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Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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2005/6/8 3:24
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The question is not whether a mayoral election held in May would have greater turnout than an Assembly election held in November. The question is whether a mayoral election held in May would have greater turnout than a mayoral election in November. Jersey City's mayoral elections are the same year as Gubernatorial elections. The combination of those two races will boost turnout.

Posted on: 2015/11/11 14:24

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Any comments on Bill Matsikoudis's statement, HeightsBrat? Or you just rather ignore the facts?

Posted on: 2015/11/11 14:15

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Yvonne wrote:
This is Jersey City, we want our runoffs. We want candidates to prove themselves.

Speak only for yourself. You do not speak for me, never have & never will.

Posted on: 2015/11/11 14:13

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Bill Matsikoudis spoke at the public portion of the meeting, he had the stats on the 2013 races for May and November. Apparently, more people voted in our May for mayor/council race than they did in November electing the governor. Matsikoudis, was former corporation council. So this whole issue of improving voter turnout is based on false data.

Posted on: 2015/11/11 13:35

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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The argument that more people will vote by moving to November turned out to be false. The mayor/council race in May 2013 had over 40,000 residents voting. The county executive race, in which 12 towns voted this November 3rd, had a similar number. So, the turnout for the municipal race was higher in 2013 than the recent November race. There is no direct number on how many JC residents voted this November but less than 10,000 residents voted on the question. This is just another opportunity for Steve Fulop to run for mayor when he loses the primary for governor. His argument on higher turned was wrong.

Posted on: 2015/11/7 21:11

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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I thank you all for your wonderful comments, funny how Fulop did not have the courage to express his true feelings to change from May to November and no runoffs, at least Zimmer did in Hoboken. What a coward.

Posted on: 2015/11/6 13:32

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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brewster wrote:

Please don't feed the troll. Yvonne is being extremely disrespectful of JCListers posting a video link with no description at all. Presumably it's of her yapping about something, but we have no idea. Don't give her the Youtube hits.

Yup. I've a soft spot for Yvonne - canary in the coalmine kind of thing. With numbers - Yvonne is clueless.

Posted on: 2015/11/6 4:44

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Please don't feed the troll. Yvonne is being extremely disrespectful of JCListers posting a video link with no description at all. Presumably it's of her yapping about something, but we have no idea. Don't give her the Youtube hits.

Posted on: 2015/11/6 3:56

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Posted on: 2015/11/6 3:47

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Yvonne wrote:
We should deal with it because Fulop, the puppet of developers do not want to waste money while he runs for governor. I should feel sorry for him so he can have cash available in case he loses that race? Fulop might be without funds and he does not want to waste money on a runoff.

This is Jersey City, we want our runoffs. We want candidates to prove themselves.

Prove themselves to whom? Voter turnout is pathetic.

Posted on: 2015/11/6 3:38

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Initial vote to move Jersey City elections set for Tuesday

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal The Jersey Journal 
November 05, 2015 at  3:49 PM

JERSEY CITY — Who says government moves slowly?

Just one week after voters narrowly approved a non-binding referendum that signaled support for changing the date of Jersey City's elections, the City Council is scheduled to vote on a measure that would move the quadrennial mayoral and council races from May to November.

The change must be made via ordinance, so a second vote would be required before adoption.

Read more: ... ty_elections_set_for.html

Posted on: 2015/11/6 3:24

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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We should deal with it because Fulop, the puppet of developers do not want to waste money while he runs for governor. I should feel sorry for him so he can have cash available in case he loses that race? Fulop might be without funds and he does not want to waste money on a runoff.

This is Jersey City, we want our runoffs. We want candidates to prove themselves.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 16:10

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Yvonne wrote:
First, stop with the name, "instant runoffs." it is eliminating runoffs.


It's a thing. Deal with it.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 16:01

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Instant runoffs would require a change in state law - but so? That shouldn't be an obstacle in getting it done.

