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Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2014/8/25 19:18
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JSleeze wrote:

Monroe wrote:

Give me a break, do you want to break down every cost for every POTUS and their families? Right now, Obama is sunning himself on a private island in Tahiti-for a month-with Secret Service protection-an island with one hotel, where rooms start at $2K a night. Michelle is god knows where getting protection, as are both kids, one in DC and the other in NY.

Jesus Christ, Mary Pat - do you even have the ability to critique information as you take it in or is it just a straight mainlining of Hannity, Rush and the Dooce?

No. There isn't only one hotel in Tahiti. $2,000 a night? No. There are many, many for far less - the InterContinental is showing up on Trip Advisor, for instance, for $270 per night. This is the same asinine shit that led to a bunch of bobble heads running around saying Obama's trip to India cost $2 billion. That was absurd on its face - if you stopped and thought about math - m-a-t-h - for like three seconds, you'd realize that unless they were sleeping with blankets that were stuffed with ten million dollar bills, it would be impossible to spend $2 billion. But thinking isn't much at a premium these days...

They've actually already admitted on here that they are okay with being lied to. I really only engage because it's so easy to poke holes in the bullshit but then they just ignore any sources/facts and start ranting about Obama. Not a lot of thinkers on Trump's side to the surprise of no one.

Posted on: 2017/3/21 22:33

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2013/5/15 14:11
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jsleeze, he's staying on a private island with one hotel. I guess the SS could helicopter in from another island . . . or paddle an outrigger . . . or use a Miami Vice powerboat . . . but the fact remains that the SS is providing 24/7 security while Barack Hussein Obama is spending a month in Polynesia. Which is fine and proper, as is providing protection for a First Family in office. ... s-barack-obama/index.html

Posted on: 2017/3/21 22:15

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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Monroe wrote:

Give me a break, do you want to break down every cost for every POTUS and their families? Right now, Obama is sunning himself on a private island in Tahiti-for a month-with Secret Service protection-an island with one hotel, where rooms start at $2K a night. Michelle is god knows where getting protection, as are both kids, one in DC and the other in NY.

Jesus Christ, Mary Pat - do you even have the ability to critique information as you take it in or is it just a straight mainlining of Hannity, Rush and the Dooce?

No. There isn't only one hotel in Tahiti. $2,000 a night? No. There are many, many for far less - the InterContinental is showing up on Trip Advisor, for instance, for $270 per night. This is the same asinine shit that led to a bunch of bobble heads running around saying Obama's trip to India cost $2 billion. That was absurd on its face - if you stopped and thought about math - m-a-t-h - for like three seconds, you'd realize that unless they were sleeping with blankets that were stuffed with ten million dollar bills, it would be impossible to spend $2 billion. But thinking isn't much at a premium these days...

Posted on: 2017/3/21 17:14

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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Have no worries... All Fulop needs to do is say some nice things about Russia and the puppet will give extra funding to JC.

Posted on: 2017/3/20 21:25
Dos A Cero

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2014/8/25 19:18
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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Tony, Tony-our President hasn't been in office for two months yet; Obama was blaming Bush up until the last day of his 8 years in office, lol. I think we can let the sun shine on Obama for a bit longer.

Should I do a search and see if you whined about Joe Biden renting out a house to the SS staff protecting him at his house? Save me the time, can you recall? mean the rental property that cost $2,200 a month (the rate the previous tenants were paying)? Yeah I think that's pretty reasonable and not the same as $183 million a year so a kid can stay in private school while also insisting it's necessary to cut funding from programs that benefit veterans and the elderly.

Try to defend that logic and not bring up a democrat. I don't think that's acceptable no matter what your party affiliation is.

On just the money saved on the Air Force 1 replacement, and the Lockheed F35 renegotiation he can keep the First Lady and their son in Trump Tower for both his two terms and we'll still come out ahead-but you do know that they're coming to DC after the school year, right? So much of that expense goes away. Making America Great!

You mean the alleged billion dollars savings no one can confirm? ... -1-billion-savings-on-jet

I'll believe it when I see it. His wife is pretty clearly repulsed by him.

None of those "savings" get passed on to or even replaces what is being cut.

Fascinated by what happened to you in childhood that forces you to consider yourself so unworthy of an honest leader who remotely cares about your well being?

Posted on: 2017/3/20 20:46

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2013/5/15 14:11
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Tony, Tony-our President hasn't been in office for two months yet; Obama was blaming Bush up until the last day of his 8 years in office, lol. I think we can let the sun shine on Obama for a bit longer.

