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Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
+1, but taking the rhetoric down a notch for a moment - score09 there have always been very rich Americans, and they have always affected society through philanthropy. While I agree that many of the newest billionaires got that way over the interests of the poor, because in our current socio-economic "vicious cycle" the laws far and away favor them, there were plenty of rich people during the "virtuous cycle" between WWII and 1978 who were part of the socio-economic vision that helped the middle and working classes thrive. I'm very concerned with b4NJkid's conservative manifesto, and it's sole reliance on metric-driven oversight of teachers, and trying to get unions out of the picture: Will they do more than give lip-service to the needs of students from homes and communities that don't respond to a business performance model? I think to a large part that depends on the characters of the players. I know very little about Messrs Tepper and Fournier, other than they are hedgefunders.
Posted on: 2014/6/2 18:29
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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The joys of US capitalism is creating a fantastic, wealthy middle class in China, Taiwan and India at the cost of our middle class - Corporate America wouldn't give 2 hoots, so long as they are making money for themselves and their shareholders.
What I find astonishing is that the common man is sitting on their hands and the people we elect are complicit with what's happening and we except it without challenging them and demanding change. These are some of my favorite quotes Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for the nastiest of reasons,will somehow work for the benefit of us all. J.M.Keynes. The modern conservative is engaged in one of mans' oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. J.K Galbraith.
Posted on: 2014/5/30 13:33
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
At least there is a company out there offering an opportunity to people who want to work... this country is in a depression, unemployment is down because people are falling off the unemployment roles, businesses aren't hiring or even creating jobs and we are in this place because Washington sold out the middle class
30 years ago with the idea that globalization, NAFTA etc was good for that world by shipping good blue collar jobs out of the country and offering us "service industry jobs" to fill the void. I suppose if the Vets don't want those jobs, the illegal immigrants will take them with no questions asked. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/5/30 11:02
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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I'm sure veterans that serve our nation are thrilled to be given a minimum wage job on their return from duty to support their family, as do many burger flippers at McD's
Posted on: 2014/5/30 9:57
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Under the existing, entrenched methods that have existed for generations (despite BILLIONS of dollars that subsidize JC schools from the wallets of suburban taxpayers) JC schools have failed. 1/3 of kids don't graduate, 20% below the state average.
At this point, anything that tries another method is welcome. Especially when it's free to NJ taxpayers, inside and outside of JC. After all, it's all about the kids education, right? Couldn't get any worse, right? The only people who are threatened are those who've benefitted from the status quo-teacher unions and the administrators.
Posted on: 2014/5/29 14:15
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Not too shy to talk
Of course there are strings attached. Very successful people have so many charity obligations that they don't give to causes they believe in the give to causes that benefit them to give to.
This is an attempt by Marcia Lyles to make friends and snitches. She is getting a brick wall because everyone knows what she is about and that she will leave this job soon (based on her past history of jumping around). The new school reform is just a merry-go-round no one stays long enough to make real change. If I am here next year I will be attending and recording everything with the "voice memo" feature on my iphone. I suggest others do the same. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/5/29 13:37
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Fox and Friends are financially supporting the LSP July 4th Fireworks-will some here stay home because of that?
Posted on: 2014/5/28 16:21
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Just can't stay away
Dude, lose the bad moving picture--it's horrible and distracting
Posted on: 2014/5/28 15:14
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Just can't stay away
Posted on: 2014/5/28 15:06
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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Kids are not stupid or will be brainwashed - They'll take advantage of the situation and enter fields of education and employment that THEY will chose
Posted on: 2014/5/28 3:20
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Seems like a pretty obvious move to replace "bad" principals to me.
Posted on: 2014/5/28 2:27
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
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2005/6/8 3:24 Last Login : 2022/11/28 0:04 From New Urbanist Area
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Can anyone actually explain what this "institute" will be doing? Certainly training teachers to become principals and administrators is not a bad thing. But is this going to become some sort of alternative track that will implement half baked reforms being implemented under the guise of "thinking outside the box" and "taking on the entrenched interests?"
New York City had a similar "Leadership Institute" that didn't really do much except send their trainees with chips on the shoulders into the schools and piss the faculty off without actually improving performance.
Posted on: 2014/5/28 2:19
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
I don't know, but enough for 42,000 to accept their offers. Trust me, if they wanted the rest of the 100,000 tomorrow they'd fill it. In the Obama economy, what do you expect?