Many truly progressive places use them (Seattle, Minneapolis, San Francisco). They work. You are almost assured to get better participation (turnout almost always drops between the original election and the subsequent runoff) and you save money. If you are opposed to them, you probably don't understand how they work.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 15:41

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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First, stop with the name, "instant runoffs." it is eliminating runoffs. The first thing people do is change language to pretend it is something else. This sounds like George Orwell's 1984, rename something unpleasant to appeal to the masses. I don't have to repeat why I am against this, just read what I wrote.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 14:24

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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@Yvonne. Why do you think independents would lose out by moving to instant runoffs?

Posted on: 2015/11/5 13:39

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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2005/6/8 3:24
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I believe instant runoff voting would require a change in state law.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 13:36

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Increased voter participation? Did we see this on Tuesday? Of course not. This is the fact: JC spends $100 million in contracts. A sizeable portion goes to political law firms who are generous to Fulop' campaign. Eliminating runoffs means an independent candidate will not be heard. Only the developer's candidate will win.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 13:26

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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@shakatah - google instant run-offs. There are variations of it, but essentially the winner has received a majority based on ranked voting. Votes are counted multiple times. If there's no clear winner at the end of a count, the lowest polling candidate is eliminated and their votes go to the second choice on their ballots. The process repeats until there is a majority winner.

Contrary to claims otherwise - it actually helps independents. People are encouraged to vote for outsiders because they don't see it as a wasted choice.

It would help if the proposed process was clearly explained to the JC electorate.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 13:14

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Yvonne is often off, way off, but if the municipal election is moved to november, which seems likely, you should be concerned if there are no runoffs.

Here's why: Partisan elections have a primary process which narrows the field a bit in crowded races, nonpartisan elections (Jersey city municipal elections are nonpartisan) don't. Having the municipal elections in November would increase participation and that is a great thing, but a lot of tricks get played in one candidate putting in 3rd, 4th, 5th...candidates to split the vote that would otherwise go to their opponent.

Which means that you could have a JC mayoral election with 10 or 15 candidates and without a runoff the "winner" and your next mayor could be a person that did not get a majority of the vote. So we could end up with a mayor that only 10% of the people voting chose, not 10 of registered voters, 10% OF THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED IN THAT ELECTION. To me that sounds like a perfect recipe to manipulate/control election outcomes. That is a problem and a reason the runoffs are necessary, especially in races without primaries like JC municipal elections.

We must have a runoff to prevent people who do not get a majority of voters in an election from getting into office. The folks we elect should only get there if a majority of voters chose them.

The combination of moving the election to November and eliminating runoffs INSTANTLY DECREASES the power of your single vote while simultaneously INCREASING the power of incumbents.

Posted on: 2015/11/5 11:58

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Oops! Fulop email on referendum includes key error

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal The Jersey Journal
November 04, 2015 at 4:30 PM

JERSEY CITY — Mayor Steve Fulop today blamed a campaign volunteer for an error in an email his campaign sent twice this week regarding yesterday's referendum on moving Jersey City's election day.

In the email, which the mayor's campaign sent early Monday afternoon and then again yesterday afternoon, Fulop urged voters to support the referendum, arguing the city would save $400,000 annually if city elections move from May to November.

But the city doesn't hold elections every year — they occur every four years. So any cost savings from moving mayoral and City Council races to November would not occur annually.

Read ;more: ... s_error.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2015/11/5 6:56

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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The runoff as currently constituted has the intent of ensuring majority support but usually just creates a day where you have low turnout and two candidates trying to mobilize a small portion of the electorate. In 2013, because of a somewhat bizarre court ruling, we had the spectacle of third or even lower place finishers with very little support having the right to contest an election in the runoff.

The runoff produced one result that differed from the initial election. In Ward A Frank Gajewski finished 2nd in the first ballot but won in the runoff, in part because once Healy lost on the first ballot to Fulop the entire campaign operation shut down.

