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Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
"Paterson was shaken by the September 11 attacks. On that day, a report circulated on some radio stations and Internet sites that Muslims in Paterson had demonstrated in celebration.
Paterson officials promptly issued a statement denying the report, and Muslim leaders insist it was pure fabrication." Read more at Reuters ... 70726#MKtl874SHLjFETZD.99
Posted on: 2015/11/22 21:18
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
I think I remember seeing Brian Williams reporting live from Paterson!
Posted on: 2015/11/22 21:11
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Do you think they magically turn into different people when they fly here? Since Muslims were celebrating all around the world, of course ones who live here (some of whom are immigrants) would celebrate too. Not all of course, but enough so that people noticed.
Posted on: 2015/11/22 21:11
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
If you are a bigot, it might not surprise you. Regarding Trump, his claim that "thousands and thousands" celebrated in Jersey City is a damnable lie. That doesn't surprise me.
Posted on: 2015/11/22 21:03
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Trump "saw it on the tv" at the time. Guess he thinks JC is the West Bank. ... ands-us-arabs-cheered-911 ... 2001-130-pm-est-link.html
Posted on: 2015/11/22 20:57
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
| ... in-new-jersey-on-sept-11/ No news reports exist of people cheering in the streets, and both police officials and the mayor of Jersey City have said that it did not happen. An Internet rumor about people cheering in the streets, which said it was in Paterson, not Jersey City, has been denied numerous times by city and police officials. Quote:
Posted on: 2015/11/22 20:34
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Coworker of mine during 9/11 lived in Paterson. She say a lot of celebration going on. Per her account, the police came into the area and told the residents to quit it.
Posted on: 2015/11/22 20:13
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
My neighbor took the Westside Avenue route every day returning home. On the day of 9/11, he told me he saw people cheering. I do remember reading the Star-Ledger, it wrote about the cheering that went on in Paterson which has a large Muslim population. I don't think the average Muslim was thrilled the world trade center buildings went down, but we can't be naive. The planning of the first world trade center attack happened in JC.
Posted on: 2015/11/22 20:03
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
When I moved to PH from NYC neighbors revealed so much about the neighborhood during 9/11....
People up the Hill got lots to say about the perimeter from Kennedy to Harrison down to Westside towards Rte 440 and it was chilling to say the least... There's one of the buildings that was pointed to me where muslim men were on the roof celebrating when the towers hit. IF you really live in the neighborhood you'd know which apartment building it was.... only the old timers who still live in the neighborhood knows about.
Posted on: 2015/11/22 19:31
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Muslims all around the world cheered for 9/11, so it wouldn't be surprising if they did here too. ... ims-seem-to-celebrate-911
Posted on: 2015/11/22 19:25
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
You know i think you have a point. My grandpa Abe told me stories....luckily i have it on youtube. Quote:
Posted on: 2015/11/22 19:23
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
When I moved to PH from NYC, I was told by old timers or those that's been living in PH for years before 9/11 they have seen one of the buildings a bunch of muslim men on the roof celebrating when the towers were hit. I suspect the same group of old timers in downtown told Trump when he chose to develop his real estate here. People do talk.
I know people on Westside said the same thing, there's a huge mosque in and around Kennedy to Harrison (ave?) or st. said the same thing about the muslims living there. I also know people living up the Hill said the same thing. So you can say about Trump all you want but I've heard the same from the residence who lived from the Hill to Westside down to PH collaborated with what Trump said.
Posted on: 2015/11/22 19:02
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Just can't stay away
Donald Trump is a pathological liar. I was in downtown Jersey City on 9/11. I saw the second plane hit the South Tower. I stood on the waterfront with thousands of others. There was no cheering. Horror, stunned silence, yes. "Thousands and thousands" cheering? No. Didn't happen. Trump is an odious charlatan, lying again, in an attempt to use fear mongering and hatred for his own political advantage. The man is an absolute disgrace.
Posted on: 2015/11/22 17:54
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Posted on: 2015/11/22 17:43
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Thank you, Mayor Fulop. Well timed and a strong response to the idiocy that continues to be Donald Trump:
By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal Email the author | Follow on Twitter on November 22, 2015 at 11:38 AM, updated November 22, 2015 at 12:02 PM Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop today ripped into Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump for saying he saw 'thousands of people' in Jersey City cheer when the World Trade Center was destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001. "Trump is plain wrong, and he is shamefully politicizing an emotionally charged issue," Fulop said in a statement released this morning. "No one in Jersey City cheered on September 11." More
Posted on: 2015/11/22 17:07
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
OK, well, I'll start this off.
As to the cheering Muslims, I saw not one. Spent the majority of the day downtown and then trying to get out of town via Newark Avenue. Again, saw no cheering crowds anywhere, let alone "thousands." But, if I may digress, when placed squarely within the context of the mythical 9/11 Commission Report, these comments (by Trump at last night's rally) are laughable. It is the further advancement and preservation of the "sacred story." A story which is as plausible as the Warren Commission report. The original story itself, the one pandered by the government, is, itself, a "conspiracy theory."
Posted on: 2015/11/22 16:51
Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
TRENTON ? Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump continued his call for surveillance of "certain" U.S. mosques ? at one point supporting his case by recounting how he witnessed "thousands and thousands of people" cheering in Jersey City as the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001.
"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the billionaire businessman and former Atlantic City casino tycoon said during a rally in Birmingham, Ala., according to video of the Saturday event. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering. "So something's going on," Trump continued. "We've got to find out what it is." More (video)
Posted on: 2015/11/22 15:56