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Re: 5th Annual Cultural Diversity Festival'18
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events-coordinator wrote:

Take your family and kids to enjoy a beautiful afternoon at the park with different performances representing different cultures.

And, of course, to celebrate the elusive holy grain of annihilating Western civilization. A project in the works now for decades, ever since the passage of the 1965 immigration act. (Ted Kennedy, not responsible.)

Just one question for my African American has "multiculturalism" and "diversity" been working out for the African American community? Does this "JCFamilies" organization represent the values of Western civilization by promoting the contrived notions of "cultural diversity, " "multiculturalism" and "inclusiveness" as virtuous?

Anybody attending this so called "festival" is either a) on-board with the White genocide movement or b) a flat-out traitor to the once great country. Of course, I'm sure Steve Fulop will be in attendance, f&*king traitor that he is. As is anyone who supports the state of Israel with such organizing of "diversity" festivals. Which of course, is PRECISELY what this whole festival is about.

Posted on: 2018/8/22 0:49

Edited by score09 on 2018/8/22 1:06:30

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Less like Borsip and much more like "do-goodie-goodie" bodhipooh.

The latter so obviously a craven sycophant of the corporate media culture and its subservience to Israel, much to the detriment of the American people. (Tee, hee, hee...I get paid!)

Posted on: 2016/10/11 5:07

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Like Borsip, Menendez, is an utter scumbag. Purchased, duped and paid for by the Israel lobby -- Israel first, of course. Although, Menendez, unlike *most* sheeple, is well aware of the treason he has committed. (Pedophilia and all.)

Traitor(s) extraordinaire.

Posted on: 2016/10/11 4:19

Edited by score09 on 2016/10/11 4:48:40

Re: Spectra Gas Pipeline -- (like the one Downtown) -- Explosion Cuts Flows to Eastern U.S.
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Devil in the details, no?

No more Boycott Divestment and Sanction? Aw schucks, such a pitiful lot.

Jersey City.

Posted on: 2016/5/5 4:35

Edited by score09 on 2016/5/5 4:50:18

Re: Spectra Gas Pipeline -- (like the one Downtown) -- Explosion Cuts Flows to Eastern U.S.
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limak116 wrote:
I'd like to note that a pipeline that is in the middle of nowhere like the one that blew up is treated MUCH less stringently than one that is in a populated area like Jersey City. There are MUCH stricter regulations, inspection requirements, etc that come with being able to have a pipeline go through a populated area.

OK, so noted.

But please, are you kidding me? Corporate capitalists have been circumventing regulations en masse for decades now. Whether by way of bribery, lobbying or propaganda, if there is an economic incentive in play, the corporatistas will always find a way to put the public's safety at risk in order to maximize profits. It's what you get with neoliberalism and the "free market" ideologues who espouse capitalism as being somehow (lol) "virtuous."

I'm reminded of a certain disaster in Bhopal, India circa 1984. Or of an oil spill involving an Exxon Valdez. Or, more recently, of a BP offshore rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

No industry is profitable if environmental costs are taken into account

We're going to burn this house down, the revolution in nigh!

Posted on: 2016/4/30 15:08

Re: Sick Passenger on JSQ-bound PATH Feb 16th around 9pm
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Good question. The cynic in me says decision to return to 33rd has something to do with efficiency, as though to maximize the amount of passengers for that particular train, and little to do with what was best for the ailing man.

Given the fare hikes and the amount of money needed to cross over the bridges and tunnels, the protocol should be up for public scrutiny.

The behemoth is out of control.

Posted on: 2016/2/17 13:17

Re: Moving to Jersey City? Join the Club.
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dtjcview wrote:

Wishful_Thinking wrote:
Is now a good time to move to JSQ? Or is the market there - in my case for a small condo - too close to peaking?
Any thoughts, insights, suggestions on getting into the JSQ condo scene?

Better to sell & rent at the moment. I don't see a big upside to buying given the trouble in the financial markets, increased JSQ development/supply, and an increasing risk of a recession. Sit on the sidelines for a year or 2 - then decide whether to buy.

Fully agree (for now anyway.) This thread reads like the ebullience of the 1999 stock market internet bubble. Just a little pin prick (you may feel a little sick.)

The anti-capitalist revolution is not far off. Bye, bye to Jersey City home-owner could you have been so stupid? LOL.

Posted on: 2016/2/16 4:24

Re: White-collar heroin users on the rise
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bodhipooh wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
You do realize that the graph you posted supports bodhipooh and debunks what hero69 was saying, right?

