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Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2008/6/5 10:12 Last Login : 2016/11/8 21:51 From Jersey City
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?Security Moms? Redux: Get Ready for a Fear-Based GOP Strategy in 2016 ... gy.html?mid=twitter_nymag "In any demagogic competition involving tough talk, can anyone ever match Donald Trump, the man who just yesterday blithely called for killing the wives and children of terrorists? Probably not. And giving Trump a new issue to dominate would be a truly fearsome gamble for the GOP."
Posted on: 2015/12/4 20:00
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2008/6/5 10:12 Last Login : 2016/11/8 21:51 From Jersey City
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| ... n-orc-national/index.html
?Republican voters are most sharply divided by education. Among those GOP voters who hold college degrees, the race is a close contest between the top four contenders, with Cruz slightly in front at 22%, Carson and Rubio tied at 19% and Trump at 18%. Among those without college degrees, Trump holds a runaway lead: 46% support the businessman, compared with 12% for Cruz, 11% for Carson and just 8% for Rubio.? Majority of Republican voters are pathetic in my view.
Posted on: 2015/12/4 19:54
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Not only is Trump being increasingly proved right by the day, but the latest polls demonstrate that his lead has never been higher.
He currently has a 20 point lead over his closest competitor. Keep spamming "articles" from "progressive" echo chambers, and continuing to use your hateful labels such as "racist," "bigot," or "xenophobia." Doesn't matter as Americans are waking up. ... n-orc-national/index.html
Posted on: 2015/12/4 19:46
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2008/6/5 10:12 Last Login : 2016/11/8 21:51 From Jersey City
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Donald Trump and the lowest common denominator? ... lowest-common-denominator ?The unimaginable could become a reality if the Republican Party doesn't wake up and realize that this person would not only embarrass the party, but everyone of us who is proud to be an American. I do not have to list all the divisive, ugly utterances that have come from his mouth. Trump is far worse than a mere demagogue; he is dangerous. His view of politics is not just to divide, but to stigmatize and exclude entire segments of the population.?
Posted on: 2015/12/4 19:34
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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Posted on: 2015/12/3 23:02
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Hitler! Drink!
And now FAB jumps the shark.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 22:05
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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What is more interesting to me, is knowing who are the BIG financial backers of Trump and people like Christie.
Did you know Henry Ford gave $50,000 every year to Adolf Hitler on his birthday and allowed all profits of Ford sales in Germany go to the Nazi Party also! I wonder if Trump's suits are made by Hugo Boss ... also the designer and manufacturer of the Nazi military uniforms! We won't forget that Trump's dad was arrested at a KKK rally - I wonder what the conversation around the dinner table was like when Donald was a kid? The rich and the mad seem to mix well together!
Posted on: 2015/12/3 22:00
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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Or is it that holding a 'light' for Christie?
Posted on: 2015/12/3 21:55
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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C'mon, Christie is on a roll, and I don't mean a buttered one! ... oll-new-hampshire-2015-12
Posted on: 2015/12/3 21:53
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Still holding a candle for Christie? Didn't you know there's only ever 2 choices in this country? ... polarized-is-be-paralyzed
Posted on: 2015/12/3 21:45
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
This thread is a fantastic example of why we can't have nice things. If you can't get people to agree to a simple basic, verified fact: There were not thousands of people celebrating 9/11 in streets of Jersey City, how the hell are you supposed to have substantive discussion on the right approach to take to fix problems?
Posted on: 2015/12/3 21:36
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
You're mistaken, but not in the way you think you are. Carry on. :)
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:50
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
You obviously do not tell the truth very often so it was a natural assumption. My mistake.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:30
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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If you clicked the links, you'll see the join emanating from individuals that are taking delight in the death of a man with a young child that will now grow up without him along with the young woman that also has a child. As for "did I get a look at him"... the photo was taken without his glasses on. However, anyone that is willing to murder people based on such an ideology is crazy in my book. Lastly, I know you personally don't condone such things. However, we have people making claims about Muslims celebrating death without actual evidence. Here, we have evidence of Christians celebrating the death of doctors (regardless of the shooters motive). There is no condemnation from Ted Cruz nor Trump nor Carson nor anyone running for president. If it isn't a big deal that these people are celebrating murder, why do they care if Muslims celebrated murder? If they think it is a big deal that Muslims celebrated murder and that all Muslims should be kept out because they might also celebrate Americans' death, why aren't we kicking out Christians since we have actual proof of quite a few actively celebrating the death of Americans and using the same logic, other Christians might celebrate as well? The proof of their hypocrisy is plain to see.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:25
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
This is such a silly argument.
