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Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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2011/5/29 3:09
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getz011 wrote:

Boris, why do you waste your time on people like us who are clearly your intellectual inferiors?

I declare you the smartest guy in town. Now, hopefully, there's no further need to engage us.

Actually there is. If I thought the problem was with the smarts I wouldn't engage you to begin with. I, however, believe the main problem you are less informed. Like, admit it - you never knew that Cruz graduated Harvard magna cum laude and was so good that Dershowitz remembered him. And you never knew that Palin predicted the Ukrainain conflict in the 2008 (not that it was hard to predict).

Posted on: 2015/3/29 2:49

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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borisp wrote:
Ted Cruz graduated Princton "cum laude". He was so good on Princeton's debate team that they named they annual championship after him? Could you remind me, what was Obama's GPA in Columbia?

There are three reasons you call Cruz "moron":
- longstanding Democratic tradition to declare every Republican candidate stupid,
- you have no idea how to argue on merit,
- racism, plain and simple.

Boris, why do you waste your time on people like us who are clearly your intellectual inferiors?

I declare you the smartest guy in town. Now, hopefully, there's no further need to engage us.

Posted on: 2015/3/28 21:45

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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borisp wrote:

Palin may not be the brightest star in the Republican field, but she is experimentally proven to be much brighter than your very brightest.

she's definitely more accomplished and real than the phony you are going to vote for in 2016.

Thank you for giving me my best laugh is quite some time.

Posted on: 2015/3/28 21:23

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Let me remind you that Palin predicted in 2008 that left unopposed Putin was going to move on Ukraine, while Obama managed to get surprised when it did few years after that. So, Palin may not be the brightest star in the Republican field, but she is experimentally proven to be much brighter than your very brightest.

Also, let me remind you that Palin didn't ride her husband's coattails in her career and in politics. She is a self-made woman, who hit all the glass ceilings and punched though on her own. Again, I am not saying she's the best candidate Republicans got, but she's definitely more accomplished and real than the phony you are going to vote for in 2016.

So, you shouldn't be laughing at her. Not really.

Posted on: 2015/3/28 16:47

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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The only thing more glorious than Cruz as the Republican nominee would be Palin :)

Posted on: 2015/3/28 2:02

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Pebble wrote:
Ted Cruz is a moron. How do we know this? Simple. Load up then load up There is no planning, no foresight.

Ted Cruz graduated Princton "cum laude". He was so good on Princeton's debate team that they named they annual championship after him? Could you remind me, what was Obama's GPA in Columbia?

Ted Cruz graduated Harvard Law "magna cum laude". Prof Dershowitz said "Cruz was of-the-charts brilliant" (just in case, let me remind you that when he says "charts" he doesn't mean some general population, he means Harvard students). He also mentioned that over his 40 years and 10K students, Cruz was one of the brightest. Could you remind me, what was Obama's GPA in Harvard and what did his professors told us about him?

There are three reasons you call Cruz "moron":
- longstanding Democratic tradition to declare every Republican candidate stupid,
- you have no idea how to argue on merit,
- racism, plain and simple.
Pebble wrote:
As I said before: every flat taxer is a moron. This isn't an opinion, it is a fact. Visit a flat tax country anywhere and enjoy the abject poverty that exists.

Why don't you give us examples? I mean, being a non-moron, very much unlike Cruz, you don't just say things, right? You got them examples. And, of course, you do understand that you need to check WHEN the country adopted the flat tax, - before or after it became poor.
user1111 wrote:
Obamacare Opponent Ted Cruz is Signing Up for Obamacare (Yes, Really!)

Yeah, and I was always an opponent of socialism, but when I lived in the Soviet Union I was free medicine and free education. Do you know why? Because it was verboten to do otherwise. And, just as you do now, there were people who were pointing that out, claiming that it was wrong for me to use socialistic goods while trying to destroy socialism. What you are trying to sell is the same thing. You forced your obamacare upon everyone and now you claim that, hey, whoever uses it - approves! This is the worst kind of dishonest and indecent.

Posted on: 2015/3/28 0:40

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Ted Cruz is a moron. How do we know this? Simple. Load up then load up

There is no planning, no foresight.

The reality is, Cruz isn't running for President of the USA. He wants to be its supreme minister.

As I said before: every flat taxer is a moron. This isn't an opinion, it is a fact. Visit a flat tax country anywhere and enjoy the abject poverty that exists.

Good for Cruz that he wants to run. He's only doing Hillary a favor.

Posted on: 2015/3/25 18:51
Dos A Cero

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Posted on: 2015/3/25 14:24

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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2010/7/9 11:16
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He is just following the law.
cruz doesn't have to go with obamacare...he merely needs to get health insurance. there are many health inusrance options outside of [/quote]

Unless your plan in grandfathered, you have to buy insurance that is regulated under ACA. You can't even buy insurance, except under certain exceptions because the open enrollment period is over.

