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Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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nyrgravey9 wrote:

I'm telling you, for your own sanity, you just gotta do like the rest of us and ignore Batman/vigliante.

This issue on the mayors radar as well as the ward councilmen and women.

Join your neighborhood association and be another voice in favor of fixing this and it will help enact change that much quicker.

25 years on and nothing has changed except for the look of the park. Animal Control does nothing and the cops will never care. Keep dreaming though...

Posted on: 2013/8/25 19:10

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
Just can't stay away
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2013/2/24 20:45
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2014/8/23 19:32
From hamilton park
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Thank you. Yes I've been in frequent contact with the JC police, animal control and local officials. They are all aware of this issue. But even today there were people in Hamilton park with their dog off the leash in the pet-free area. There is hope though I saw a decent bystander tell the dog companions that "they are ticketing now, you should move." Kudos.

Posted on: 2013/8/25 17:56

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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I'm telling you, for your own sanity, you just gotta do like the rest of us and ignore Batman/vigliante.

This issue on the mayors radar as well as the ward councilmen and women.

Join your neighborhood association and be another voice in favor of fixing this and it will help enact change that much quicker.

Posted on: 2013/8/25 17:37

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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arcy wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

arcy wrote:
The law is pretty simple and so much of the park is given to dogs to roam without a leash (dog run).
I used to live near Washington square park in manhattan. I can't imagine trying to let my dog off a leash there. I don't know why people are so entitled here in jersey city. If jersey city wants to be taken seriously, the community must support the laws. (Just an interloper's humble opinion). Dogs must be on leashes. There are no exceptions in the law.
If you think the law is unjust, by all means fight the law. Conduct civil disobedience. Start a "legalize dogs off leash" campaign. Petition to change the law. But for right now, the law is pretty simple.

I'm sure you've never smoked weed or broken any laws but in any case my civil disobedience is walking my harmless dog off-leash. Agitprop.

Got it. Good luck with your cause.
I wasn't sure if I should address your personal questions but to make a point , I will. I don't smoke weed but that doesn't stop me from supporting legalization of weed and decriminalizing drugs. I've signed several petitions on that matter. I've donated money to fight unjust laws regarding gay marriage. I've engaged in mass civil disobedience (which lead to my arrest) to protest legislation that I found unjust. In that same vigor, I support the leash laws. I'm a vegan. I don't believe that healthy dogs should be put down. I've seen so many dogs put down because their owners have the dogs unleashed and the dogs bite someone. Also, My son was bit by a dog when he was very young. I don't disagree that the dogs may be "harmless," but other dogs are not. If other dog owners see the dogs off leashes they will feel entitled to have their harmful dog to be off the leash. I think this law is relevant is a city environment . I'm repeating myself on this thread....
And the recent poster made a good point, I think there is a lack of animal control enforcement patrolling the area. I think there should be more animal control officers and police officers enforcing the law. Obviously people cannot follow the rules themselves.

So you broke the law as an act of civil disobedience but no one else can? Because it's in your "backyard" and it might insult your sensibilities? Oh well, too bad.

Posted on: 2013/8/25 17:24

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2008/3/2 23:05
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I often wonder who is the pig that walks their dog(s) along Erie Street between 3rd and 5th Street. Countless times I have stepped around dog waste left on the sidewalks back and forth on my way to work - for the past year.

Posted on: 2013/8/25 16:10

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/2/24 20:45
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2014/8/23 19:32
From hamilton park
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Vigilante wrote:

arcy wrote:
The law is pretty simple and so much of the park is given to dogs to roam without a leash (dog run).
I used to live near Washington square park in manhattan. I can't imagine trying to let my dog off a leash there. I don't know why people are so entitled here in jersey city. If jersey city wants to be taken seriously, the community must support the laws. (Just an interloper's humble opinion). Dogs must be on leashes. There are no exceptions in the law.
If you think the law is unjust, by all means fight the law. Conduct civil disobedience. Start a "legalize dogs off leash" campaign. Petition to change the law. But for right now, the law is pretty simple.

I'm sure you've never smoked weed or broken any laws but in any case my civil disobedience is walking my harmless dog off-leash. Agitprop.

