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New Ice Cream Shop Cryo Cream Opening Tomorrow at 3pm on Monmouth
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A new ice cream and coffee shop is opening tomorrow at 3pm on Monmouth between 3rd and 4th. The chef's been featured on Food Network for his cool liquid nitrogen desserts.

I tried the cold brew and it was amazing. It was pretty strong just warning ya.

Posted on: 2019/7/19 0:33

Re: McNair Academic Ranked #1 in NJ!
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Quite a regular

Infinity is 49 and Liberty is 200. So as in any big city there?s a mix. When the top performing students go to test in schools McNair, Infinity, Liberty, High Tech, and County Prep, it?s hard for the regular high schools to have top test scores. My son is going to high school next year and there?s a lot of good choices. I did hear MCCabe was great and that 25 students got in to Ivy League schools this year. Parents told me she pushed kids to think of different college options and expand their horizons.

Posted on: 2019/7/5 23:34

Re: JCBOE - who are you voting for and why?
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The union supports 1,2 and3.

Joshua I?m speaking for myself not the candidates. They have run a totally positive campaign and good for them. If I had been writing their campaign messaging you would know it.

However the question posed was who do people support and why? I support 4,5 and 6, because the other side has aligned themselves with the Board President.

I don?t think Sudhan Thomas has been a good Board President, for a lot of reasons. First and foremost I think it was unethical to fire Dr. Lyles staff without notice and opened the district up to legal action. ... cials_signal_lawsuit.html

Also his own personal financial problems make him unfit to hold the role as Board President. ... rd_president_lawsuit.html

And if that weren?t enough I hold him at least partially responsible for the teachers strike. He had ample opportunity to send the teachers contract to mediation and didn?t.

So those are my reasons. I?m sure you will have a rebuttal and yes I was a part of Parents for Progress but have nothing to do with Jersey City United so you are wrong again there.

Posted on: 2018/11/5 5:44

Re: JCBOE - who are you voting for and why?
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Quite a regular

I?m voting for Vidya, Neil, and Dominique.

I am not happy with the leadership on the board right now. (Sudhan Thomas and his gang) They seem more concerned with political vengeance than helping the kids. Vidya has her kids in the public school and has been consistently a smart, responsible, respectful leader. And I absolutely love Dominique and Neil. They are super bright, energetic, positive, and exactly the types of leaders we need for the Democratic Party. Both have acting been endorsed by national organizations ( a first I think for JC) Dominique is endorsed by Run For Something, and Neil by the Victory Fund.

Posted on: 2018/11/2 4:06

Re: You know your neighborhood is gentrifying when...
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$15 for a bowl of ramen

Posted on: 2018/9/3 3:10

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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I love the statue. I actually have no idea why the mayor is going down this path antagonizing Polish people. He needs to apologize. Also, Let the public have some mechanism for input on the SID for exchange place. Developers can?t just have a free hand on public space. Every candidate in Ward E ran against the unchecked power of developers. It?s cool art and not divisive. It?s a monument to a terrible event perpetrated by a dictator. That Russia denied until 2010. The reason we need reminders and dialogue is tha people forget how monstrous Hitler and Stalin were. My kids are privileged. They feel protected. But I bet many middle class soldiers and Jews felt safe before WW2. Atrocities happen and we have remember them.

Posted on: 2018/5/9 11:45

Re: JC Public Schools is short $70 million
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But Data can be manipulated and he states the edlaw study is bias, where upon first reading I thought it was a good analysis. Obviously some suburban school districts are still very upset about the Abbott ruling. Also Jersey City budget ballooned under state control, which suburbs never contended with. State control is part of the reason why we needed adjustment aid to begin with. The study says we need to force pilots to contribute and increase local fair share OVER TIME. In the meantime our district still dilapidated buildings and other problems because of state control. I just want to make sure Suburban malcontents aren?t trying to hijak a nuanced debate about how to fund our schools going forward. Full disclosure my kids attend JCPS!

Posted on: 2018/4/2 23:04

Re: JC Public Schools is short $70 million
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Quite a regular

Ok so it?s clear you have some objections to the study. And I was misinformed in thinking some of edlaw researchers were related to Rutgers. Also if they are funded by JCEA I agree there is probably some bias there. But I looked on your blog and see no disclosure of your name/identity. I think that it would be powerful to disclose this information so we can see what your potential agenda/bias may be. Especially if you are accusing others...

