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Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2013/10/14 23:28
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Your brutish reply doesn't really deserve a response. I made my point.

But I do have to acknowledge two good features in the Newark Avenue area:

Vitta's Haberdashery -- there for fifty-seven years.

The GrapeVine Bar -- best dive joint in Jersey City.

Posted on: 2018/2/20 13:57

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2007/12/30 16:56
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RichMauro wrote:

papadage wrote:
Of course it is. The quality of life in Journal Square is increasing as more properties are built, and more amenities move in.

I say that as a forty year resident of Summit Avenue by Journal Square.

I was up in the Square for a while yesterday. Your world of alternate reality is a sad delusion.

Got it. Valueless bullshit insults instead of a point.

Posted on: 2018/2/17 18:19

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2013/10/14 23:28
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papadage wrote:
Of course it is. The quality of life in Journal Square is increasing as more properties are built, and more amenities move in.

I say that as a forty year resident of Summit Avenue by Journal Square.

I was up in the Square for a while yesterday. Your world of alternate reality is a sad delusion.

Posted on: 2018/2/17 13:53

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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RichMauro wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

RichMauro wrote:
I differ with your view.
I feel that the ultimate aim of developments like this is to push residents from their homes and neighborhoods and as such it invites a new kind of blight into an area. A seemingly compliant administration aids and abets the push. Does JC have the infrastructure to accommodate this acceleration of growth?It seems to me that NYC is annexing Jersey City by degrees. The transfiguration of the downtown area is now beginning its creep upward along Newark Avenue and will spread in all directions as it gathers strength.
At this point in time the Island area is like an oasis within the turmoil of change in JC. Yes, I may be wrong, and only time will tell.

Our infrastructure is definitely lacking, but guess what? This is the part that is conveniently ignored by so many: Jersey City is actually 15% smaller today than it was back in 1930, when it had its largest population. Heck, we are still smaller than we were back in the late 60s. We are not overpopulated. We are simply growing. Lack of historical perspective does not equal facts.

The only historical fact that should be recognized is that with the smaller population you are claiming the city is fast becoming a logistical nightmare. Is quality of life improving?

I never took you for one of those that waxes on poetically about "the good old days"...

If you truly don't think that quality of life has improved in JC over the past several decades, then you are showing a silly unwillingness to accept reality and a dogmatic attitude devoid of logic or common sense.

Take a look at the JC of 30, 40 or 50 years ago, and compare it to our city of today. If you can't see the improvements, you are being purposefully obtuse.

Posted on: 2018/2/14 23:37

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2007/12/30 16:56
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Of course it is. The quality of life in Journal Square is increasing as more properties are built, and more amenities move in.

I say that as a forty year resident of Summit Avenue by Journal Square.

Posted on: 2018/2/14 21:19

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2013/10/14 23:28
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bodhipooh wrote:

RichMauro wrote:
I differ with your view.
I feel that the ultimate aim of developments like this is to push residents from their homes and neighborhoods and as such it invites a new kind of blight into an area. A seemingly compliant administration aids and abets the push. Does JC have the infrastructure to accommodate this acceleration of growth?It seems to me that NYC is annexing Jersey City by degrees. The transfiguration of the downtown area is now beginning its creep upward along Newark Avenue and will spread in all directions as it gathers strength.
At this point in time the Island area is like an oasis within the turmoil of change in JC. Yes, I may be wrong, and only time will tell.

Our infrastructure is definitely lacking, but guess what? This is the part that is conveniently ignored by so many: Jersey City is actually 15% smaller today than it was back in 1930, when it had its largest population. Heck, we are still smaller than we were back in the late 60s. We are not overpopulated. We are simply growing. Lack of historical perspective does not equal facts.

The only historical fact that should be recognized is that with the smaller population you are claiming the city is fast becoming a logistical nightmare. Is quality of life improving?

Posted on: 2018/2/13 21:47

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2008/8/12 18:31
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RichMauro wrote:
I differ with your view.
I feel that the ultimate aim of developments like this is to push residents from their homes and neighborhoods and as such it invites a new kind of blight into an area. A seemingly compliant administration aids and abets the push. Does JC have the infrastructure to accommodate this acceleration of growth?It seems to me that NYC is annexing Jersey City by degrees. The transfiguration of the downtown area is now beginning its creep upward along Newark Avenue and will spread in all directions as it gathers strength.
At this point in time the Island area is like an oasis within the turmoil of change in JC. Yes, I may be wrong, and only time will tell.

