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Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/9 2:53
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Dear DMark:

Firstly the Hill is not a right wing news outlet by any means. It is pretty much a MSM and totally pushing the agenda with no independent reporting.

I think the Atlantic has done one or two ok pieces on Covid even if its covid coverage is entirely underwritten by J&J and FB (As the magazine discloses: "The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation."

But you seem unable to think. How can you believe that denouncing anyone who disagrees with the Covid narrative as a misinformation source to be a valid way of conversing. In logic, its known as the ad hominem fallacy.

Can you address the data that Berenson from Australia that Berenson is concerned with.

How about the massive amounts of serious side affects that were reported in servicemen forced to get the vax, e.g. 1000 % increase in neurological complaints. 400% increase in miscarriages. Merely screaming: misinformation is absurd.



Posted on: 2022/2/3 3:08

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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People who believe the lies of covid should read Robert Kennedy, Jr book, "The real Anthony Fauci." It is footnoted well with tons of documents and charts. We have been lied to so Anthony Fauci could push the vaccine. He knew hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are effective treatments.

Posted on: 2022/2/3 2:19

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2006/5/4 4:58
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He wasn't banned from twitter for no reason. He was banned for spreading Covid misinformation. The article I attached was from which is a right-wing publication. Here's one from the Atlantic saying the same thing. ... mics-wrongest-man/618475/


Mao wrote:
Dear DMark:

Berenson, Yale grad, award winning NYTimes journalist, noted novelist and science and health writer is a "known quack"? Give me a break.

His reporting in the last two years mostly deals with statistics.

Can you look at the statistics without merely foaming at the mouth like a crazed wind up automaton? They (not sure who they are but they include nearly all Democrats, most Republicans, the Public Health Bureaucracies, the Main Stream Media, the Universities etc) go into attack mode.



Posted on: 2022/2/2 22:32

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/9 2:53
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Dear DMark:

Berenson, Yale grad, award winning NYTimes journalist, noted novelist and science and health writer is a "known quack"? Give me a break.

His reporting in the last two years mostly deals with statistics.

Can you look at the statistics without merely foaming at the mouth like a crazed wind up automaton? They (not sure who they are but they include nearly all Democrats, most Republicans, the Public Health Bureaucracies, the Main Stream Media, the Universities etc) go into attack mode.



Posted on: 2022/2/2 17:26

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Alex Berenson is another known quack and is currently banned from Twitter due to his misinformation. ... tive-author-Alex-Berenson


Mao wrote:
Alex Bereonson's substac from yesterday:

Real Covid numbers from Australia's largest state. 76 percent of deaths since mid-January are in the vaccinated. Death deaths in the boosted are soaring.
Alex Berenson
Feb 1

Every day, the Australian state of New South Wales reports Covid deaths by age - and vaccination status.

Unlike American figures, these do not depend on inaccurate hospital reporting of vaccination status. They are not manipulated or “age-adjusted.”

They are as close to real time data as exists anywhere in the world. New South Wales even reports whether people under 65 had serious health conditions.

Overall coronavirus deaths have accelerated dramatically in New South Wales in the last month, as the Omicron variant speads. (The state has about 8.2 million people, so 40 deaths a day there is equivalent to 1,600 in the United States.)

So who is dying?

In the last 15 days, 417 of the 552 people who died of Covid in New South Wales were vaccinated, compared to 135 who were unvaccinated.

Sixty of the vaccinated people who died had received a booster shot. Those deaths skew markedly to the last few days. Forty-nine of the 60 boosted people died in the last week - including the most recent, a man in his thirties who had no preexisting conditions.


The adult population in New South Wales is roughly 95 percent vaccinated, including about 40 percent boosted. So the “adjusted rate ratios” the Centers for Disease Control and media bluechecks love to present instead of actual numbers probably still show that the vaccinated have great protection.

But NSW also recently provided strong evidence that many of the unvaccinated elderly people who died were too sick to be vaccinated. On Jan. 28, it reported a batch of 35 deaths that had occurred earlier in January from nursing homes.

