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Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2004/11/7 17:04
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Glee wrote:I'd love to see those pictures!

Sonia is a trip! Here are the links and a few pics I posted here that really grabbed her goat:

Re: Censorship on this site #6

Re: Jersey City getting an infusion of cash - and North Bergen sewage #58

Re: JC Residents get $1 off Newport Mall parking! Yeah! #29

Re: God bless Sam Lefrak and JC developers of yore. #21

That last topic posts of mine really must have sent her over the bend due to these post comments & images.

I've been veery, veery, bad!

JCList Church of Sam Lefrak
and JC developers of "y-ore".
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Re: God bless Sam Lefrak and JC developers of yore. #6

WOW! I have to say that reading this thread's subject title, I thought I was reading the script of The Truman Show and that I was trapped in The Truman Show's Seaville.

The Truman Show reminds me the most of "Newport" and environs, particularly the tag line: "On the Air, Unaware".

Check out these films if you've missed them or it's been awhile since you saw them:

Just remember: Don't drink the kool-aid!

Oh, and Lefrak: "Thanks, for the Memories... "

The Truman Show

THX 11389

*Manchurian Candidate
*Jim Jones Carribbean Adventure

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Posted on: 2006/7/2 22:29

Edited by BrightMoment on 2006/7/2 22:49:28
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Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards

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2006/2/8 17:48
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BrightMoment wrote:
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I'd love to see those pictures!

Posted on: 2006/7/2 20:07

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2004/11/7 17:04
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I feel like I just joined a not so unique club!

I go to NWA site once in a blue moon, only to post some notices before, never commented on NWA, Sonia, etc. Obviously, she monitors this site like a hawk and any comments I made here on behalf of Steve Fulop (I also had good things to say on behalf of Junior Maldonado, too)were enough for me to be "banned forever".

Great! Now I'm part of this growing club of "banned forever" people with opinions who won't be sycophants to Sonia's POV.

However, like Groucho said, "I'd never join any club that would have me".

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Posted on: 2006/7/2 19:58
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Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/5/5 19:55
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If you really want to find out how nuts her and her daughter are, just ask your doorman (if they have been here a while) and they will tell you some pretty interesting stories. I live in the George Washington and my doorman told me about a big blow up they had and the medication they were taking were being thrown out their windows....and this is their leaders????

Posted on: 2006/7/2 13:03

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/7/12 13:39
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JPhurst wrote:
The most hilarious quote of the day from Sonia.

"If you haven't realized it by now, I am probably one of the most independent thinkers in this town."

This from the thread where she is attempting to justify her downplaying of a possible attempted rape in one of the Newport buildings.

Hi JP,

I read your interaction with her on the board and it is sad to see that she banned you. To call her a representative of Newport is a shame. I am 100% sure that 99% of Newport hasn't heard about her or care about her. When she talks about the membership of the NWA she should go and find out how many of those members are still residing there since hundreds of people move in and out of Newport apartments everyday.

Its a shame that she was trying to downplay the rape. She tried downplaying it sometime back too, but I think the users of the board are becoming more aware of her intentions. I like the way the same group, Lisa/Cleo/JeremyK stick up to her all the time, and the way Tara would talk about something inconsequential to lighten the issue. It was funny stupid when she said you and PMTG need to adopt a pet.


rev3434 I don't live in the neighborhood anymore, and I don't even live in the city anymore. So I'd be unable to join NNA. But if I do come back to the area, I would definitely like to be a part of the group.

To everyone else on this board and the other board, Good luck.

Posted on: 2006/6/30 2:40

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2004/9/12 7:13
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You've GOT to be kidding me!

What's sad really is that a RAPE is the subject of that thread. Geez.


JPhurst wrote:
The most hilarious quote of the day from Sonia.

"If you haven't realized it by now, I am probably one of the most independent thinkers in this town."

This from the thread where she is attempting to justify her downplaying of a possible attempted rape in one of the Newport buildings.

Posted on: 2006/6/30 0:15

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/6/8 3:24
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The most hilarious quote of the day from Sonia.

"If you haven't realized it by now, I am probably one of the most independent thinkers in this town."

This from the thread where she is attempting to justify her downplaying of a possible attempted rape in one of the Newport buildings.

Posted on: 2006/6/29 20:53

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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JPhurst wrote:

The funny thing is, I did not post a single message on the forum since my supposed "temporary" ban, so I really can't see what in the world I did that would merit further banning.


why, you - you posted here, that must be enough....
lets make caps: 'perpetually banned'. sounds so-o underground....

Posted on: 2006/6/29 15:45

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/6/8 3:24
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The latest message from the Newport Waterfront Association.

"You have been banned for the following reason:

Date the ban will be lifted: Never"

The funny thing is, I did not post a single message on the forum since my supposed "temporary" ban, so I really can't see what in the world I did that would merit further banning.