While you saw I did not respond to hero with an arrogant tone, he is dead wrong. He said that "one does not see the same drug scurges in other developed countries."

The Y axis of your graph shows rate of drug use. It shows that Australia has the highest rate of drug use in the world, and we are tied with New Zealand and the UK. Which completely disproves whatever hero thought he was saying.

If you want to tie drug use to capitalism, that's an entirely separate point.

Ha. Obviously he doesn't. Graphs are beyond the grasp of most people, sadly.

Wow, even more pompous and arrogant than I initially thought.

The graph is correct. It shows that the United States leads the other plotted 21 countries in terms of the degree of inequality and is behind only 1, that being Australia. So, contrary to the comment attributable to you, the United States, and only three other countries, DOES have more abusers than all but ONE of the plotted countries.

Again though, no data to support your claim. No link to the cited UN reports (as if the UN is the ultimate source for drug abuse studies, lol.)

Posted on: 2016/1/26 22:53

Re: unidentified man in jc hospital
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Atsushi wrote:

plnj wrote:

Atsushi wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
He also have been accused of scratching cars with keys. Still I am sorry to hear of his injury.

Yes, our Mini Cooper got scratched by him a few years ago. Also on one of the really cold early mornings last winter, my wife found him sleeping in the entrance hall of our building. (She let him continue to sleep there as it was just too cold for anyone to be outside.) I remember talking to him on Barrow street in 2011 when we were surveying the condo unit, which we ended up in buying. He smashes liqueur bottles on the street to pieces--not sure how often he does this. Last year, I briefly saw him with a new jacket, and I thought he had moved to a different part of town.

Were the scratches XXX by any chance? I had this happen and have been thinking it was him ever since I asked him not to smash his wine jugs on the sidewalk.

The scratch on our Mini is about a 3 inch long straight line. We just put touch-up paint and moved on.

Ah, gee. How magnanimous of you.

The guy's pictured as comatose on a gurney and you are talking about your precious mini cooper.

Posted on: 2016/1/26 16:45

Re: White-collar heroin users on the rise
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bodhipooh wrote:

hero69 wrote:
what is it that makes americans so prone to use drugs. one does not see the same drug scurges in other developed countries

Your ignorance is showing. Go read about the topic and you will learn that you are WAY OFF BASE. The use of drugs is prevalent in many affluent, Western countries. That, of course, is to be expected as you need money to be able to procure drugs. Drug use is fairly high in Western Europe, North America, and Australia. Different drug types are used in different percentages in different countries. The UN puts out a fairly comprehensive report that is rather interesting, particularly because it debunks nonsense like what you wrote.

Way off base huh? I'd say RIGHT ON THE MARK. And, I gather you weren't able to pick up on the rhetorical nature of the post.

What data do you have to support yourself? A "fairly comprehensive" report from the UN? Meaning, it's comprehensive, but only "fairly" so?

It's capitalism to the core, this is the reason why. People looking to blow off the stress of living in a highly stratified socioeconomic system. It's no secret and it isn't just about drug abuse but rather ALL societal malaise, e.g. obesity, teen pregnancy, mental illness, gun violence, et al.

Hate to break it to you, but you?re the one showing ignorance here.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2016/1/26 16:08

Edited by score09 on 2016/1/26 16:32:41

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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JCMan8 wrote:
Muslim Community Leader Supports Trump's Proposed Ban ... orts-trumps-proposed-ban/

I see, so Sean Hannity and Fox News. A very credible source, lol. An Imam whose credentials are unclear, aside from being a religious leader. Of course there is no text to accompany the video. And of course, no mention of the other Muslim panelist whose views are diametrically opposed. And surprise surprise, the conservative astro turf is fully rolled out on the internet when you google his name. A typical political construct designed exclusively to sway sheeple opinion. Sad but true.

Posted on: 2015/12/11 2:21

Re: Financial jihad!
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The level of deviance of a scheme involving the creation of ?synthetic? identities pales in comparison to the deviance of ?synthesizing? a bad mortgage loan into a cluster of otherwise less bad loans, securitizing them into the form of a ?Collateralized Debt Obligation,? selling them long (as AAA rated) to the public and then selling same securities short.

Who?s more nefarious than Wall Street? This little $3 million dollar scheme isn?t even a blip on the radar. Capitalism, par for the course, to be expected.