Nursing home residents are generally the frailest of the elderly - a 2010 study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that 65 percent of residents died within a year of entering the home.

SOURCE: ... 20age%20of%20participants,study%20died%20within%20six%20months.

Thus, for the last year, they have been vaccinated as a matter of course.

Yet New South Wales reported that 14 of the 35 nursing home residents who died - 40 percent - had NOT been vaccinated. The only conceivable explanation for the fact that so many unvaccinated residents are among the dead is that most were too sick to be vaccinated.

When it comes to Covid deaths and vaccines, the adjusted ratios - especially from the United States - are effectively meaningless. The raw numbers are what matter.

Which is why the public health authorities and elite media go out of their way to hide them.

Posted on: 2022/2/2 16:43

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/9 2:53
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Alex Bereonson's substac from yesterday:

Real Covid numbers from Australia's largest state. 76 percent of deaths since mid-January are in the vaccinated. Death deaths in the boosted are soaring.
Alex Berenson
Feb 1

Every day, the Australian state of New South Wales reports Covid deaths by age - and vaccination status.

Unlike American figures, these do not depend on inaccurate hospital reporting of vaccination status. They are not manipulated or “age-adjusted.”

They are as close to real time data as exists anywhere in the world. New South Wales even reports whether people under 65 had serious health conditions.

Overall coronavirus deaths have accelerated dramatically in New South Wales in the last month, as the Omicron variant speads. (The state has about 8.2 million people, so 40 deaths a day there is equivalent to 1,600 in the United States.)

So who is dying?

In the last 15 days, 417 of the 552 people who died of Covid in New South Wales were vaccinated, compared to 135 who were unvaccinated.

Sixty of the vaccinated people who died had received a booster shot. Those deaths skew markedly to the last few days. Forty-nine of the 60 boosted people died in the last week - including the most recent, a man in his thirties who had no preexisting conditions.


The adult population in New South Wales is roughly 95 percent vaccinated, including about 40 percent boosted. So the “adjusted rate ratios” the Centers for Disease Control and media bluechecks love to present instead of actual numbers probably still show that the vaccinated have great protection.

But NSW also recently provided strong evidence that many of the unvaccinated elderly people who died were too sick to be vaccinated. On Jan. 28, it reported a batch of 35 deaths that had occurred earlier in January from nursing homes.

Nursing home residents are generally the frailest of the elderly - a 2010 study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that 65 percent of residents died within a year of entering the home.

SOURCE: ... 20age%20of%20participants,study%20died%20within%20six%20months.

Thus, for the last year, they have been vaccinated as a matter of course.

Yet New South Wales reported that 14 of the 35 nursing home residents who died - 40 percent - had NOT been vaccinated. The only conceivable explanation for the fact that so many unvaccinated residents are among the dead is that most were too sick to be vaccinated.

When it comes to Covid deaths and vaccines, the adjusted ratios - especially from the United States - are effectively meaningless. The raw numbers are what matter.

Which is why the public health authorities and elite media go out of their way to hide them.

Posted on: 2022/2/2 14:53

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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dmark526 wrote:
Washington trooper who defied state vaccine mandate and told gov to ‘kiss my a–‘ dies from COVID-19.

A Washington State Patrol officer who defied a statewide vaccine mandate and signed off for the last time by telling Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee to “kiss my a–” is dead from COVID-19.

Former Trooper Robert LaMay, 51, who served 22 years with the State Patrol and retired last October, died on Friday. ... -my-a-dies-from-covid-19/

And God told him to kiss his ass goodbye.

At least he got his 15 minutes of fame in FOX News, who were all probably laughing behind his back as you can bet your ass they're all vaccinated if they stay anywhere near old man Murdoch.

2 years running, guess what's the number 1 cop killer in America? It's not some punk with a gun. It's a punk with a gun and COVID. 3 guesses on who the punks are in this scenario.

