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Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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Not sure what he used but GoPro is a very good option. Set the resolution/angle of view, position and strap it to a pole with velcro.
Posted on: 2016/7/7 15:47
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
I wrote an email to an elected official back in Sept 2015 and the response referenced a mid-1980's project. Regardless, I'd argue the point that it's getting better. I am not sure where she is getting her feedback. Here was the response:
I know Erie stinks (though it is better than it was I'd argue based on feedback I've gotten) the real solution there is to divert cut through traffic away from downtown (which is a project the state promised in mid 1980s). 30% of cars are using our streets as short cut to Holland tunnel.
Posted on: 2016/7/7 3:06
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
Seems to me any reasonably recent phone or camera with a tripod will do. iPhones might be limited by storage, unlike phones that take SD cards. I've had similar thoughts, what do you suppose the city's reaction would be to dozens of these videos at different sites?
Posted on: 2016/7/7 0:28
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
does anyone know what type of camera Sean Popke used to film the intersection?
I am not exactly tech savvy but can learn. iPhone, other? Thanks for any ideas on best way to do something similar...
Posted on: 2016/7/6 13:58
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2005/3/2 4:49 Last Login : 2018/6/12 15:20 From Downtown Ex Pat happy in McGinley Sq.
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Full link to the poll which is apparently still open: ... e.html#incart_river_index
Posted on: 2016/6/29 13:16
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
I've seen this happen multiple times on Coles & Pavonia, and it's absolutely terrifying and infuriating.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 13:48
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
I spent a week in Southern CA earlier this month, in and around LA - also an area with a high concentration of immigrants. People came to full, multi-second stops almost universally. (I had a good chuckle when the reporter in the original clip referred to the rolling stop as a "California stop." Wrong.) I've found full, pronounced stops at stop signs to be the case up and down the west coast. You also see pedestrians obeying walk/don't walk signals and it is quite unusual to see people crossing in the middle of a block.
It is entirely an enforcement problem. There is no other plausible explanation - and while I agree that commuters make the problem worse, there is a pervasive disregard for traffic and pedestrian safety that permeates the region.
Posted on: 2016/6/27 21:02
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2005/3/2 4:49 Last Login : 2018/6/12 15:20 From Downtown Ex Pat happy in McGinley Sq.
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Please help with a YES vote. The JJ Poll trolls are taking it over and spamming the NO votes. This lack of traffic safety enforcement city-wide is a huge public safety problem. ... e.html#incart_river_index
Posted on: 2016/6/27 19:19
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2005/3/2 4:49 Last Login : 2018/6/12 15:20 From Downtown Ex Pat happy in McGinley Sq.
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Absolutely agree. Its all due to lack of enforcement that's created this chronic public safety issue. Many years ago, my car was totaled on Coles St as I was driving south.I did not have a stop sigh, but was going the speed limit. An SUV completely blew through the stop sign at 4th st and broadsided me.It was awful. Come up to JFK Blvd if you REALLY want to see pervasive recklessness. Its very scary.
Posted on: 2016/6/27 19:05
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
I call BS on this... in my experience, most of the assholes speeding and acting recklessly on JC streets are out of town commuters speeding on their way to the waterfront, or the tunnel, with a bunch of other aggressive types that think nothing of yelling expletives at those who choose to follow the rules, or at cyclists and pedestrians who dare slow them down.
Posted on: 2016/6/27 18:56
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
It could be an immigration issue. As there are many 1st generation immigrants in Jersey City, even if they are educated. Traffic laws are much more lax in other countries or not enforced and they bring those rules with them.
Posted on: 2016/6/27 18:18
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
This post is in response to the "Man crossing Jersey City street struck and killed by off-duty Jersey City cop", but this thread is where it belongs.
As I drove around my neighborhood recently I was pondering that a full grid of all way stops at every single intersection and speed humps everywhere, which is where we're headed, is not usual in areas of our density. Hoboken seems to function and does not do this, there's plenty of streets that go many blocks without a stop, and there few humps, only by the projects. The answer to the puzzle is we don't have a street design problem, we have an enforcement problem. There's simply no credible threat to aggressive & speeding drivers. I was heading S on Coles a couple of days ago when a car ran the stop at 15th st in front of me, then ran the stop at 10th making a left. I'm not talking about failure to completely stop, this was not even a tap. This driver had no fear at all there would be a cop to ticket them. We've all seen this. No amount of new stops will solve this problem. The scofflaw driver culture in JC needs an intervention.
Posted on: 2016/6/27 18:03
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
Technically its a 3 way stop. An all way stop would mean that traffic is coming from all directions.
Posted on: 2016/6/22 14:37
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Theft, false report, trespass.
I could be wrong about tear it up, but Doug Ensell certainly holds totalitarian views in regard to property.
Posted on: 2016/6/22 14:21
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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How does he break the law? Also, "Tear it Up" was a hardcore band. Can you provide proof it was politically skinhead / white power?
Posted on: 2016/6/21 14:55
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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I just watched the news clip, amazing how quick that tree got trimmed and new signage was installed. Perhaps we should use this incident as a template for future DPW actions.