What a pathetic woman.


Posted on: 2006/6/29 15:23

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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LoraJ wrote:

Last week there was a thread on that message board where they wanted to sue everyone in this thread for slander.

wow, i missed that one! that's a threat for sure. i remember the wars of last year, when i got thrown out - she was writing things like (not about me, but some other 'offenders') : "we know who you are. we know where you live. we know where you work."
that's sounds like a blackmail to me. but i guess in her eyes that's just the statement of fact.
in my view 100 people (or whatever the tiny membership is - she is not forthcoming with numbers) cannot possibly represent the 8K (last figure) of residents or 30k of working people there. period. no matter how good a job they think they're doing.

Posted on: 2006/6/29 13:02

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/10/7 15:05
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What Sonia forgets is that Steve has a lot of supporters. After all, we did get him elected. I don't agree with everything he does, but I do feel that he's doing the best for the community. He's very responsive, etc. But, as you know, he does not tell me to post on his behalf.

Last week there was a thread on that message board where they wanted to sue everyone in this thread for slander. There's no slander here. The only slander is them spouting off that Steve is behind all of our negative posts about her and the NWA. That is so far from the truth.

And also, the other day, it appeared, in my opinion, as though Sonia is actually talking to herself on those boards. One of the posters asked a question, she forgot to log out and answered the question in the same persons user name.

It's also funny how they lie and twist the facts about the Korean Vets memorial. You just know that if Steve Fulop was for opening the street they would be against it. If Fulop was against renaming Pavonia they would be for it.
Not only that, Fulop wasn't the only one involved in that fiasco, yet you wouldn't know it from their posts.

If I lived at Newport, I would make sure that woman gets thrown off of the NWA. She gives that place a bad name.

They need to grow up and try and work with Fulop instead of against him. It's in the best interest for their community.

Posted on: 2006/6/29 12:05

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2004/9/12 7:13
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I haven't been to the NWA forums in a couple of weeks, so imagine my surprise when I saw tonight that the old thread about the rape at Lincoln resurfaced!

Wow, this Sonia truly is a piece of work. I don't know what's more appalling, that she implied that the rape never took place, or that anyone who posts negative things about her is a "nut" and "Steve Fulop's mouthpiece." I really shouldn't care what is posted on that site since I don't live in Newport, but this woman is out of control. I feel bad for anyone living there.


Never said the rape happened or didn't happen, just raised the question, " So did a rape actually happen?" You need to reach your own conclusions. The truth is we can't prove it did, or the District Attorney office would have a case, they don't even have a defendant. Nor am I calling the tenant a liar, or saying that she falsified a claim, but there was a failure to substantiate a claim, and I'm also reporting circumstances surrounding this incident from which you may draw your own conclusions. I'm fine with that.

Renuka, the information I reported here is based in part on documents that have probative value, it's factual. You either leave a forwarding address or you don't. In and of itself it means nothing. As an analyst, you must know it has to do with how all the components fit. Obviously, I'm not going to disclose our sources on the internet, as they may be hesitant to talk to us in the future, but some of the information did come from the newspapers, and also, I obviously saw some documents, spoke to people, etc...

Unlike the nuts who post negative things about me (I presume you are talking about Steve Fulop's mouthpieces), most of which are personal, I have nothing against this poor woman. All rape victims have my complete, heartfelt sympathy, including her, whom I have given the benefit of the doubt. BTW, as far as I know the nuts are completely clueless in regard to this matter, and most certainly have given me no information.

I gave this message much consideration before posting on this board, and decided Newport deserves to know all the facts, before we bring this matter to closure. I may have opened a pandora's box here, but I'm just passing on information that I believe is true.

Posted on: 2006/6/29 2:12

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/10/7 15:05
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Look out everyone. Sonia and her minions want to sue us for defamation of character. But how is it defamation if it is the truth?

And Sonia and minions, Steve Fulop has nothing to do with this thread and is not behind any of this. You really need a reality check.

Posted on: 2006/6/20 19:45

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2004/11/7 17:04
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JPhurst wrote:
I'm just waiting for them to blame Steve Fulop for the Mayor's incident in Bradley Beach.


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Posted on: 2006/6/20 1:48
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Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2004/12/14 21:47
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Google: ?ann coulter blog hard?

I have no particular bone to pick with the NWA (since I don?t live in Newport), but you might try doing what one enterprising fellow did to Ann Coulter ? create a counter-site.

If you Google ?ann coulter blog hard? you will see the link (assuming you don?t have any obscenity filters on your browser).

I laughed and laughed.

Yes, you might try fighting fire with fire (but be warned: you might set yourself up for a libel and defamation of character suit).


Posted on: 2006/6/20 0:55
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
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Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/6/8 3:24
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I'm just waiting for them to blame Steve Fulop for the Mayor's incident in Bradley Beach.

