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Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/6/4 1:54
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You're Invited to our Next Community Meeting:

Wednesday May 7, 2008 ? 7:45 PM

1 McWilliams Place ? 2nd Floor auditorium

Police Report Note: Captain McDonough of the East District is now holding monthly meetings open to the public which will replace the regular crime reports from the police at neighborhood meetings. Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at M.S. 4 (107 Bright Street). The Jersey City Police Department has a new website, that provides extensive Department Information as well as Preventive Tips. You can reach the East District via their new email address Please note the non-emergency police number: (201) 547-5477.

Meeting Agenda

7:45 - 8:00 Welcome and Neighborhood Updates

Membership information, updates on local development, the Hamilton Park renovation, and the upcoming June Park Festival (scheduled for Saturday, 6/14). An HPNA representative will also brief the neighborhood on recent crime stats and news from the April Captain?s Meeting.

8:00 ? 8:10 Discussion and Vote on Monetary Donations and Toll Bros. in PAD

The HPNA makes an annual donation to the Hamilton Park summer basketball league, buying the basketballs for the summer games ? members are invited to vote on this $300 donation. Tabled from our April meeting is an HPNA membership vote on whether to verbally support the Powerhouse Arts District Neighborhood Association in their opposition to the Toll Brothers? Amendment to the redevelopment plan. The City Council approved this amendment but PADNA is legally contesting the approval.

8:10 ? 8:50 JC Arts Presentation with Local Artist Nyugen Smith

Nyugen E. Smith is a sculptor and creates environments from found materials. His current Bundle House series, addresses the issue of global poverty caused by depleted resources, political unrest, war, and natural disasters. Nyugen is the Curator, Assistant Director and Internship Coordinator at the Lex Leonard Gallery located at 143 Christopher Columbus Dr. Downtown Jersey City.

He is pleased to have the opportunity to discuss the state of the Arts in Jersey City in the form of a multi-media presentation which focuses on cultural hubs, Arts organizations, key players and neighborhood associations, individuals and business can actively support and foster the significant contribution to the quality of life that Arts provides us all.

8:50 ? 9:00 Community Concerns and Comments

9:00 ? 9:30 Neighborhood Social Time, chat with presenter


Sat, May 10th, 11am to 1pm: Hamilton Park Spring Cleanup

The HPNA seeks volunteers for a spring clean up of Hamilton Park on Saturday, May 10th from 11am to 1pm. Volunteers will receive a free plant for their efforts, which could make a nice Mother's Day present. The plants are being donated by Exeter Property Management, the developers of Hamilton Square. Please e-mail Sam Stoia at if you?re able to volunteer with us.

Sat, May 31st, 6:30 to 11pm: Van Vorst Park Association MeetBall Dinner Event

The 33rd annual MeetBall event is Saturday May 31st. Join us for spectacular evening of dinner and entertainment with your Downtown neighbors. Great food, courtesy of some of Jersey City?s finest restaurants, cash bar, live entertainment, a raffle & door prizes! It?s a fun way to hang out with ?old? neighbors and meet new ones! The MeetBall Dinner is the VVPA?s only fundraiser each year. Past proceeds have gone to support Camp Liberty, St. Lucy?s Shelter and Grace Seniors among many others. Also, there will be a collection of cell phones at the dinner to support the Good Deed Foundation. Ticket price: $20 in advance, $25 at the door at St. Peter?s Hall, 144 Grand Street.

Wed, June 4th, 4pm to 8pm: Farmer?s Market Returns to Hamilton Park!

The Farmers Market returns to Hamilton Park on June 4th! This year we have a new farmer from Upper Meadows Farm ( ) with organic produce, fruit and fully organic pasture-raised livestock. Several other vendors will be participating, selling soaps, flowers, organic bread and cookies, meats, pickles, olives, and more. If you or a vendor you know would like to join the market, email us at .

