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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
Re:Manzo, the task force that charged him was a JOINT probe by the FBI, the IRS, and NJ.

So Christie ramrodded this down the FBI and the IRS when he was just a NJ prosecutor?

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.

And why did Manzo get off? Because the Hobbs Act only is directed at elected officials taking bribes! He was not a councilman at the time, and was running for mayor, so he basically couldn't be convicted of being an influential Hudson County Democrat mover and shaker, although obviously had plenty of juice in the machine.

If I'm ever on a sinking boat I want you manning the buckets.

Posted on: 2014/4/5 17:37

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Re:Manzo, the task force that charged him was a JOINT probe by the FBI, the IRS, and NJ.

So Christie ramrodded this down the FBI and the IRS when he was just a NJ prosecutor?

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.

And why did Manzo get off? Because the Hobbs Act only is directed at elected officials taking bribes! He was not a councilman at the time, and was running for mayor, so he basically couldn't be convicted of being an influential Hudson County Democrat mover and shaker, although obviously had plenty of juice in the machine.

Posted on: 2014/4/5 14:01

Chris Christie Political Insider: Victim of 'Ruthless Ambition'
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Political Insider: Victim of 'Ruthless Ambition' turns author
Agustin C. Torres/The Jersey Journal By Agustin C. Torres/The Jersey Journal
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on April 05, 2014 at 5:05 AM, updated April 05, 2014 at 5:08 AM

There?s a new publication about one man?s political life ?way back when? slated for release on Monday ? and surprise, surprise; it?s quite topical.

I?m sure you have space on your book shelf right next to Hudson County connected tomes like Tommy Smith?s ?The Powerticians?; Dayton David McKean?s ?The Boss,? a 1940s spellbinder; Holly Metz?s highly researched ?Killing the Poormaster,? featuring a Hoboken you may not recognize but with very familiar names; ?Five-Finger Discount,? Helen Stapinski?s eye-opening family tale of life in Jersey City; and Freeholder Bill O?Dea?s supposedly fictional and satirical novel, ?The Legacy of Haguesville.?

And now there?s ?Ruthless Ambition: The Rise and Fall of Chris Christie,? by former Assemblyman Louis Manzo of Jersey City, who was one of a large number of political figures (mostly from Hudson County) indicted on corruption charges as a result of the FBI sting Operation Bid Rig. In Manzo?s case, the charges were dropped by a federal judge who did his best to ignore filed complaints about prosecutorial misconduct but left unsaid messages to the prosecution by whittling away their case.

Whenever we'd call U.S. Attorney's spokesman Michael Drewniak about Manzo's accusations, the response was always that it was ridiculous and to just "consider the source."

You would think that this is all about the sting operation, but while it does chronicle some of Manzo?s experiences from the day FBI agents handcuffed him in the summer of 2009, it?s about much more than that. ?Ruthless Ambition? is a deep look into the political life and machinations of a governor and former U.S. attorney who had been in the national consciousness as a favorite potential candidate in 2016 to lead this nation. The author makes you believe Christie has more in common with Macbeth than Lincoln or Reagan.

?Ruthless Ambition? begins with the George Washington bridge scandal that appears to have scuttled Christie?s ambitions.

The lion?s share of the book follows Governor Christie?s career when the 30-year-old lawyer begins his political journey in Morris County with his friend, confidant and fellow legal eagle Bill Palatucci. As governor, Christie gets national attention when Nancy Reagan selects him as a speaker at the Reagan Library in 2011. Every step of the way there are some wise guy remarks from Manzo that many in Jersey City politics have come to expect.

For instance, he discusses a confrontation Christie has with a critic while the governor was eating ice cream on the boardwalk on the Jersey shore. Manzo gives a blow-by-blow of the infamous incident that was seen via video on the Internet by noting that not one drop of the ice cream hit the boardwalk and Christie?s comments were often punctuated with ?lick, lick.?

Manzo practically psychoanalyzes Christie when he writes about how easily the Big Boy (Karl Rove's nickname) manipulates those town hall meetings; Christie?s confrontation with reporters and critics (remember the governor?s description of one person as ?numbnuts?); the burning of such ?allies? as Commissioner of Education Bret Schundler, Mitt Romney, and Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean; a re-election that had no coattails for Republican candidates; and that bromance between Christie and Obama, apre's Sandy. What?s new is the former state legislator?s interpretation of the motivation behind all those incidents. It's almost as if whenever Christie says something, Manzo is telling the reader, "consider the source."