Our infrastructure is definitely lacking, but guess what? This is the part that is conveniently ignored by so many: Jersey City is actually 15% smaller today than it was back in 1930, when it had its largest population. Heck, we are still smaller than we were back in the late 60s. We are not overpopulated. We are simply growing. Lack of historical perspective does not equal facts.

Posted on: 2018/2/13 16:29

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2013/10/14 23:28
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I differ with your view.
I feel that the ultimate aim of developments like this is to push residents from their homes and neighborhoods and as such it invites a new kind of blight into an area. A seemingly compliant administration aids and abets the push. Does JC have the infrastructure to accommodate this acceleration of growth?It seems to me that NYC is annexing Jersey City by degrees. The transfiguration of the downtown area is now beginning its creep upward along Newark Avenue and will spread in all directions as it gathers strength.
At this point in time the Island area is like an oasis within the turmoil of change in JC. Yes, I may be wrong, and only time will tell.

Posted on: 2018/2/13 14:20

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2008/8/12 18:31
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JCGuys wrote:

RichMauro wrote:
Is this the beginning of the assault on the Island area?
Imagine the shadow 42 stories will cast.

Assault on the Island area? Shadows cast? Good grief.

They said the same thing about the Journal Squared tower and its been a net positive. 42 floors is tall for east of Summit, but there is literally a 70+ story building across the street. Plus that stretch of Summit and the abandoned parking lot with weeds overgrown is in need of serious redevelopment.

Maybe this investment will help revitalize the area and there won't be so many rooming houses.

Ignore RichMauro... he keeps pushing the idea of class warfare by casting any progress or gentrification as "economic violence".

Posted on: 2018/2/13 14:14

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2015/5/28 0:34
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RichMauro wrote:
Is this the beginning of the assault on the Island area?
Imagine the shadow 42 stories will cast.

Assault on the Island area? Shadows cast? Good grief.

They said the same thing about the Journal Squared tower and its been a net positive. 42 floors is tall for east of Summit, but there is literally a 70+ story building across the street. Plus that stretch of Summit and the abandoned parking lot with weeds overgrown is in need of serious redevelopment.

Maybe this investment will help revitalize the area and there won't be so many rooming houses.

Posted on: 2018/2/13 8:20

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2013/10/14 23:28
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Is this the beginning of the assault on the Island area?
Imagine the shadow 42 stories will cast.

Posted on: 2018/2/13 0:10

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2012/2/20 18:20
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Eight-year fight over Jersey City tower plan could be nearing conclusion

JERSEY CITY — An eight-year-old effort by a company hoping to get a high-rise built near Journal Square may be nearing a conclusion, with the City Council this week scheduled to approve an ordinance required by a 2012 settlement between the city and property owners.

The ordinance set for initial approval on Wednesday would vacate a portion of West Street, a 250-foot, dead-end road off Magnolia Avenue, to make way for a potentially 42-story tower just east of Summit Avenue. The city agreed under the previous mayor, Jerramiah Healy, to give that portion of the street to the property owners, now Hap Investments, to settle a lawsuit. ... ity_plan_could_be_ne.html

Posted on: 2018/2/12 20:57

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2012/2/20 18:20
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Court victory paves way for new Journal Square high-rise

JERSEY CITY -- The owners of a property just outside Journal Square are demanding the city comply with a judicial order to vacate a portion of West Street, an action that would allow for construction of a high-rise on the site.

The city had been fighting the property owners in court, saying the previous council, which approved a deal to vacate the portion of West Street, was not legally permitted to tie the hands of the current council. An appellate court ruled in favor of the owners, Robinhood Plaza, in June and last month the New Jersey Supreme Court declined to hear the city's appeal. ... high-rise_win_new_co.html

Posted on: 2017/11/9 23:31

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2004/11/14 2:38
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Stringer wrote:

Ruling paves way for construction of Jersey City tower

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal The Jersey Journal 
October 08, 2015 at  3:21 PM

JERSEY CITY — A Hudson County Superior Court judge has ruled against Jersey City in its bid to halt construction of a tower that could rise up to 42 stories in Journal Square's Hilltop neighborhood.