Saturday, June 14th, 11am to 5pm: 23rd Annual Hamilton Park June Festival

We've got a fantastic entertainment lineup for the June ParkFest this year - come check out The Black Hollies, All You Horseriders, NBK & Raw ElementZ (break dancing), The Lonesome Prairie Dogs, The Bryan Beninghove Collective, and The Nobuki Takamen Trio. Download a vendor registration form through our blog at

Posted on: 2008/5/5 20:23

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/6/4 1:54
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jerzeyboy wrote:
Is there a timetable for the renovation? It seems that news of this huge project has been scarce....anyone??

Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm afraid to jinx it by announcing anything since there have (obviously) been a few delays. But there's little standing in the way now. Thanks to Councilman Fulop, money was approved from City Council a couple months ago. Tonight at the Planning Board meeting the construction documents/plans were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Timetable looks like the following: Out to bid in May. A few weeks for bids to come back, then some administrative decisions on the City's end. Looks like construction will start this summer - hopefully in June after the HPNA's annual June Park Festival (6/14). We'll have a dedicated renovation table at the Park Festival, so come by and check out the plans. Once it's out to bid we can put an electronic copy of the site plan on our website for everyone to review online. But it looks soooooooo good!

Editing to add construction timetable: unfortunately, it looks like most of the park will be closed for at least a little stretch while the infrastructure (drainage, sewers, electrical) is addressed. After that hopefully the construction will be limited to the areas where specific projects are planned. The entire project should be wrapped up this winter (maybe by year-end 08) so next spring we will be in the clear with a new park.

Hope that helps,

Posted on: 2008/4/23 2:27

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/9/1 22:51
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Is there a timetable for the renovation? It seems that news of this huge project has been scarce....anyone??

Posted on: 2008/4/22 23:47

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/9/1 22:51
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Does anyone have any timetable on the Hamilton Park renovations? Any updates??

Posted on: 2008/4/10 2:58

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates

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2008/1/8 1:16
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gueren wrote:

r_pinkowitz wrote:

gueren wrote:

murican wrote:
Can't make it tonight, but could someone bring up the fact that we take our lives in hand everytime we cross Marin BLvd. by 9th -10th Street. Even if you are in the crosswalk, cars are zooming by at 60 mph.

I think we should put extra high speed bumps there!

I submitted a traffic sign request (for the 2nd time) to put a stop sign on Marin Blvd. and 9th St.
Speed bumps or a traffic light would also be good choices.

If more people submit similar requests, it might convince the government to finally do something about this intersection:

Any stop sign and/or traffic light must meet D.O.T. requirements before this can happen, this requires lengthy statistical data from both JCPD, the traffic /engineering dept. and an ordinance approved by council if we met the guidelines, it can take over a year for this process.

The D.O.T has very stick guidelines, (sometimes absurd i.e.: the Cole and Pavonia stop sign).

A good short-term solution is speaking with the east district commander and asks them to do radar enforcement. The speed limit is 25mph.

Have you called Councilman Fulop?

Thanks for the idea. I have just sent an e-mail to I hope that e-mail reaches Steven Fulop.

I received this e-mail response to my traffic sign request:

"In reply to your request. A work order has been issued to conduct a traffic engineering survey at Marin Blvd. & 9th St. This survey consists of a 25 hour vehicle count, accident analysis, collision diagram and condition diagram. If the data collected at this intersection falls within the parameters mandated by the Department of Transportation for the installation of a traffic signal or an addition traffic control device the it will then be forwarded to them for their review and recommendation.

The Department of Transportation does not permit speed bumps on a public right away. However, an Investigator from this Division will inspect the intersection to insure that all traffic, parking and pavement signs are in place."