Posted on: 2016/6/21 1:07
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2005/3/21 20:01 Last Login : 2020/9/5 14:18 From Exchange Place
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100 Jersey City Drivers Blow Through Stop Sign in 90 Minutes, Video Shows ... ted-Online-383690301.html
Posted on: 2016/6/20 23:47
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Doug Ensell also played bass in the notorious NJ neo-nazi skinhead band Tear It Up.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 22:51
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
Children are Ok, and adults who are going slowly and carefully can be tolerated, as long as they pedal like they know they are wrong and have no right of way at all. It's the entitled assholes who feel they can fly down a sidewalk slaloming pedestrians that make the problem. Them and the electric food deliverers.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 18:44
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
so should kids be riding bikes on the street in JC?
The bike lanes create a false sense of security and cars routinely cut into them to avoid potholes and double parked cars. Cyclists are the last thing the average moron is thinking about as they gun it thru JC streets. I have no problem with bikes on sidewalks if they are riding safely. I ride on JC streets a lot and it is not for the faint of heart or inexperienced rider.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 17:59
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
This is SO TRUE. The issue has been around for quite some time, but as the JC population continues to increase, this is getting more serious. I have had a few close calls and it is both infuriating and stressful. And, to make matters worse, the city (or, someone) decided to resurface the sidewalk along the east side of Grove (between Wayne and CCD) with asphalt! That just sends the message that it is OK to ride on the sidewalk.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 16:54
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2008/10/19 1:18 Last Login : 2020/9/25 20:40 From somewhere else
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Maybe we could start by re-animating the cops who stand at intersections leaning against buildings during morning rush hours and deploying them to someplace/something more useful other than holding up the building in case gravity fails...
Agree completely its enforcement - but its not just getting the enforcers out into the action, they also need to give a shit. In the video, there's a cop blowing through the stop sign along with everyone else. Candice - I like your idea. We've talked about how miserable traffic safety is downtown for a long time and I know it's a big issue for you. Please keep fighting. Lives literally depend on it. (Bonus points if you can also do something about bikes on sidewalks. It's just a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt or killed while walking on a sidewalk after being run into by a jackass on a bike.)
Posted on: 2016/6/20 15:11
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Hilarious. NJ Transit employee Doug Ensell, aka @jerseycitycrap, DevB, SteveWilson29, SteveWilson55 etc. has no problem breaking the law when it suits him.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 14:13
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
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2005/3/2 4:49 Last Login : 2018/6/12 15:20 From Downtown Ex Pat happy in McGinley Sq.
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Candice, thank you for your response. We have a systemic issue of pedestrian safety CITY-WIDE, not just downtown, and the majority of it is due to lack of enforcement. That's great that you are working on something for dtjc. But this is a city-wide chronic problem. I urge the entire Council to make this a priority, and that includes getting the Mayor to commit to a real holistic plan. We need a VISION ZERO type a approach.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 14:11
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
The problems of the motorist lobby and tampering remain, along with the problem that lil ole JC can't make that happen, it would need to be a really comprehensive multistate system for insurers to bother. I can also see a problem with people staking out the neighbors they hate to submit numerous videos. But boy would I love to have a dashcam going if this happened, every 10 minute trip would yield 10 submittable clips.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 3:44
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Just can't stay away
Good point. Really as long as you could do some recognition of license plate number it is a nice little service the insurers would buy. They just run a service call prior to renewal or new issuance. And then just figure out the right incentive for the people taping. Someone should definitely do this. Good idea.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 3:24
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Home away from home
Think you will run in to all the same roadblocks as with red light cameras: state approval, non-police involvement in issuing traffic violation tickets, possible video tampering, backlash from the motorist's lobby... Partnering with the insurers, or a business like Carfax, would be the better way to go. Pretty sure the insurers would pay for video data on bad drivers - just need set up the right venture.
Posted on: 2016/6/20 0:23
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Just can't stay away
Yes, this! I have been brainstorming something similar: an app that solicits resident sourced video/image for parking that gives rewards of some type to residents who submit actionable stuff. Then the work from people like @jccrap on twitter who is already taking the pics could be utilized.
Posted on: 2016/6/19 23:31
Re: Residents Say Drivers Are Ignoring Stop Signs, Flying Through Jersey City Intersection
Just can't stay away
So I am the one who requested the stop sign at that location a few years ago because it was right by a park. I agree there is an enforcement issue (all over downtown) but there are also some traffic and engineering issues too (at least according to the T&E department who have two new employees and rattled off 10 things they want to change about i when I raised it to them Thursday.) That is why I mentioned both. While that location ia bad, we have a systemic issue with pedestrian safety downtown. I wrote a long letter to the public safety director, mayor chief of staff and business adminstrator requesting a task force to look at the problem holistically with a proactive plan versus reacting location by location. They agreed to add it as a special project on the mayors task force (which includes reps from police) and are kicking it off on Monday. The current state is, I believe, out of control.
Posted on: 2016/6/19 23:19