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Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
...and to think, all this time I thought "Neverleft" meant that you never left JC!
Posted on: 2014/11/9 3:44
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
More butthurt. Loving it!!
Posted on: 2014/11/9 3:36
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Shhh...The Republicans are about to do something meaningful.
Posted on: 2014/11/9 3:20
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Jon Stewart Lebowitz can't say much about the 1%er's, since he just made TEN MILLIOON FREAKING dollars selling his NYC apartment. How much did he give to charity?
Posted on: 2014/11/9 2:14
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Great video. If anything, this election showed that the nation rejects the race-baiting Democratic agenda. Sure, there are some moronic liberals who don't know how to do anything except scream RACIST!!! But the ballot results show that the silent majority of this country rejects that garbage. And your video exposes the Democratic narrative that Republicans are just old white men, and only Democrats are for "diversity," as a flat-out lie.
Posted on: 2014/11/9 1:58
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
i'm just waiting for Obama to poison that well and for hillary to deliver a crushin' in 2016.
only about 1/3 of eligible voters voted - most of those who voted were "mad as heck". usually, it is just conservatives who turn out for mid term. there are really just two parties in town so the democrats will have their turn again when voters get fed up with the republicans. i might not agree with obama on everything, but i am SOOOOO hqppy that insane mccain is not sitting in the white house, and mitt romney is obama-ish anyway. some people are still upset about the bailouts. guesss who started that - the republicans. people are upset about obamacare - it sure is better for the millions of people who could not afford or EVEN get insurance....and besides company-provided health insurance is getting ever more expensive with HIGHER deductibles. it won't belong before corporations stop providing health insurance altogether - maybe the GOP can help with that
Posted on: 2014/11/9 1:01
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
On that note, Jon Stewart of all people but this election cycles ass whooping in perspective: Jon Stewart bashed dems as the party of "diveristy"
Posted on: 2014/11/9 0:58
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
The economy sucks for most Americans, and blacks and youths the worst. Jobs in those areas have decreased under Obama. Household income is stagnant. The jobs created are part time, low paying jobs-in many ways a response to the 30 hour/week Obamacare threshold. Job participation, which is the true employment number, is incredibly high. Yet the 1% have done GREAT under Obama! With the stock market at record highs you'd think a Republican/Big Business/Hedge Fund fan was in the White House.
Posted on: 2014/11/9 0:46
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Why not give Obama credit for the economy. We can debate of the market is in a bubble, but I give credit where it's due. Hell, I've made a boatload off this market, so I love him for it (artificial or not). That said, as I said earlier, you do know the difference between unemployment and joblessness and underemployment right? GDP and stock market records don't mean sh*t to the average American who doesn't invest and has no job, and stopped looking.
Posted on: 2014/11/9 0:17
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. wow I almost sh*t myself from laughing so hard. I haven't heard anything this sad in a long time. I needed that laugh. Nothing beats an idiot showing just how f*cking stupid they are by saying "Paul Krugman is great". You could have said "2 + 2 = 8765" and it wouldn't make you look as pathetic. That lip quivering, liberal weasel Krugman must find it hard to give speeches between full throat blowjobs to Obama. Also thanks for destroying any and all credibility you may have had, inkblot guy.
Posted on: 2014/11/9 0:14
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
2014/9/19 1:29 Last Login : 2020/3/12 17:59 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
Leaving Obama's race out of the equation - if possible - lets consider the difference in the economy for average folks like us between January 09 and today: unemployment down to 5.8%, record stock market, 30yr fixed mortgage in the 4-4.5% range. He's no Lincoln, but life in is generally better in pure economic terms now than it was before his term began.
Do we owe him, or any president any gratitude for economic events? Absolutely not. No politician or president can marshal global economic forces through his policies. Bill Clinton's tax increases did not create the prosperity of the 1990s. The only thing POTUS can do is engender a spirit of optimism. Reagan was an economic disaster, but he presided over the recovery from stagflation. His optimism convinced the nation that it was morning in America. Obama's big failure has been to not sell the message of recovery. Everyone feels that things have barely got better because he has failed to convince us. In the New York metro area, the very place where things have improved the most since the crash, the area where he should have the most support, the citizenry is overwhelmingly down on him. He hasn't projected his achievements at all. Like a big brash American would. In fact, his humility reminds me of my days in Kenya...
Posted on: 2014/11/8 23:23
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Krugman is letting the looney lefties rub one out with their eyes closed-mental and physical wanking together at the same time.
Posted on: 2014/11/8 22:23
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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OK a bagger reply?.
Spectacular Fail: Hillary?s Candidates Fall Like Domino Author: Rachel Mullen Posted: November 5, 2014 Last night was a tsunami of embarrassing defeats for the Democrats. Barack Obama owns his share of the blame, but the real loser of the evening was Hillary Clinton. With 2016 on her mind, Hillary actively campaigned this year. And the candidates she personally endorsed and stumped for fell like dominos yesterday. Bruised from the Benghazi hearings and tainted from being so instrumental in Obama?s failed policies, Hillary?s influence over voters is questioned today. Full piece? ... idates-fall-like-dominos/
Posted on: 2014/11/8 22:20
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
In Defense of Obama ... defense-of-obama-20141008 Paul Krugman is great
Posted on: 2014/11/8 22:00
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Hillary Clinton Wins Big In 2014 Midterm Elections ... n-2014-midterm-elections/ OK baggers, have at it.
