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Re: Hamilton Park Ale House jersey Ave.
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Not too shy to talk

So, we went to the Ale House last night because we hadn't been there since New Year's (which was right after they took the restaurant over from Maggie, and thus the service was horrible...)

Okay, first I had to laugh because someone had posted here about big screen tvs and Bon Jovi and as soon as we sat down, "Wanted Dead or Alive" came on!

Anyway, it definitely has a different vibe than when Maggie owned it. The crowd was different. It wasn't as busy and the crowd was considerably younger. I noticed that drink prices had gone up. I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea and it was $1 more and they are using a glass that's half the size it used to be. The sangria prices have gone wayyyy up too. The portion of fries was considerably smaller. My gf ordered minestrone soup and while she liked what they gave her, it was definitely not minestrone soup!

All in all - we'll stick with Simple. They have better food, better service, and it's a more pleasant dining experience.

Posted on: 2007/3/24 16:18

Re: Positive things I like about JC
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Not too shy to talk

In no particular order:

1 - My rent - a similar brownstone apartment near a park in NYC would cost me at least twice as much.

2 - That parking isn't so bad

3- Taqueria's pork tacos and flan and byob sangria

4- That Simple, Hamilton Park Ale House, White Star Bar, Isabella's and Basic are all within steps of my place.

5- Drinking is cheaper here than in NYC

6- That I can live without a car if I needed to

7- The PATH - I find it cleaner and faster and more reliable than when I had to use the subway daily

8- Dorrian's Pu Pu Platter and Red Ale

9- That I can be in nice suburban towns like Montclair in 15-20 minutes.

10- That JC is in New Jersey, which is on a state level much more progressive than NY State is on many levels.

11- The Waterfront and walkway

12- The Powerhouse - it's beautiful, while it lasts

13- Marco & Pepe's brunch

14- Having Newport Mall so close

15- The historical buildings

Posted on: 2006/7/11 19:26

Re: Newport Mall renovations
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Not too shy to talk

I don't think Newport Mall is a dump. It's your average surburban mall with the usual stores. It's nice having it handy.

Short Hills Mall is for rich folk.

Posted on: 2006/7/9 18:51

Re: Assault/wilding incident on 9th and Erie
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Not too shy to talk

So they apprehended ONE actor, but the article says TWO?

I think I might have seen the same two boys again when I was out on Saturday. I can't say for sure it was them, but it was on the same block and they looked very similar. They were riding bikes (and refused to get out of the middle of the road, even with cars hoking) down 8th Street near Erie.

I've also been keeping an eye on the house at the corner of 8th and Manilla, since that's where I saw them messing around prior to casing the old woman. Not sure if they belong to the house or if they were just nosing through an open gate.

I've also noticed that there is glass on the street in 2 places on 9th between Erie and McWilliams, so it looks like 2 cars had windows busted. That's right where the guy was hit with a pipe. What's going on there?

Posted on: 2006/7/3 16:25

Re: Assault/wilding incident on 9th and Erie
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Not too shy to talk

The two boys that I saw were young - probably teenagers (16-18?), African American, really short or nearly shaved hair, probably 5'8" to 5'11" (I'm bad with heights, but they were taller than the old lady), and wearing jeans with somewhat baggy white t-shirts.

I'm trying the police again today and hopefully get through.

Posted on: 2006/7/1 16:05

Re: Assault/wilding incident on 9th and Erie
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Not too shy to talk

I'm trying to contact the police (no one answering the line I'm forwarded to, errr!) because I think I saw something related to this crime.

I was walking home around 9pm on Wednesday (after a movie) on 8th. I saw two young (probably teenaged) kids in a yard on Manilla and 8th. It didnt seem like it was their house, but rather that they went into the backyard without permission. They quickly came back out. The whole thing seemed fishy, then they started following this old woman really, really slowly. They got extremely close to her (like 5 inches behind her) and were just sort of "casing" her. They could have easeily passed her, but instead kept right by her side. So, I jingled my keys and they looked back and saw me, so they walked quickly away and turned right on Erie (heading toward 9th.)

I passed the old woman, who looked really scared. She was clinging onto her purse. Then we were in a lighted area (and some other folks were coming that way), so I walked quickly home because I was scared too. The two boys were walking down Erie toward 9th at that point, which would put them in the crime scene area at the time of the crime.

