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Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2009/5/12 22:51
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I_heart_JC wrote:

135jc wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

CatDog wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

they were here on temporary tourist, business, and student visas. they did not immigrate to the U.S. ... status-of-9-11-terrorists

Webster's definition of immigrant: "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence."

the word you're looking for is "visitor."

There are plenty of people here in the US with immigrant status that wish to do harm to our citizens. Grow up and stop arguing over Symantec's.

there are plenty of people born and raised here that wish to do harm to our citizens.

see: Aurora Colorado, Sandy Hook, Columbine, South Carolina, Virginia Tech...

maybe we should outlaw them?

And you make the safety and security point...we have enough internal problems to deal with our own citizens, usually anti-social young men strung out on some anti-depressive.

So your logic says because of our internal problems dealing with mentally unstable citizens, we should assume more risk allowing unvetted psychotic young men brained washed as members of a religion/culture/society that indoctrinates their people to hate our western values??

Posted on: 2016/9/21 1:15

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2004/6/17 2:16
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I am a baby boomer, as a very young child, I had European immigrants in my classes. Their mothers and father survived World War 2. I remember them well due to their strong accents. Later in high school a large number of Cubans left Cuban and some were also in my classes. The one thing the European and Cuban immigrants have in common, they did not place bombs in this country and terrorize citizens in their new country. This country is not against immigrants, we are against people who want to kill us. You cannot tell the difference between a Syrian and a member of ISIS. Some of ISIS also immigrated to Europe with disastrous results. I cannot believe the leftist talk here.

Posted on: 2016/9/21 1:10

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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JCMan8 wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

CatDog wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

they were here on temporary tourist, business, and student visas. they did not immigrate to the U.S. ... status-of-9-11-terrorists

Webster's definition of immigrant: "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence."

the word you're looking for is "visitor."

I'm sure that's why you made your original post. You just wanted to remind people that the 9/11 hijackers weren't Muslim immigrants, they were merely "visitors."

You'd make a great newscaster.

you may not like the distinction, but it's an important one.

the Syrian immigrants who are going through the hassle of getting permanent resident status here are people who actually want to live here. the process can take up to two years.

the 9/11 hijackers - whose sole reason for coming here was to do us harm - took the easiest route with short-term visas.

the father of the Chelsea bomber built a business and a community here, and he reported his kid to the FBI when he thought that kid was a danger to fellow Americans. those are the actions of a dedicated immigrant, not a malevolent visitor. (yes, he had issues with his neighbors. just because he himself was not a threat, doesn't mean he can't be annoying.)

You are leaving out the most important fact. The Syrian "refugees" cannot be properly vetted, as our intelligence heads have repeatedly stated. The necessary paperwork doesn't exist, because their countries are torn up. Making it very easy for ISIS to sneak in plenty of their people, as they've been doing in Europe.

To extrapolate that logic, since we cannot properly vet "applicants" for firearms, we should simply ban them completely.

Posted on: 2016/9/21 0:38

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2012/11/10 20:38
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I_heart_JC wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

CatDog wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

they were here on temporary tourist, business, and student visas. they did not immigrate to the U.S. ... status-of-9-11-terrorists

Webster's definition of immigrant: "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence."

the word you're looking for is "visitor."

I'm sure that's why you made your original post. You just wanted to remind people that the 9/11 hijackers weren't Muslim immigrants, they were merely "visitors."

You'd make a great newscaster.

you may not like the distinction, but it's an important one.

the Syrian immigrants who are going through the hassle of getting permanent resident status here are people who actually want to live here. the process can take up to two years.

the 9/11 hijackers - whose sole reason for coming here was to do us harm - took the easiest route with short-term visas.

the father of the Chelsea bomber built a business and a community here, and he reported his kid to the FBI when he thought that kid was a danger to fellow Americans. those are the actions of a dedicated immigrant, not a malevolent visitor. (yes, he had issues with his neighbors. just because he himself was not a threat, doesn't mean he can't be annoying.)