Posted on: 2014/11/8 21:46
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
You couldn't be more wrong. The Sunday shows will be all about the election. But of course, right wing troglodytes like you and Monroe are always wrong.
Posted on: 2014/11/8 21:44
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
Registered Users
The timing of his AG announcement is interesting?on a Saturday too boot. It took all of the press off of the dismal showing the Dem?s had on Election Day. I bet all of the Sunday morning talk shows will be all about the AG pick and not the failure of the Dems to get elected because of Obama?s horrible presidential record. They have done this type of deflection in the past. Rahm Emanuel was a genius at it.
Posted on: 2014/11/8 20:45
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
The first benefit from today-the replacement for the race-baiting Attorney General isn't a typical ideologue as was expected. I guess Obama's picks will have a true and proper hearing rather than get rammed through. Good stuff!
Posted on: 2014/11/8 3:14
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Agreed. The only people that seem to care that he's (half) black are democrats. No one actually gives a sh*t about that in the general public. If anyone did, they're over it. I swear, it's like some of you people are broken records. Old Skool with "Racism!", "Pebble with "Strawman!!" and the rest of you with "it's because Obama is black!!!"
Write a new script, bub, and distribute it to your flunkies.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 19:50
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
We know Obama's half black. It's not big deal, except it was the reason he was elected. The fact that he's turned out to be such a poorly regarded POTUS (do check his approval records, and voter participation this week) is based on his performance, not the color of his skin.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 19:19
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Reagan raised taxes, gave illegals amnesty, raised the debt ceiling, negotiated with terrorists...
But he wasn't black- therein lies the difference. Oh wow Republicans elected a black Mormon. They just hate the 95% of black people that doesn't vote how the Koch Brothers pay them to. This election had the lowest turnout since 2016- you really think people won't vote in 2016 to get Hillary in or to keep the Canadian or the Civil Rights Act opponent out (Christie, Perry, and Walker will be under indictment or in jail by that time)...and good luck electing another Bush... Obama killed Bin Laden, unemployment is down, gas prices down, stock prices through the roof...Republicans only won because 1 in 4 voters on Tuesday were over 60 and most of them are deathly afraid of black people, gays and think that Mexicans are bringing ISIS and Ebola over the border because they just watch Fox News all day... Hey remember in 2010 when the "Republican Wave" spelled doom for Obama, or when Christie being elected was doom for Obama, or the Virginia governor now heading to jail was doom for Obama, or when Scott Brown being elected was doom for Obama? What happened in 2012- oh right- Republicans were crushed twice. Those voters will be back. To quote Megan Kelly, do you guys really believe what you say, or is it just because you're a Republican? In the interim, I look forward to Joni Ernst looking to nullify federal laws and Ted Cruz trying to pass a gay marriage amendment and shut down the government so the world can see for the upteenth time what the party of corporate welfare and religious extremeism is all about; racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, stealing from the middle class to reward corporations... Obama is already a better President than any rightie since Eisenhower. Maybe next time tell your President not to fund terrorist organizations or declare 87 billion dollar wars on credit cards.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 19:10
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Too funny!
Anger, Bitterness and Excuses From Twitter Liberals ... -excuses-twitter-liberals
Posted on: 2014/11/7 17:15
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
And don't forget about how the Republicans finally put an end to the extensions of federal unemployment benefits earlier this year resulting in the incentive for people to get back to work. It would make sense that action would be reflected in the unemployment rate right about now.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 16:11
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Part-time jobs count, which have expanded greatly because of the 30 hour Obamacare mandate.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 15:59
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
And yet the labor participation rate stays at levels not seen since the low point of the Carter administration. And no... this is not due to older workers retiring. The 65+ work force actually grew as baby boomers won't or can't retire. The drop in labor participation is hitting the young.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 15:14
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
people need to get realistic about jobs. many jobs simply are not coming back. for example, the us needs far fewer bank tellers with online banking, etc. also, many manufacturing jobs have migrated to china, which is not even the lowest cost producer anymore. people in ethiopia will gladly work for $40 per month.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 14:59
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
You do know the difference between unemployment and joblessness right? The latter being at record highs (or at least was/floating around it)? However, I will definitely agree on where we are from an economic perspective. But GDP and the Dow doesn't mean jack to the people who still can't find work. And on that, Obama is still lagging significantly.
Posted on: 2014/11/7 14:31
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
U.S. payrolls rise, unemployment rate falls to 5.8 percent ... resilience-061059802.html That damn Obama !!!
Posted on: 2014/11/7 14:21
Re: it's gonna be fun watching the GOP squirm after the mid-term election
Home away from home
Posted on: 2014/11/7 4:40