I dont know for sure that it was them, but their behavior before had me scared and made me feel like something was not "right."

So it's worth letting the police know, if they ever pick up the phone!

Posted on: 2006/6/30 22:23

Re: "It has the sophistication of Manhattan," Sonia Maldonado said. haha
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Not too shy to talk

You can get 990's and such via GuideStar online. However, NWA has income of less than $25k per a year which means they aren't required to file a 990 and don't. You can make an information request, but there's very little they will even have to provide b/c they aren't required to file so much of that stuff. That's why she can be so snotty about it all.

Posted on: 2006/6/19 16:08

Re: Residential Zoning - can I have a home office?
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Not too shy to talk

brewster - but the poster wasn't asking about the tax implications or whether he'd be audited...just whether it was against zoning or not.

i'm fairly certain that it is not.

but, i do know they say it'll get you audited faster.

(and, I didnt know Earned Income Tax Credits get audited a lot. that sorta doesn't make much sense. why pick on the poor folks?)

Posted on: 2006/6/2 21:53

Re: Residential Zoning - can I have a home office?
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Not too shy to talk

I've known tons of people who live in residential areas, apartment complexes, etc who deduct a home office from their taxes. So, I really don't think it's an issue. I think the zoning is a completely different area.

Posted on: 2006/6/2 17:05

Re: The New York Times: LeFraks Envision Even Bigger Skyline Across Hudson
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Not too shy to talk

What's up with that power station? I dont know anything about it, but it's BEAUTIFUL even if it is falling apart!

The buildings around there are all awesome too - love the Powerhouse Arts District. Once they clean it up (literally) some more and do some improvements, it's going to be a rockin' district, man.

So, it sucks that they're building a Trump there. SOOO does not fit!

Posted on: 2006/6/1 23:46

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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Not too shy to talk

I would join you, but I actually moved out of my Newport-Owned buliding (The Roosevelt.) So, now I'm a Hamilton Parker.

I think it's a good idea, though. There needs to be an alternative, one that is truly democratic. Sonia obviously is very easily threatened and needs to withhold information so as to maintain power. It's likely that she has nothing to hide, but she just doesnt want anyone to be empowered except her.

Posted on: 2006/6/1 22:28

Re: The New York Times: LeFraks Envision Even Bigger Skyline Across Hudson
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Not too shy to talk

I like Newport, though I don't live there. I live in Hamilton Park, but often go to Dorrian's, order from Confucious, Cosi, the mall, etc.

It has it it's flaws - yes, it does feel isolated and rather sterile. But, it seems like it'd be a good place to live if you truly wanted to spend most of your social live in NYC and you also wanted a nice luxury-like apartment. The apartments are more affordable than a lot of the other luxury buildings! It also feels like a very business-like environment, almost hotel conference like. But, some people really like that! It's nice, new, very clean, etc.

I really enjoyed living in The Roosevelt, which is owned by LeFrak. It'd be nice to see him expand his vision to more buildings like that. It's low-rise, but sitll very nice, spacious, affordable, doorman, etc. But it was just a couple of blocks from Hamilton Park, so it felt neighbor-hoody.

There are always things to complain about with every's not like Hamilton Park or Van Vorst or The Heights or Harsimus Cove or Paulus Hook or the West End, etc ALL don't have their share of problems and things to complain about. I think LeFrak has done a good job at creating units that meet the needs of a certain demographic of people.

(My favorite quote though was how they had to build everything with cash, b/c they couldn't afford loans. Oh, such poverty!)

Posted on: 2006/6/1 22:26

Re: Jersey City School Superintendent takes heat on 'obscene' compensation and five-star London trip
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Was out a few mins ago and saw a copy of the Jersey City Reporter, which had a picture of Epps on the cover. He looked a good 12-inches or more taller than everyone else in the picture (several men and women). If that's the case then I don't blame him for upgrading to a seat with more leg room.

Posted on: 2006/5/30 0:07

Re: Jersey City School Superintendent takes heat on 'obscene' compensation and five-star London trip
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

This last article from the Jersey Journal is a bit obnoxious and over the top. Very inflammatory and unnecessary and not really adding anything new to what they've already said a dozen times.