I completely agree with Brewster that we should have Instant Runoff voting. Rank the candidates the first time around. That way it's the same electorate that makes the decision as to who has majority support, as opposed to a smaller one in the runoff.

Posted on: 2015/11/4 23:37

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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I want this. It allows you to vote for 3rd parties or chanceless "message" candidates without throwing away your vote.

Posted on: 2015/11/4 22:01

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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This was always Fulop's intent, but Judge Bariso ruled against this. This is not legal under the Faulkner Act. A wise man once told me the when the state wants to put in a highway they must get permits but to avoid that, the state builds the highway in sections to avoid the public. This is Fulop's plan. He was not honest in the beginning to present his own plan, he is using the back door approach.

Posted on: 2015/11/4 21:29

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Posted on: 2015/11/4 19:31

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Wishful_Thinking wrote:
I voted in favor of the referendum to move the elections, but feel that with such a low turnout, and a relatively close vote, I'm not comfortable with this happening. Yes, people can and should show up to vote (I've never missed an election since I turned 18 in 1979!) so they don't deserve to have their apathy catered to, but it is hardly a mandate.
ultimately the decision is up to the council anyway. You're never going to get a mandate for anything in this city. You might as well say that the other elections should be void due to low turnout. The people that actually bother to show up voted in favor. The people that didn't bother to show up obviously don't care. So let the council make the decision, that's what they're elected for after all.

edit: but honestly I'm not in a rush to see it happen, so long as it happens at some point in the near future. If they want to put it off and try the question again next year, so be it.

Posted on: 2015/11/4 18:48

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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dtjcview wrote:
Getting elected as East Newark mayor with 121 votes?

And it was 121-0!! That's an outcome that would have made Saddam Hussein proud... Seriously - there is no better case for the need for municipal consolidation in NJ than East Newark. 0.102 square miles of land and 2400 people, yet it has a school district (with a K-8 school and administration), a police department, clerk's office, construction inspection, financial officer, and more! This is what is sucking the life out of NJ... Government is really not that much different than the mafia in NJ. They both want their taste.

Posted on: 2015/11/4 18:37

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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I voted in favor of the referendum to move the elections, but feel that with such a low turnout, and a relatively close vote, I'm not comfortable with this happening. Yes, people can and should show up to vote (I've never missed an election since I turned 18 in 1979!) so they don't deserve to have their apathy catered to, but it is hardly a mandate.

Posted on: 2015/11/4 18:32

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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jerseymom wrote:

neverleft wrote:
Jerseymom I got tricked up also when I first looked at those numbers. For the move we voted once...but for the JCBOE we voted for three.
So you could say it is 24,225 /3 = 8,075

Ahaa! I understand now - that is tricky for the math challenged like me! Thank you for helping me with this. Still looking for the full accounting off all precincts!

Whatever way you look at it - turnout was abysmal. You need more signatures to get a question on the ballot than showed up to vote. Voting needs to be made easier, candidates need to engage their constituents better, and the public needs to recognise the value of our hard-won democracy. Restructuring City and County government couldn't hurt also. Getting elected as East Newark mayor with 121 votes?

Posted on: 2015/11/4 17:20

Re: Fulop wants to change the election from May to November
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Annod wrote:
I voted on the question this year because I remembered it from all the discussions.

One year I didn't vote on the question because I missed it. It was in red color which did not stand out for me. I guess my eyes were looking for black.

Same here. I think we're programmed to view things in that kind of design pattern as part of the "ignore set": EULA's, health warnings, etc. Is it deliberate that it doesn't look like the rest of the votes? If I were designing voting software I would require a "none of the above" choice rather than let a voter ignore or miss a vote field and have a "incomplete" warning like you do on an online purchase page before allowing the votes to register. It's sad that our democracy is a behind webpage code a couple of decades old.

Posted on: 2015/11/4 16:47

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