You are leaving out the most important fact. The Syrian "refugees" cannot be properly vetted, as our intelligence heads have repeatedly stated. The necessary paperwork doesn't exist, because their countries are torn up. Making it very easy for ISIS to sneak in plenty of their people, as they've been doing in Europe.

Posted on: 2016/9/21 0:20

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Breaking News: Two years before (2014) Ahmad Khan Rahami planted bombs in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that his son was a terrorist after domestic violence in the family, officials said.

There are a lot of nut-jobs in prison, but we don't focus on their religious affiliation as we do the islamic criminals !

Noting that Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma Bomber) was as christian and not forgetting the nut-jobs that attacked children in schools!

Posted on: 2016/9/20 23:39
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Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2007/11/15 21:43
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135jc wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

CatDog wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

they were here on temporary tourist, business, and student visas. they did not immigrate to the U.S. ... status-of-9-11-terrorists

Webster's definition of immigrant: "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence."

the word you're looking for is "visitor."

There are plenty of people here in the US with immigrant status that wish to do harm to our citizens. Grow up and stop arguing over Symantec's.

there are plenty of people born and raised here that wish to do harm to our citizens.

see: Aurora Colorado, Sandy Hook, Columbine, South Carolina, Virginia Tech...

maybe we should outlaw them?

Posted on: 2016/9/20 22:44

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Trump is a very flawed presidential candidate. I will not deny that, but people are voting for him because they do not feel safe. How can you feel safe when liberals have an agenda of letting in more people who want to kill Americans? Trump's candidacy is due to the liberal agenda in this country including the shipping of jobs overseas. I remember when NAFTA was signed by Bill Clinton and good paying factory jobs went away. So yes, Trump is a flawed candidate but the idea of letting in 500,000 more immigrants is quite scary.

And yet just because people don't "feel safe" doesn't mean they actually in any significant danger.

If terrorism scares you, then using the same logic, you should never enter a car, since you have an exponentially higher chance in dying in an auto accident.

This guy planted a bomb right on the train tracks, along with NYC and Seaside Heights. If he wasn't a complete idiot, he could have killed a lot of people.

And there are others who are more intelligent who share the same goals. That doesn't scare you?

If I was in that exact location at the time the bomb explodes, of course it would be scary. But you've cherry picked a very specific circumstance to fit your argument.

Overall, if terrorism scares me, I should never leave the house. Statistically, I'm exponentially much more likely to die due to an accident.

And your foolish statistic quoting attitude is the exact dangerous attitude held by Clinton, Obama, Lynch, Kerry and Johnson. Hard to believe anyone in NYC walks into a subway station, concert hall, hotel, restaurant with out doing a threat assessment of the public space.

29 people blown up in NYC or 90 dead people run down walking down a boardwalk on a summer night in Nice are viewed as acceptable losses. Anything to destabilize move forward this open border foolishness. They lie right to your face.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 22:41

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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JCMan8 wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

CatDog wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

they were here on temporary tourist, business, and student visas. they did not immigrate to the U.S. ... status-of-9-11-terrorists

Webster's definition of immigrant: "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence."

the word you're looking for is "visitor."

I'm sure that's why you made your original post. You just wanted to remind people that the 9/11 hijackers weren't Muslim immigrants, they were merely "visitors."

You'd make a great newscaster.

you may not like the distinction, but it's an important one.

the Syrian immigrants who are going through the hassle of getting permanent resident status here are people who actually want to live here. the process can take up to two years.

the 9/11 hijackers - whose sole reason for coming here was to do us harm - took the easiest route with short-term visas.

the father of the Chelsea bomber built a business and a community here, and he reported his kid to the FBI when he thought that kid was a danger to fellow Americans. those are the actions of a dedicated immigrant, not a malevolent visitor. (yes, he had issues with his neighbors. just because he himself was not a threat, doesn't mean he can't be annoying.)