Posted on: 2018/4/2 20:49

Re: JC Public Schools is short $70 million
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Quite a regular

Here?s a good overview of funding issues from Rutgers Edlaw. It?s a complex issue and will need more than just a portion of abatements to fix. But it?s good to understand that we are not overfunded based on the number of disadvantaged, eel,and special needs kids we serve. ... _School_Funding_Case_.pdf

Posted on: 2018/4/1 20:00

Re: N.J. city shuts down burlesque show, citing obscenity laws
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Quite a regular

JC voter, while amusing, is definitely not James Solomon, who probably doesn?t even read I jclist.

But on another note how cool is it that we have FM a space that feels old school with live performances. It?s a pretty awesome place and makes me feel like I?m in college again.

Posted on: 2018/3/31 1:55

Re: NJ Rates Your Public Schools - What's Your PS Score?
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It?s not that Lccs is not diverse, it just has an overwhelming more white and Asian students than the public schools do.The test scores and great schools ratings used to be higher because they were heavily based on overall test scores. The adjusted formulas look more at how specific students grow throughout the year, and how minority communities test. According to great schools black children at LCCS are far underperforming those in the state and in the Jersey City public schools. For many years LCCS parents and advocates have been claiming that LCCS has been outperforming Jersey City Public Schools but as the public schools improve and the measurements become better it?s clear that is not true. Many public schools including 16, 5, 27, and 28 are clearly outperforming Lccs when it comes to educating diverse communities. All four of those schools have seen recent population changes but the academic infrastructure has been in place for years. If you want your child to go to LCCS to get a more progressive experience that?s legit but the days of saying the charters are in any way outperforming the public schools is done, with the exception of soaring heights. My issue is that many LCCS parents tout diversity and progressive values while doing the unprogressive act of opting out of a truly diverse school system that needs motivated parents to improve. Yes some public schools are pretty tough but I promise you ten or twenty involved families can turn a school around. I?m also tired of gentrifying parents particularly those from LCCS who actively tried to convince me that I shouldn?t send my son to MS 4 AEP
Because ?those kids? that are not in AEP are very rough. ?Those kids? are part of our community and what benefit does gentrification do for our city if people continue the divisive rhetoric that promotes school segregation.

Posted on: 2018/1/27 0:55

Re: NJ Rates Your Public Schools - What's Your PS Score?
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You can tell more from the new ratings. It?s easier to get good test scores from demographically favorable groups. If your students are growing every year and you are making progress with all demographic groups the students will be well prepared academically for high school. Traditionally McNair teachers say that the students coming out of the academic public middle schools are better prepared than the LCCS students. Just an FYI. Most of the kids from Academy One and AEP at MS 4 seem to make the McNair transition pretty easily.

Posted on: 2018/1/26 19:13

Re: NJ Rates Your Public Schools - What's Your PS Score?
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Quite a regular

LCCS dropped on great schools because the ratings were adjusted to take into account things like diversity and growth. Since LCCS serves a different population than district school ( ie more whites and Asians) their ratings were always higher. Most schools that previously had 10s on great schools weren?t integrated and so they wisely realized it was an engine for school segregation. Now many JC elementary schools have a higher ranking than LCCS because they are making more progress with diverse students. One charter school that did quite well was soaring heights but we don?t see the new parents flocking toward that lottery. Why not? I think we all need to be aware that these school segregation issues are real and pressing and it?s economic segregation as well as racial.

Posted on: 2018/1/26 17:42

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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Quite a regular

Because they are smart and know how to read ELEC reports and everyone knows who paid for the poll now. Because of the link I keep posting.

Are you implying there were two $30,000 live polls at the same time. Call the PAC they will tell you.

You can't possibly still be having this argument with the truth in front of you.

You're just a troll that wants your post at the top.

Posted on: 2017/12/3 22:47

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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Quite a regular

The poll tested negatives against both candidates. Literally they could have designed the poll that way to make it look suspicious.
Tommy Bertoli is a pro at dirty tricks. They were in the Hoboken Race doing weird polls too.

Here is the linked to the disbursement from stronger foundations paying for the poll. Call Rebecca's campaign and ask her I'm sure they will admit the PAC paid for it.