The one quibble some may have about the book is the publisher, TrineDay Publishing ? a niche firm that has a number of conspiracy and whistleblower authors. Part of the thinking is that by leaving the New York publishing houses, it avoids the roomful of lawyers who might water down the prose. Manzo feels secure that the book?s facts are well-documented, and he provides a large bibliography and notes from several years of research for the timely book. It is a selling point used by the publisher in its promotions.

Having lost his home, business and bank account while defending himself in court, Manzo had difficulty finding work. all any employer had to do is Google his name and up came Operation Bid Rig III, but not the conclusion. He believes he may have found a new career as a writer. He has already finished a draft of a fictional novel based on an Irish Catholic parish in Jersey City ? set way back when. Yeah, like politics, it's probably a comedy.

Posted on: 2014/4/5 13:45

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Chris Christie Spokesperson Bails for Scott Brown

Colin Reed, who's had his hands full with Bridgegate and has been subpoenaed in the matter, will instead be former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown's campaign manager as he tries again in New Hampshire. "I've known Scott for more than four years," said Reed. "An opportunity to work with him again is something I couldn't pass up." Can you blame him?

More: ... erson-to-scott-brown.html

Posted on: 2014/4/5 12:32

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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JCMan8 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
And what the grand jury is going to find is that Bridget Kelly worked it up with Wildstein. You can all go home soon.

Because, as we know, over a quarter million of texts, emails, phone records have been examined by Whizzy and Loretta and others and no tie to Christie has been found. Christie even gave over his personal and government Iphone records as did his Lieutenant Governor. Had Kelly and/or Widstein contacted or plotted with him over this there would be a trail, electronic or paper. In fact, Kelly already tried to cover up her involvement by telling an aide to erase emails-the aide kept hard copies to cover her own fanny. No such emails exist with Christie.

And as Whizzy said to Stephanopoulus Sunday, there is zero evidence that binds Christie to the traffic jams.

I'm pretty sure you've been claiming this is a non-story since day 1, before it blew up and tanked Christie's presidential hopes. So I don't expect your opinion to ever change. But just because the fat man is smart enough not to put anything in writing doesn't mean he had nothing to do with it.

Are you joking? Do you say the same about pantload Hilary and her presidential hopes? After 6 billion dollars disappeared from the State Department under her watch?

So, yes, until Christie is cleared by the Feds, and Whizzy and Loretta come up dry, it will remain a sideline news show for the looney left media, try though as they are to attempt to derail his candidacy.

And then the haters will go to plan B, which will say it was the 'culture' of Christie's Trenton that led to this-not realizing that the same standards will be held to Hilary re: her non leadership at the State Department and all that covers.

Posted on: 2014/4/5 11:01

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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As someone who travels a lot for their job, I will now express what pretty much everyone outside of the NY/NJ area thinks when they read about this story today, or hears people continue debating it:

Are you idiots still talking about this non story?

Posted on: 2014/4/5 6:04

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
And what the grand jury is going to find is that Bridget Kelly worked it up with Wildstein. You can all go home soon.

Because, as we know, over a quarter million of texts, emails, phone records have been examined by Whizzy and Loretta and others and no tie to Christie has been found. Christie even gave over his personal and government Iphone records as did his Lieutenant Governor. Had Kelly and/or Widstein contacted or plotted with him over this there would be a trail, electronic or paper. In fact, Kelly already tried to cover up her involvement by telling an aide to erase emails-the aide kept hard copies to cover her own fanny. No such emails exist with Christie.

And as Whizzy said to Stephanopoulus Sunday, there is zero evidence that binds Christie to the traffic jams.

I'm pretty sure you've been claiming this is a non-story since day 1, before it blew up and tanked Christie's presidential hopes. So I don't expect your opinion to ever change. But just because the fat man is smart enough not to put anything in writing doesn't mean he had nothing to do with it.