Posted on: 2022/2/1 5:12

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2006/5/4 4:58
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Washington trooper who defied state vaccine mandate and told gov to ‘kiss my a–‘ dies from COVID-19.

A Washington State Patrol officer who defied a statewide vaccine mandate and signed off for the last time by telling Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee to “kiss my a–” is dead from COVID-19.

Former Trooper Robert LaMay, 51, who served 22 years with the State Patrol and retired last October, died on Friday. ... -my-a-dies-from-covid-19/

Posted on: 2022/1/29 16:50

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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RichMauro wrote:
The Government is moving on. You got the shot and the masks--you're on your own:

Great article--won't find it on CNN for sure.
you won't find it on CNN because it's a non-story. The CDC is still tracking this information, and most news sources don't get their info from the HHS anyway, so it's just removing redundant work. ... going-stop-044159772.html

Posted on: 2022/1/28 19:31

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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In general, more people are dying from non-covid deaths. The leading cause of deaths from 18 to 44 is fentanyl. Suicide is way up for young people, especially teens. All of this happened during the lockdown pandemic. Depression is the leading cause.

Posted on: 2022/1/28 17:31

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2006/5/4 4:58
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Unvaxxed comedian Christian Cabrera, 40, dies from COVID-19

Unvaccinated comedian Christian Cabrera has died from COVID-19 at the age of 40 — just two days after texting his brother and revealing his regret at not getting the shots.

Cabrera — who has left behind a wife and a 3-year-old son — succumbed to the coronavirus at a California hospital on Jan. 22 after the disease developed into pneumonia. ... ra-40-dies-from-covid-19/

Posted on: 2022/1/28 17:13

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2013/10/14 23:28
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The Government is moving on. You got the shot and the masks--you're on your own:

Great article--won't find it on CNN for sure.

Posted on: 2022/1/28 13:45

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The Weinsteins (Dark Horse)got tossed for mentioning the "i" word, but they're back again.

Great short clip:

Posted on: 2022/1/28 13:42

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/6 6:21
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I just did a search for this on google and saw dozens of headlines DAN BONGINO PERMANENTLY FROM YOUTUBE but then I watch the last video he posted before they banned him and it is clear that DAN BONGINO QUIT YOUTUBE due to their censorship. I guess the establishment does not want you to know that most people hate censorship. ... m-leaving-youtube....html

Posted on: 2022/1/28 0:34

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2006/5/4 4:58
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Right-wing talking head Dan Bongino permanently banned from YouTube.

Dan Bongino has been booted from YouTube.

The conservative pundit and Fox News personality has been banned from the social media platform for ignoring a suspension, a spokesperson for YouTube told the Daily News Thursday.

Bongino was slapped with a seven-day suspension on his clip show channel on Jan. 20 for violating the website’s COVID-19 misinformation policies after posting a video that falsely called masks “useless” against the virus. ... xfevyh2piw6jom-story.html

Posted on: 2022/1/27 20:52

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Vaccines aren't "well known" to cause Heart Attacks. See ref below. Source: ... ffect-of-covid-19-vaccine

“In June of this year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reported a likely link between mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis, particularly in people younger than 39. However, research continues to find COVID-19 vaccine-related cases of myocarditis uncommon and mostly mild,” said Donald. M. Lloyd-Jones, M.D., Sc.M., FAHA, president of the American Heart Association, who was not involved in the study. “Overwhelmingly, data continue to indicate that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination – 91% effective at preventing complications of severe COVID-19 infection including hospitalization and death – far exceed the very rare risks of adverse events, including myocarditis.”

You quoted the Pope, didn't sound like "crowing" to me. I post Covid related deaths of anti-vaxxers as a cautionary tale.


Mao wrote:
Dear Dmark:

I said the mainstream media's glee in deaths of those who were antivax. I did not specifically reference your refernce to the death. Yours was very pithy without comment. Yet you must have posted about the death for a reason.