Posted on: 2006/5/29 23:16

Re: Jersey City Tax Collector
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Not too shy to talk

"If there's a logical reasoning behind such a policy I'd love to hear it otherwise that's just pathetic."

Well, I can see that there'd be reasons for not accepting personal checks....

1 - Everytime one bounces, the bank charges them a fee, plus then they have to send out letters, etc to get the resident to pay up. This costs time and money.

2- Banks often don't release money for days and when you're talking millions of dollars, the interest on one day alone is significant.

But, they really should be able to do automatic withdrawals, etc.

Posted on: 2006/5/27 20:13

Re: Jersey City Tax Collector
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

It doesn't seem fair that they should charge you the interest, considering their policy went into effect on May 11th (you mailed the check before then?) Also, was it announced on the property tax bill?

Posted on: 2006/5/27 20:11

Re: Jersey City School Superintendent takes heat on 'obscene' compensation and five-star London trip
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I'm not arguing that he shouldn't play by the rules.
But, i'm just saying that I'm sure he didn't write the check himself! There was probably an entire department that processed his reimbursement request and why did they fall off the job and not follow the rules? Why didn't the employee, their supervisor, the internal auditor, etc catch this????

I also think they need to create new policies for reimbursements that are more realistic.

Posted on: 2006/5/27 15:08

Re: Jersey City School Superintendent takes heat on 'obscene' compensation and five-star London trip
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I dont think his salary/compensation is too high. I mean, the man is a Superintendent of an entire school system, has a Ph.D, etc. It seems in line with other districts and appropriate. If we don't compensate such positions well, then those with the talent necessary to do the job are going to go to corporations instead.

In terms of the reimbursements, to me this seems more a matter of process than anything else. I have no doubt the conference itself was legitimate and think we should provide a lot more staff development than we do.

A $70 per diem food budget is okay for the U.S, but not for a European trip. $70 USD is only about $35-40 British Pounds and anyone who has been there knows you can't buy much on that! A hamburger at a regular ol' paper napkins place (non-mcdonalds) is about 15 pounds (or $30 USD). I woudln't expect (or encourage) the superintendent to eat at McDonalds every meal for a week. Nor can you find many hotels for $150 USD.

Clearly the school system needs printed guidelines of reimbursements for out-of-country trips as well.

Another part of the process is with the actual reimbursement. Why were the guidelines not followed? Epps submitted his receipts and he had a right to do so. I mean, he had a right to eat anywhere he wanted - but, to only get reimbursed up to the allowed amount. Who wrote those checks and why did they not follow the guidelines? If anyone loses their job, it seems like it should be that person!

Posted on: 2006/5/27 14:41

Re: Residential Projects Dominate Landscape - 15,000 Residential Units are Coming to Downtown Jersey
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I definitely think that Downtown JC is going to attract a lot of New Yorkers. I mean, I've lived in Brooklyn and I'd choose JC anyday b/c I get to work in about 6-10 minutes (versus 35+ from Park Slope Brooklyn) and you don't have to pay the NYC tax, plus rents are a bit cheaper. And, I like that we sorta have a combo of city life...with the burbs being so close. I can easily get to all my favorite suburban places, have a car, etc. A lot harder in Manhattan or Brooklyn, etc.

That being said, I do hope the market cools down...we'll be ready to buy in 2-3 years :)

Posted on: 2006/5/20 21:37

Re: Wireless Internet - Steven Fulop
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Not too shy to talk

I wonder how it affects teh city in terms of tax revenue. I mean, if Verizon and Comcast has fewer customers here, then likely they'd be paying fewer taxes to the city, right? So, while we might be saving $40 a month in internet access (assuming that the city would be providing it "free" to us), we might be paying more in taxes to make up the difference!

I also worry...governments aren't always the best at providing customer service!

Posted on: 2006/5/19 22:46

Re: Wireless Internet - Steven Fulop
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Not too shy to talk

I'd rather pay $42 a month for comcast and have my car not stolen or vandalized.

Focus on crime!

Posted on: 2006/5/19 15:23

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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Not too shy to talk

I heard about that security meeting...despite there being a rape in one of the Lefrak buildings, they still didnt really focus on security.

Now of course everyone on that board is just focusing on their "pets"...yes, stupid little pet icons that can go on their profile. How ridiculous!

That organization could have a real pull if they could get a large number of the tenants together...they could be rejecting high rent increases, etc. Instead, they have a mouthpiece running the show.