Should I do a search and see if you whined about Joe Biden renting out a house to the SS staff protecting him at his house? Save me the time, can you recall? mean the rental property that cost $2,200 a month (the rate the previous tenants were paying)? Yeah I think that's pretty reasonable and not the same as $183 million a year so a kid can stay in private school while also insisting it's necessary to cut funding from programs that benefit veterans and the elderly.

Try to defend that logic and not bring up a democrat. I don't think that's acceptable no matter what your party affiliation is.

On just the money saved on the Air Force 1 replacement, and the Lockheed F35 renegotiation he can keep the First Lady and their son in Trump Tower for both his two terms and we'll still come out ahead-but you do know that they're coming to DC after the school year, right? So much of that expense goes away. Making America Great!

Posted on: 2017/3/18 23:55

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2014/8/25 19:18
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Monroe wrote:
Tony, Tony-our President hasn't been in office for two months yet; Obama was blaming Bush up until the last day of his 8 years in office, lol. I think we can let the sun shine on Obama for a bit longer.

Should I do a search and see if you whined about Joe Biden renting out a house to the SS staff protecting him at his house? Save me the time, can you recall? mean the rental property that cost $2,200 a month (the rate the previous tenants were paying)? Yeah I think that's pretty reasonable and not the same as $183 million a year so a kid can stay in private school while also insisting it's necessary to cut funding from programs that benefit veterans and the elderly.

Try to defend that logic and not bring up a democrat. I don't think that's acceptable no matter what your party affiliation is.

Posted on: 2017/3/18 19:34

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Tony, Tony-our President hasn't been in office for two months yet; Obama was blaming Bush up until the last day of his 8 years in office, lol. I think we can let the sun shine on Obama for a bit longer.

Should I do a search and see if you whined about Joe Biden renting out a house to the SS staff protecting him at his house? Save me the time, can you recall?

Posted on: 2017/3/18 19:02

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2014/8/25 19:18
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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:
Hmmm so Trump gains $183 million in taxpayer money for the necessary expense of keeping Melania away from him and we get....budget cuts that don't even total that obscene amount and cuts tons of funding from people who aren't millionaires and actually need it?

Get some self esteem Monroe- even you should realize you deserve better than this.

Give me a break, do you want to break down every cost for every POTUS and their families? Right now, Obama is sunning himself on a private island in Tahiti-for a month-with Secret Service protection-an island with one hotel, where rooms start at $2K a night. Michelle is god knows where getting protection, as are both kids, one in DC and the other in NY.

How much is that costing us? Obama just signed a $60 million dollar book deal, and we're paying for SS protection at each of his three US residences to boot-should he kick some cash in?

And Obama's policies DOUBLED OUR FREAKING NATIONAL DEBT, and you're obsessed with the First Lady and child getting protection? If you can't get a grip, go buy one.

Well for one thing I know you miss having OBAMA to blame for everything going wrong- because you are still doing it. I'm not counting all the money we pay for Bush's security either.

Deflect deflect deflect- security isn't staying in an OBAMA building with the money directly going back into OBAMA's business. Guess it's just another conflict of interest that Trump patted you on the head and told you not to worry about like a good little chump.

Posted on: 2017/3/18 18:56

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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Yes, 'it's complicated'. But every other POTUS is measured by a similar standard, and Democrats pointed out the increase under Dubya's two terms.

So, yes, the debt doubled under Obama-and most economists agree that some deficit/debt is fine and dandy when we have decent or robust growth.

Obama was the first POTUS in history who never hit 3% growth, which makes his debt numbers even more execrable. And it was his anti-business, pro-social justice warrior attitude that drove it. Thank God that will be a memory soon and we can make America Great Again!

Posted on: 2017/3/18 18:50

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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HCResident wrote:

Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:
Hmmm so Trump gains $183 million in taxpayer money for the necessary expense of keeping Melania away from him and we get....budget cuts that don't even total that obscene amount and cuts tons of funding from people who aren't millionaires and actually need it?

Get some self esteem Monroe- even you should realize you deserve better than this.

Give me a break, do you want to break down every cost for every POTUS and their families? Right now, Obama is sunning himself on a private island in Tahiti-for a month-with Secret Service protection-an island with one hotel, where rooms start at $2K a night. Michelle is god knows where getting protection, as are both kids, one in DC and the other in NY.

