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Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Restricting who gets A vaccine (only restricting the Moderna one for those under 30), and (from the article):

"None of the studies cast doubt on the vaccines’ effectiveness or the benefits they bring by safeguarding against Covid-19 and studies suggest the risks of heart inflammation are substantially higher in those infected with Covid-19. Overwhelmingly, regulators and experts agree that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the possible risks, even in young people and children at lower risk of serious illness, and are urging their populations to get the jab. "

Posted on: 2022/12/1 16:42

Re: Proposed School Budget Nears One Billion and Portends Big Tax Hike
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

So this bill is tacking on 1/2 of the total school increase and all of the city increase for the year (as even though they just set the budget, it's for the calendar year 2022, so we're retroactively paying it all, since Q1-Q3 didn't include the increase). When I look online, I do see Q1 & Q2 2023 already and it's higher than Q1 & Q2 2022 (due to the increase) but not as high as this current bill. Of course, this all could (and probably will) happen again next year (Q3 & Q4 much higher). The city does not make this clear and I'm sure people are going to argue with me about it, but just call the tax office and they will explain in.

Posted on: 2022/10/27 14:16

Re: wtf is happening to my property tax
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Not too shy to talk

Here's another interesting post from civicparent "Jersey City Budgets & the Connection to Property Tax Expense (an interactive teaching visual)" ... eractive-teaching-visual/

Posted on: 2022/7/15 1:08

Re: As City Unveils New Affordable Housing Plan, Critics Emerge
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Not too shy to talk

Do you know of any official online information source to verify this? The only thing that comes up when I search is something you wrote. I'm not doubting it, but if this is the case it IS a big deal that people should be aware of.

Posted on: 2022/7/12 17:46

Re: wtf is happening to my property tax
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

It's a $159 million increase from last year. Whether that is justified is arguable, but many of the aging buildings do need serious work.

The problem is that Jersey City has seen MAJOR reductions in state funding for schools. If you do a web search, you'll find lots of info about that. This is a good site that presents analysis of the data: ... ax-rate-into-perspective/

So the question is, if not by raising taxes, how do we make up for the funding cuts? I feel that the city and BOE really need to work together. There have (supposedly) been efforts: ... lan_fix_school_budget_gap
(I cannot find any info on what happened with this. I realize Councilman Yun passed away but surely such an important plan would have been continued) ... ol-s-budget-hole-ali-says
(note - as of a BOE meeting that I watched earlier in the year, they were questioning when/if they would actually funding from this)

Fulop should really NOT be washing his hands of this. It really seems that he's trying to encourage dissent.

Posted on: 2022/7/12 13:33

Re: Proposed School Budget Nears One Billion and Portends Big Tax Hike
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The point is that a lot of people are freaking out about a "33% tax increase" (like there are also multiple, lengthy Reddit and Facebook threads about it), which is a result of the city not being clear about the retroactive issue. I actually ended up calling them again and they explained it again. I asked them if this explanation is online anywhere, and they said no.

So yes, 1.889 is just an estimate and it may be higher. But that doesn't change the fact that 33% is way off-base unless the is some other factor (besides school funding) causing a massive increase.

I am done discussing this. There is simply nothing to further argue.

Posted on: 2022/6/28 14:25

Re: Proposed School Budget Nears One Billion and Portends Big Tax Hike
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Thank you. Those numbers perfectly match what I was trying to say (though I admit I was initially incorrect about the difference from Q1/Q2 just being added to Q3, as opposed to split over Q3 and Q4). I don't know why the city does not make this clear.