Posted on: 2016/9/20 22:32

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2012/11/10 20:38
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I_heart_JC wrote:

CatDog wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

they were here on temporary tourist, business, and student visas. they did not immigrate to the U.S. ... status-of-9-11-terrorists

Webster's definition of immigrant: "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence."

the word you're looking for is "visitor."

I'm sure that's why you made your original post. You just wanted to remind people that the 9/11 hijackers weren't Muslim immigrants, they were merely "visitors."

You'd make a great newscaster.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 22:18

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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I_heart_JC wrote:

CatDog wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

they were here on temporary tourist, business, and student visas. they did not immigrate to the U.S. ... status-of-9-11-terrorists

Webster's definition of immigrant: "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence."

the word you're looking for is "visitor."

There are plenty of people here in the US with immigrant status that wish to do harm to our citizens. Grow up and stop arguing over Symantec's.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 22:14

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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CatDog wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

they were here on temporary tourist, business, and student visas. they did not immigrate to the U.S. ... status-of-9-11-terrorists

Webster's definition of immigrant: "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence."

the word you're looking for is "visitor."

Posted on: 2016/9/20 21:52

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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I_heart_JC wrote:

and for the record, those 9/11 hijackers were not immigrants.
WHAT. Literally every single one of them was an immigrant. None of them were American born nor were they citizens.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. An overwhelming majority, 15 of the 19, were citizens of Saudi Arabia.[1] The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

I'm a very liberal guy, and it really hurts liberal causes in general when delusional people like you bend over backwards and lie to justify Islamic terrorism. Don't willfully ignore reality just to make themselves feel better, it just hurts your ability to muster support for other causes.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 21:37

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Trump is a very flawed presidential candidate. I will not deny that, but people are voting for him because they do not feel safe. How can you feel safe when liberals have an agenda of letting in more people who want to kill Americans? Trump's candidacy is due to the liberal agenda in this country including the shipping of jobs overseas. I remember when NAFTA was signed by Bill Clinton and good paying factory jobs went away. So yes, Trump is a flawed candidate but the idea of letting in 500,000 more immigrants is quite scary.

And yet just because people don't "feel safe" doesn't mean they actually in any significant danger.

If terrorism scares you, then using the same logic, you should never enter a car, since you have an exponentially higher chance in dying in an auto accident.

This guy planted a bomb right on the train tracks, along with NYC and Seaside Heights. If he wasn't a complete idiot, he could have killed a lot of people.

And there are others who are more intelligent who share the same goals. That doesn't scare you?

If I was in that exact location at the time the bomb explodes, of course it would be scary. But you've cherry picked a very specific circumstance to fit your argument.

Overall, if terrorism scares me, I should never leave the house. Statistically, I'm exponentially much more likely to die due to an accident.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 19:57

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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La_Verdad wrote:

135jc wrote:

user1111 wrote:
Two years before Ahmad Khan Rahami went on a bombing rampage in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that the son was a terrorist, prompting a review by federal agents, according to two senior law enforcement officials.


Is this post an admission that we need to allow authorities more power to hold and monitor these criminals?

Read the article. The feds looked at him and determined he wasn't a threat. They weren't asking to hold him and they chose not to monitor him.

The story does not state nor do you know why he was not held. What you are referring to is what his father claims. Check again!

Posted on: 2016/9/20 18:03

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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135jc wrote:

user1111 wrote:
Two years before Ahmad Khan Rahami went on a bombing rampage in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that the son was a terrorist, prompting a review by federal agents, according to two senior law enforcement officials.


Is this post an admission that we need to allow authorities more power to hold and monitor these criminals?

Read the article. The feds looked at him and determined he wasn't a threat. They weren't asking to hold him and they chose not to monitor him.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 17:36

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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user1111 wrote:
Two years before Ahmad Khan Rahami went on a bombing rampage in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that the son was a terrorist, prompting a review by federal agents, according to two senior law enforcement officials.


Is this post an admission that we need to allow authorities more power to hold and monitor these criminals?

