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Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/10/10 7:29
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2020/12/12 3:48
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How much does it cost Symes to have DPW workers bus seniors to file absentee votes?
Please note this DPW worker is former Mayor and convicted felon Gerry McCann.
Solomon could lend himself all the money in the world and still not afford what Symes has been given.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2017/12/3 7:32

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2009/5/12 22:51
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K-Lo2 wrote:
I was at headquarters from 12 - 4 today. No "day laborers" but thanks for playing.

So what you are saying it is some of her volunteers are being jerks?

The money spent on this Ward E seat truly is obscene. And I generally don't get concerned about campaign funding because that is the ugly nature of the beast... Think about the real good this money could have done for any number of city programs or local charities, especially around this time of year.

It would have been nice if the two candidates sat down and agreed to a spending cap for the runoff election. At the moment I am leaning toward Symes purely for the fact that Solomon loaned or donated so much of his own money to his campaign. That is his business but to me that seems a little out of the norm for this activity and I wonder how he would be managing city budgets and controlling expenses?

Posted on: 2017/12/3 6:22

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/1/3 18:17
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I was at headquarters from 12 - 4 today. No "day laborers" but thanks for playing.

Posted on: 2017/12/3 2:56

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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2005/6/8 3:24
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Most out today are volunteers. Remember, Rebecca is being outspent 2-1. Does she have any paid help with canvassing and/or election day leaflets? I assume so, but most of it is not paid. Unlike her opponent she can't just dump tens of thousands of dollars in the race.

Posted on: 2017/12/3 0:34

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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2009/5/12 22:51
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JPhurst wrote:
I'll just say this.

A candidate doesn't get dozens of volunteers to come out and canvass because they are "pawns of developers." Developers have $ but not the boots that you saw on the streets of Ward E.

Symes is GANGSTA!

You are kidding right with that comment right? There are companies that provide temporary day labor just for these types of things. For all we know they could be union people bussed in for the weekend.

I do not know if that is the case but I would like to think that some of the intrusive behavior is coming from "paid" volunteers rather than some of our neighbors making a royal pain of themselves.

Posted on: 2017/12/3 0:13

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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teddypath wrote:
Today, two of Symes volunteers (2 women), buzzed all buzzers in our building until someone buzzed them in....

Cool story bro

Posted on: 2017/12/3 0:11

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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2005/6/8 3:24
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I'll just say this.

A candidate doesn't get dozens of volunteers to come out and canvass because they are "pawns of developers." Developers have $ but not the boots that you saw on the streets of Ward E.

Symes is GANGSTA!

Posted on: 2017/12/2 23:40

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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2009/5/12 22:51
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They were also out hanging the doorknob leaflets on the wrought iron private property fences along Grand Street / Warren block. They slipped the pamphlets under my front door (very aggravating)and then decorated the neighborhood sidewalks.

I was tempted to collect them and bring them up to Symes office on Washington and complain, but i was headed over to City Hall event. They seemed to be gone (but it was dark) when I returned home.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 22:42

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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2016/2/17 19:49
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Call JCPD and report that you have trespassers in your building, they are not guests of any resident, they are in your hallway and acting in a frightening and aggressive manner.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 22:07

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/1/3 18:17
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If pawn equals former employee in your language so be it.

As for predatory behavior..... Roy Moore is a predator, Harvey Weinstein is a predator. Paying top dollar to very happy sellers is smart. Both parties to the transaction are happy. That's a good deal.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 22:02

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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2017/1/3 18:17
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Teddypath, so what you're saying is Rebecca Symes was responsive to your calls? Terrific. That's what I said on the hundreds of calls I made today for Rebecca. Call her...she will be responsive. (We were encouraged to give her cell number to everyone.)

Thanks for posting.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 21:57

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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2005/6/8 3:24
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Good. This belies the fabricated claim that Tommy Bertoli and developers are getting them special access.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 21:17

Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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2007/4/25 23:05
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Today, two of Symes volunteers (2 women), buzzed all buzzers in our building until someone buzzed them in. They knocked on my door, confirmed my name like they were my best friend (yes they have a list) and are belligerent about telling you about the special election. When asked to leave our private condo building, they kept talking about the election. I had to physically walk them out the door and asked them to leave four or five times. They clearly were going to each door in our apartment building on Hamilton Park. When asked to leave, again, they remained in our vestibule, called their supervisor until I said 'you both have to leave now or I'm calling 911". Then, one of the volunteers handed me her phone (whose supervisor was on the phone), and I said the same thing to her 'supervisor' - they are not leaving. They finally left after several more times telling them to open the door and leave our building or I'm calling 911. They then stood in front of our building and talked on the phone about the situation to someone for about 20 minutes. Then, they went to the building next door. Long story short, these two women are apparently ringing every doorbell, walking to every unit once they gain access to building and AGGRESSIVELY to canvass. I called Rebecca Symes who was very apologetic and promised this would not happen. This is an FYI to all.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 20:41

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff

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2017/11/15 5:21
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2018/7/1 17:04
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Symes being a woman isn't a good enough reason to vote for her.

Her being a pawn of a predatory Australian real estate investment company is a good reason not to vote for her.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 19:00

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2009/10/7 15:46
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I guess Symes is a shoo-in after today?s long awaited SM endorsement?.