Carlos Tejehda's death of a heart attack after his vaccine clearly raises the question of whether it was a heart attack caused by the vaccines which are well known to cause heart attacks as well as strokes.

Here's the quote from Pope Francis on Sept 15, 2021, courtesy of France 24.

Aboard the Papal Plane (AFP) –


Pope Francis on Wednesday spoke out against "denier" cardinals who refused the coronavirus vaccine, in an apparent swipe at his main opponent who recently contracted Covid-19.

"In the College of Cardinals, there are a few deniers. One of them, the poor man, contracted the virus," the pontiff told reporters as he flew home from a trip to Slovakia.

The 84-year-old did not name the man he was referring to, but conservative US Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of Francis' fiercest and most vocal critics in the Catholic Church, was recently admitted to hospital in the United States with Covid-19.



Posted on: 2022/1/26 17:41

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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2008/5/9 2:53
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Dear Dmark:

I said the mainstream media's glee in deaths of those who were antivax. I did not specifically reference your refernce to the death. Yours was very pithy without comment. Yet you must have posted about the death for a reason.

Carlos Tejehda's death of a heart attack after his vaccine clearly raises the question of whether it was a heart attack caused by the vaccines which are well known to cause heart attacks as well as strokes.

Here's the quote from Pope Francis on Sept 15, 2021, courtesy of France 24.

Aboard the Papal Plane (AFP) –


Pope Francis on Wednesday spoke out against "denier" cardinals who refused the coronavirus vaccine, in an apparent swipe at his main opponent who recently contracted Covid-19.

"In the College of Cardinals, there are a few deniers. One of them, the poor man, contracted the virus," the pontiff told reporters as he flew home from a trip to Slovakia.

The 84-year-old did not name the man he was referring to, but conservative US Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of Francis' fiercest and most vocal critics in the Catholic Church, was recently admitted to hospital in the United States with Covid-19.



Posted on: 2022/1/25 4:38

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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I haven't posted one link to an article on an anti-vaxxer Covid death where there was any kind of "gleeful" commentary. They simply state that the person refused to get vaccinated, got covid, and died as a result. Commenting about Pope Francis without providing a direct quote or video of him is conjecture on your part to say the least.

Carlos Tehada of the NY Times died of a heart attack. That story you posted was started on Twitter by an anti-vaxxer and has been debunked. We are all welcome to our opinions on this site but you should fact check your articles before posting so people don't continue to be misinformed. It's one thing to not want to take a vaccine, it's misinformation to spread false stories to try to justify your position.


Mao wrote:
There is something unsettling and creepy about the way the mainstream narrative takes absolute pleasure in the death and suffering of an anti vaxer. Pope Francis, "the merciful," was crowing with delight when Raymond Cardinal Burke was hospitalized. Numerous other vaccinated cardinals and bishops have died of Covid but no matter.

I find it extremely sad when people who have been very pro vax end up dying of the vax, e.g. Carlos Tiejhada the NY Times reporter who died after the booster. ... stagram-dead-hours-later/

Anyway, may Meatloaf rest in peace. I wonder if he was still a very large man which would not help him with Covid and I wonder if he had good treatment, eg. Hydroxychloroquine etc

You can access deaths from the vaccine, generally thought to be underestimated by a factor of between 10 to 100. Here is the CDC website.

Here's a video of a guy showing you the data from an under 17 report. ... rs/access-VAERS-data.html

Posted on: 2022/1/25 4:02

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Dr. Robert Malone: “Before You Inject Your Child” ... ou-inject-your-child.html

Registered nurse Nicole Sirotek shares what she saw on the front lines in NYC ... the-front-lines-in-n.html

Paul Alexander, PhD on the spike in cases among the fully vaccinated ... the-fully-vaccinated.html

Former Houston Methodist nurse Jennifer Bridges shares her story ... ges-shares-her-story.html

Dr. Peter McCullough delivers an emotional plea on myocarditis ... -plea-on-myocarditis.html