Here's some accusations against Stronger Foundations from the Hoboken mayoral. ... ken-election-ravi-bhalla/

Posted on: 2017/12/3 22:37

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Here's the ELEC report of the payment disbursement FOR THE POLL. Stronger Foundations paid for it and then trolls came on here an attributed it to James. Talk about dirty tricks. Stronger Foundations paid for the poll.

I got the poll on Monday November 13th. I called the Solomon campaign immediately because it was a "live" poll and I knew neither candidate could afford to spend $30,000 on a poll. It was the first they had heard of it. There had been rumors of a development PAC forming for Rebecca but I had serious doubts a PAC would jump into a Ward runoff. It didn't seem real. Boy was I wrong. James has development interest truly scared.

And if you aren't a troll for the Symes campaign sign your name or stop posting nonsense.

Posted on: 2017/12/3 22:15

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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Quite a regular

So here?s why the dark money matters. Remember they don?t have to disclose their donors.

The amounts you are talking about that James and Rebecca spent while high will be dwarfed by what this dark money PAC will spend pushing Rebecca. Rebecca and James have about 1000 likes on Facebook. Their campaign sponsored ads get roughly 6000-7000 views. The Stronger Foundations commercial has 30,000 views. They are running all day everyday. It is also running on television which is much more expensive. TV ads in a ward e race! The pac spent $35,000 on polling as soon as they jumped in the race. Then Symes supporters on this list tried to pretend James put out the poll. Stronger Foundations has since disclosed an election report showing they paid for the poll, $35,000!

Some people suggested this is a labor pac and does appear to have some labor individuals attached to it. It?s labor with close connections to development interests. But we actually have no idea who is spending this money and probably never will. So we have to assume its developers, it?s the only assumption that makes sense for a thinking person. We know Tommy Bertoli pushes developers projects through city governments, that?s what he does. We know that Stronger Foundations contributes to the campaigns he is involved in. The Jersey Journal has reported that he is working for Rebecca. As the money rolls in the machine falls in line behind Rebecca and things never change.

Please connect the dots and Vote for James on Tuesday. The developers are scared that the days of abatements will end in ward e. They should be scared because we have the will of the people. We will win on Tuesday if thinking people come out and vote.

Thanks for reading I probably won?t go back and forth with anyone. But I won?t quietly let them do this.

Felicia Noth
Community Activist

Posted on: 2017/12/3 16:56

Edited by ecinjc on 2017/12/3 17:12:31

Stronger Foundations (Symes supporter)Paid for poll
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Quite a regular

I knew a development pac paid for that poll, now it?s confirmed!

Posted on: 2017/11/30 1:08

Re: Dark Money in Ward E Race
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Quite a regular

Posted on: 2017/11/30 0:57

dark money in ward e race
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Quite a regular

Many of James? family members have maxed out contributions. His father is deceased and many of his fathers? friends have donated to James out of of respect. Additionally, James has college and grad school friends all over the US who believe in him and have donated - the same way he has donated to their political and charitable causes.

Posted on: 2017/11/30 0:22

Re: Dark Money in Ward E Race
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Quite a regular

I?m just mad someone called me a sock puppet.

Posted on: 2017/11/29 22:48

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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Quite a regular

I?m not smearing Rebecca. It just doesn?t have to be this way. This system where developers run wild and don?t give anything back. This system exists because development interest run campaigns and donate to campaigns. It?s why things don?t change. People who support development interests are both working on her campaign and now a pac is contributing to her campaign. The truth is not a smear. I?m here I?m posting under my own name. I?m a community activist who became hyper engaged in this race when I felt that my ward was being bought by Rebecca Symes. If you want to accuse me of something sign your posts. This is the first time we?ve seen TV ads in a municipal ward race, to my knowledge. You minimize but you know it?s true. I?ll do some research on Stronger Together and I?ll be back with what I find, which I?m sure will confirm what should be obvious. People can say anything, actions matter. Have Rebecca publicly condemn this pac money and dark money and I?ll stop posting.

Felicia Noth

Posted on: 2017/11/29 22:28

Re: Dark Money in Ward E Race
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Quite a regular

Please don?t pretend these are local union workers who live in ward e this pac has been spreading money all over New Jersey.

This is the first pac money in a council race. Where are the commercials in other wards? I don?t see any TV for Hanussak.

Just ask yourself.Why here? Why now? That?s all.