Posted on: 2014/4/5 4:24

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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And what the grand jury is going to find is that Bridget Kelly worked it up with Wildstein. You can all go home soon.

Because, as we know, over a quarter million of texts, emails, phone records have been examined by Whizzy and Loretta and others and no tie to Christie has been found. Christie even gave over his personal and government Iphone records as did his Lieutenant Governor. Had Kelly and/or Widstein contacted or plotted with him over this there would be a trail, electronic or paper. In fact, Kelly already tried to cover up her involvement by telling an aide to erase emails-the aide kept hard copies to cover her own fanny. No such emails exist with Christie.

And as Whizzy said to Stephanopoulus Sunday, there is zero evidence that binds Christie to the traffic jams.

Posted on: 2014/4/5 0:53

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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BridgeGate Hits Next Level As Feds Launch Grand Jury Investigation

Federal prosecutors in New Jersey have convened a grand jury to investigate the George Washington Bridge lane closures, ABC News reported on Friday.?

Twenty-three grand jurors on Friday heard testimony from Michael Drewniak, press secretary to Gov. Chris Christie (R). Drewniak's attorney, Anthony Iacullo, told ABC News his client was not a target of the investigation.?

"I'm not going to get into the specifics as to what would be discussed in the grand jury," Iacullo said. "I would say though that Mike is a witness and we have been assured that he continues to be a witness throughout these proceedings and Mike has continued to cooperate as requested by the government into this inquiry."?

In January, the U.S. Attorney's Office in New Jersey confirmed that it was looking into the lane closures, which caused a multi-day traffic jam in Fort Lee, N.J. in September. But as ABC News reports, the existence of the grand jury confirms that the matter has evolved into a criminal investigation. Last week, a legal team representing Christie's office released a report claiming the governor had no role in the closures, and pinning blame for the plot on two former Christie allies: former Port Authority of New York and New Jersey executive David Wildstein and former Christie deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly.?

ABC News on Friday also reported that a team of state prosecutors in New Jersey are monitoring the federal case, and "are prepared to continue the investigation on the state level if the feds turn it over to them."


Posted on: 2014/4/5 0:26

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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brewster wrote:

Stringer wrote:

I would not have expected him to approve a breakup, his book is mostly very admiring of the PA and it's leaders, as opposed to say Caro's Power Broker, which was far more even handed, and scathing at times.

Break it up. There's no reason at all for one agency to run mass transit and shipping container ports.

I don't know if breaking them up is as important as introducing some kind of accountability or transparency. Right now, the only person a high-up Port Authority executive is accountable to is the governor who appointed them.

We've seen what's been going on with Christie's appointees. But not many have mentioned Cuomo's absolute radio silence on this issue. The reason is probably because Cuomo also uses the Port Authority for his own ends, and to help out his friends get rich on taxpayer money. Probably doesn't want to ruin the gravy train for himself.

Breaking the Port Authority up won't do much good if it continues to be a corrupt patronage mill for those in power.

Posted on: 2014/4/1 3:05

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Stringer wrote:

I would not have expected him to approve a breakup, his book is mostly very admiring of the PA and it's leaders, as opposed to say Caro's Power Broker, which was far more even handed, and scathing at times.

Break it up. There's no reason at all for one agency to run mass transit and shipping container ports.

Posted on: 2014/4/1 0:35

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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I have to admit, Wizzy has big balls. While he's now demanding access to the raw information and data from the independent report issued last week, earlier he was denying the 4 Republicans on his OWN 'bi-partisan' (8-4, Dems to Republican) investigative committee timely access to almost identical information that he had collected and reviewed, in order to make them unprepared for further meetings.

?Allowing Republican committee members less than 24 hours to review more than 900 pages of information is a disservice to the bipartisan committee process,? said Rumana, who plans to attend Thursday?s hearing as a GOP substitute. ?Chairman Wisniewski?s attempts to politicize the sharing of this information are offensive to the citizens of New Jersey. As chairman, he should be impartial and provide committee members, regardless of their political affiliation, a reasonable opportunity to view the documents he has had access to for weeks. Giving us a few hours to examine the documents certainly calls into question the fairness of the process.?