Posted on: 2014/5/28 0:13
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Why is it possible for so many immigrants to arrive here, and a generation later send their kids to Ivy League universities? BECAUSE THEY WORK HARD and sacrifice and educate their kids, live generations in one home, keep their bodegas and laundries open 20 hours a day, stay out of trouble, and save every one of their pennies. It's a work ethic that is anathema to those who want to complain about the 'elite' most of whom outwork us, are smarter than us, and have vision. Were people to put the effort into work that they do whining about the hard work of others their lot in life would improve.
Posted on: 2014/5/28 0:11
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Oh yeah, what they payin' 'em? They covering medical benefits for PTSD?
Posted on: 2014/5/28 0:08
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Alright, some good points. And agreed, the cost of a college education is just outrageous, even at public universities as was talked about in the excellent documentary "Inside Job." It is my contention that we as a society are increasingly divided along class lines, as opposed to say, race. It is known to the dominate elite that a divided society is easier to manipulate; that it is more pliable and capable of being molded to suit the interests of the dominant 1 percent. My call is one that seeks to unite the oppressed, which I define as anyone not part of the elite. When the oppressed are united, liberation is then possible. Otherwise, the dominant elite will plunder further. The people become subjects or objects, used and dominated to carry out the dominant objective, which is capital accumulation. So, the people then are subjects, they are viewed as pawns or tools to be used by the dominant and they cease to be viewed as human. This system is inhumane. The good news however is that it isn't tenable.
Posted on: 2014/5/28 0:02
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
I am unfamiliar with billionaires cited in your post. But if what you say is true, then moving to North Dakota might be a very good option for me. As to how they make money off the poor, quite simply, the exploit them, as is the case with the Walmart dynasty. Walmart exploits workers[/quote] On Memorial Day 2013 Wal Mart promised to hire 100,000 veterans over the next five years. One year later, they hired 42,000 of our returning heroes, who risk their lives to keep us safe. Don't like Wal Mart? Don't work there. One more job for a veteran. ... rans-commitment/20891551/
Posted on: 2014/5/27 23:55
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
How do you make money off the poor when they have no money? [/quote] I am unfamiliar with billionaires cited in your post. But if what you say is true, then moving to North Dakota might be a very good option for me. As to how they make money off the poor, quite simply, the exploit them, as is the case with the Walmart dynasty. Walmart exploits workers
Posted on: 2014/5/27 23:46
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Original story was in The New Yorker, however this is CNBC link. $20 million went to consultants?? Quote:
Posted on: 2014/5/27 23:23
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
People like Harold Hamm, Jeff Bazos, Gordon Moore, and David Greene got rich off the poor? How do you make money off the poor when they have no money? Hamm is one of the reasons people in North Dakota are getting paid $15 per hour to work at McDonald's pluls a $300 signing bonus, and people with high school diplomas are making over $100k per year.
Posted on: 2014/5/27 23:09
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Score, that's what the Abbott program is supposed to do-JC has received BILLIONS OF DOLLARS provided by the tax earners in NJ to the detriment of their own families. And the existing system has squandered it, failed, and has abrogated their right to control their own destiny. And while you rail against the earners re:education, what say you about the 'intellectual elite' that run our nations universities? Almost all are ideologically liberal, yet the cost of college has risen so much faster than inflation as to make higher education either unaffordable EXCEPT for the wealthy, or saddles those without wealthy families to take out huge college loans. Yet the universities pay their leaders huge salaries with incredible perks, professors are very well paid, great pensions, often for tiny classroom duties, course curriculums are often unrelated to real life employment, and the looney mindset leads to suppression on campus of opposing views. Where's the outrage? Why do the liberal elite scheme to make college unaffordable for the middle and lower class, while they enjoy cushy jobs in idyllic campus settings?
Posted on: 2014/5/27 23:08
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Of course we do Monroe. That's because the billionaires are billionaires at the expense of the poor. And no, they aren't "stepping up" in order to "help" or because of some altruistic motive. They are stepping up to profit. Don't you see that? And no Monroe, we don't want money to do what we want to do. We want fairness and equity in public education, so that ALL kids have a shot at the big time, not just those that live in wealthy districts.
Posted on: 2014/5/27 22:47
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Hmmm. I wonder how kids in JC will benefit from an imposed curriculum designed to benefit the economic elite. For starters, we have at issue the dominant elite modality of "cultural invasion," wherein, public schools now become fiefdoms for hedge fund billionaires looking to mint good corporate Americans, as opposed to Americans. Second, there exists the dominant elite modality of "conquest." Once in the door, the no strings attached clause goes out the window. Now we have curriculum designed to support a socioeconomic system as opposed to one dedicated to education. And lastly, there is the dominant elite modality of "manipulation," wherein the societal forces intended to protect the citizenry have been purchased and paid for by the dominant elite, as is the current case with the Jersey City BOE members whose campaigns were financed or at least aided by these so called "reform" minded billionaires. Wow, what a great benefit to the kids of Jersey City, lol. The business of education is about education and not about churning out good corporate Americans.