Are there individuals, some muslim, some ex-government, some anti-USA, some wearing clothing, some who have misaligned teeth, that cheered after 9/11? Probably. Unless you know what the billions of people on this Earth were doing for a period of time after 9/11, how can you say for certainty that NO ONE cheered? Now, were there thousands and thousands in jersey City? No, that's a lie. Flat out lie. If you get rid of the words thousands and thousands and jersey city, then it could potentially happen. Can we end this?
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:24
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I guess you don't post much here if you think I'm a Trump guy, lol. Pebs, I said I didn't see anyone, and I haven't. But just like Obama can't rule out 'workplace violence' in CA I won't call the loon in CO a right wing Christian terrorist yet. He's obviously off his rocker-did you get a look at that guy? But I don't condone that type of violence in any case.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:16
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I posted the links, days ago: Quote:
Like I said before: Not one. Single. Condemnation. Pathetic. Meanwhile, we continue to hear about rumors of things from people's sister's husband's, neighbor's kids.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:07
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
Obviously a Trump supporter, because that is an outright lie. Interesting, that "thousands and thousands" isn't enough for you. You insist on "zillions". Pathetic.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:02
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I didn't see a single person celebrating the s&m fan, pot smoking loon who shot up the abortion mill.
But I know the liberal left if crushed today-after all, it wasn't some Christian guy clinging to his guns and religion who killed 14 yesterday. I wonder if Obama will say these killers were hanging onto their guns, pipe bombs, and religion??
Posted on: 2015/12/3 18:58
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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This is not actually true. The mayor, the chief of police of NY did not claim that they saw Muslims celebrating. They only made the statement that people reported that Muslims were celebrating. I can report to have seen a person urinating in the street. This may or may not be true. The police would be accurate in stating that there are reports about a person urinating in the street. Quote:
I really don?t care much about Hillary?s claim. What I do find fascinating is that there are recorded incidents of people celebrating the Planned Parenthood shooting several days ago and not a single person here nor on the campaign trail has condemned them. I?m certain that there were Muslims in their private rooms celebrating the death of Americans. I?m certain there were non-Muslims in their private rooms celebrating the death of Americans on 9/11. What we have actual records of is Americans celebrating the deaths of other Americans that provide healthcare. That is despicable. Grown adults with spouses and children were murdered and Americans here are celebrating it as a victory and not one presidential candidate has condemned those that celebrated it. Where is the explanation for that? Where is the explanation for why Ted Cruz courts and advertises the fact that he was endorsed by a guy in jail for stalking and intimidating doctors and continues to publish lists of doctors that he wants dead?
Posted on: 2015/12/3 18:22
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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No, not a psychopath, but he may be a sociopath. Still, I?m in no position to say with any authority, nor would it be ethical even if I was. I can only see that given his pattern of behavior, he appears to my untrained eye to pass the duck test with respect to what experts write about narcissistic personality disorder. If that?s the case, his ego defenses would strongly resist the possibility that his perception of events may be uninformed, incomplete or flawed.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 18:21
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I think maybe, possibly, but probably not eight guys is the current excuse for Trump's lie.
There are some real winners in the thread.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 18:18
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Had no clue that some and thousands were synonyms. You learn something new everyday.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 18:16
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
You mean the shills and the felon?
Posted on: 2015/12/3 18:11
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Incorrect. The mayor of NY, the chief of police of NY, and a zillion people noted some Muslims celebrating. Hillary's lie was 'splained' away after she was caught, and had exactly zero basis in fact. Rushing from the plane to the limo under sniper fire, versus strolling down the gangway, taking a poem called 'Peace' from a young girl with your own daughter alongside was a total fabrication.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 18:07
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
The standard fallback among conservatives when backed into a corner...."Well, what about Hillary?" I am surprised you didn't mention Benghazi. Unlike the clown with the combover who keeps repeating the same bald-faced lie, Hillary admitted she was wrong. That is the difference between being an adult and being Donald Trump.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 17:55
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Anyone who wants to label Trump as delusional must also label Mrs. Clinton as the same, no? After all, she claimed to be dodging bullets upon landing in Bosnia, when in fact she was greeted by a young woman who wrote her a poem. Chelsea was alongside her.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 17:47
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2005/11/12 17:04 Last Login : 2024/5/7 14:26 From Downtown JC, VVP Area
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Well, that's an interesting possibility but scary as hell given his current standings in the POTUS polls. My question is whether Trump was even IN Jersey City that day? I doubt it, and if not it blows his "I saw it myself" statement pretty much out of the water.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 17:00
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
So you are suggesting that Trump is a delusional psychopath? Certainly possible.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 16:56