Got it. Good luck with your cause.
I wasn't sure if I should address your personal questions but to make a point , I will. I don't smoke weed but that doesn't stop me from supporting legalization of weed and decriminalizing drugs. I've signed several petitions on that matter. I've donated money to fight unjust laws regarding gay marriage. I've engaged in mass civil disobedience (which lead to my arrest) to protest legislation that I found unjust. In that same vigor, I support the leash laws. I'm a vegan. I don't believe that healthy dogs should be put down. I've seen so many dogs put down because their owners have the dogs unleashed and the dogs bite someone. Also, My son was bit by a dog when he was very young. I don't disagree that the dogs may be "harmless," but other dogs are not. If other dog owners see the dogs off leashes they will feel entitled to have their harmful dog to be off the leash. I think this law is relevant is a city environment . I'm repeating myself on this thread....
And the recent poster made a good point, I think there is a lack of animal control enforcement patrolling the area. I think there should be more animal control officers and police officers enforcing the law. Obviously people cannot follow the rules themselves.

Posted on: 2013/8/25 16:07

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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We need a Jersey City representative - Any suggestions?

Posted on: 2013/8/24 2:49
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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arcy wrote:
The law is pretty simple and so much of the park is given to dogs to roam without a leash (dog run).
I used to live near Washington square park in manhattan. I can't imagine trying to let my dog off a leash there. I don't know why people are so entitled here in jersey city. If jersey city wants to be taken seriously, the community must support the laws. (Just an interloper's humble opinion). Dogs must be on leashes. There are no exceptions in the law.
If you think the law is unjust, by all means fight the law. Conduct civil disobedience. Start a "legalize dogs off leash" campaign. Petition to change the law. But for right now, the law is pretty simple.

I'm sure you've never smoked weed or broken any laws but in any case my civil disobedience is walking my harmless dog off-leash. Agitprop.

Posted on: 2013/8/24 2:28

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/5/15 14:11
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I've taken to telling off leash dog owners (mostly in LSP) that 'the park rangers are ticketing off leash dog owners today' and they almost always just leash up the dog on the spot. Since they think I'm doing them a favor they respond with the behavior I desire without getting all defensive and stupid.

Posted on: 2013/8/24 0:50

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2011/2/5 22:36
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I love dogs. I grew up with many, though I lived in the country.

Just keep the poop off the streets. And if your off leash dog bites someone and injures them, be fully accepting of the fact that you should be prosecuted just as if you walked up to the person and caused the injury yourself.

And I don't think it is unreasonable to ask that you take your poop bag back to your house and put it in your trash can, rather than putting it in the public trash cans where it will continue to rot and stink for days, causing flies and vermin. It's your poop - take it home.

Posted on: 2013/8/24 0:34

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2012/7/17 2:12
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Unfortunately a large number of dog walkers and trainers are responsible for the off-leash dogs in the Morris Canal during the early afternoon hours. The owners who allow their dogs off leash in the care of someone else should also be held responsible.

It should also be noted that the Morris Canal park area is patrolled (or should be) by state park troopers, however it rarely is and JCPD officers are often not familiar with actual dog laws as they do not have the same legal authority as animal control officers do.

Hamilton Park should be overseen by Jersey City Animal Control, however they don't have a lot of officers and most of them are busy picking up strays and injured animals or spending hours at the vet and shelter. On the weekends they often contract out to LHS who has no real authority or ticket writing ability and only reports to emergency calls as per the contract and NJ animal control laws.

Until the city decides to crack down on off leash and dog poop offenders, this argument will go on and on.

Posted on: 2013/8/24 0:08

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/2/24 20:45
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2014/8/23 19:32
From hamilton park
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The law is pretty simple and so much of the park is given to dogs to roam without a leash (dog run).
I used to live near Washington square park in manhattan. I can't imagine trying to let my dog off a leash there. I don't know why people are so entitled here in jersey city. If jersey city wants to be taken seriously, the community must support the laws. (Just an interloper's humble opinion). Dogs must be on leashes. There are no exceptions in the law.
If you think the law is unjust, by all means fight the law. Conduct civil disobedience. Start a "legalize dogs off leash" campaign. Petition to change the law. But for right now, the law is pretty simple.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 19:19

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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mRanger, great post.

What i've seen in previous posts is that people feel the dog park proposal in LSP is too small and too far away.

You just can't please them, dude...


mRanger48 wrote:
I see this thread has become award winning since last i thoughts (from one ranger fan to another):

Regarding leash laws:

Hamilton Park - 100% 24/7 all dogs must be on leash. Way too much going on over there for them not to be.