Posted on: 2022/6/28 14:03

Re: Proposed School Budget Nears One Billion and Portends Big Tax Hike
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I get what you're saying about the delay with billing. However, looking at the year of the reval, for example, my bill jumped way up for Q3 and Q4 but then went back down the following year (to more than it was before the reval, but not THAT much). I remember calling the tax office about this (when I got the Q3 bill) and they explained that it was making up for the increase not being applied to Q1 and Q2, and that when the budget is finalized it is retroactive. So I guess it is Q3 AND Q4 that are affected (I was wrong in my statement about it just being Q3). B

Posted on: 2022/6/26 23:41

Re: Proposed School Budget Nears One Billion and Portends Big Tax Hike
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The increase is retroactive to the beginning of the year, so this estimated bill is basically Q3 with the increases for Q1 and Q2 added. It does not represent what each quarterly bill will be in the future. This always happens - Q3 is the largest of the year if the taxes increase, as it's making up for the increase not being included on Q1 and Q2.

Posted on: 2022/6/24 15:11

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Don’t Fall for the ‘VAERS Scare’ Tactic
Anti-vaxxers show how a precious vaccine adverse event reporting database can be used to scare the public ... t-fall-vaers-scare-tactic

Posted on: 2022/3/18 18:26

Re: Solid waste charge is major $$$
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Not too shy to talk

isn't it a retroactive charge including last year? (so going forward it won't be as high)

Posted on: 2022/3/10 20:55

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Not too shy to talk

I didn't see any mention of you having first-hand experience with anyone getting hurt by the vaccine?

Posted on: 2022/1/24 21:43

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The first of those other links you posted that I looked at ("COVID Shots Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease in Young People, MIT Scientist Warns") was quickly debunked with a little further research. Spreading information like this is dangerous.

Posted on: 2022/1/24 14:42

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

What 'basis' to 'believe'? That article simply says it's part of their ad network. Just like this site is loaded with Google ads and analytics/tracking. Nowhere does it mention FB controlling it.

Posted on: 2022/1/12 20:17

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

There is a difference between free speech and spreading dangerous misinformation!!!! Oh, and Facebook does not own Nextdoor (ar you trying to spread MORE misinformation?)

Posted on: 2022/1/10 21:40

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

That article is from April 2 (and the high rate mentioned was just for 65 & up). Currently, they are at 54% Fully Vaccinated: ... dbe740a1bad1393894ee4075/

Posted on: 2021/11/11 1:19

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Paragraphs 3 - 4 of that article:

"Does that mean the vaccines aren’t working?

No, experts say. Those positive cases represent just two-tenths of 1% of those who have been vaccinated. Experts say the vaccines were never guaranteed to stop all infection, but were designed to keep people from getting severely ill -- and they’re doing that.

“In the United States, 97% of the hospitalizations over the past three months, since delta came on the scene, are in unvaccinated people,” said Dr. Stephen Thomas, an infectious disease expert and director of Upstate Medical University’s Global Health Institute. “Ninety-nine percent of the people who have died of Covid in the last three months were unvaccinated.”

and later:

"It’s important to know what that 40% figure represents and what it doesn’t. It means that of all the county’s confirmed positive cases since July 1, 40% of them were in fully vaccinated people. It does not mean that 40% of fully vaccinated people were infected. "

Posted on: 2021/10/19 14:13

Edited by rscott on 2021/10/19 14:28:23

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

About the site that link( ... e-uttar-pradesh-horowitz/) is from:

Overall, we rate News Rescue Right-Center Biased and Questionable based on a lack of transparency, poor souring, and the promotion of conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Detailed Report
Reasoning: Lack of Transparency, Poor Sourcing, Propaganda, Conspiracy Theories
Country: Nigeria
World Press Freedom Rank: Nigeria 115/180


Founded in 2007, News Rescue is an anonymously run Nigerian news and opinion website. They completely lack transparency as they do not have an about page, name editors or owners.

Funded by / Ownership

News Rescue does not disclose ownership and revenue appears to be derived through advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, News Rescue reports news summaries and commentary on Nigerian and international news. Articles and headlines often contain loaded emotional wording such as this DOOM: NIGERIANS REACT AS PIGEONS RELEASED BY BUHARI REFUSE TO FLY. They also report on US politics with negative views toward Democratic President Joe Biden such as this BACK TO DAYS OF US WARS AND INTERVENTIONS: BIDEN SENDS TROOPS INTO SYRIA and this TIME ADMITS 2020 US ELECTION WAS “RIGGED” BY THE CABAL FOR BIDEN, KAMALA VICTORY. Time Magazine’s report never mentions the word “rigged.”