Posted on: 2015/12/10 17:33

Edited by score09 on 2015/12/10 17:50:47

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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JCishome wrote:
One of the few things I remember from my expensive political science degree is this quote from HL Mencken, written in 1920. It took a lot of years, but it looks like his prediction has finally come true:

"The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre ? the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.

The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

Nice one. And no, I've not read Mencken but was vaguely aware that he's of a "different" era. I am assuming though that you feel as though there is a "first-rate" man today? Sanders, perhaps?

Because, I'm not sure the "plain folks" truly desire any candidate. And that's because there is nothing sustainable about the current political system given the crippling and debilitating impact of market capitalism and the monetary system. It's corrupt to the core because it can't function any other way given the demands placed upon it by profit incentives and the insatiable need for cyclical consumption.

But likely I misconstrue. Because for sure, the individuals who are elected are necessarily among the most "devious and mediocre." I agree -- for now at least and despite my ignorance -- there is truth to be had in Mencken.

Posted on: 2015/12/10 16:57

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

As a side note, the only reason we oppose Iran is because Saudia Arabia wants us to do so.

Okay, I'll bite. I guess American thirst for oil and the Israel lobby have no role, right? Exclusively because of KSA?

Posted on: 2015/11/24 22:26

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Wow, seeing some hysterical and xenophobic posts. It?s like the capitalism fascists are coming out of the woodwork here, so much hysteria, lol. Ironically, it?s just where it -- the dominant elite ? wants you, lol. The fear of ISIS, the fear of Al Queda, the fear of Iran. The United States -- or more accurately the dominant Western elites who invade, oppress and manipulate in order to preserve, secure and accumulate their PRIVATE wealth -- has been engaged in over 10 military expeditions of invasion and conquest since the 9/11 attack. Iran, on the other hand, last invaded another country in the early 18th century. Sanctions against Iran are intended to deprive Hezbollah and Hamas of Iranian support.

But so long as the American people are fearful, you have little resistance to the implementation of ?preemptive? military action aimed at territorial conquest and capital accumulation.

The hysteria here reveals a pliable, docile, gullible and ?ready to support the next conquest? type of mentality. Exactly what the elites want, and at your expense, by the way.
The United States uses ISIS, in the same way it has used other extremist organizations, as an instrument to justify war. It foments war by backing radical extremism, such as when it illegally sold arms to Iran in order to gain funding to support the Contras in Nicaragua.

This is nothing new and should come as no surprise to anyone. The notion that the United States isn?t up to its chin in fomenting the current extremism is na?ve.

The cost to the US taxpayer since this ?War on Terror? began is 6.6 trillion dollars and many thousands of young American lives. The rulers of the military-industrial-complex who have received a windfall in the billions of dollars as a direct result of this War on Terror, are its beneficiaries. (Senator Feinstein?s husband, Richard Blum, comes to mind.) Ironically, even the posters on this thread who are well paid in salary and bonuses, still have no shot of ever getting on the same economic plane as those whose hands are at the ship?s tiller and are setting the course towards dystopia and misery. (Pretty sure we are already there.)

Newsflash people: when America goes to war, national security and justice are never the primary considerations. Rather, the overarching consideration is always how best to take some money, and turn into more money for the holders of private capital.

Posted on: 2015/11/24 21:58

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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devilsadvocate wrote:

... a terrorist org that would happily roast every non-Muslim in America?

No need for hysteria.

Posted on: 2015/11/24 16:07

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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MDM wrote:
The link below details I witness accounts. Reading the article and some of the comments (of others who claim to have also witnessed) match exactly what my co-worker described.

She was part time only and was off work on 9/11. We were both back at work at 9/12, which is when she relayed what she saw to me. ... -saw-277082#ixzz3sLaXMvcE

note: I witnessed nothing like the above article in Jersey City. However, I did witness the that evening and the next day a bunch of Muslim women screaming out their windows around JSQ. They weren't speaking English, so I didn't know what it was all about.

However, later the news reported that a number of men in the area had been arrested or detained by the FBI right after the attacks. The screaming women were the wives, daughters, and sisters who just had seen their men taken away in handcuffs.

Article is published in a far-right fringe publication, written by an individual whose credentials are unclear, aside from the fact that he started his own business at age 18 and has a vested interest in the furtherance of neoliberal policies given his supposed status as a real estate investor.

Moreover though, he says he saw fewer than 100 cheering and that those folks were in Paterson, so he says, not in Jersey City, which is what Trump said. Hardly supportive of Trump's claim.

As to the tweets embedded into the article, lol, pure folly. Social media is the new frontier as far as propaganda goes.