Posted on: 2006/6/19 17:31

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/5/5 19:55
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My favorite is the waddle-ettes on the board who defend her not giving out the financial information. They scream and shout that they "trust her." What a bunch of morons. I wouldn't be surprised that some of the money goes to paying her rent and she would claim it pays for "office space."

My guess is she can't get a man and that is why she rules that board the way she does.

Posted on: 2006/6/19 17:10

Re: "It has the sophistication of Manhattan," Sonia Maldonado said. haha
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2005/11/21 5:46
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You can get 990's and such via GuideStar online. However, NWA has income of less than $25k per a year which means they aren't required to file a 990 and don't. You can make an information request, but there's very little they will even have to provide b/c they aren't required to file so much of that stuff. That's why she can be so snotty about it all.

Posted on: 2006/6/19 16:08

Re: "It has the sophistication of Manhattan," Sonia Maldonado said. haha
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2005/7/27 20:36
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I was banned over a year ago because I had the nerve to ask to see the tax filings, the IRS 990 forms......which by law a 501(c)3 org has to make available to the public at minimal cost if mailed and no cost if inspected in person(there are guidelines posted on the IRS site). They must also make the by-laws available. So if you want to get banned and annoy the waddler, ask to see them in person or mail a request to her. According to IRS regulations she must respond to your request, if she does not, file a complaint with the IRS, they can fine the NWA and I believe its officers and/or remove the tax exemption. As an aside, if the NWA is involving themselves in politics then they can lose the exemption also.

Posted on: 2006/6/19 13:07

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/5/5 19:55
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I agree. Sonia and her little trolls are pretty bad. I can't understand why her little minions keep defending her. It seems to me how obvious her bias is. I saw her waddling through the GW parking lot the other day...what an unpleasant woman.

Posted on: 2006/6/19 4:01

Re: "It has the sophistication of Manhattan," Sonia Maldonado said. haha
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2005/10/7 15:05
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Wow JP!
I just read that thread. Sonia and her little minions are PATHETIC. She bans you, and then insults you so you can't defend yourself. So childish.

Fulop could find a cure for cancer and they would still find a way to make him out to look bad.

Posted on: 2006/6/19 2:33

More Censorship
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When attempting to respond to another Maldonado falsehood, I got the following message:

"You have been banned for the following reason:

Kind of sums up how Sonia treats that board.

Posted on: 2006/6/18 18:01

"It has the sophistication of Manhattan," Sonia Maldonado said. haha
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In with the new Newport
Friday, June 2, 2006

JERSEY CITY -- The main developer of the landmark Newport office, retail and residential complex announced Thursday that it is adding four more glass-and-steel towers.

And Richard LeFrak -- whose late father, Sam LeFrak, broke ground on the Newport City complex on June 4, 1986 -- also announced Thursday that the LeFrak Organization will subsequently build additional buildings to extend the development to the Hoboken line.

Newport, which is credited with starting Jersey City's revival 20 years ago, now consists of nine high-rise rental apartment buildings with 3,476 units and two condo buildings with 659 units. It also includes a 1.2 million-square-foot shopping mall, 5 million square feet of office space, outdoor shops, restaurants, parks, a swim club and fitness center, private schools, a Marriott Hotel and a marina. The development sits right outside the Newport/Pavonia PATH station.

The four buildings announced Thursday include The Ellipse, a 325-apartment tower with a glass-and-steel elliptical design; The Aqua, a 363-unit, 31-story apartment building; a 429-room Westin Hotel; and the 28-story, 220-unit Shore Club Condominiums at Newport North Tower (the south tower already is under construction).

The developer celebrated the 20th anniversary of Newport on Thursday with the groundbreaking of the hotel.

"They started a snowball running, and it started here in Newport," Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy said during the ceremony.

Richard LeFrak said Thursday that by the time his company builds out the complex, there will be 9,000 residential units.

He was joined Thursday by a long list of dignitaries, including Governor Corzine, former Gov. Jim Florio and U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

Richard LeFrak's son, Harrison T. LeFrak, 34, said he attended the groundbreaking 20 years ago and couldn't imagine at the time that abandoned rail terminals and river piers could be transformed into a bustling community, now home to more than 8,000 residents.

He said Newport has developed its own identity, so much so that residents of nearby developments also identify themselves as Newport residents.

Sonia Maldonado of the Newport Waterfront Association said she moved to the development from Manhattan nine years ago.

"It has the sophistication of Manhattan," Maldonado said.

"But it's laid back enough that it has a suburban feel."

Posted on: 2006/6/2 12:59

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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I would join you, but I actually moved out of my Newport-Owned buliding (The Roosevelt.) So, now I'm a Hamilton Parker.