Posted on: 2016/9/20 17:16

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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JCMan8 wrote:

JSleeze wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

I'm sure this woman would advocate the same restrained reaction if the bomb was set off by a white supremacist, who also planted bombs on train tracks and in Seaside Heights.

How perfect that the first response to the post titled "Don't feed the trolls" comes from the biggest troll on the site.

Try shooting the messenger because you can't dispute the message.

The go-to play in the "progressive" playbook. But people have caught on, and you guys very well may be booted out of office.

Uh, no. There is no "message" to dispute. You just goobled out something that started with "I'm sure" and then rolled around in a bunch of (I'm sure quite stimulating, to you) hypothetical crap.

And I'm not sure who "you guys" are. I hold no office, nor do I intend to ever seek one.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 16:35

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Two years before Ahmad Khan Rahami went on a bombing rampage in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that the son was a terrorist, prompting a review by federal agents, according to two senior law enforcement officials.


Posted on: 2016/9/20 16:17

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Sorry, I haven't figured out how to use the quote feature so I have to resort to copy and paste...

stc4blues wrote:
From a woman who lives in Chelsea, don't feed the trolls:

I live in Manhattan, in Chelsea, on 27th Street between 6th and 7th, the same block in which the second IED was found. It was a surreal weekend, but it is increasingly becoming depressing as the media moves from providing information to stoking fear, the exact response that makes these events so effective. I?m not afraid of bombs. I?m afraid of cars. And I?m increasingly becoming afraid of American media.

First off, I'm happy you were not hurt by the bomb. If I was afraid of cars, and not bombs, the last place I would live is Manhattan. Do you run the other way when you see a car? I know if I saw a bomb, I would run the other way. That does not mean I leave in fear. It just means I value my life and don't wan to get blown up.

After hearing the bomb go off on 23rd and getting flooded with texts on Saturday night, I decided to send a few notes that I was OK and turn off my phone. My partner is Israeli. We?ve been there for two wars and he?s been there through countless bombs. We both knew that getting riled up was of no help to anyone. So we went to sleep. I woke up on Sunday, opened my blinds, and was surprised to see an obscene number of men in black with identical body types, identical haircuts, and identical cars. It looked like the weirdest casting call I?ve ever seen. And no one else. No cars, no people. As always, Twitter had an explanation so we settled into our PJs and realized it was going to be a strange day. [...]

people of the same sex dressed in black troubles you? Does this?

The worst part about having statistical training is that it?s hard to hear people get anxious about fears without putting them into perspective. ~100 people die every day in car crashes in the United States. That?s 33,804 deaths in a year. Thousands of people are injured every day by cars. Cars terrify me. And anyone who says that you have control over a car accident is full of shit; most car deaths and injuries are not the harmed person?s fault. [...]

Uhm, most people who die in or by cars are the results of accidents or careless driving. Is flying planes into buildings, setting off bombs, beheading others, etc. seem like an accident to you. But, yeah, a fuel efficient Prius is scary.

There?s a reason that hate is growing in this country. And, in moments like this, I?m painfully reminded that we?re all contributing to the culture of hate. When we turn events like what happened this weekend in NY/NJ into spectacle, when we encourage media to write stories about how afraid people are, when we read the stories of how the suspect was an average person until something changed, we give the news media license to stoke up fear. And when they are encouraged to stoke fear, they help turn our election cycle into reality TV and enable candidates to spew hate for public entertainment. We need to stop blaming what?s happening on other people and start taking responsibility.

Yes, being on the receiving end of a bomb is contributing to the culture of hate. Makes sense to me.
Let's not turn the NY/NJ incident into a "spectacle" because it does not support the Liberal narrative. Nothing to see hear. Not important. And lastly, you "want to stop blaming what's happening on other people and take responsibility"? Right, we should not point to the perpetrators and their mindset, it's our fault they hate us, right?

Posted on: 2016/9/20 16:16

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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I_heart_JC wrote:

JSleeze wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

I'm sure this woman would advocate the same restrained reaction if the bomb was set off by a white supremacist, who also planted bombs on train tracks and in Seaside Heights.

