. It was a sting. Later, he did worked for the county, (received high marks for his work ethics) but the county executive was under pressure to fire him due to this sting. In one lifetime JC changed from a factory town to what it is now. People like Teddy were caught in this transition. What is the saying? It is the grace of stop condemning him.

I'll stop "condemning him" (if you want to call it that) if he stops using a fake charity as well as Grace Church to solicit money, and just panhandles like a normal person. Why don't you help him if you care so much about him?

Posted on: 2014/1/27 20:44

Re: Teddy
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Many years ago, Teddy received the top spot when he ran for Ward E council. He was offered a job/or money if he dropped out. Teddy had no money or job so he fell for it. It was a sting. Later, he did worked for the county, (received high marks for his work ethics) but the county executive was under pressure to fire him due to this sting. In one lifetime JC changed from a factory town to what it is now. People like Teddy were caught in this transition. What is the saying? It is the grace of stop condemning him.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 20:22

Re: Teddy
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2005/8/6 23:41
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Maybe if Teddy didn't encounter so many enablers on the PATH train he would've channeled his work ethic into something more rewarding a long time ago.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 20:07

Re: Teddy
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2004/6/17 2:16
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The fisherman has been "keying" cars for years and getting away with it. He has moments of "craziness" when he throws bottles in the street, curses people out and the like. Just cross over when he's coming by.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 19:55

Re: Teddy
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2011/7/18 20:46
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In other homeless person news, I am pretty sure the Gorton's fisherman of Columbus Ave got a makeover. No more long black hooded coat. He is wearing a sportier jacket and blue jeans that appear clean/new. I totally didn't recognize him until I got close enough to hear him muttering his usual expletives under his breath and then recognized the stooped posture and cart. All I can imagine is with the freezing temps he ended up in a shelter that cleaned him up and got him some new clothes. I saw him in the pizza place 2-3 days ago and he still had the long black coat so it must have been over the weekend.

He is mostly harmless but can be verbally abusive so for anyone who usually avoids him like I do, be aware his look is different.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 18:35

Re: Teddy
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2008/10/11 23:25
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Teddy has been doing this for at least 15 years. I remember one time he was going through our train car and a guy on the train yelled out "Don't nobody give him any money, he's a crackhead, DON'T NOBODY GIVE HIM MONEY". I've never seen Teddy run so fast through a PATH car.

Does he still have his clipboard?

Posted on: 2014/1/27 18:12

Re: Teddy
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2013/3/7 19:59
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"Soup....bread.....milk....and juice...for the homeless....families....and children."

Teddy is a freaking legend; he even has a fan page on Facebook.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 18:04

Re: Teddy
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2006/6/13 17:16
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Yvonne wrote:
Teddy is a harmless soul trying to make it through the night. He's been doing this for years so he can eat. The PA police know he's there and let him do his thing. Is his schtick any less truthful than the politicians who promise you the moon and give you nada in return? I think not.

Politicians take money through taxation and tolls, so I suppose their behavior also justifies muggers and burglars.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 17:50
I live by the river.

Re: Teddy
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2004/11/14 2:38
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I could care less about teddy lying about his charity work; i care MUCH more the deviousness of Christie.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 17:48

Re: Teddy
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2007/10/1 1:03
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Yvonne wrote:
Teddy is a harmless soul trying to make it through the night. He's been doing this for years so he can eat. The PA police know he's there and let him do his thing. Is his schtick any less truthful than the politicians who promise you the moon and give you nada in return? I think not.

Teddy is soliciting on behalf of a non-existent charity, as well as Grace Church, which he has no connection to (certainly not to solicit donations for). It's blatent fraud. It's fine if people want to give him money, but they should know the real story before doing so. I have more sympathy for someone who just says they need money to eat rather than making up some charity, or using the name of a church that they don't have any right to use.

Politicians making empty promises is completely different. They are not mentioning any specific non-existent entity or using a church's name to which they have no real ties. And if they do, we have always have the option to vote them out (unlike Teddy).

Teddy may be too weak to be of any harm now, but other people I met on the PATH train claim he threatened them with a box cutter some years ago (whether that was true or not, I don't know but it seems believable enough) when they mentioned to him that his charity was not for real.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 17:42

Re: Teddy
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Teddy is a harmless soul trying to make it through the night. He's been doing this for years so he can eat. The PA police know he's there and let him do his thing. Is his schtick any less truthful than the politicians who promise you the moon and give you nada in return? I think not.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 17:26

Re: Teddy
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2004/11/8 3:36
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I've watched Teddy do his pitch for his faux charity on the PATH train for many years. He seems to be in declining health his voice doesn't have the strength I was used to hearing and he is looking feeble.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 16:26

Re: Teddy
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2005/4/5 17:54
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Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of Teddy. Fan probably isn't the right word. But I am fascinated by him and do a pretty good Teddy impression. In fact, when I saw his name pop up at the top of posts, my immediate thought was "oh no! Something bad happened to Teddy!"

I just don't want people to be duped into thinking that they are giving to anything more than Teddy's own pockets.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 15:05

Re: Teddy
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2004/11/14 2:38
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lets keep the story alive...just like the story about christie being bipartisan!

Posted on: 2014/1/27 5:25

Re: Teddy
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2008/1/3 19:12
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I kind of like Teddy. I've seen him off and on for ten years. Is his schpiel(sp?) legitimate?

Posted on: 2014/1/27 3:47

Re: Teddy
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2005/4/5 17:54
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Hero69, I thought you were being sarcastic except that you posted twice. While Teddy has perhaps told a consistent story for a really long time, he has absolutely no connection with the coalition for the homeless (and as someone else points out, there is no such thing as the Bergen-Lafayette coalition).

Posted on: 2014/1/27 3:24

Re: Teddy
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dtjcview wrote:
If someone is asking for a buck or 2, don't fell conflicted about giving them something. For one thing, they are asking. Usually nicely and politely. And not taking by stealing and robbing. How they use that buck or two, is their business. I doubt begging can support a drug or alcohol addiction, and even if it did, why judge? A few bucks to discourage robbing and stealing is probably worth it.

You have obviously never seen the episode of Intervention when one of the crack addicts pulled in 30K a year from begging.

Posted on: 2014/1/27 1:44

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