How much is that costing us? Obama just signed a $60 million dollar book deal, and we're paying for SS protection at each of his three US residences to boot-should he kick some cash in?

And Obama's policies DOUBLED OUR FREAKING NATIONAL DEBT, and you're obsessed with the First Lady and child getting protection? If you can't get a grip, go buy one. ... ama-doubled-national-debt

Even your liberal site admits this is true, it just presents some excuses for people like you to take the blame off him.

Posted on: 2017/3/18 18:48

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2004/9/15 18:45
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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:
Hmmm so Trump gains $183 million in taxpayer money for the necessary expense of keeping Melania away from him and we get....budget cuts that don't even total that obscene amount and cuts tons of funding from people who aren't millionaires and actually need it?

Get some self esteem Monroe- even you should realize you deserve better than this.

Give me a break, do you want to break down every cost for every POTUS and their families? Right now, Obama is sunning himself on a private island in Tahiti-for a month-with Secret Service protection-an island with one hotel, where rooms start at $2K a night. Michelle is god knows where getting protection, as are both kids, one in DC and the other in NY.

How much is that costing us? Obama just signed a $60 million dollar book deal, and we're paying for SS protection at each of his three US residences to boot-should he kick some cash in?

And Obama's policies DOUBLED OUR FREAKING NATIONAL DEBT, and you're obsessed with the First Lady and child getting protection? If you can't get a grip, go buy one. ... ama-doubled-national-debt

Posted on: 2017/3/18 18:26

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:
Hmmm so Trump gains $183 million in taxpayer money for the necessary expense of keeping Melania away from him and we get....budget cuts that don't even total that obscene amount and cuts tons of funding from people who aren't millionaires and actually need it?

Get some self esteem Monroe- even you should realize you deserve better than this.

Give me a break, do you want to break down every cost for every POTUS and their families? Right now, Obama is sunning himself on a private island in Tahiti-for a month-with Secret Service protection-an island with one hotel, where rooms start at $2K a night. Michelle is god knows where getting protection, as are both kids, one in DC and the other in NY.

How much is that costing us? Obama just signed a $60 million dollar book deal, and we're paying for SS protection at each of his three US residences to boot-should he kick some cash in?

And Obama's policies DOUBLED OUR FREAKING NATIONAL DEBT, and you're obsessed with the First Lady and child getting protection? If you can't get a grip, go buy one.

Posted on: 2017/3/18 17:47

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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2014/8/25 19:18
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Hmmm so Trump gains $183 million in taxpayer money for the necessary expense of keeping Melania away from him and we get....budget cuts that don't even total that obscene amount and cuts tons of funding from people who aren't millionaires and actually need it?

Get some self esteem Monroe- even you should realize you deserve better than this.

Posted on: 2017/3/18 17:15

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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Of course. President Trump is doing a deal, he'll give up some and gain in other areas. But people overwhelmingly like cutting funds to the UN and foreign aid to countries that turn around and screw us.

Posted on: 2017/3/17 19:08

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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Monroe wrote:
Give up the idea of JC being a Sanctuary City, with the projected loss of Federal funds, and JC might come out ahead after all. But don't cry about losing budget money when you're willing to lose other Federal revenue over 'progressive style points'.
some leading republicans have said trump's budget is dead on arrival

Posted on: 2017/3/17 18:40

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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Give up the idea of JC being a Sanctuary City, with the projected loss of Federal funds, and JC might come out ahead after all. But don't cry about losing budget money when you're willing to lose other Federal revenue over 'progressive style points'.

Posted on: 2017/3/17 18:20

Re: Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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Here's an article about one of the HUD funded initiatives in Jersey City, HOPE VI. Separate, I believe, from the HUD Block Grant funding JC receives annually ($5 million + in 2014 and 2015). ... city-with-brian-loughlin/

Posted on: 2017/3/17 17:28

Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding
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Fulop: Trump’s proposed budget would cost Jersey City $9.6M in HUD funding


“With these budget cuts, the President is turning the back the clock and reversing years and years of progress that has been made in cities like Jersey City, Newark and across the country,” Fulop said in a statement.

“He is cutting programs we know are having a positive impact in urban areas, whether by turning a vacant building into a home or providing job training for the unemployed. These are investments in communities and investments in people.”

The mayor also called the proposal “draconian” and overlooks the positive impact HUD has in urban communities. ... city-9-6m-in-hud-funding/

Posted on: 2017/3/16 21:31

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