Van Vorst Park - 100% 24/7 all dogs must be on leash. I know all the hard work and effort that went into refurbishing that park, and the beautiful landscaping and flowers that encompass the inside. An amazing job was done by all there, and in no way should dogs be allowed to traipse through and ruin it all.

Morris Canal Park - I think we need to have some leniency there with regard to off leashing dogs. As Colleen stated, if my dog is offleash all the way out by the point, is it REALLY bothering u that much out there? In fact, I actually was there this week with my dog (on leash) and saw a cop there w/ his canine (off leash) playing out by the point. I asked the cop about leash laws and he said as long as it's not bothering anyone out here, it shouldn't be a problem, just make sure u pick up after ur dog - we want to keep the park clean for everyone to use. What that cop said is probably the most reasonable statement I have heard or read regarding this matter. And also, I've read some people posting about getting an active dog in an urban environment. Well, I'm sorry that wasn't going through my mind when my future to-be-adopted dog was on the "kill list", when i rescued him.

As far as I'm concerned we should only become anal retentive over-actors about dogs being off leash (in an area that affects barely anyone) if we see a refurbishment like this:

Resized Image

As far as not picking up dog crap: That sh*t needs stop everywhere. People like that should not have dogs. In retrospect, I do agree with many points in this thread. However, I do feel it should not be all one-sided as some are trying to make it out to be. The point out in Morris Canal Park needs to be some sort of concession by nyrgravey and the other prosecutors about off leashing dogs EVERYWHERE. I do retract my stance if and when they decided to refurbish the park.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 19:05

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Once again, your inability to read and comprehend is not my problem.

Throughout this whole thread, I have made it painfully clear I'm not grouping all dog owners in any way whatsoever. What other posters do is beyond my control. I don't censor anyone.

I also don't encourage or advocate people posting pics of dog owners. Clearly others have done it, and everytime, I try to bring the discussion back to the main point.

If you don't let your dog run off leash, or if you don't clean up after them, then clearly NONE OF THIS APPLIES TO YOU.

I don't know how much more simple or basic I can explain this to you. I've spoken to 5 year old children with better comprehension.

And yes, no tickets have been issued yet because again, and this is the last time I'll explain it, the first step is outreach and communication.

JCPD will probably never care about this, but animal control does. This effort is operating under the assumption that most people just don't know it's the law. The phase will end over time, and if outreach and communication doesn't solve it, then it will move on to ticketing.

All neighborhood associations related to the major parks (VV, HP, Morris canal) are debating compromises (off leash hours, building dog runs, and even stricter enforcement), mainly from ideas on this thread, once you cut off all the BS and insulting.

So instead of just running your mouths, how you about you post something constructive, like ideas, actionable steps, compromises, etc.

Otherwise, you're just going to increase the efforts of people involved who are in favor of the increased enforcement (despite Batman's insistence it will never happen).

It's ultimately your choice, keep the insults coming all day. Doesn't bother me either way.

And FYI, there are many people on my side on this one, and involved. I'm the only one stupid enough to bring it to the public and defend this stance. So be it.


rs9182 wrote:
I love how you completely disregard every other completely valid point I made.

Thank you for your nonsensical rambling, but yes, I do understand how to read and comprehend beyond basic shapes and numbers.

For example: I can tell when someone hell bent on being a prick and trying to masquerade some inadequacy in the guise of doing a public service.

As someone just posted, if the dog is not even remotely close to you, why do you care if it's off leash? You seem to be under the misconception that every dog owner that has their dog off leash is completely irresponsible and is going to allow their dog to maul some small child and because of YOUR inability to actually use your head, you have to punish everyone else.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 19:03

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)

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2013/7/11 23:24
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I love how you completely disregard every other completely valid point I made.

Thank you for your nonsensical rambling, but yes, I do understand how to read and comprehend beyond basic shapes and numbers.

For example: I can tell when someone hell bent on being a prick and trying to masquerade some inadequacy in the guise of doing a public service.

As someone just posted, if the dog is not even remotely close to you, why do you care if it's off leash? You seem to be under the misconception that every dog owner that has their dog off leash is completely irresponsible and is going to allow their dog to maul some small child and because of YOUR inability to actually use your head, you have to punish everyone else.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:49

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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The cops don't care so don't pretend that they do. Animal control has been coming to Hamilton Park for years and zero tickets. The whining by the dog fetishists is just a fart that will blow away.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:39

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/12 12:20
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I see this thread has become award winning since last i thoughts (from one ranger fan to another):

Regarding leash laws:

Hamilton Park - 100% 24/7 all dogs must be on leash. Way too much going on over there for them not to be.