I have decided to throw my full support to Rebecca Symes in Ward F. (can?t beat that smile) I hope the thousands of people who follow me will follow my lead and vote her into office. (ok yes I have been known to use Trump-notation quite often) I find it mind boggling that her opponent is saying she is bad for JC because of some sort of a past developer connection. Since when did the word developer become a bad word in JC? Since AFTER Downtown has been developed? Really? Jersey City would be NOWHERE without developers. Let?s not stop the flow now, there are other wards jonesing for some developer love. Maybe she can give other Council members an insight on how developers function when considering projects.

Besides with all that is going on in the news with nasty stories about how women were/are being treated wouldn?t it be nice to have three of our Wards lead by strong women.

Rebecca Symes FORWARD E Council 1A


Posted on: 2017/12/2 16:27

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2009/5/15 4:26
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Only 72 hours left to bash slimy Symes. Knowing how inept Solomon's campaign is, we need more hate.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 12:13

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/10/10 7:29
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The Symes support certainly seems to have a lunatic fringe.

Win or lose, Dixon Advisory are going to pay for interfering in our local democracy.

Posted on: 2017/12/1 11:41

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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All the smears and innuendo being posted by the Solomon supporters reek of the same desperation shown by the Healy lackeys in the days leading up to the 2013 election.

Solomon is a trustafarian, plain and simple, with a serious "white savior" complex. I can't wait for next week, when Rebecca Symes trounces him at the polls. I am only disappointed that I will not be able to vote, as I am out of town and will not be back for another 10 days. :(

Posted on: 2017/12/1 11:34

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/10/10 7:29
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But, yes, I urge to you watch the dark money funded video and ask yourself where they got the footage of Rebecca from.

Posted on: 2017/12/1 5:31

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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santaclaus wrote:

Watch this video again, Dan Levin. That's not Rebecca's voice, that's what we call "a voice-over." Video can be repurposed from anywhere, the technology is super-amazing. For example, Trump did not send the Access Hollywood tape to any PAC to use in ads. They figured out how to do that on their own.

When you're reading this you have to remember that this guy used his phone to record a video playing on the internet and then uploaded it to the internet.


Posted on: 2017/12/1 5:30

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/10/10 7:29
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I mean this is clearly broadcast quality footage and, as Jim Behrle appears to point out, they used two different sources. Both her own soft focus ad and the chicpea shoot with the white wall.

This means they MUST have got it from Symes.


Posted on: 2017/12/1 5:27

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/11/16 2:39
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Watch this video again, Dan Levin. That's not Rebecca's voice, that's what we call "a voice-over." Video can be repurposed from anywhere, the technology is super-amazing. For example, Trump did not send the Access Hollywood tape to any PAC to use in ads. They figured out how to do that on their own.

Posted on: 2017/12/1 5:19

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/10/10 7:29
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If the dark money PAC did not collude with Rebecca Symes, how did they get all the footage of her?

Posted on: 2017/12/1 4:54

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2005/6/8 3:24
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I've seen the most recent ads by the campaigns. Rebecca's was a positive upbeat spot showing her around downtown and touting her qualifications.

James's was an excerpt from the debate moderated by Terrence McDonald of the Jersey Journal (great job Terrence). The debate was really good, and issues oriented, except one question where James tried to put Rebecca on the spot about the Operating Engineers ad. Terrence raised it so I didn't think it was out of bounds to opine on it.

Yet from a nearly 1 hour debate where the candidates showed themselves to be articulate and with good ideas, the Solomon campaign chose the one negative spot in the debate? It's like the campaign doesn't have confidence in its own candidate and vision, and feels it can only win this by tearing Symes down.

It really didn't have to be that way.

Posted on: 2017/12/1 2:43

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2005/2/9 1:47
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 Aaron Morrell  who Co -founded of the  Jersey City good government group Civic JC has endorsed Rebecca Symes for Ward E councilperson. Aaron is a frequent critic of the adminitration and our mayor.

Aaron told me and I paraphrase. I encourage eveyone in Jersey City to talk to Rebecca so they find out she's not the person James Solomons camp charactrizes her as.

Posted on: 2017/12/1 1:16

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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MND wrote:
Short Hills Solomon  is not the white knight to save the day.He's a carnival pitch man. Exploiting his Cancer, going affter low hanging fruit Trump, Kushner to no effect, expoiting a kids traffic death  minutes after the tragedy.

Wasn?t someone whining about all the vicious attacks on Symes?

Posted on: 2017/12/1 0:51

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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Two vie to replace Jersey City's Ward E councilwoman

JERSEY CITY -- Ward E is home to the most expensive council race in Jersey City this year, and the money continued to flow in a major way after Election Day.

The two candidates in the Dec. 5 runoff -- James Solomon and Rebecca Symes -- have reported raising more than $324,000 combined, while an independent group with ties to a labor union has reported shelling out $43,700 on polling and a television ad in support of Symes. ... s_ward_e_councilwoma.html

Posted on: 2017/11/30 23:42

Re: Dark Money in Ward E Race
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Posted on: 2017/11/30 0:57

dark money in ward e race
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2005/3/30 7:01
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Many of James? family members have maxed out contributions. His father is deceased and many of his fathers? friends have donated to James out of of respect. Additionally, James has college and grad school friends all over the US who believe in him and have donated - the same way he has donated to their political and charitable causes.

Posted on: 2017/11/30 0:22

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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2017/10/10 7:29
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To tell you the truth I'm a little worried about Phil "No-Sale" Rivo's mental health.
Look at these posts, he's melting down.

Posted on: 2017/11/29 23:20

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