Posted on: 2014/5/27 22:35
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
First the loonies complain that the billionaires don't do enough for the poor. Then a few step up to help one of the worst school systems in the state. And the loonies complain. Why? Because they want to be given the money to do what THEY want to do. Without earning the money themselves. Isn't that amusing and sad at the same time?
Posted on: 2014/5/27 22:29
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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So long as there are no strings attached with the donation or as a result of some sort of illegal activity, take all the money on offer ... by the way, how much have you donated score09 with no strings attached ?
Were other Mayor's able to attract these sorts of funds - No doubt these funds will benefit from some sort of tax relief from the IRS for the donor, but that's ok as it will benefit kids of JC now and the future.
Posted on: 2014/5/27 22:17
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Your community of 'parents, activists, and teachers' have been getting HALF A BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR OF FREE MONEY for over a generation (inflation adjusted). Guess what they've achieved with this largesse, taken from suburban taxpayers?
A 67% graduation rate, 20% less than the state average. You've led. And failed. Now either follow, or get out of the way.
Posted on: 2014/5/27 22:13
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
What is up with Ron Greco, president of the Jersey City Education Association? Where are all my "in the know" people?
His statements yesterday of "condemnation" as reported in the press are utterly feckless, completely lacking in force and weight. Nowhere near strong enough in terms of opposition to the dominant elite. What's worse, it reveals that he himself doesn't have a firm grasp on the issues associated with educational "reform." And this is an outright tragedy. Do we have, in Greco, a Jersey City version of Elba Esther Gordillo? He needs to be hooked off stage swiftly and replaced with a fresh and forceful Marxian thinker who sees this assault for what it is, a money grab under the pernicious auspices of neo liberal capitalism. I ask: who would you rather have running the school system? A private corporate entity, led by "businessmen" who have not one ounce of classroom teaching experience in Abbot districts like JC, or the community of parents, activists and teachers? There is no altruistic motive with these billionaires, like Davey "Brass Balls" Tepper. They need to churn out graduates who have just enough of an education to operate a cash registrar or serve in some other menial capacity. Shame on the BOE! Purchased and paid for at the expense of the community and the most importantly, the community's kids. makes me sic to see this happen, but the level of apathy when it comes to BOE elections has to abate. More people must become involved and vote the right people into office, as opposed to those associated and funded by hedge fund billionaires. Here, Tepper is holding his brass balls. Speaks volumes as to the sort of character we are talking about.
Posted on: 2014/5/27 22:05
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
It would need to be state wide across all the Abbott districts, and taking money out of the budget as a set-aside would meet more resistance from the educators/administrators/teachers/unions than the taxpayers I'd think. But it all circles back to having involved parents more than anything, and that's lacking in many cases. (As noted by the fact that 1/3 of JC students don't graduate). $500 million a year from NJ taxpayers and 1/3 don't finish.
Posted on: 2014/5/27 21:44
Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
Home away from home
Billionaires helping to fund 'leadership institute' for Jersey City schools
By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal on May 27, 2014 at 4:13 PM Two billionaire hedge fund managers are donating $3 million to fund a new "leadership institute" for the Jersey City public school system. The $9 million program, which will be housed in the district's West Side Avenue headquarters, will provide training for new and existing administrators, as well as "teacher-leaders," according to district spokeswoman Maryann Dickar. "This program is innovative and comprehensive, ensuring that leaders will continually grow and develop," Dickar said in an email. "This institute will not only strengthen Jersey City's public schools but will also be a model for other cities around the nation. The program is expected to begin in the fall. The district is looking for an executive director to run the institute, as well as more donors to fund it. The two billionaires who have offered funding, David Tepper and Alan Fournier, are founders of education group Better Education for Kids (B4K). The group advocates for changes to the education system that are opposed by teachers unions, including tenure reform and teacher evaluations. The two men have spent tens of thousands donating to campaigns of Jersey City pols. Fournier and his wife, who live in Summit, have given over $34,000 to six sitting BOE members, while Tepper and the manager of his hedge fund gave $15,600 to a trio of BOE candidates who won election in 2012. Read more from the Jersey Journal
Posted on: 2014/5/27 21:19