Judge Barry P. Sarkisian ruled yesterday that the city reneged on its agreement with developer Robinhood Plaza and Sarkisian ordered the city to adopt an ordinance that would pave the way for construction on the tower to begin.

Read more: ... low_for_construction.html

let's hope this project gets no abatements...but i am doubtful

Posted on: 2015/10/9 0:33

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2012/2/20 18:20
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Ruling paves way for construction of Jersey City tower

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal The Jersey Journal 
October 08, 2015 at  3:21 PM

JERSEY CITY — A Hudson County Superior Court judge has ruled against Jersey City in its bid to halt construction of a tower that could rise up to 42 stories in Journal Square's Hilltop neighborhood.

Judge Barry P. Sarkisian ruled yesterday that the city reneged on its agreement with developer Robinhood Plaza and Sarkisian ordered the city to adopt an ordinance that would pave the way for construction on the tower to begin.

Read more: ... low_for_construction.html

Posted on: 2015/10/9 0:24

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2012/2/20 18:20
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Legal battle reignites over proposed Jersey City tower

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal The Jersey Journal
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on August 24, 2015 at  3:29 PM

JERSEY CITY — A battle that could determine how high developers can build in a residential Journal Square neighborhood is back in court, three years after the city negotiated a deal with the developer that would allow for a 42-story tower in the area.

The renewed legal fight comes as Journal Square prepares for a rush of new development that will lead to skyscrapers as high as 70 stories towering above the PATH transportation hub. Neighbors who live just to the east, in a neighborhood called the Hilltop, want the new towers to remain to their west.

Read more: ... oposed_jersey_city_t.html

Posted on: 2015/8/25 4:38

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2014/12/21 14:43
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MDM wrote:

Wishful_Thinking wrote:

On the other hand, living in the Heights I would love to see some development, if not of this magnitude!

I wouldn't mind a few high density market rate housing projects in the Heights, as long as there was some way of bringing in something like a HBLRT route. A route that would serve areas that are just too far away from JSQ or the stop near Congress St. (via elevator to Hoboken). How this could be done? Elevate the route (like the old trolleys were in parts through the heights) or dig a tunnel...

Buses get caught in traffic and miss their schedules, which makes them 3rd rate public transport compared to rail or bus only right of ways.

The above is wishful thinking on my part.. Given how its going to cost billions to run the PATH train a few miles, over an existing right of way to Newark Airport, I doubt such a project would ever be affordable.

At the risk of stealing Brewster's thunder:

Posted on: 2015/5/6 19:46

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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Wishful_Thinking wrote:

On the other hand, living in the Heights I would love to see some development, if not of this magnitude!

I wouldn't mind a few high density market rate housing projects in the Heights, as long as there was some way of bringing in something like a HBLRT route. A route that would serve areas that are just too far away from JSQ or the stop near Congress St. (via elevator to Hoboken). How this could be done? Elevate the route (like the old trolleys were in parts through the heights) or dig a tunnel...

Buses get caught in traffic and miss their schedules, which makes them 3rd rate public transport compared to rail or bus only right of ways.

The above is wishful thinking on my part.. Given how its going to cost billions to run the PATH train a few miles, over an existing right of way to Newark Airport, I doubt such a project would ever be affordable.

Posted on: 2015/5/6 17:20

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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So when Boggiano suggests the project be used as an anal toy he gets a pass, but when Fulop says something sucks Tante Yvonne is bent out of shape (hint: Google Tante Yvonne).

Posted on: 2015/5/6 14:37

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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On the one hand, I feel this represents the utter failure of the concept of urban planning - the contrast of scale and materiality is jarring, and the lack of any contextual relationship of the tower to it's surroundings really diminishes what sense of place the Hilltop neighborhood remains.

On the other hand, living in the Heights I would love to see some development, if not of this magnitude!

Two questions - when did Netter buy the parcel, and exactly what would they have "lost" adhering to the JS masterplan?

Posted on: 2015/5/5 14:45

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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i actually like this design a lot more than i was expecting to. ... ml#incart_related_stories

just more unique than a lot of the standard brick 40+ story buildings downtown. i am for it, and again its across the street from a 70 story tower, so lets keep it in context. JSQ is inevitably going to grow, so as long as the growth is done responsibly, i say, bring it on.