Posted on: 2014/3/31 23:53

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Posted on: 2014/3/31 22:29

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Atsushi wrote:
Democrat Wants Christie To Testify Under Oath ...

If he and all other key players testify under oath, I think a reasonable person would be satisfied.

She asked this right after her partner Whizzy told Stephanopoulous yesterday that he has ZERO connection to the traffic jam-agreeing with the only completed study? Why would he agree? Has she asked Googly Zimmer to testify under oath-hoping she'd do better than the last time, where she said she does, no she doesn't, keep notes or a diary?

I wonder if Loretta suggested her running mate and bff Jon Corzine testify in his 6 billion dollar shenanigan, lol?

I guess she saves these headline grabbing, but silly requests only for Republicans that she's trying to railroad.

Posted on: 2014/3/31 16:00

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Democrat Wants Christie To Testify Under Oath ...

If he and all other key players testify under oath, I think a reasonable person would be satisfied.

Posted on: 2014/3/31 15:39

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Posted on: 2014/3/31 15:37

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
Sanity can prevail in the media, isn't it refreshing from the drivel?

Given that the only cover up has been Bridget Kelly telling another staffer to delete emails to cover her ass (which the other staffer was smart enough to print)-we can conclude there was no Christie involvement, and no Christie cover up.

What will the sheeple do when the Federal investigation comes to the same conclusion? Will you say Obama and Holder are involved with the cover up, lol?

You already know that voters make decisions based on what they perceive regarding a person?s character. You do it, right?

That?s why this story is bad news for Christie and will stick around, regardless of what can or can?t be proven. Major media doesn?t have a liberal or conservative bias?it has an entertainment bias?and this topic grabs the public?s attention because we love to see people we don?t like, fail.

Posted on: 2014/3/31 14:26

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam

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In the classroom of the real world, here is the syllabus for Christie?s new course in Surviving Scandal 101:

Investigate yourself ? and announce the results before other investigations have a chance to get very far.

Hire your friends and former colleagues to conduct the investigation. Pay them $1 million, possibly more.

Don?t use your own money. Stick taxpayers with the bill.

Enjoy a good laugh when your investigators use circumstantial evidence to embarrass your enemies or conclude your foes are lying.

Leak the results of the 360-page report to The New York Times to get front-page coverage.

Hold an hour-long press conference to comment on your self-exoneration. If reporters ask questions you don?t like, instruct them to ?cut back the commentary? or ?get the facts right if you want to ask me a question.?

Claim responsibility for being a leader, but be sure your subordinates take the blame.

Offer interviews to ABC and Fox to sell your version directly to the national electorate. Tell everyone that Bridgegate won?t affect your decision on whether to seek higher office. PS ? If your wife and kids are present, Diane Sawyer is more likely to be sympathetic.

Quietly resume the 2016 Christie for President campaign. Fly to Las Vegas the next day to woo a billionaire political supporter.

Posted on: 2014/3/31 13:46

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Sanity can prevail in the media, isn't it refreshing from the drivel?

Given that the only cover up has been Bridget Kelly telling another staffer to delete emails to cover her ass (which the other staffer was smart enough to print)-we can conclude there was no Christie involvement, and no Christie cover up.

What will the sheeple do when the Federal investigation comes to the same conclusion? Will you say Obama and Holder are involved with the cover up, lol?

Posted on: 2014/3/29 21:51

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Posted on: 2014/3/29 21:22
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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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SOS, 'certainly'?


Other than your imagination and partisan desires, what led you to your conclusion?

250,000 emails, texts, phone messages, interviews-not a single piece of evidence from Christie, Guadagno, Kelly, Stepien, or anyone else (yes, all of Christie's incoming communications, including from the people who've refused to speak, have been examined-on both government emails AND private emails/phones)and none have shown that he 'certainly' or not knew of the reason for the traffic jam 'within hours'. In fact it wasn't until months later did he find out it wasn't a traffic study, as he'd been told.

Please use facts rather than wishes.

Posted on: 2014/3/29 11:05

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Posted on: 2014/3/29 6:57

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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TRENTON ? Gov. Chris Christie announced today that David Samson, whose chairmanship of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has come under fire in recent months, has resigned.