Attorney Thomas Renz reveals what multiple DoD whistleblowers have provided ... lowers-have-provided.html

Dr. Pierre Kory shines a light on the information war ... mation-war-we-are-in.html

Vaccine injured Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Joel Wallskog shares his story ... kog-shares-his-story.html

Dr. Robert Malone explains the risks of vaccines ... ines-to-australian-p.html

Rand Paul Torches Dr Fauci on his recently leaked emails ... ently-leaked-emails-.html

Vaxxed 2 Documentary ... es-kids-autism-and-s.html

Posted on: 2022/1/25 3:27

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Dear Mr. Scott:

I didn't mention first hand experience of vaccine injury because I was focusing on something which virtually all of us have experienced in the last month.

Moreover, it is hard on the ground to know if you are experiencing a vaccine injury or not. Here are a few of my experiences:

* Last May, a friend's daughter, required by the JCMC to get vaccinated miscarries her third child in the end of the second trimester. These things happen. I don't know if an autopsy was done. Some autopsy of the reported vax related miscarriages describe highly unusual clots. Thus, this would be only a little more than speculation.
* A guard in my office building, age 40 with two young children, dies of a brain hemorrhage a month after her shot; Because brain hemmorages are very rare in young people, this seems likely to me.
* The uncle of a woman two offices down dies of a heart attack blamed on the shot in July. I don't have enough information to evaluate this notwithstanding the niece's absolute certainty.
* a friend at work, age 36, has a massive heart attack, two weeks after his second shot of Pfizer, with no prior history, no family history, and no significant signs of heart disease. The doctor do not report this to Vaers but let him know he can if he wants. (I don't even think that is correct). He is also reporting issues with renal problems now which the doctors are blaming on the meds.

There have been other deaths this year that have not been explained. That happens.

What is truly terrifying is reports of excess deaths in highly vaccinated populations, sometimes just moderately excessive, e.g. 8%m sometimes catastrophically.



Posted on: 2022/1/24 23:52

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I didn't see any mention of you having first-hand experience with anyone getting hurt by the vaccine?

Posted on: 2022/1/24 21:43

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Dear Mr. Scott:

Can you send the link debunking this?

You know that the entire apparatus of "fact checking" is part of the suppression of speech and thought and seeks to delegitimize anyone challenging the narrative.

The real truth will be almost impossible to determine. However, we all had personal experience in the last two months of these facts:

1. The vaccines don't stop you from getting Covid. I know about 75 - 100 people over the last month who were sick. Probably, 65 of these were unvaccinated. My nine year old was sick as if with a bad cold for a day and a half.
2. The vaccines don't prevent you from getting less sick from Covid. Of the 75 people I know directly, the sickest people were all vaccinated- though none of them were hospitalized thank God.
3. The vaccines don't prevent you from spreading the virus. I caught the virus from a vaccinated co-worker who thought she had a hang over.
4. The virus, at least in this point, is not a big deal. I was the sickest in my unvaxxed household, which meant two days of aches and pains and a headache and symptom free by day four and fully recovered in ten days.

So we can leave aside the information war and based on our direct experience argue the only rationale path is: no masks, no vaccines, no restrictions whatsoever.

And lets just pray that those who have been hurt by the vaccines recover and that those who so far have shown no reaction continue to have no adverse reaction.



Posted on: 2022/1/24 17:54

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The first of those other links you posted that I looked at ("COVID Shots Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease in Young People, MIT Scientist Warns") was quickly debunked with a little further research. Spreading information like this is dangerous.