How perfect that the first response to the post titled "Don't feed the trolls" comes from the biggest troll on the site.

JCMan never fails to follow the script.

but I'll feed him this time: since American women have an exponentially greater chance of getting killed by a white man than by a foreign terrorist, and nobody appears to be freaking out about THAT, I'd wager that yes, the same restrained reaction is in order.

Thats only because white men vastly outnumber the number of Muslims here. Your logic doesn't follow.

And we both know what the reaction of "progressives" would be to a set of bombs planted by a white supremacist: utter hysteria. Finally, the bogeyman they always cry about has shown his true dangerous colors! We must shut down all sources of information that fed his dangerous hate!

You wouldn't see "progressive" women like this author writing such opinion pieces, that's for sure.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 16:16

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JSleeze wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

I'm sure this woman would advocate the same restrained reaction if the bomb was set off by a white supremacist, who also planted bombs on train tracks and in Seaside Heights.

How perfect that the first response to the post titled "Don't feed the trolls" comes from the biggest troll on the site.

JCMan never fails to follow the script.

but I'll feed him this time: since American women have an exponentially greater chance of getting killed by a white man than by a foreign terrorist, and nobody appears to be freaking out about THAT, I'd wager that yes, the same restrained reaction is in order.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 16:09

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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JSleeze wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

I'm sure this woman would advocate the same restrained reaction if the bomb was set off by a white supremacist, who also planted bombs on train tracks and in Seaside Heights.

How perfect that the first response to the post titled "Don't feed the trolls" comes from the biggest troll on the site.

Try shooting the messenger because you can't dispute the message.

The go-to play in the "progressive" playbook. But people have caught on, and you guys very well may be booted out of office.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 16:06

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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JCMan8 wrote:

I'm sure this woman would advocate the same restrained reaction if the bomb was set off by a white supremacist, who also planted bombs on train tracks and in Seaside Heights.

How perfect that the first response to the post titled "Don't feed the trolls" comes from the biggest troll on the site.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 16:00

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2012/1/11 18:21
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New Yorkers are more afraid of cockroaches than Isis.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 15:52

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2012/11/10 20:38
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stc4blues wrote: From a woman who lives in Chelsea, don't feed the trolls:
I live in Manhattan, in Chelsea, on 27th Street between 6th and 7th, the same block in which the second IED was found. It was a surreal weekend, but it is increasingly becoming depressing as the media moves from providing information to stoking fear, the exact response that makes these events so effective. I?m not afraid of bombs. I?m afraid of cars. And I?m increasingly becoming afraid of American media. After hearing the bomb go off on 23rd and getting flooded with texts on Saturday night, I decided to send a few notes that I was OK and turn off my phone. My partner is Israeli. We?ve been there for two wars and he?s been there through countless bombs. We both knew that getting riled up was of no help to anyone. So we went to sleep. I woke up on Sunday, opened my blinds, and was surprised to see an obscene number of men in black with identical body types, identical haircuts, and identical cars. It looked like the weirdest casting call I?ve ever seen. And no one else. No cars, no people. As always, Twitter had an explanation so we settled into our PJs and realized it was going to be a strange day. [...] The worst part about having statistical training is that it?s hard to hear people get anxious about fears without putting them into perspective. ~100 people die every day in car crashes in the United States. That?s 33,804 deaths in a year. Thousands of people are injured every day by cars. Cars terrify me. And anyone who says that you have control over a car accident is full of shit; most car deaths and injuries are not the harmed person?s fault. [...] There?s a reason that hate is growing in this country. And, in moments like this, I?m painfully reminded that we?re all contributing to the culture of hate. When we turn events like what happened this weekend in NY/NJ into spectacle, when we encourage media to write stories about how afraid people are, when we read the stories of how the suspect was an average person until something changed, we give the news media license to stoke up fear. And when they are encouraged to stoke fear, they help turn our election cycle into reality TV and enable candidates to spew hate for public entertainment. We need to stop blaming what?s happening on other people and start taking responsibility. In short, we all need to stop feeding the trolls.
I'm sure this woman would advocate the same restrained reaction if the bomb was set off by a white supremacist, who also planted bombs on train tracks and in Seaside Heights.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 15:43