I think it's a good idea, though. There needs to be an alternative, one that is truly democratic. Sonia obviously is very easily threatened and needs to withhold information so as to maintain power. It's likely that she has nothing to hide, but she just doesnt want anyone to be empowered except her.

Posted on: 2006/6/1 22:28

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/5/30 17:10
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I definitely agree with you guys about Sonia's inane censoring of people for no good reason, including yours truly. As HPDweller explained, "a community forum is where people can come together to discuss and debate various issues without the fear of being banned or censored so long as done in a civilized manner." These are my sentiments as well and that's why I'm reaching out to all of you, Butchcjg, wibbit, icricket, Floridian and lostlamancha to join me in re-forming the Newport Neighborhood Association to be a voice for the community and provide a forum for residents to voice their views, concerns and wishes. I look forward to all of your responses to this idea.

Posted on: 2006/6/1 20:21

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/5/11 19:17
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Nothing like transparency... let's get someone to wear a wire!

This meeting is for members only. If you live or work in Newport, and would like to join the association, you will need to complete an application, and produce proof of residency or employment. Please email or PM me for instructions, and to obtain an application.


icricket wrote:
i am glad to hear that once upon the time there was a newport neighbourhood association. i think that with new condos coming online there will be more interest in it. curious, if sonia will delete your post, if you bring this to everybodys attention at nwa board;)? i doubt if she'd care for competition...
she finally posted that nwa membership requires filling out an application and verification of working/living in newport -
http://www.newportwaterfrontassociati ... /bb/showthread.php?t=2183
apparently the members will meet in the living room of one of the apts - makes me wonder, how many members Do they have at present? 25? 50? i am dying to know how many people represent newport and us all living there. apparently it's a well kept secret;).

Posted on: 2006/5/31 1:01

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/4/28 16:26
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i am glad to hear that once upon the time there was a newport neighbourhood association. i think that with new condos coming online there will be more interest in it. curious, if sonia will delete your post, if you bring this to everybodys attention at nwa board;)? i doubt if she'd care for competition...
she finally posted that nwa membership requires filling out an application and verification of working/living in newport -
http://www.newportwaterfrontassociati ... /bb/showthread.php?t=2183
apparently the members will meet in the living room of one of the apts - makes me wonder, how many members Do they have at present? 25? 50? i am dying to know how many people represent newport and us all living there. apparently it's a well kept secret;).

Posted on: 2006/5/30 21:02

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/5/30 17:10
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I am one of two elected committee persons representing Newport for the Hudson County Democratic Party. I also have been censored by Sonia Maldonado simply because I asked whether NWA was a democratic organization - where the officers are voted in by the members - not self-appointed by the 3 trustees. Sonia didn't care for this question because her organization is simply not democratic. That is why she censors the NWA bulletin board whenever public discourse that in any way questions her positions on issues, or, in this case, the general make-up of NWA. While she censored me this morning, she lifted the information I provided about the number of registered voters in Newport, 2,500, and the number voting in the presidential election in 2004, 1,401, and included it in her post this morning. She censored my post without calling me, emailing me or informing me why. This is a form of control not healthy in a democracy.

Given the need for an organization that is democratic and that truly represents the interests of Newport tenants, I am bringing back the Newport Neighborhood Association ("NNA") which Monica Coe once presided over and which represented a voice for alternatives and choices NWA simply does not provide. For example, NNA advocated that LeFrak build a park on one of their piers in the north quadrant that is yet to be developed, which they refused. Instead, we're left with the Port Authority pier by the Duane Reade pharmacy, which will cost millions of dollars to rebuild because it's in terrible and dangerous condition. The most recent word on this park is that it will be the size of a middle-class backyard and poses the structural dangers as well as the dangers of the two Holland Tunnel exhaust vents that the Port Authority fears could be terrorist strikes. As NNA suggested, a better option is for LeFrak, in a public-private partnership with local government, to build a real park on one of their several piers in the north quadrant that has yet to be developed. Anyone interested in joining this new version of NNA and becoming a voice for Newport tenants, please email me at Thanks in advance for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Posted on: 2006/5/30 17:30

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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I heard about that security meeting...despite there being a rape in one of the Lefrak buildings, they still didnt really focus on security.

Now of course everyone on that board is just focusing on their "pets"...yes, stupid little pet icons that can go on their profile. How ridiculous!

That organization could have a real pull if they could get a large number of the tenants together...they could be rejecting high rent increases, etc. Instead, they have a mouthpiece running the show.

Posted on: 2006/5/9 2:20

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/5/5 19:55
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I agree Sonia is out of control. I went to the safety meeting a few months ago and Sonia wouldn't let anyone speak and she just kept asking stupid questions. All she seems to care about is what new restaurants are opening. I have had it will all the non-information on that board.

Posted on: 2006/5/8 21:01

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