Posted on: 2008/4/10 1:22

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/5/11 19:17
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The Cordero School
0n Erie between 9th St and Pavonia Avenue

Police Report Note: Captain McDonough of the East District is now holding monthly meetings open to the
public which will replace the regular crime reports from the police at neighborhood meetings. Meetings are held
the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at M.S. 4 (107 Bright Street). The Jersey City Police Department has a
new website, that provides extensive Department Information as well as Preventive Tips. You
can reach the East District via their new email address Please note the non-emergency police
number: (201) 547-5477.
Meeting Agenda

7:45 - 8:00 Welcome and Neighborhood Updates
Membership information, updates on local development, the Hamilton Park renovation, and the
upcoming June Park Festival (scheduled for Saturday, 6/14).

8:00 ? 8:10 Grace Church Senior Programs
A director of senior programs at Grace Church will discuss outreach efforts to local seniors
including a daily hot lunch, dance classes, and social opportunities. This program is funded by
community donations and powered by volunteers.

8:10 ? 8:20 City Council Considers Additional Erie Street Stop Signs
Additional stop signs along Erie Street were considered by the City Council on 3/26/08 and
tabled until further review by Traffic and Engineering. Jersey City is about to launch a city-wide
traffic circulation study, which the HPNA hopes to provide input for as a stakeholder. Come list
problem intersections in the Hamilton Park neighborhood for us to include as needing attention.

8:20 ? 8:50 Public Schools Discussion
Wed, April 15th is the Board of Education Elections for the Jersey City School District. After
nearly 20 years, the city?s school district is being transferred from state-control to local-control so
these elections are extremely important. With historically low turnout in the past, these elections
have been decided by just one vote ? so EVERY VOTE MATTERS!
Come learn about the Jersey City School District and what these elections really mean for the
future of our local public schoolchildren with this discussion headed up by Shelley Skinner,
founder of Jersey City Families for Better Schools. Read more about the candidates at the JCFBS
website: .

8:50 ? 9:00 Community Concerns and Comments

9:00 ? 9:30 Neighborhood social time, chat with presenters

Posted on: 2008/4/2 16:33

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates

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2008/1/8 1:16
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r_pinkowitz wrote:

gueren wrote:

murican wrote:
Can't make it tonight, but could someone bring up the fact that we take our lives in hand everytime we cross Marin BLvd. by 9th -10th Street. Even if you are in the crosswalk, cars are zooming by at 60 mph.

I think we should put extra high speed bumps there!

I submitted a traffic sign request (for the 2nd time) to put a stop sign on Marin Blvd. and 9th St.
Speed bumps or a traffic light would also be good choices.

If more people submit similar requests, it might convince the government to finally do something about this intersection:

Any stop sign and/or traffic light must meet D.O.T. requirements before this can happen, this requires lengthy statistical data from both JCPD, the traffic /engineering dept. and an ordinance approved by council if we met the guidelines, it can take over a year for this process.

The D.O.T has very stick guidelines, (sometimes absurd i.e.: the Cole and Pavonia stop sign).

A good short-term solution is speaking with the east district commander and asks them to do radar enforcement. The speed limit is 25mph.

Have you called Councilman Fulop?

Thanks for the idea. I have just sent an e-mail to I hope that e-mail reaches Steven Fulop.

Posted on: 2008/3/27 1:11

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2006/4/18 0:04
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gueren wrote:

murican wrote:
Can't make it tonight, but could someone bring up the fact that we take our lives in hand everytime we cross Marin BLvd. by 9th -10th Street. Even if you are in the crosswalk, cars are zooming by at 60 mph.

I think we should put extra high speed bumps there!

I submitted a traffic sign request (for the 2nd time) to put a stop sign on Marin Blvd. and 9th St.
Speed bumps or a traffic light would also be good choices.

If more people submit similar requests, it might convince the government to finally do something about this intersection:

Any stop sign and/or traffic light must meet D.O.T. requirements before this can happen, this requires lengthy statistical data from both JCPD, the traffic /engineering dept. and an ordinance approved by council if we met the guidelines, it can take over a year for this process.

The D.O.T has very stick guidelines, (sometimes absurd i.e.: the Cole and Pavonia stop sign).

A good short-term solution is speaking with the east district commander and asks them to do radar enforcement. The speed limit is 25mph.