Posted on: 2022/1/24 14:42

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Posted on: 2022/1/24 14:06

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Posted on: 2022/1/23 20:30

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2008/5/6 6:21
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Swiss Olympic Sprinter Gets Pericarditis After Pfizer Booster, 22,193 Deaths After COVID Shots Reported to CDC ... icarditis-pfizer-booster/

COVID Shots Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease in Young People, MIT Scientist Warns ... young-people-covid-shots/

Dr. Robert Malone tells Tucker Carlson why he is pushing back against vaccine mandates ... g-back-against-vacci.html

COVID-19 Early Treatments Are Being Suppressed -- And What To Do About It ... -what-to-do-about-it.html

S.Kirsch - FDA PANNEL ADVISORY MEMBER: 379,000 Dead from Jab, Deadly Bioweapon Covid Shots Killing Masses

DOCTORS WORLDWIDE WARN AGAINST VACCINE ... warn-against-vaccine.html

Columbia Study: True U.S. COVID Vaxx Death Count Around 400,000 ... ound-400k-355581860-2021/


Posted on: 2022/1/22 17:42

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After February 2nd the Federal Government will no longer require deaths in hospitals from co vid to be reported.

Little by little in the coming weeks the true figures of how many people died solely from co vid will begin to seep into mainstrem media and the printed press.

Just like the Twin Towers tragedy when the actual deaths reported initially were twice the actual number, the discrepancy between real and reported deaths due solely to co vid will be a disturbing revelation.

Here's an interesting clip:

England is already coming to terms with the truth.

Posted on: 2022/1/22 13:05

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There is something unsettling and creepy about the way the mainstream narrative takes absolute pleasure in the death and suffering of an anti vaxer. Pope Francis, "the merciful," was crowing with delight when Raymond Cardinal Burke was hospitalized. Numerous other vaccinated cardinals and bishops have died of Covid but no matter.

I find it extremely sad when people who have been very pro vax end up dying of the vax, e.g. Carlos Tiejhada the NY Times reporter who died after the booster. ... stagram-dead-hours-later/

Anyway, may Meatloaf rest in peace. I wonder if he was still a very large man which would not help him with Covid and I wonder if he had good treatment, eg. Hydroxychloroquine etc

You can access deaths from the vaccine, generally thought to be underestimated by a factor of between 10 to 100. Here is the CDC website.

Here's a video of a guy showing you the data from an under 17 report. ... rs/access-VAERS-data.html

Posted on: 2022/1/21 20:23

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Meat Loaf was ‘seriously ill’ with COVID days before his death.

Apparently he was an anti-vaxxer. ... -before-his-death-report/

Posted on: 2022/1/21 15:50

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TheBigGuy wrote:
Funny.... appreciate your perspective and rational approach to decision making but these days someone using a phrase like "the science is settled" or "90% of scientists agree" automatically tells me they want to shut down the conversation or debate. There is not much the experts have been correct on with the response to C19 and I get suspicious of political agendas from CDC, WHO, or the WH.

I think you bring up a valid point. Statements like "the science is settled" are appropriate in certain circumstances. For example if there is years/decades/centuries of historical data to back up a claim then yes; the science is settled. But perhaps it's inappropriate to use the phrase "the science is settled" for relatively new phenomena like COVID-19 and it's vaccine. We're still learning a lot about the virus and how it mutates. Thus I understand people's apprehension when they hear that phrase. So I'll give and say the science is not settled on COVID-19 vaccine. However, I will say science is settle on other vaccines like Measles and Polio which have repeatedly proven to be effective for decades.

For the C19 vaccine, instead of saying "the science is settled that the vaccine is safe and effective", I think a better phrase to use is, "science has observed the vaccine is safe and effective". Scientific observation is done via rigorous repeatable testing and peer review. That observation also does not completely shut the door to contrarian voices. However those who say that the vaccine ISN'T safe and effective have to empirically prove so via the same scientific rigor, repeatable testing AND peer review process that their views are correct and thus change the consensus.

So to state again, when seeking advice on a topic for which I'm not an expert on, my general philosophy is to seek the guidance of experts and follow their consensus. Will that guarantee my decisions are always correct? No!! But it probably means I'm correct more often than I'm wrong. Or to state simply, I'll have more wins than losses with my decisions and the best we can do in this life is have a winning percentage for our decisions.

Posted on: 2022/1/19 23:41

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