Van Vorst Park - 100% 24/7 all dogs must be on leash. I know all the hard work and effort that went into refurbishing that park, and the beautiful landscaping and flowers that encompass the inside. An amazing job was done by all there, and in no way should dogs be allowed to traipse through and ruin it all.

Morris Canal Park - I think we need to have some leniency there with regard to off leashing dogs. As Colleen stated, if my dog is offleash all the way out by the point, is it REALLY bothering u that much out there? In fact, I actually was there this week with my dog (on leash) and saw a cop there w/ his canine (off leash) playing out by the point. I asked the cop about leash laws and he said as long as it's not bothering anyone out here, it shouldn't be a problem, just make sure u pick up after ur dog - we want to keep the park clean for everyone to use. What that cop said is probably the most reasonable statement I have heard or read regarding this matter. And also, I've read some people posting about getting an active dog in an urban environment. Well, I'm sorry that wasn't going through my mind when my future to-be-adopted dog was on the "kill list", when i rescued him.

As far as I'm concerned we should only become anal retentive over-actors about dogs being off leash (in an area that affects barely anyone) if we see a refurbishment like this:

Resized Image

As far as not picking up dog crap: That sh*t needs stop everywhere. People like that should not have dogs. In retrospect, I do agree with many points in this thread. However, I do feel it should not be all one-sided as some are trying to make it out to be. The point out in Morris Canal Park needs to be some sort of concession by nyrgravey and the other prosecutors about off leashing dogs EVERYWHERE. I do retract my stance if and when they decided to refurbish the park.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:36

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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And again, the majority of the behind the scenes conversations with animal control, etc, isn't about fining people, so no one is trying to punish anyone. So, relax yourself.

As a previous poster (a dog owner) mentioned, animal control will always ask you to comply. If you choose not to, then you get a ticket.

Pretty sensible approach IMHO.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:29

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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I can take the name calling all day. Keep it coming. It's not going to change anything with regards to efforts behind this initiative. Doesn't really take much effort at all, so I'm not sure how I'm exhausting anything really, but I like your moxie. You should take that energy and put it into something useful like community involvement yourself, if you aren't already.

FYI, I am involved in other areas of improvement within my neighborhood. None of those things require outreach and public discourse. It's all done behind the scenes and I don't look for or want credit for them, so I won't even list them here. Just though you'd like to know.

And again, since you lack the ability to think critically and understand concepts beyond simple shapes and numbers, I'm not going to waste anymore breath explaining it to you.

The community, by and large, is behind this effort. Your lack of intelligent comprehension is not my problem.

Just make sure if/when you receive a summons from animal control or JCPD in the future, you explain "hey, my dog is well behaved, the law doesn't apply to me" and report back to us what happens.

I'm sure many would love to hear about it.


rs9182 wrote:
Actually, I do clean up after my dog. In cases where I was out of bags and not realized it, I have gone back immediately to clean up.

But yes, I do let him, on occasion run off leash because he is WELL-BEHAVED.

I just can't fathom why you are exhausting yourself on this incredibly stupid issue. If you really are trying to make life better for people in JC, I would like to see you run an extensive campaign to people who litter - esp the assholes who throw their cigarette butts anywhere they want. Or how about the parents who allow their children to run around with zero supervision - in many cases towards my LEASHED dog.

The bottom line is, you're an asshole. You're trying to punish people - for reasons I can't grasp - who have extremely well behaved dogs in Morris Canal Park. I agree with you, there are SOME bad dog owners. But there are also SOME bad parents and there are SOME assholes who feel the need to use JC neighborhoods as trash cans. Why do you feel the need to go after ONE of these particular groups? Are you so lonely and miserable to the point of becoming the pathetic lowlife you've degenerated into? Maybe if you weren't such a prick you'd loosen up a little.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:25

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)

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2013/7/11 23:24
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Actually, I do clean up after my dog. In cases where I was out of bags and not realized it, I have gone back immediately to clean up.

But yes, I do let him, on occasion run off leash because he is WELL-BEHAVED.

