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Re: Goldman Sachs ‘boy’s club’ accused of mocking women as ‘bimbos’ and ‘party girls’

The "party girl" description has a lot of deep connotations for the particular brand of sexism on Wall St. Women are seen as useful for a "good time" when those guys who "work hard" get to "play hard".

It is no wonder these guys get to basically control our country. They have earned it.

Posted on: 2014/7/2 14:08

Re: One Year In, Jersey City Mayor Eyes More

I called this one too.

Anyone who thinks a Dem or Republican cares about a citizen 1 iota is simply brainwashed.

He cares about himself and by extension the kingmakers on the inside of the political circle who can feed his narcissistic desire to rule.

When are people going to wake up and demand that America fulfill its promise?

Posted on: 2014/6/25 16:27

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam


In the classroom of the real world, here is the syllabus for Christie?s new course in Surviving Scandal 101:

Investigate yourself ? and announce the results before other investigations have a chance to get very far.

Hire your friends and former colleagues to conduct the investigation. Pay them $1 million, possibly more.

Don?t use your own money. Stick taxpayers with the bill.

Enjoy a good laugh when your investigators use circumstantial evidence to embarrass your enemies or conclude your foes are lying.

Leak the results of the 360-page report to The New York Times to get front-page coverage.

Hold an hour-long press conference to comment on your self-exoneration. If reporters ask questions you don?t like, instruct them to ?cut back the commentary? or ?get the facts right if you want to ask me a question.?

Claim responsibility for being a leader, but be sure your subordinates take the blame.

Offer interviews to ABC and Fox to sell your version directly to the national electorate. Tell everyone that Bridgegate won?t affect your decision on whether to seek higher office. PS ? If your wife and kids are present, Diane Sawyer is more likely to be sympathetic.

Quietly resume the 2016 Christie for President campaign. Fly to Las Vegas the next day to woo a billionaire political supporter.

Posted on: 2014/3/31 13:46

Re: Christie Administration seeks to block Tesla Motors sales

Anyone else find it hilarious to hear Monroe using the 1% label?

You really will do anything to defend your hero Chris Christie. You are either a paid, paying (invested heavily in Christie campaign and probably profiting from his favor), or just infatuated. You are right about the Dems though they are the scum of the earth just like the Republicans.

Posted on: 2014/3/31 13:13

Re: Letters: McCann: Healy was not wise

I can't take anything McCann says seriously. Of course he'll write an anti cop piece . . .he is a convicted felon who threatened a judge.

The man was a felon and ran for school board. You don't even need to go to the rumors of coke, poop on the desk, etc. Just that alone is enough that he should be banned from Hudson County.

That said I wish their were more politicians like him . . . . .

. . . . convicted felons!

Posted on: 2014/1/15 16:31

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City

Christie falling back on the "hate the teachers move" it got him this far why shouldn't he use it to get out of trouble.

The hypocrite sends his kids to Delbarton where they have a shorter day and shorter year. This is good for your kids (especially if they are the "children of Buono voters") but not his!

Kids don't need more time learning from their government they need more time learning from their family.

Most or all workers should have the same work day as their child's school day so families can exist again. Otherwise, might as well get them used to the wage slave hours early. . . sure.

This guy is a fascist cut from the same fake everyman cloth as GWB.

Posted on: 2014/1/15 16:23

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam

It is amazing how well the media programming works in cases like Monroe. Thinking and speaking exactly the party messaging wants you too. They push the Voter ID like some defenders of the democratic process. Voter ID fraud is not a significant problem like say absentee ballot fraud is (I would expect someone from Jersey City to know this well) yet they never talk about that because well their purpose is obvious. Campaign finance reform, the electoral college, "Winner takes all" voting methods, etc. are all much more threatening to our democracy but they don't fit into their stupid "you need a license to open a bank account" slogan.


Monroe wrote:
Atshushi, asking voters to provide the same information they need to open a bank account, board an airplane, or get a drivers license is hardly onerous, except to those who want to support voting fraud.