Posted on: 2006/5/9 2:20

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

So - my one week was up and I posted a respond to Sonia, saying that what she was claiming was wrong. That I wasn't trolling, etc.

Of course, that was removed. LOL.

What a nutcase!

Posted on: 2006/5/6 0:09

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Sonia's recently post to explain why she banned me says that it's b/c "some people join this post merely to illecit responses and make allegations".

Oh yes, I joined wayyyy back in November and just sat quietly all this time and participated in conversations only so that 7 months later I could start making accusations. It was my plot!!!

Err, how annoying.

I dont live in Newport, but I lived in a Newport-owned building (The Roosevelt). Soon I'm moving, though, and thus won't pretend to represent that community nor have a need to be a part of it.

Any places to be a part of the Hamilton Park Neighborhood online, besides this place? I'm moving to an apartment directly on the park!

Posted on: 2006/4/28 18:04

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I checked with the Attorney Genera's Charity Registry and NWA filed their 2004 report with the AG and it showed:

$1610 - Direct Public Contributions

$305 - Program
$1322 - Management

Unless 2005 significantly changed, then they are a low-budget organization, so why not just disclose this information and start banning anyone who questions it?

Of course, I dont think "in-kind" contributions have to be recorded in this report and I saw some accusations of that.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 14:45

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Sonia - I know you read this board, as do other posters, so I'll just respond to you here.

You DID remove my posts, when all I was doing was saying I just didnt understand why you don't show your association members the budget so that everything is transparent. What's wo wrong with that? I didnt say it in an inflammatory way, but rather suggested it was a way to to prove Fulop long and be transparent.

Then you started removing my posts, so then I posted saying "where's my post?" NOW you say the reason you removed me is b/c I was falsely accusing you of removing posts.

Talk about an abuse of power, Sonia. And, from what I've read here, it seems like this is how you work! Scary, scary. Why do you want to ban anyone who challenges you or Lefrak? What's there to hide? You say nothing, so why are you so defensive?

Posted on: 2006/4/28 14:37

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

So - I posted about the censorship there...

And she responded saying the reason she banned me "for one week" is because I posted a false accusation that she had removed my post, which was apparrently an attept to claim censorship.

That's SOOOOOO bogus! She *DID* remove my posts! TWO of them!!!!

This is exactly what she does!! She censors, but then says she doesn't and says the burden of proof is on you. (How can you prove someone is censoring if they remove the post and then ban you!?)

I'm getting irked...makes me feel like getting a bunch of us together with protest signs for the next NWA meeting!

Posted on: 2006/4/28 14:23

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Well, I agree not much goes on there....this board is definitely better.

But, just by principle, I can't stand being banned.

And, I plan to make it known how that board is run! If the board is run that way, then surely the organization is run that way too.

And, it really makes me wonder what she's hiding.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 2:02

Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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Not too shy to talk

Wow - So, my account has been banned from the NWA bulletin boards by Sonia!

I have never ever trolled, never said a dirty word and never done anything but discuss a few topics (like internet connection, restaurants, etc). Seriously, I've only posted there a few times and never said a single negative or bad thing.

But, a couple of days ago she started saying that Fulop was slandering her by saying they received $$ from LeFrak.

So, I posted asking why she doesnt disclose their financials, to prove Fulop wrong. That though she doesnt have to "legally", it seems to make sense that she should do so since it's a community association.

She responded saying she's a very ethical person, blah blah blah. So, I wrote saying that she should have nothing to hide so why not disclose?

She removed that post.

So I posted "Hey, where'd my post go? I didnt say anything bad".

And, now my account is banned from the site!

Is this the norm there????

How can a group claim to be a "community association" but be SO unwilling to disclose any info to the community and ban anyone who asks questions?

Posted on: 2006/4/28 1:44

Re: Tax abatement for Newport this Wednesday
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Not too shy to talk

I'm confused about the tax abatement issue...I have one quick question:

When an abatement is issued, does that mean the people buying the individual condo units also have tax abatements for 20 years? Or, does it just mean the development itself doesn't pay taxes?

And, I agree with what others have said here...Newport definitely doesn't seem worthy of tax-abatements any longer. It's not in need of development, but plenty of other areas in the city are.

Posted on: 2006/4/26 1:52

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