News Rescue frequently promotes conspiracy theories regarding Covid-19 as well anti-vaccination misinformation. They also routinely source conspiracy website Zerohedge for stories. In general, story selection favors the right and sometimes is not factual.

Overall, we rate News Rescue Right-Center Biased and Questionable based on a lack of transparency, poor souring, and the promotion of conspiracy theories and misinformation. (D. Van Zandt 1/22/2017) Updated (2/10/2021)


Posted on: 2021/10/18 21:39

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

An Instagram account with only 6 posts, sharing a video with absolutely no info as to who the person is/where it came from does not seem like a great source of information. I know I said this before, but now I am stepping away from this discussion. It's an absolute waste of time arguing. Media literacy is a very important thing.

Posted on: 2021/9/24 13:36

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Posted on: 2021/9/23 14:42

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Well the AMA themselves linked to this (from their Twitter account): ... public-health-people-die/

"Despite what Rush Limbaugh says, the AMA did not change its mind about hydroxychloroquine
In keeping with the theme of misinformation, Rush Limbaugh falsely reported this week that the American Medical Association “took back” its statement about hydroxychloroquine and now says doctors should consider recommending it to their patients. Except the AMA did no such thing.

It is true that the AMA considered a new statement on the drug when it met in November. But the AMA delegates stuck with their previous stance against it. Limbaugh’s website references this website as the source of Limbaugh’s misinformation but even that source has now backed down."

NOTE - that PDF many of your links point to is NOT A FINAL DECISION

If you dig around, you also get to this:

Resolution 509 – Hydroxychloroquine and Combination Therapies – Off-Label Use"

Posted on: 2021/9/21 22:19

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: United Kingdom (35/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Posted on: 2021/9/21 20:55

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Not too shy to talk

not wasting any more time here.

Posted on: 2021/9/21 17:27

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Not too shy to talk

The first one cites a study that it specifically says was NOT peer-reviewed.

The 2nd is a pure misinformation site.

Posted on: 2021/9/21 17:16

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

But there is still no evidence that hydroxychloroquine works.

Monoclonal antibodies ARE helpful but treatment costs much more than vaccination. But it too was only given 'emergency use authorization'

Posted on: 2021/9/21 16:47

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Again, a link to a site that is not a reputable source of information. Is this a site that you read regularly? Do you believe all of the other articles?

Posted on: 2021/9/21 15:03

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Please cite a source for this: " No healthy person under 50 really needs to get the vaccine. The top infectious disease scientist in the US who works at Baylor University said that in front of the Texas congress." - I tried finding more about it through a Google search but didn't come up with anything.

Posted on: 2021/6/18 14:37

Re: Citi Bike
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Not too shy to talk

In the Heights, we have a big problem with people riding to public transportation, etc, then the racks being empty for long periods of time so no one else can ride. Citibike is supposed to 'rebalance,' bringing more bikes, but they are often slow to do this (if they do it at all). I'd imagine this problem is even worse in other areas. Yes, it is an expense for Citibike, but if the city is allowing stations on public land with the intention of improving transportation for the city, they need to push to make sure it happens.

We were in danger of losing our stations last year but ended up keeping many of them. However, there are still often no bikes mid-day.

Posted on: 2018/4/24 14:02

Edited by rscott on 2018/4/24 14:30:19

Re: Logistics of 2 Family Home in the Heights
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Not too shy to talk

No outside management company needed, association pays bills (has a bank account).

Posted on: 2018/4/10 18:16

Re: Logistics of 2 Family Home in the Heights
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Not too shy to talk

It can go either way - I'm in a 2 unit condo association and it's fine, while those in the other unit had terrible experiences with the association in their previous (large) building. It just depends on who the other owners are!

Posted on: 2018/4/10 13:19

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