Posted on: 2015/11/24 16:01

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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I am familiar with this story. The arresting officer, Scott DeCarlo, is some type of musician now, I think? I just can't believe that one of the deported would announce on television that "they were there to document the event," lol. Staged fodder for the gullible, kind of like the 9/11 Commission Report.

Posted on: 2015/11/24 14:48

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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JerseyCityNj wrote:
When 9/11 happened the Jersey Journal used to have a live JC police scanner on their website. I remember listening to it for hours straight because I was amazed at the type of things I was hearing. The police were so tied up all the criminals were taking advantage of it. I heard reports of numerous bank robberies, armed robberies, stores being looted, shootings etc. It was the amount that was going on in such a short amount of time that kept me listening. You could hear the police saying how tied up they were Downtown they didn't have enough officers to respond to crimes in the rest of the city. Many times they would say they were too tied up to even respond at all to many of the crimes.

Now the things I heard that tied into this article were when I heard the reports of "Muslims celebrating". I remember most would be followed with the officer responding to the scene saying their was "no Muslims are celebrating" with no further info. One or two of them it was reported people were not Muslim and not celebrating. One was confirmed and the police radioed in some codes and said they had men detained. After that conversation someone told the officer to switch his frequency to a different one. That one I clearly remembered was called in as "Muslims dancing and celebrating on a roof top". That turned out to actually be the IsraelI men that the FBI questioned.

One I am really not sure if it could be confirmed if Muslims were really celebrating because the police said they had a mob forming with baseball bats trying to attack them. That is the ironic part the news after this event would try to say how every race and religion was standing together but I clearly remember a lot of anti Muslim attack reports over the scanner. A few were against store owners and some were in the streets. One report was a woman that was attacked. Their was one officer that sounded alarmed that their was a group going around attacking anyone thought to be Muslim and some of the victims were Coptic.

It always amazed me to this day how most of this never made the paper. I just took it as the city didn't want the public to know how bad things really were that day. I can only imagine the things I didn't hear when I stopped listening and the officers that switched over to a different frequency. As it got later in the day you would hear more officers say they were going to switch frequencies and a reference being made to no longer say certain things on that frequency (the one I was listening to).

Wow, nice post, and thanks for the insight! It serves as a primary document, in the qualitative sense, as to what really went down in Jersey City that day. I remember total chaos on Newark Avenue, with cops under duress just managing traffic flow. A lot of access roads were shut down, it was a very strange scene indeed.

Posted on: 2015/11/24 14:40

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:
Who cares? You can find a small % of people that believe lots of crazy stuff. I bet there are more Scientologists in JC than terrorist sympathizers. And this happened 15 years ago. Time to move on.

Yeah, who cares? I mean, what difference does it make, right? Fifteen years and all. Because the foundation for the current War on Terror has no relevance to this thread, right?

You sound like Noam Chomsky. Mr Wonderful but a gatekeeper nonetheless.

Posted on: 2015/11/24 3:25

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
I'm no psychiatrist...

Nah, most certainly, you aren't.

Because if you were, you'd hesitate before ascribing blame for an incident involving mislabeled containers at a Jersey City daycare facility to an "incompetent" low-wage worker. But I digress, lol.

Posted on: 2015/11/24 3:06

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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papadage wrote:

Self aggrandizing argument by assertion does not make you anything more than a nut. Go back on your meds. You may feel better.

What? "Self aggrandizing assertion"? Now, what is that?

Have you anything intelligent to say, or are you habituated to simplistic ad hominem attack? How about attacking the argument maintained? Ooops, I guess you just get the cognitive machinations rolling fast enough.

Do yourself a favor and don't dig yourself any deeper into the hole. I'll crush you. Trust me.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 21:27

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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papadage wrote:
As a liberal, I do not claim the conspiracy theorist loon. Crazy is cross-political. I know just as many lib-tards, conserve-tards and liber-tards that believe that tripe.

The support of a nut who thinks it was a false flag is not exactly the most rational support an argument can have. If a 9-11 Truther scum is what you need to feel warm at night, have fun.

Textbook ignoramus reply. When nothing of substance can be argued, throw out the "conspiracy theorist" label. Did you know that the geocentric view of the earth as the center of the Universe wasn't debunked unto the mid 19th century. They called Galileo the same. Only he was also a "blasphemer" and a "heretic." Of course, as to 9/11 Commission Report, as stated in post number 2 of this thread, is itself a "conspiracy theory."