Have you called Councilman Fulop?

Posted on: 2008/3/26 1:23

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates

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2008/1/8 1:16
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murican wrote:
Can't make it tonight, but could someone bring up the fact that we take our lives in hand everytime we cross Marin BLvd. by 9th -10th Street. Even if you are in the crosswalk, cars are zooming by at 60 mph.

I think we should put extra high speed bumps there!

I submitted a traffic sign request (for the 2nd time) to put a stop sign on Marin Blvd. and 9th St.
Speed bumps or a traffic light would also be good choices.

If more people submit similar requests, it might convince the government to finally do something about this intersection:

Posted on: 2008/3/26 0:47

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2006/5/10 16:36
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First Wednesday of every month.


Posted on: 2008/2/7 3:15

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2004/11/7 17:04
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creativeconquests wrote:
I look forward to finally being able to make one of these, when is the next one? I'm too late for tonight.

I'd copy the info and post here but the HPNA site is a Flash software site whereby you can't copy and paste the text on their site!

Here is their link though to answer your question:

Posted on: 2008/2/7 0:21
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Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2007/9/29 12:14
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I look forward to finally being able to make one of these, when is the next one? I'm too late for tonight.

Posted on: 2008/2/6 23:38

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/5/11 3:17
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Can't make it tonight, but could someone bring up the fact that we take our lives in hand everytime we cross Marin BLvd. by 9th -10th Street. Even if you are in the crosswalk, cars are zooming by at 60 mph.

I think we should put extra high speed bumps there!

Posted on: 2008/2/6 23:20

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/5/11 19:17
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Lots of intersting items on the agenda tonight!
*Crime Report-get the scoop on crime in the area
*Village Association Re-Forming
*Update on the Embankment
*Special guest Downtown Councilman Fulop to Present BetterJC Referendum - pay to play reform
*Discussion of off leash activity in Hamilton Park

TONIGHT 2.6.08 7:45 PM The Cordero School
0n Erie between 9th St and Pavonia Avenue

Posted on: 2008/2/6 21:50

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/5/11 19:17
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WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6, 2008 7:45 PM The Cordero School
0n Erie between 9th St and Pavonia Avenue

Meeting Agenda
7:45 - 8:00 Crime Report
Police Officer Dina Reilly from the East District Police Department will come to discuss our neighborhood safety concerns. The Jersey City Police Department has a new website, www.njjcpd.orgthat provides extensive Department Information as well as Preventive Tips. You can reach the East District via their new email address . Please note the nonemergency police number: (201) 547-5477.
8:00 ? 8:10 Village Association Re-Forming
Rob Crow and Jim Ayers will introduce themselves and their progress in restarting the Village Neighborhood Association in the area formerly known as the Italian Village (located south and west of the Hamilton Park neighborhood). Know someone in the area? Help spread the word for this fledgling neighborhood association.
8:10 ? 8:30 Councilman Fulop to Present BetterJC Referendum
Ward E Councilman Steven Fulop will be presenting information on the referendum he is sponsoring associated with pay-to-play reform. Bring any and all questions. Details can be found online at
8:30 ? 8:45 Embankment Preservation Coalition
Jenny Meyer of the 6th Street Embankment Preservation Coalition (EPC) will update the community on recent developments related to the Embankment. If you haven't heard of the developer's latest proposal, which includes building high rise buildings on top of select embankment blocks, come check out the scale-model renderings produced by the EPC. Read more online at .
8:45 ? 8:55 DogJC Representative to Discuss Off-leash Activity in HP.
A representative from DogJC would like to explore community supported remedies for the continual and dangerous off leash dog problem we are still experiencing in HP. DogJC is a JCwide online community group dedicated to making the city canine-safe and friendly. Join the group online at .
8:55 ? 9:00 Community Updates
9:00 ? 9:30 Neighborhood social time, chat with presenters

Current and archived HPNA newsletters are available at:

Posted on: 2008/2/5 15:46

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. 1.2.08 Community Meeting
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2005/5/11 19:17
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Elections will take place at this meeting, so please attend!