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2009/2/8 17:21
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From a woman who lives in Chelsea, don't feed the trolls:
I live in Manhattan, in Chelsea, on 27th Street between 6th and 7th, the same block in which the second IED was found. It was a surreal weekend, but it is increasingly becoming depressing as the media moves from providing information to stoking fear, the exact response that makes these events so effective. I?m not afraid of bombs. I?m afraid of cars. And I?m increasingly becoming afraid of American media. After hearing the bomb go off on 23rd and getting flooded with texts on Saturday night, I decided to send a few notes that I was OK and turn off my phone. My partner is Israeli. We?ve been there for two wars and he?s been there through countless bombs. We both knew that getting riled up was of no help to anyone. So we went to sleep. I woke up on Sunday, opened my blinds, and was surprised to see an obscene number of men in black with identical body types, identical haircuts, and identical cars. It looked like the weirdest casting call I?ve ever seen. And no one else. No cars, no people. As always, Twitter had an explanation so we settled into our PJs and realized it was going to be a strange day. [...] The worst part about having statistical training is that it?s hard to hear people get anxious about fears without putting them into perspective. ~100 people die every day in car crashes in the United States. That?s 33,804 deaths in a year. Thousands of people are injured every day by cars. Cars terrify me. And anyone who says that you have control over a car accident is full of shit; most car deaths and injuries are not the harmed person?s fault. [...] There?s a reason that hate is growing in this country. And, in moments like this, I?m painfully reminded that we?re all contributing to the culture of hate. When we turn events like what happened this weekend in NY/NJ into spectacle, when we encourage media to write stories about how afraid people are, when we read the stories of how the suspect was an average person until something changed, we give the news media license to stoke up fear. And when they are encouraged to stoke fear, they help turn our election cycle into reality TV and enable candidates to spew hate for public entertainment. We need to stop blaming what?s happening on other people and start taking responsibility. In short, we all need to stop feeding the trolls.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 15:33

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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TheBigGuy wrote:

user1111 wrote:
A Houston man is set appear before a federal magistrate Monday afternoon on charges he participated in a bomb plot, trying to transport deadly explosives, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson.
Cary Lee Ogborn, 50, was arrested late Friday after retrieving a package he thought contained explosives powerful enough to maim or kill people or destroy buildings.

And the beat goes on...

Great job DOJ... wish they could arrest some of these Muslim terrorists before they detonate their bombs.

They do. Many examples, some a little controversial: ... e_United_States_post-9/11

Posted on: 2016/9/20 11:39

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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user1111 wrote:
A Houston man is set appear before a federal magistrate Monday afternoon on charges he participated in a bomb plot, trying to transport deadly explosives, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson.
Cary Lee Ogborn, 50, was arrested late Friday after retrieving a package he thought contained explosives powerful enough to maim or kill people or destroy buildings.

And the beat goes on...

Great job DOJ... wish they could arrest some of these Muslim terrorists before they detonate their bombs.

Posted on: 2016/9/20 11:24

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2007/11/15 21:43
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Whenever I find myself about to fall down the rabbit hole of a thread like this, I am comforted by scientific findings that the brains of conservatives are simply different from those of liberals.

And I am thankful for the one I got.

Conservative and Liberal Brains are Different on Average

Scientific American: Unconscious Reactions Separate Liberals and Conservatives

Posted on: 2016/9/20 11:00

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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A Houston man is set appear before a federal magistrate Monday afternoon on charges he participated in a bomb plot, trying to transport deadly explosives, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson.
Cary Lee Ogborn, 50, was arrested late Friday after retrieving a package he thought contained explosives powerful enough to maim or kill people or destroy buildings.

And the beat goes on...

Posted on: 2016/9/20 10:12

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