Posted on: 2017/11/29 20:16

Re: Dark Money in Ward E Race
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Quite a regular

Let?s say they disclose their donors and it actually is operating engineers. How can a person take that money for TV ads and not be beholden to them? This is how construction/developers win. I want a councilperson beholden to constituents not labor. Don?t you get it that?s why we have all these abatements with minimal community givebacks. We need to hold developers feet to the fire to give back to our neighborhood. This is about Ward E quality of life James starts talking about smart development and this pac starts running tv ads in a council runoff. Tv ads on msnbc.

Posted on: 2017/11/29 17:40

Re: Dark Money in Ward E Race
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Quite a regular

The issue here is dark special interest money. We don?t know who it?s from but let?s assume ( best case scenario ) it?s operation engineers and others with development ties. Why are they afraid of James?

Maybe because he?s independent.

Basically all your responses against are personal attacks James ie. that he?s white and not poor. I?m not personally insulting Rebecca except her bad choices to let development interests fund her campaign.

Posted on: 2017/11/29 15:44

Re: Dark Money in Ward E Race
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Quite a regular

Right that's why the Jersey Journal is reporting on the fact James is getting donations from friends and family. Oh wait they aren't. They are reporting about the DARK MONEY in a council race.

This is big money coming from outside interests. Why? Developers and development interests are afraid enough of something to POUR money into this campaign. It's not nothing it's something a BIG DIRTY something. The video is running NON-STOP on Facebook.

Are they scared they won't get their way anymore. Looks like it. Don't let them buy us or our votes. And if you are real people who actually don't think this is important then sign your posts and let's see.

Posted on: 2017/11/29 0:27

Dark Money in Ward E Race
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Quite a regular

Hi all,

Most of you know me as a local schools activist and a parent chasing my crazy kids at the playground. Since last time I posted I got called a sock puppet I'll sign this one. I'm admittedly a huge James Solomon fan because he is my neighbor and super smart and ethical guy.

But now I'm just mad that development interests ( ie. construction unions and god only knows who else.) ARE TRYING TO BUY our council race. A PAC called Stronger Together, who doesn't disclosed their donors, are pouring huge money into Rebecca Symes campaign. They clearly have a favorite in this race and it is not James. So for all those people who think Rebecca and James are the same... the developers clearly don't agree. But please read this article judge for yourself, and don't let this election be bought by developers. Develop don't destroy! ... _in_jersey_city_coun.html

Felicia Noth
Parent and Schools Activist

Posted on: 2017/11/28 23:33

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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Quite a regular

I actually don't think I'm throwing around smears or innuendo. I read in the journal that Tom Bertoli is working on her campaign.In my opinion that speaks to either very bad decision making or bad character. Yes he's good at what he does but having hime consulting on a campaign and then trying to claim you are independent of developers is completely disingenuous.

And in response to JP I'm sure Rebecca also worked hard to get her votes. But it sounds like you admit Bertoli is working on her campaign and seem OK with it.

Do you not know his recent history? ... eveloper_friends_ex-.html

Posted on: 2017/11/27 16:00

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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Quite a regular

I'm pretty sure Fulop has distanced himself fro Bertoli for quite some time now since some not so great information has come out about him. If Fulop was still working with Bertoli it would be sketchy but pretty sure he's not. Read recent Jersey Journal reports about some of the information on him. It doesn't take much digging to connect the dots.

Posted on: 2017/11/26 21:57

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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Quite a regular

How is no one else seriously disturbed by what the Jersey Journal mentions so casually yesterday.

That TOM BERTOLI is among Rebecca's advisors. Everyone knows he works closely with developers to push their projects through. I was even under the impression that he is under some type of investigation. This would explain why Rebecca's numbers were higher in the waterfront, Bertoli is a master at getting access to those buildings because of his close relationship with developers. Rebecca should definitely address this assertion. If it's true then there is absolutely no question that her alliances are with developers no matter what she says.

"Solomon has worked in Boston government circles and, as evidenced at debates, is well-spoken, has ideas and is far from shy about taking verbal shots at the mayor. The college instructor's problem is that he finished about 500 votes behind Symes earlier this month. Symes has among her advisors, right-side of brain planner Tom Bertoli. It's too late in the season for Solomon to give out turkeys." ... aps_political_inside.html

Posted on: 2017/11/26 20:58

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