The Cordero School
0n Erie between 9th St and Pavonia Avenue
Meeting Agenda
7:45 - 8:00 Crime Report
Police Officer Dina Reilly from the East District Police Department will come to discuss
our neighborhood safety concerns. The Jersey City Police Department has a new website, that provides extensive Department Information as well as Preventive
Tips. Please note the non-emergency police number: (201) 547-5477.
8:00 ? 8:15 Route 139 Rehabilitation Project Update
The Route 139 Rehabilitation Project is moving into its next stage, which will affect
eastbound traffic. A representative from the project's Community Relations will fill us in
on details, including all planned traffic routing changes.
8:15 ? 8:30 Elections for 2008 HPNA Board
The January meeting is when we have our annual elections. All current HPNA members
are invited to come out and vote for the 2008 HPNA Board.
8:30 ? 9:00 Community Updates, Plans for 2008
We'll have updates on the planned 2008 Hamilton Park Renovation (it's finally here!), as
well as a calendar of 2008 events for the Hamilton Park Community. It's time to set our
agenda as to HPNA goals this year. Be part of the planning ? we'll be talking farmer's
market, community welcome kits, website and blog, library archiving and dedication
ceremony, holiday parties, and more. Bring your ideas, your enthusiasm, and your
availability as we're always looking for volunteers to help strengthen the neighborhood
9:00 - 9:30 Neighborhood social time, chat with presenters
Upcoming Events in and around Hamilton Park
Sunday, Jan 6th, 4pm ? St. Michaels Epiphany Concert
St. Michaels Singers presents the annual Epiphany Concert, with special guests the St.
Marys Singers. Located at St. Michael Church, Parish of the Resurrection at 252 9th
Tuesday, Feb 5th ? VOTE! New Jersey Presidential Primaries
Mark your calendars as Tuesday, Feb. 5th is the day for residents of NJ to vote in the
2008 presidential primaries. Not registered yet? You can register to vote up to 21 days
before the election. Just visit
htm .
If you aren't going to be in town, request an absentee ballot up to 7 days before the
election by visiting or by visiting the
County Clerk's office at 583 Newark Ave before 3pm on Monday, February 4th

Posted on: 2008/1/1 15:21

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2004/3/11 23:46
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Even though I don?t plan on being there tonight, I wish this group success.

What you're saying is not necessarily unreasonable. They're excellent issues that need to be raised and merit discussion.

But if you don't go and make the minimum investment of your time to participate, in person, as an advocate for those positions, then you should not be surprised if they never see the light of day.

Just posting them here doesn't make the grade.

Btw, the Pet Free Zone ordinance permits the Director of Public Works to designate up to 50% of any city park as pet free, following a noticed hearing for public input. The Director could recommend an amount greater than 50%, but that would require a City Council resolution.

All the best.


Posted on: 2007/10/3 14:17

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nugnfutz wrote:
...I think this is actually a good start. It has been carefully worded so as not to propose solutions - that's the job of the association itself. There is nothing in the objectives nor the tips that any dog owner should have an issue with...

Agreeing in the sense that nothing in her charter is offensive ? my complaint is what it doesn?t include. It?s my opinion that a real solution to the HP/Dog-Owner issue is better accomplished by offering a viable, fair, and legal outlet for off-leash activity in HP than by a ?JUST-SAY-NO? cultural-change campaign.

Even though I don?t plan on being there tonight, I wish this group success.

I would be happy to participate if an HP dog-advocacy group were to take up issues like:

A.) Legal Off-Leash Options:
------ Dog runs ? investigating options for new ones in the area and/or issuing a formal ?NO SUPPORT? position for the current HP plan.
------ Looking to change the existing municipal statutes to decriminalize off-leash activity in parks during certain scheduled hours of the day.