Posted on: 2015/11/23 21:14

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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JCMan8 wrote:

neverleft wrote:
Trump says old news clip shows he's owed an apology over Jersey City 9/11 comments ... gy.html#incart_river_home

Good for him. He tweeted the same Washington Post story I posted in this thread.

The celebrations happened and the reporter verified they did by interviewing eye witnesses at the time. The dispute is now changing to whether "thousands" were celebrating, but some people here claimed absolutely no celebrations occurred. That's a lie but I doubt they apologize.

SO WHAT IF THEY WERE DANCING AND CHEERING IN THE STREETS OR ON THE ROOFTOPS? Good for them! The United States is currently viewed around the world as the greatest threat to world peace. I was there, down by the river, on 9/11 and was as aghast as anyone else. But "they" didn't do 9/11. It was a false flag operation designed to serve as a pretext for the invasion of a foreign, sovereign nation in order to gather hegemony and spoils (like oil and land.) Among many other reasons too, of course.

In ensuing years, the extreme right-wing, radical, neoliberal capitalists have been invading, dominating and oppressing all over the world on behalf of a corporate oligarchy which increasingly uses both the police and the media as its "Stasi" enforcers. The imperial agenda, the co-opting of the word "terrorist" in order to fulfill and agenda of conquest and domination, and the presumption that any war is justifiable on the basis of some moral supremacy serves only to instill resentment of the United States, all over the world. And, with global implementation of neoliberal capitalism, it's only getting worse, particularly right here in the good ole' USA, where wages continue to decline and workers continue to be stripped of basic rights.

You reap what you sow.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 20:51

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Monroe wrote:
While we have Obama telling us and the media to tone down our concern over Islamic terrorism, the NYTimes in a Sunday 'above the fold' article reports that the Pentagon is investigating changes to military intel that downplayed the gains of ISIS. Oopsie.

The United States foments terrorism in order to perpetuate War. War is very profitable, and is an indispensable component to the maintenance of cyclical consumption.

So, of course any "gains" made by ISIS is good for the elites.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 19:58

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Monroe wrote:

score09 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
... the uncle of that mastermind went on to be the architect of 9/11...

Right. And your source for these claims is what? The 9/11 Commission Report?

The 9/11 pretext and False Flag

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Citing a Wikipedia article -- the content of which is from an event that happened over twenty-two years ago and one that has been edited over fifty times in the past six months -- as a credible source is rather infantile, I think.

The 9/11 narrative is the greatest lie ever told. It takes just a little bit of research to realize that the entire event, was not masterminded or directed by an individual hiding in a cave halfway around the world using a cell phone. Nothing regarding the Government's story can be substantiated, yet some in the public are satisfied by a heavily edited, astro-turfed Wikipedia article. Utterly amazing.

Posted on: 2015/11/23 19:47

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Monroe wrote:
Some people forget, or don't know that the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and some of his co-conspirators were based in Jersey City, or that the uncle of that mastermind went on to be the architect of 9/11, or that certain mosques in Jersey City were under post 9/11 surveillance by the NYPD elite anti-terror team.

Right. And your source for these claims is what? The 9/11 Commission Report?

The 9/11 pretext and False Flag

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Posted on: 2015/11/23 17:21

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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OK, well, I'll start this off.

As to the cheering Muslims, I saw not one. Spent the majority of the day downtown and then trying to get out of town via Newark Avenue. Again, saw no cheering crowds anywhere, let alone "thousands."

But, if I may digress, when placed squarely within the context of the mythical 9/11 Commission Report, these comments (by Trump at last night's rally) are laughable. It is the further advancement and preservation of the "sacred story." A story which is as plausible as the Warren Commission report.

The original story itself, the one pandered by the government, is, itself, a "conspiracy theory."

Posted on: 2015/11/22 16:51

Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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TRENTON ? Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump continued his call for surveillance of "certain" U.S. mosques ? at one point supporting his case by recounting how he witnessed "thousands and thousands of people" cheering in Jersey City as the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001.

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the billionaire businessman and former Atlantic City casino tycoon said during a rally in Birmingham, Ala., according to video of the Saturday event. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.

"So something's going on," Trump continued. "We've got to find out what it is."
More (video)

Posted on: 2015/11/22 15:56

Re: Best Brunch in Jersey City / Hoboken
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Madame Claude Cafe.

10 minute walk from the grove street path. Just off Newark Avenue, corner of 4th and Brunswick.

Brunch there is good.

Posted on: 2015/11/14 21:27

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