Posted on: 2015/5/5 14:24

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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Posted on: 2015/5/4 19:54

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2014/12/15 16:55
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Thanks Pebble, that sounds like an awesome place to start. Funny, I use Paulus Hook as an example because I used to live in that awesome neighborhood for about 7 years (back 15 years ago) until I couldn't afford it anymore . Can't believe I had to move because of the massive increase in prices, but that's how it goes. Believe me, aside from the aesthetics of my neighborhood, I love living there....just hoping for some much needed development to come our way. In another 10 years, my 20 year plan will come true hopefully! I'll have that gingerbread house by the time I retire!

Posted on: 2015/3/13 17:30

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2013/3/29 21:43
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zerkski wrote:
Your speaking like we have Paulus Hook funds to remove that siding. I hear ya, but we can't make our homes look nicer when we have no money. That plastic siding costs a fortune to restore to the brick. Maybe you could lend me a few bucks and we could do this together! Most of us that bought here in past 10-15 years cannot even refinance because we are underwater...things are not as easy as they seem! We got a big ass building being built in the Armory parking lot and I am filled with joy!

Um? I live down the road further towards ?the hood.? I?m not in Paulus Hook.

However, I suggest you look into the state?s restoration fund. You?ll find that they have money available to those looking to restore properties.

Posted on: 2015/3/13 16:56
Dos A Cero

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2014/12/15 16:55
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Values will go up, but it hasn't happened yet, as most of those buildings haven't even broken ground.

Posted on: 2015/3/13 16:51

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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zerkski wrote:
I live in Journal Square near the it, it's ugly, neighbors are great. Bring on those 150 story highrises. I struggle every month to make3 my mortgage payments on a house that has actually lost value over the past 12 years. Gentrify the hell out of this neighborhood because the JHournal Square of 1950s does not exist anymore. We gotta make some positive progress at some time or the area will continue to implode. Progress is accomplished by building new big ass buildings and the increased home values and employment opportunities that come with it!

I thought all the new towers that are planned and the projects that are in the works were driving RE values up in the Journal Sq area.

Posted on: 2015/3/12 20:29

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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zerkski wrote:
Your speaking like we have Paulus Hook funds to remove that siding. I hear ya, but we can't make our homes look nicer when we have no money.

Don't forget the city and the county will reward your efforts and expense by raising your taxes, since your property is now worth more. The best you can hope for is a 5 year tax abatement to ease the financial pain just a bit.

Taxing improved value has the perverse effect of making people to NOT want to maintain or improve their properties.

Posted on: 2015/3/11 21:14

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2014/12/15 16:55
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2018/6/19 13:13
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Your speaking like we have Paulus Hook funds to remove that siding. I hear ya, but we can't make our homes look nicer when we have no money. That plastic siding costs a fortune to restore to the brick. Maybe you could lend me a few bucks and we could do this together! Most of us that bought here in past 10-15 years cannot even refinance because we are underwater...things are not as easy as they seem! We got a big ass building being built in the Armory parking lot and I am filled with joy!

Posted on: 2015/3/11 20:12

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2013/3/29 21:43
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zerkski wrote:
I live in Journal Square near the it, it's ugly, neighbors are great. Bring on those 150 story highrises. I struggle every month to make3 my mortgage payments on a house that has actually lost value over the past 12 years. Gentrify the hell out of this neighborhood because the JHournal Square of 1950s does not exist anymore. We gotta make some positive progress at some time or the area will continue to implode. Progress is accomplished by building new big ass buildings and the increased home values and employment opportunities that come with it!

I'm mostly in agreement, though I don't think the only solution is "new big ass buildings." I think the area by the Armory can improve greatly with some people taking down the plastic siding and exposing a lot of the brick that is hidden underneath. I think the area improves when the money starts coming in from new renters that want to see an improved property.

Posted on: 2015/3/11 17:10
Dos A Cero

Re: 42-story residential tower on tap for Journal Square
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2014/12/15 16:55
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2018/6/19 13:13
From Journal Square
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I live in Journal Square near the it, it's ugly, neighbors are great. Bring on those 150 story highrises. I struggle every month to make3 my mortgage payments on a house that has actually lost value over the past 12 years. Gentrify the hell out of this neighborhood because the JHournal Square of 1950s does not exist anymore. We gotta make some positive progress at some time or the area will continue to implode. Progress is accomplished by building new big ass buildings and the increased home values and employment opportunities that come with it!

Posted on: 2015/3/11 15:42

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