B.) ?Watchdog? the remaining HP renovation for ?Pet-Free? areas
------ ensure in the plans/execution that no more than 50% (or is it 51%?) of HP areas are designated pet-free per municipal statutes.

If a group with goals like that already exists or is forming, sign me up! I?ll be there.

Posted on: 2007/10/3 13:26
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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4bailey wrote:

super_furry wrote:
I am posting this on behalf of Ava. She is on the agenda to speak at the October HPNA meeting.


Aggressive dogs + Apathetic Dog Owners = Angry Community

Are you one of the many responsible dog owners in the Hamilton Park area who is tired of being blamed for the irresponsible actions of a few?

Join me in forming the Responsible Dog Owners Association of Hamilton Park. Let?s work together to build a strong community of responsible dog owners.

The goals of our dog-focused Association will be to:

*Promote responsible, caring dog ownership and better behaved dogs in Hamilton Park and the surrounding community through education, training, recreation, and enjoyment.

*Create guidelines for acceptable dog/owner behavior in Hamilton Park and the surrounding community.

*Develop an association web site and online network of local dog owners.

*Advocate and lobby representatives on behalf of dogs and dog owners in the Hamilton Park community.

*Build and maintain good relationships with related organizations and the community-at-large.

*Sponsor dog-related forums, activities, and events.

If you share these goals, and are as crazy about your dogs as I am about mine, let?s make this happen. Please provide your name, your dog?s name, your address and email information on the sign-up sheet located in Walt?s Liquor Store on the corner of 8th Street and Jersey Avenue and I?ll follow-up.

Let?s get this association up and running!!!

Ava Thorin

Tips For Being A Good Dog Owner

Carry a leash
*Pick up and dispose of dog waste
*Do not leave dogs unattended
*Leash or muzzle aggressive dogs
*Control excessive noise
*Prevent digging and destructive behavior
*License your dog
*Always carry a bag, a spare and a share
*Let your dog off-leash only in safe areas
*Never let your dog get more than 20 feet away from you.

All this? yet no mention of any of the legal alternatives for off-leash activity (i.e. ? the dog-run, change to the leash law to permit dogs off-leash to some schedule)??...

How credible is a ?dog advocacy? group going to be if it?s unwilling to take on the tough stuff??...

I agree with Br6dR ? it does kind of sound more like a ?finger-wagging? group.

I think this is actually a good start. It has been carefully worded so as not to propose solutions - that's the job of the association itself. There is nothing in the objectives nor the tips that any dog owner should have an issue with, except mebbie the 20ft rule :). I'll stop by and sign up.

Posted on: 2007/10/1 20:15

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if only dogs were as anti-social as most JC'ers

Posted on: 2007/10/1 18:12

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2007/9/18 12:03
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I happen to live two blocks from the park. Unfortunately, I dont bother bringing my dog (who is never off a leash) there anymore. Quite frankly, I'm tired of off leash dogs running around and running up to my dog. The dynamic is different between them. The same way a dog who is spayed or neutered has a different dynamic between those dogs who are not. Its not rocket science. Also, its the law.
Looking forward to the mtg on Wed!

Posted on: 2007/10/1 18:03

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I see lots of dogs playing off leash on my way to work in the morning. and I say leave them alone.

Lets focus on picking up all the trash, and games that turn grassy areas into dirt patches

Posted on: 2007/10/1 16:44

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super_furry wrote:
? 90-16. Use of leash in public places.

No person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog shall suffer or permit it to be upon the public streets or in any of the public places of the city unless such dog is accompanied by a responsible person and is securely confined and controlled by one adequate leash not more than six feet long.

I don't have a dog.

I think dog owners ought to be able to play with well-behaved dogs off-leash in the big grassy areas on the west side of Hamilton Park, where, in the real world, there are already plenty of dogs playing off-leash without incident.

Are there any New Jersey cities that permit well-behaved dogs to play in parks off-leash using ordinances (or whatever) that have survived court challenges? If so, maybe the friends of dogs ought to try getting a copy of that ordinance.