Samson, a close ally of Christie and a former attorney general of New Jersey, is reportedly under investigation by the U.S. Attorney of New Jersey in the face of accusations that his law firm, Wolff & Samson, had enriched itself by lobbying for companies with business before the Port Authority.

He told the governor of his decision in a telephone call, Christie said.

In a statement released today, Samson said: "Over the past months, I have shared with the Governor my desire to conclude my service to the PANYNJ. The timing is now right, and I am confident that the Governor will put new leadership in place to address the many challenges ahead."

Christie said that "in line with that belief, David tendered his resignation to me this afternoon effective immediately."

Chris Christie delivers statement about the internal review, accepts Samson's resignation
Gov. Chris Christie held a press conference a day after an internal report cleared him of any involvement into the GW Bridge scandal. 03/27/2014 (Source: GovChristie)
The stunning announcement came at the beginning of a Statehouse news conference, the first since a a two-hour session on Jan. 9 when Christie accepted responsibility for politically charged closing of access lanes at the George Washington Bridge and announced the dismissal of two close aides.


Christie's inner circle continues to implode. How long until he resigns from office in disgrace? What will get him is the cover up. Doubtful he planned or ordered the lane closings, but he certainly knew about it within hours of it happening.

Posted on: 2014/3/29 4:01

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The head of the IRS this week said it would take 'years' for the IRS to turn over emails relating to Lois Lerner (I'll take the 5th) and IRS targeting of conservative groups.

And yet Christie and Guadagno did just that in weeks.

Imagine the press if Christie had said the same?

And people here are torqued over a few traffic jams?


Posted on: 2014/3/29 3:01

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Monroe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Monroe wrote:

The haters will keep hating regardless-it amuses me, as they were never going to vote for him anyway.

That's where you're wrong, Roey-poo (see, I can make cute nicknames too!).

I voted for the man twice. When he came onto the political scene, he seemed like a refreshing change from a typical politician. There's something about the way he speaks that I can relate to. And I can't stand the teacher's union, and agree with him that our pension liabilities will eventually run the state into bankruptcy.
But the way these events have unfolded have convinced me the man is an epic hypocrite and compulsive liar. I'd never vote for him again.

He'll do or say ANYTHING to further his political ambitions. Including waste God knows how much taxpayer money and throw anyone he can under the bus. Did you know that when he was US Attorney, he was found to be "the US Attorney who most often exceeded the government travel expense rate without adequate justification?" He was #1 in the country at spending taxpayer money "without adequate justification."

And I'm not alone. His support is plummeting in all sectors with the exception of hard-core republicans. And just continues to drop with every new revelation. Contrary to your opinion, it is not just extreme left partisan hacks who are attacking him.

But I suspect you already know that and that's why you invest so much effort into defending every single one of his actions every chance you get.

Please point to a single shred of evidence tying Christie to the traffic jams. Isn't that what this entire conversation is about?

And I could care less about travel expenses of Christie-of course, there are those who complain about our POTUS and his family abusing the privilege. 100K of taxpayer money for the First Family dog's handler?? And you're worrying about Christie? Just think how much we're saving now that he's trimmed down on food costs! ... yers-1-4BILLION-year.html
I think it's a bargain that you will carry his water for free!

Posted on: 2014/3/28 22:51

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JCMan8 wrote:

Monroe wrote:

The haters will keep hating regardless-it amuses me, as they were never going to vote for him anyway.

That's where you're wrong, Roey-poo (see, I can make cute nicknames too!).

I voted for the man twice. When he came onto the political scene, he seemed like a refreshing change from a typical politician. There's something about the way he speaks that I can relate to. And I can't stand the teacher's union, and agree with him that our pension liabilities will eventually run the state into bankruptcy.

But the way these events have unfolded have convinced me the man is an epic hypocrite and compulsive liar. I'd never vote for him again.

He'll do or say ANYTHING to further his political ambitions. Including waste God knows how much taxpayer money and throw anyone he can under the bus. Did you know that when he was US Attorney, he was found to be "the US Attorney who most often exceeded the government travel expense rate without adequate justification?" He was #1 in the country at spending taxpayer money "without adequate justification."

And I'm not alone. His support is plummeting in all sectors with the exception of hard-core republicans. And just continues to drop with every new revelation. Contrary to your opinion, it is not just extreme left partisan hacks who are attacking him.