Please read up on Jersey City mayor Frank Hague when you get a chance . . . lol.

And btw, just how easy is it to become a citizen in Japan if you're a foreigner and how easy is it to vote there? I'd love to know.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 19:18

Re: Jersey City mayor meets with Obama, other leaders

Monroe sure likes to criticize the politicians for their BS lying but he seems to really embrace their debate tactics.

You are right he is the king of dodge ball.

Freakin libertarians too gutless to embrace Anarchy. They criticize the poor for being "entitled" but they are the most entitled lot on earth. Their luck/skill in some quasi capitalist system entitles them to the whole world. They hate the Govt. but really only hate half of it.

They play right into the hands of our corporate and political elites.

Repeal emtala for American citizens?

Posted on: 2013/12/16 12:59

Re: Gov Christie to Teacher: "I Am Tired Of You People!"

I think he should remember that the public sector includes politicians. Politicians are the "you people" I am tired of. Politicians have all of these platitudes about accountability but they can invade a country under false pretenses and get away with it. The private sector has "accountability" for low level employees but the boss can screw up and his employees have to fix it. What about accountability for all the people who crashed the economy? The Wall St. private sector owns our "democracy" so they get a fresh bonus instead of a punishment for some pretty severe screw ups. You guys argue over illusions. Both of our two parties are traitors and criminals that sucker you into cheering for the one you hate the least.


T-Bird wrote:

Monroe wrote:

No he's tired of people being unaccountable for their job performance, unlike in the private sector.

No, he's tired of people disagreeing with him. Christie is a bully - a thug, actually. And while many people in NJ clarly get off on the Governor cum Soprano shtick that he has perfected, it has a limited shelf life. Tomorrow will be the high water mark of Chris Christie's political career. The long, downward sloping hill portion begins Wednesday.

Posted on: 2013/11/4 18:33

Re: Former Gov. McGreevey to head Jersey City jobs commission


fat-ass-bike wrote:
I hope no-one's sniffing for a future State Political role by doing favors?

Of course he is. Why do we keep thinking that politicians can be "different" and reform the system created by their fellow politicians? People that are really different or want real reform aren't allowed entrance to the cess pool. Fulop will do the same thing as Booker did. He will treat the city as a rung on the ladder of his political career; something to be stepped on and left beneath him before anything really changes.

Posted on: 2013/9/10 17:53

Re: Gov. Christie's shameless $2M self-promotion: Editorial

Christie is a great politician - he is very good at serving his own career and messaging (via his advisers/ministry of propaganda).

Keep fighting over your favorite head on the two headed beast.

The lesser evil is still evil.

Posted on: 2013/8/9 14:20

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City

Also bringing radon to JC.

The people in the W. Village made this flashy video:

Upworthy Video on Gas Pipeline

Posted on: 2013/7/30 14:01

Re: Goldman Sachs: Shadier than JC govt.


This might win a sprint but won't win a marathon. I won't invest my money in such an unethical place.


Adonis wrote:
The way to win is to buy a few shares in Goldman. Anybody can do it.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 18:11

Re: Cory Booker: the inexorable rise of Newark's neoliberal egomaniac

Br6d - I like that you went on a limb here - it is dangerous to poke the cult of Corey but your selections raise super valuable points.

fat-ass-bike - genius idea! a reality show would be so much more fitting than the "news" coverage they enjoy.Quote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
We need to create a tv show like "politician x factor" or "politician - you've got talent" for these jokers to perform on.

NJ is full of political rock stars and wannabe's !

Posted on: 2013/7/23 5:49

Goldman Sachs: Shadier than JC govt.

Goldman's latest scam may inch it ahead as the most shady org in JC. Although I am not even sure it is worthwhile trying to differentiate between the Government and Goldman any more . . . more of a convenient partition.

Investigation into how Goldman gets even richer doing nothing of value

Posted on: 2013/7/22 13:45




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