From Esurance when you try to pull up health plans:

Please select from the following qualifying life events

The Open Enrollment Period (OEP) has ended, but you can still get insurance if one of these apply to you. Learn more

I was charged a tax penalty in 2014 and haven't yet enrolled for 2015.
I recently lost or am losing coverage (see qualifying examples) .
Recent marriage
Permanent move to a new coverage area
Birth or adoption of a child
Other (see examples)
I don't qualify but still need insurance. Show me other options.

Posted on: 2015/3/25 14:13

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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MDM wrote:

He is just following the law.
cruz doesn't have to go with obamacare...he merely needs to get health insurance. there are many health inusrance options outside of

Posted on: 2015/3/25 14:08

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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He is just following the law.

Posted on: 2015/3/25 13:46

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Nomorebullcrap wrote:
Where were you born? Your subject title makes no sense. Wow
where i was born is irrelevant? i am not running for president. i'm pointing out hyprocrisy of birthers, who are mostly conservative. ted cruz is so full of sh_t that he doesn't mention that his wife had a great career at goldman sachs. he talks about her being a great mom, but what about her career

Posted on: 2015/3/25 13:27

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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2015/3/25 2:02
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Where were you born? Your subject title makes no sense. Wow

Posted on: 2015/3/25 2:13

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Posted on: 2015/3/25 1:53

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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One class, 350K, and I guess it wasn't that taxing because she also got almost 50K more from Travelers Insurance trying to figure out ways to block asbestos victims from getting any more payouts!

Posted on: 2015/3/25 1:05

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Not that I don't think the college costs are out of control, but I assume Warren was being paid as a full Professor, which means that the bulk of her work was research and writing, rather than classwork, the same as if she was a full Professor of physics. That what Universities are supposed to be about, creating knowledge, not just distributing it.

She was still paid less than the putzes with more balls than brains gambling on Wall Street in the "heads I win, tails the public loses" casino that she is trying to expose and rein in.

Posted on: 2015/3/24 23:25

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Warren amuses me-the hypocrisy on college costs, her hilarious use of minority status to advance her career (I'm told I have Cherokee cheekbones, so I can use affirmative action in my favor!). It's all too rich. Hillary trumpeting women's equality, while underpaying her own female staffers AND taking money from some of the most misogynistic regimes on the planet, slut shaming the girls/women her husband has seduced and abused . . . It's all too funny!

Posted on: 2015/3/24 19:56

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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tell canada to take cruz back, we don't want or need him!

Posted on: 2015/3/24 19:49

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Monroe wrote:
Given that her husband is a Harvard professor I think she already knew . . .

But accepting 350K/year to teach a single class, then bitching about the high cost of education-you can't put a price on that hypocrisy, now can you?

I find it curious why you're so focused on Warren, who has demonstrated a vastly higher level of intelligence than Cruz. Is it because you know that she also has a better chance of winning the presidency than any R in the field? The last numbers had Hillary winning by double digits over everyone the R's put forward.

Do I think Warren is hypocritical to take a lot of money to teach a class? I don't know. It depends on her position at the time. It depends on what she believes a Harvard education is worth. I don't actually care.

The fact that she recognizes the crippling cost that student loan debt is creating for our youth means something. She taught a class and now thinks colleges cost too much. At least she's trying to do something about it unlike, say, Ted Cruz.

Now, if she was teaching at Rutgers and demanding some serious coin, maybe there could be an argument there...

Posted on: 2015/3/24 19:42
Dos A Cero

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Given that her husband is a Harvard professor I think she already knew . . .

But accepting 350K/year to teach a single class, then bitching about the high cost of education-you can't put a price on that hypocrisy, now can you?


Pebble wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Even more fun is pointing out that the Cherokee Queen, Elizabeth Warren, rails about student debt and the high cost of college education-while she collected 700K over two years teaching ONE CLASS at Harvard! You can't make this stuff up.


hero69 wrote:
why didn't cruz mentioned his wife's great 10 year career at goldman sachs where she is a managing director?

Maybe that helped formulate her opinion...?

Besides, its freaking Harvard. How many people going there are truly worried about the amount of debt they might be taking on?!

Posted on: 2015/3/24 19:32

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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The question is not whether or not Ted Cruz is going to get nomination. It's about how much damage he is going to cause to Jeb Bush campaign (the only electable candidate, but in the end, he will not win) by bringing the debate further to right. GOP radicalized itself so much that it cannot find a way back to American mainstream. It's sad.