I just can't fathom why you are exhausting yourself on this incredibly stupid issue. If you really are trying to make life better for people in JC, I would like to see you run an extensive campaign to people who litter - esp the assholes who throw their cigarette butts anywhere they want. Or how about the parents who allow their children to run around with zero supervision - in many cases towards my LEASHED dog.

The bottom line is, you're an asshole. You're trying to punish people - for reasons I can't grasp - who have extremely well behaved dogs in Morris Canal Park. I agree with you, there are SOME bad dog owners. But there are also SOME bad parents and there are SOME assholes who feel the need to use JC neighborhoods as trash cans. Why do you feel the need to go after ONE of these particular groups? Are you so lonely and miserable to the point of becoming the pathetic lowlife you've degenerated into? Maybe if you weren't such a prick you'd loosen up a little.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:10

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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Vigilante wrote:
Arcy, you sound like a wacko. Your profile speaks volumes. That dog is HARMLESS and your over protective mommying makes me sick to my stomach. Are you not the same woman who drags your kid around the park stalking dog owners and whining aloud? Get a life. Old people look for problems.

I don't understand. If you're minding your own business why would you even notice someone's dog quietly enjoying the park? How does this affect you in any way? I'm not talking abut how it Might affect you, but real-time, if you're minding your own business going about your day, why does this disturb you (and so many others, apparently) so much?

Too many hidden agendas layered under personality disorders around here.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 18:07

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Oh, I'm just getting started boss...

You can thank the even more epic DBag dog owners who curse out polite residents when asked to leash or clean up after their dogs (again, not all dog owners...if you don't do this, clearly I'm not referring to you).

Without them, this thread (and the subsequent changes coming down the pike) would never exist.

Lastly, if these changes make life more difficult to you, that implies you either 1) let your dog run off leash, 2) don't clean up your dog's crap, or both.

Therefore, you, my friend, are the actual Dbag.

Happy Friday!


rs9182 wrote:
I see NYGravey is still on his quest of being the most epic dbag who ever took up residence in Jersey City. Thanks for your crusade to make life more difficult for us.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 17:25

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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rs9182 wrote:
I see NYGravey is still on his quest of being the most epic dbag who ever took up residence in Jersey City. Thanks for your crusade to make life more difficult for us.

"us" being the people who couldn't care less about their neighbors?

yeah....sorry life is so difficult.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 16:57

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)

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2013/7/11 23:24
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I see NYGravey is still on his quest of being the most epic dbag who ever took up residence in Jersey City. Thanks for your crusade to make life more difficult for us.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 16:43

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2008/10/4 19:05
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Who is responsible for the dog cleanup bags at Hamilton park? They seemed to be out Thursday evening.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 14:28

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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...And this comment adds what to the conversation exactly?


1stStGuy wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Arcy...word of advice. If you see a guy in the park with black, skin tight tights and a black cape, sorta Batman-ish, that's Vigilante.

He has a special relationship with JCPD where he busts the real baddies so watch out.

Ok, jokes over. Don't get too wrapped up with what this clown says. Learn to ignore him like the rest of us do.

Said the dog fetishist about the guy who actually put people in jail.

Honestly, you both come off like dicks with your constant whining at each other. NYR slightly moreso.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 13:38

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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Vigilante wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Arcy...word of advice. If you see a guy in the park with black, skin tight tights and a black cape, sorta Batman-ish, that's Vigilante.

He has a special relationship with JCPD where he busts the real baddies so watch out.

Ok, jokes over. Don't get too wrapped up with what this clown says. Learn to ignore him like the rest of us do.

Said the dog fetishist about the guy who actually put people in jail.

Honestly, you both come off like dicks with your constant whining at each other. NYR slightly moreso.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 13:26

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2013/7/1 16:39
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On the contrary, the mayor and our ward councilmen (and woman) do. So do the animal control guys. All of those people are aware of this thread and calls to JCPD and animal co York have exponentially increased.

Trust me, is a comin.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 11:56

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Once again its very simple the cops don't care.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 9:02

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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2007/2/3 21:36
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Vigilante wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Arcy...word of advice. If you see a guy in the park with black, skin tight tights and a black cape, sorta Batman-ish, that's Vigilante.

He has a special relationship with JCPD where he busts the real baddies so watch out.

Ok, jokes over. Don't get too wrapped up with what this clown says. Learn to ignore him like the rest of us do.

Said the dog fetishist about the guy who actually put people in jail.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 5:23

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