But I suspect you already know that and that's why you invest so much effort into defending every single one of his actions every chance you get.

Please point to a single shred of evidence tying Christie to the traffic jams. Isn't that what this entire conversation is about?

And I could care less about travel expenses of Christie-of course, there are those who complain about our POTUS and his family abusing the privilege. 100K of taxpayer money for the First Family dog's handler?? And you're worrying about Christie? Just think how much we're saving now that he's trimmed down on food costs! ... yers-1-4BILLION-year.html

Posted on: 2014/3/28 22:11

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Monroe wrote:

The haters will keep hating regardless-it amuses me, as they were never going to vote for him anyway.

That's where you're wrong, Roey-poo (see, I can make cute nicknames too!).

I voted for the man twice. When he came onto the political scene, he seemed like a refreshing change from a typical politician. There's something about the way he speaks that I can relate to. And I can't stand the teacher's union, and agree with him that our pension liabilities will eventually run the state into bankruptcy.

But the way these events have unfolded have convinced me the man is an epic hypocrite and compulsive liar. I'd never vote for him again.

He'll do or say ANYTHING to further his political ambitions. Including waste God knows how much taxpayer money and throw anyone he can under the bus. Did you know that when he was US Attorney, he was found to be "the US Attorney who most often exceeded the government travel expense rate without adequate justification?" He was #1 in the country at spending taxpayer money "without adequate justification."

And I'm not alone. His support is plummeting in all sectors with the exception of hard-core republicans. And just continues to drop with every new revelation. Contrary to your opinion, it is not just extreme left partisan hacks who are attacking him.

But I suspect you already know that and that's why you invest so much effort into defending every single one of his actions every chance you get.

Posted on: 2014/3/28 21:46

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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28 pages, pushing 1,000 posts, and not a shred, scintilla, iota, hint, or wee bit of proof that Christie had anything to do with the traffic jams, as investigated by ANY group, Federal, state, or internal stakeholders.

Note that Whizzy and Loretta haven't offered up any proof of what they're trying to sell. 250,000 documents-emails, phone logs, texts, both on and off line have been examined. (And yes, these would include ones from Kelly, Stepien, et al sent to Christie and Guadagno). Guess what? All clear.

The facts, not an anti-Christie agenda, are telling the story folks. The haters will keep hating regardless-it amuses me, as they were never going to vote for him anyway.

And let's not forget that Hudson and Essex counties were the ONLY two in NJ that didn't vote for Christie-in this most blue of states. Those who think all the noise here is felt across NJ, let alone the USA-well, wishful thinking folks. It ain't so. This story is done, except for the partisan hacks.

Posted on: 2014/3/28 21:27

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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asny10011 wrote:
Thank you Monroe for providing a balanced perspective. We always hear what we want to hear and sometimes it's nice to know that these shenanigans happen no matter what party affiliation.

Yep, balanced. Fair too.

Posted on: 2014/3/28 20:56

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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See, this report turned out to be more damaging! ... s-hoping-for?detail=email


Chris Christie cleared of bridge traffic role by attorneys he hired (Los Angeles Times)

Official Said He Told Christie of Lane Closures: Bridge Scandal Review ... Governor Doesn't Remember Conversation (Wall Street Journal)

Report: Christie informed of lane closures in September (MSNBC)

Chris Christie?s Lawyer Says Chris Christie Did Nothing Wrong (Buzzfeed)

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's lawyer says governor not involved in traffic jam plot (Associated Press)

Christie?s Lawyer: Governor Not Involved In ?Bridgegate? Plot (CBS)

Christie?s Lawyers Clear Governor, Expand Bridge Scandal Blame (WTMA)

Christie 'played no role whatsoever' in bridge lane closures, says Christie's investigator (Philadelphia Business Journal)

Christie is a bully, but I didn't think he was stupid until this report. How could he even possibly have hoped that the report by lawyers who his office hired (and who are connected to him personally) can exonerate him in public eye?

It's like saying, "My lawyer says I'm innocent."

Give me a break!!

Scrutiny should and will intensify.

Posted on: 2014/3/28 20:37

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