Posted on: 2015/3/24 14:15

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Monroe wrote:
Even more fun is pointing out that the Cherokee Queen, Elizabeth Warren, rails about student debt and the high cost of college education-while she collected 700K over two years teaching ONE CLASS at Harvard! You can't make this stuff up.


hero69 wrote:
why didn't cruz mentioned his wife's great 10 year career at goldman sachs where she is a managing director?

Maybe that helped formulate her opinion...?

Besides, its freaking Harvard. How many people going there are truly worried about the amount of debt they might be taking on?!

Posted on: 2015/3/24 13:55
Dos A Cero

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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why did cruz acurately depict his wife's great career?

Posted on: 2015/3/24 13:54

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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Even more fun is pointing out that the Cherokee Queen, Elizabeth Warren, rails about student debt and the high cost of college education-while she collected 700K over two years teaching ONE CLASS at Harvard! You can't make this stuff up.


hero69 wrote:
why didn't cruz mentioned his wife's great 10 year career at goldman sachs where she is a managing director?

Posted on: 2015/3/24 13:29

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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why didn't cruz mentioned his wife's great 10 year career at goldman sachs where she is a managing director?

Posted on: 2015/3/24 13:26

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Cruz not being born in America should be a problem, in theory. I recall there being talk about McCain?s birth taking place ?outside America? and, in part, it was due to the birther nonsense with Obama but that was quashed under the argument that a US military base is American soil in the same way that a consulate is.


hero69 wrote:
lol. Students upset they had to attend Ted Cruz's Liberty University event or face a fine. ... niversity-event-face-fine

I have a cousin that attended Liberty. That place isn?t a real school. The fact that there are students upset about attending a speech by a guy that?s just as nutty as they are?!


Monroe wrote:
There's a 'Libs be hating Latinos' group? What happened to diversity and inclusion? Of course, we have that stupid Democrat railing about the Lynch confirmation-the same guy who voted against black woman Condi Rice!

I have no idea what you are talking about in relation to ?Libs be hating Latinos?. Is this an actual group or are you saying that Liberals are hating Latinos because they dislike one guy that happens to think bringing assault weapons into a Senate hearing was a good idea?

Personally, it was great because it lent itself to parody on Alpha House. Which, if you?re not watching, get on the bandwagon!


MDM wrote:
Oh.. and as children of communists go.... Khrushchev's son (yes... the guy who banged his shoe and declared the USSR would "bury" the West) has been a US citizen for some time. He is also a registered Republican. When asked if he would vote for a Democrat he replied (paraphrasing): "No.. that would be too dangerous".

I guess that would imply he hasn?t gained any new knowledge over the last few decades...

I couldn?t give a flying fig what the guy?s father?s political opinions were. HW Bush seemed to have some solid beliefs while his son was a dry drunk, blow clown that would be fun at parties but a complete joke in the White House.

Posted on: 2015/3/24 12:52
Dos A Cero

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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There's a 'Libs be hating Latinos' group? What happened to diversity and inclusion? Of course, we have that stupid Democrat railing about the Lynch confirmation-the same guy who voted against black woman Condi Rice!

Posted on: 2015/3/24 11:43

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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lol. Students upset they had to attend Ted Cruz's Liberty University event or face a fine. ... niversity-event-face-fine

Posted on: 2015/3/24 5:43

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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JCMan8 wrote:
Ted Cruz's father was literally a communist who fought for Castro in the Cuban Revolution.

Don't worry, the guy doesn't stand a chance in hell.

Obama's father was also a hardline leftist. Do we judge men on the sin's of their fathers?

From what I read so far, papa Cruz was working in the oil industry in Canada. Hardly the field of work for a budding communist. Maybe he wore a Che T-shirt whilst working on an oil rig somewhere? (note: I have no idea what papa did in Canada other than he worked in oil exploration).

Oh.. and as children of communists go.... Khrushchev's son (yes... the guy who banged his shoe and declared the USSR would "bury" the West) has been a US citizen for some time. He is also a registered Republican. When asked if he would vote for a Democrat he replied (paraphrasing): "No.. that would be too dangerous".

Posted on: 2015/3/24 3:43

Re: wasn't ted cruz born in canada. didn't heeven have dual citizenship
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brewster wrote:

Then what was all the birther crap about? Unless they think his mom was an illegal.

A bunch of nonsense. I think the closest scandal is Obama may have applied to Columbia University on a foreign scholarship or as a foreign student. This was one of the reasons (IMO) he was marketed as having been "born in Kenya" while running for State office and eventually for the Senate.

I have no love for this man. As President I have many issues with him and consider him to be the closest thing to a dictator since Woodrow Wilson (not quite.. but close). However, challenging his birthright is not one of those issues.

Posted on: 2015/3/24 3:35

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