Even if there's no the city would adopt that kind of ordinance, maybe friends of dogs could use that as a "bad cop" ordinance, to get a rule permitting dogs to run off-leash in dog runs adopted as an alternative.

Also: is there any evidence that leash laws actually prevent rotten dogs from hurting people or other animals? Wouldn't a really rotten dog just pull away from its own and attack even if it were on a leash and the owner were trying to control it?

Posted on: 2007/10/1 16:40

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2011/2/28 15:23
Posts: 153
Seems you can't picnic in a JC public park in an area not designated as such. Enforce the sandwich laws!

? 239-12. Picnic areas; camping; horseback riding.

No person in a park shall:

A. Picnic or lunch in a place other than those designated for that purpose. Attendants shall have the authority to regulate the activities in such areas when necessary to prevent congestion and to secure the maximum use for the comfort and convenience of all. Visitors shall comply with any directions given to achieve this end.

Posted on: 2007/10/1 16:36

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/5/11 19:17
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I was responding to Br6dR.

Dog runs must not be considered to be a "public place"
Last time I checked you can't have a picnic in a dog run.


4bailey wrote:
SF - Are you trying to tell me that dogs are not permitted to be off-leash in a dog-run??

Please go back and read my original post #6.

Posted on: 2007/10/1 16:05

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/12/12 22:14
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2013/9/9 13:46
From Intersection of Venerated @ Ensconced
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SF - Are you trying to tell me that dogs are not permitted to be off-leash in a dog-run??

Please go back and read my original post #6.

Posted on: 2007/10/1 15:26
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/5/11 19:17
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? 90-16. Use of leash in public places.

No person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog shall suffer or permit it to be upon the public streets or in any of the public places of the city unless such dog is accompanied by a responsible person and is securely confined and controlled by one adequate leash not more than six feet long.

Posted on: 2007/10/1 15:13

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/5/11 19:17
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2016/2/7 17:42
From Ward E - Hamilton Park
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Allowing off-leash activity in City parks will require a change to city ordinances, since under the current municipal code all dogs must be on leash in city parks. I doubt that changing Jersey City municipal code would be the one of the primary objectives of Ava's group. I suggest that you discuss this with Ava.


4bailey wrote:
I?m not sure who you?re addressing this to??...

But, my comment about the credibility of any ?dog group? that?s unwilling make a mention of legal off-leash activity in their inaugural charter still stands.

Posted on: 2007/10/1 14:42

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2005/12/12 22:14
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G_Elkind wrote:
Like any other community initiative, everyone has a choice. You can choose to get off this board and get directly involved or not.

Your choice, I guess, appears to be having fun arm-chair bad mouthing someone you don't know on the basis of nothing other than reading a posted announcement

Btw... Ava and Walt have lived and worked in Hamilton Park for more years than most of the posters on JCList have been alive. Having said that, they still have much to contribute to Hamilton Park. You might just actually learn something.

Give her a chance... and at the very least attend her meeting when it's scheduled.

All the best.


I?m not sure who you?re addressing this to??...

But, my comment about the credibility of any ?dog group? that?s unwilling make a mention of legal off-leash activity in their inaugural charter still stands.

All the best,


Posted on: 2007/10/1 14:20
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assn. - Updates
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2004/3/11 23:46
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2011/10/29 16:00
From Hamilton Park
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Like any other community initiative, everyone has a choice. You can choose to get off this board and get directly involved or not.

Your choice, I guess, appears to be having fun arm-chair bad mouthing someone you don't know on the basis of nothing other than reading a posted announcement

Btw... Ava and Walt have lived and worked in Hamilton Park for more years than most of the posters on JCList have been alive. Having said that, they still have much to contribute to Hamilton Park. You might just actually learn something.

Give her a chance... and at the very least attend her meeting when it's scheduled.

All the best.


Posted on: 2007/10/1 13:55

Edited by G_Elkind on 2007/10/1 14:14:17

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